Computer Viruses

@mlh8087 (368)
United States
January 3, 2009 11:33pm CST
You know what really irks me? Fricking computer viruses. I was hit by one on New Years day. It has completely shut me down. The only way I'm communicating with you now is with my laptop at work. It has messed my desktop so bad that I can't get my desktop or taskbar to come up now. I've been researching how I might be able to fix the problem but it looks like I'm going to have to reformat my hard drive. Yuck a duck! Jeers and double jeers to those evil souls that think it's okay to infect other people.
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6 responses
@manoj1502 (854)
• India
4 Jan 09
Its back drop virus so better use a good anti virus to solve your problem.
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@mlh8087 (368)
• United States
4 Jan 09
What is a back drop virus?
• United States
4 Jan 09
virus evil - To protect against viruses for those Windows surfing friends, keep a Windows virus sniffing antivirus program onboard your Linux box.
It got so bad for me as far as malware, badware, and viruses in the email that I switched operating systems for day to day web-surfing/email. I use Linux now, as it only gets 40 viruses to Window's 40,000. It's still prone to rootkits, but there's not a whole lot to do about that, other than not surfing in root. To protect against viruses for those Windows surfing friends, keep a Windows virus sniffing antivirus program onboard your Linux box.
• United States
6 Jan 09
You really really need to be careful with email with Windows, or Windblows. It is so danged bad. The very first website you should open when you install your new OS is your antivirus download. It only takes 3 minutes for a virgin OS to catch a virus.
@mlh8087 (368)
• United States
4 Jan 09
Thank you for the information. I'm about to reformat my computer and download just plain jane xp home edition. I think I got the viruses out. The charter security suite was having a hard time getting the viruses out so I turned it off and went to avira. It took forever but it zapped those nasty virus critters screwing with my computer. Hopefully reformatting will save my computer.
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@1corner (744)
• Canada
4 Jan 09
What an unfortunate coincidence! Got one in December, problem is I don't know where it came from. I joined a few sites some days before it happened, and it wiped out quite a few files. Can't even log in with the password I created to get into my computer. If anyone knows how I can fix it, please let me know. (Or, I might just have to toss the laptop).
@1corner (744)
• Canada
4 Jan 09
Forgot to say, I had Avast anti-virus running in the background all the time, and it didn't keep me from getting infected.
@iriscot (1289)
• United States
4 Jan 09
I think most of us have been there. I used to use Norton but had problems so I switched to "Avast" which is free and here is another free one that seems to be working for me "Avira" I hope these will work ok for you. Let's hope that 2009 will be a lot better for everyone than 2008 was.
• United States
4 Jan 09
I agree. People are simply evil who think they can infect other people just for useless information gathering. Sure some info is valuable that they harvest, but that doesn't make it right. You don't have Compaq by any chance do you? It has a pretty good system recovery at start up before the desktop loads. If not then I'm sorry I do not have any further advice I can give. An older computer of mine had crashed and there was just no way I could fix it without the backup discs or anything of the sort. Hope you are able to remedy your situation =]
@mlh8087 (368)
• United States
4 Jan 09
Yes I have an HP Compaq. I tried the restore which has my automatic updates working now. However, the only thing wrong now is I have the wallpaper on my desktop but no icons or taskbar at the bottom. I think I'm pretty much screwed. My compaq has xp Pro on it but when I bought the computer used they didn't give me a disk so I can reinstall if there were any problems. Now I'm headed to the store to buy just the plain ole xp home edition for $100 buck. I hope that fixed my problem.
• United States
5 Jan 09
Oh I see. Well HP Compaq is a good brand. But, unfortunately sometimes we are just as prepared as we'd like to be against annoying viruses =/. I hope that XP Home works out for you
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
8 Jan 09
You think you got it bad! My computer is in the IT department were I work being worked on! It has been there going on 2 months! I had over 2,000 viruses lost all my anti-virus ware and eveything else that was suppose to protect my computer! I have no idea what I did to it and it really bites! I have to use a computer in the computer lab were I work! If I didn't have that I'd be screwed big time! If IT can't fix my computer I'll have to find someway to buy another one! That sucks,too!
@mlh8087 (368)
• United States
8 Jan 09
I feel for you. I had to finally break down and send mine in to the place I bought it. They said they would clean out the viruses for less than it would be to buy another one. They have to wipe it clean. They are going to reinstall xp pro and then I get to have a clean computer back. Sucks that I have to loose my grandson's baby pictures. I think I had most of those saved on disk already. Sorry for your troubles. Maybe the IT guys can put new guts into your old computer or hobble you one together from all the bits and pieces they have. You never know with those guys.