Do they bother about global warming, child hunger.....?
By mimpi
@mimpi1911 (25464)
January 5, 2009 3:33am CST
[i]Dubai Hotel "Palazzo Versace" to Have Air-Conditioned Sand on Outdoor Beach
around the hotel so their ultra-rich clientele doesn't have to get hot while they sunbathe.
Now what do you have to say regarding this extravagant luxury of the richie riches?
I think, it's such a shameful waste and the way the corporate houses are pouring in, even in this economic stumble, goes to show their inhumanity and inconsiderate approach. Do they have any idea as to how children are starving to death all over the world!? Do they at all bother about global warming, eco system, the world?
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22 responses
@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
5 Jan 09
Aha! So if they go to where there is a colder climate like Alaska or Iceland, would there be a hotel that would cater to their needs of staying warm all the time?
Sometimes what people do really annoy me. To "sun"bathe, you should at least expect to be hot. Why do it if you do not want to get hot?

@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
5 Jan 09
Yeah, really!! Get a spray tan and stay indoors then (or go to Alaska).

@kat_princess (1470)
• Philippines
6 Jan 09
I'm glad you brought up this issue.I'm corcerned about global warming too.People everywhere in the world are trying to save energy as much as they can.And this hotel is wasting a lot of energy.How stupid of them.I mean what's the beach there for if you don't get hot and tan?My household too.I'm moved with pity to see many people hungry especially in Africa.I see to it that I get food that I can finish and remind people of that.My eyes get teary when I see a lot of leftovers in eateries,fastfoods,and restaurants.I can imagine how many hungry families can eat if these leftovers are given to them.I hope that things get better for the world.I just can't stand it to know that these things are really happening.

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@suruchi86 (1873)
• India
7 Jun 09
No, they don't bother at all. In fact, all this global warming and starvation etc. has been created by these filthy rich people only. About 5%- 10% of filthy rich population of earth is enjoying on the expense of rest 90-95% poor population and they are not ready to cut even 0.1% of their consumption. But everybody should remember that there is no earth in the whole universe and when this ship will sink, they won't be having any other place to go.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
10 Jun 09
I can completely understand your grievance Suruchi. Trust me, I share the same thoughts. We must do out bits on daily basis to save the earth or else we will leave behind a shameful legacy for the children.

@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
10 Jan 09
Hi Mou
i never heard about it
well, In Dubai, they have petro dollars, so much duty fre trading and its area which is now providing services to RICHIE peopple, Hotel "burj ul arab" is example of it. they have Skiing with in the hotel, and its desert. And now their Jumeria Colony, which is effecting the sea waves system
So if they are planning for COLD sunbath, its not astonishing, and sure they dont have botheration about world Hunger, Global warming, Eco system, They are happy in their lives and their wives
I am sorry but its true
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
12 Jan 09
Well said!
What's the use of sunbath when its cold! That surprises me and also their lack of eco tourism.
Hope things improve.

@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
5 Jan 09
Who is to say but what a waste of energy!! I do not own air conditioning, never intend to own it, too, as I feel it is a waste of energy. Not only that, if you are used to the heat, it does not bother you. I like the heat. If I am too hot, I turn on a fan and that does it.
The problem is that there are selfish people all over the world and as long as they are happy, they do not care about anyone else.
I have a student, who just did a 22 week tour with Up With People. She slept, ate and lived in conditions that most people in my country could not even imagine. She got used to it and the extreme poor living conditions but said how spoiled most of us are. Those of us who live in low income housing would be considered well-off in comparison to their living conditions.
I think that everyone should live in the shoes of the poorest of the poor for a least one month. They will see that these people know the real meaning of life and what is important. I bet, even in their great poverty, they know a certain happiness that we cannot know. That is because they appreciate everything, unlike the spoiled people of the world where there are many who appreciate little.

@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
6 Jan 09
I think, the fast losing thing on earth is empathy and we are gradually drifting away from it. This is sad. I agree that we shouldn’t be judgmental about people. It’s their lives, their choices but not it's not just their earth!! How can decide on that!
And also, we must ensure a luxurious life, no harm in it but going overboard and getting inconsiderate in the process is something I condemn highly.
Thanks Janet for your thoughtfulness. I just wish more and more people be in shoes and try to see things differently.

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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
5 Jan 09
I am assuming you do not know much about wattage/voltage/amp usage if you ask that question. Air conditioning has a compressor and compressors use a lot more power. They also have coolant that is bad for the environment. If you turn on the air conditioner in the car, you also use a compressor and use a little bit more gas than when you have it off.
On top of that, most people leave air conditioning on even when they are not in the room so when they enter it is cool. Otherwise it would take a long time to cool off.
If you would like statistics and proof, I can provide that to you. That is one reason why many landlords charge a higher rent if you put air conditioners in your apartment, because it does use more power.
I hope that you now understand why it is a waste of energy. 

@littletinker (273)
5 Jan 09
It is still using energy to turn a fan on you why is it ok for you to use a fan?
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@littletinker (273)
5 Jan 09
If a hotel chooses to offer such an elaborate extra to their guest then that is up to them and its also up to the guests if they want to pay the price.
Many rich people are where they are today because they have worked very very hard and have gone without things during their lives to get where they are today. Who are you, or anyone, to tell them what they can and cant spend their own hard earned money on? tell a rich person not to holiday there and give their money to starving children in Africa instead.....can I tell you not to go to the cinema this year and send that money to the charity?
And how do you know what they all think and feel about global warming or the eco system? Some of them donate 1000's to charitys, some of them organise fund raising nights and some of them visit poor areas to help improve them. But it isnt just rich people who you should point the finger should be ALL people.
Personally, I feel that global warming is just a period that the Earth is going through at this time and nothing that any of us do will make a scrap of difference. The Earth goes through warming and cooling periods all the time.
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
5 Jan 09
You are right, in one sense, many rich people do work for charities, but if I were rich I would say to this hotel, "This is environmentally inappropriate, a waste of energy!"
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
6 Jan 09
Hi littletinker
I really appreciate your viewpoint as to the first part of your response there and I absolutely agree to the subjectiveness of the donating thing. But I think it would be rather inconsiderate to take the global warming issue just as yet another earthly process. Is it just that? I cannot agree with your views there! I am no one to talk about anyone's life but the world doesn't belong to them alone, does it? Just donating money would not help unless there is the awareness. It's not about being judgmental about the ultra rich but about pointing out something stupid, inconsiderate and selfishness of humans.
Thank you.
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@littletinker (273)
6 Jan 09
Yes, of course you are entitled to your viewpoint.
I do find it quite typical of the selfish human behaviour these days where people like you will sit in judgement of others even when you dont know the facts.
What other people do is up to them....and it is their choices.....I do not believe that just because you or someone else doesnt approve of one persons actions that it gives anyone the right to label them as uncaring or selfish in that sense.
As for the earth. In the grand scheme of things, we humans have been on Earth for what amounts to a few seconds....and people are so over reacting to this global warming rubbish. What do you think ever happened to the Earth before we came along?
We had times of bitter ages that lasted years......and times of tremendous heat that destroyed most living things. And these periods of time lasted much much longer than you or I will ever last.
Think of what the Earth and the Universe are, where we have already been and the timescales involved and you might see how ridiculous the idea is that we can possibly have such an effect.
Its just one example of mankind flattering itself again.

@alokn99 (5717)
• India
5 Jan 09
There are very few of the ultra rich as they are o called who really bother about any of the issue be it global hunger, global warming, relief for people affected by natural disasters...
Then out of the few there are a most who do this to create an impression on society , more as to show off. The balance fe who really do something are very few in number.
It's to do with the attitude on the self, why should we alone be responsible of these things. We pay our taxes and make our contribution towards society. Why should we do an extra bit ? It's this attitde of theirs that gets to me.
They only seem to be building up on wealth and money for the generations to come. But tell me Mimpi, what use is this if the quality of living, the natural resources, the condition of people around , the starvation and the other suffering is what the next generation is going to deal with ?
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
6 Jan 09
I have no problem with the rich and ultra rich, none whatsoever! And there are some really kind and thoughtful who have done us proud and privileged. Like Warren Buffet, I really admire!
Having said this, how can we escape from the reality and how can we miss the point that no one will be spared. I think, luxury and superficial extravagance at the cost of our earth, our lives is totally unfair and I find this kinda mentality gross! I think, this is too much of an excess, an excess that we will have to pay for in the future. Our children would be unhappy and cursing us, nothing would be more shameful than that!
Thank for validating my thoughts.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
6 Jan 09
It is a pity that ultra modern hotels and outdoor beached are being built for the ultra rich people, where they can enjoy luxiouries of life. There are handful of super rich people in this world, who spend lavishly and brazenly. If they could donate little bit of their enormous wealth and income to the poor people, many poor people may not die of hunger. But perhaphs enormous wealth brings an element of selfishnes along with it and wealthy people cannot think of beyond their own horizon. Such is the state of economy that rich people are getting richer and poor are getting poorer day by day and this is widening the gap between haves and haves not and this is also cause of the ghastly crimes and terror attacks.
Excellent Post!

@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
6 Jan 09
That's a great point deepak. The gap between the haves and havenots. I have no problem with the ultra rich living a life that they have striven to and worked hard to reach. No question about the credibility and diligence. Having said that, that doesn't give them the authority to play with the earth. What legacy are we leaving behind!
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
6 Jan 09
Yes, to pamper themselves, they are doing irrepariable damage to the earth and they do not seem bothered about it.
@anonymili (3138)
6 Jan 09
Air conditioned sand? Hahahaha sorry but WTH!!!! Whoever heard of such nonsense? If you want a sun tan you have to put up with the sun, end of story! Only in Dubai I guess would you hear of such stupid extravagance. I just read this in the Times online:
"[i]Last week the Met Office released a report warning that if greenhouse gas emissions continued to rise, the world could warm by an average of 5.5C by 2100. Inefficient buildings are one of the world’s greatest sources of greenhouse gases.
However, Soheil Abedian, founder and president of Palazzo Versace, said he believed it is possible to design a refrigerated beach and make it sustainable. “We will suck the heat out of the sand to keep it cool enough to lie on,” he said. “This is the kind of luxury that top people want.”
Hyder Consulting, a British construction consultancy, is overseeing the engineering on the project. The hotel will be marketed strongly in the UK where Dubai is a popular tourist destination, attracting about 800,000 Britons a year."[/i]
This is one Briton who won't be visiting Dubai even if she wins the lottery nor staying at these kind of places!
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
7 Jan 09
The manager is being stupid. Even with clever landscaping and shading trees this would damage the eco system permanently. I am shocked!
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
9 Jan 09
I agree totally. Even though I cannot completely abandon the place since my sisters live there and I am planning next month may be to visit them but surely Dubai is getting stuck with rich people's whims!!
@anonymili (3138)
8 Jan 09
I was discussing this with hubby last night and we both agreed that this is not the kind of place we would ever want to spend money at - shocking behaviour! Dubai is actually on our list of places that we have no intention of ever visiting apart from brief stopovers en route to India and on the way home! I hope their rich spoilt clients get air-conditioned sand stuck in places where it's very difficult to get it out from LOL!

@Daffodil20 (1754)
• India
6 Jan 09
This is something I really never heard of. I don't get the idea either. But on second thoughts I dare to think differently. In developed countries where extreme temperatures prevail, almost every house is air conditioned. Either to provide warmth or to keep the place cool. Don't you think that too affects the global warming. But here, in the case of most such countries it is indeed a necessity. Also the massive amount of paper usage in the form of kitchen and toilet tissues, which is alien to majority of people in developing nations, are contributing to cutting down of more trees, which is again causing the dread.
And to add to the woes, now these extravaganzas!! As I have believed in the statement,"Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absoltely", similarly in this context it is also,"money corrupts, and absolute money corrupts absolutely". Sadly, in this case, it is corrupting the atmosphere of mother earth, the very core of our existence.
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
7 Jan 09
Hi mimpi1911! Gosh, I do agree with you that it is such a waste living in so much extravagance when you see in the newspapers and tv that so many children are starving, etc.. I would want to be very, very rich someday but not to experience wasteful extravagance but to be able to help a lot of people. Where are the hearts of these richie rich people? Maybe, they are helping others too, we just don't know about it. lol
Take care always.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
9 Jan 09
I agree Faith. Rich people do a lot of charity but here its not just about it. It's the question of the eco system and improving the standard of living for all.
@newzealtralian (3930)
• Australia
8 Mar 09
I'm disgusted with the fact that these rich people think they should have it all. I mean, isn't the whole idea of sunbathing getting warm? It kind of defeats the purpose if you are going to have air conditioning doesn't it? And what is the point trying to use and airconditioner outside? You can't control the temperature very well, if at all. It is a waste, and it shouldn't be allowed. If this were happening in my country, I'd be complaining about it and demanding to know why the rich are allowed to get away with enviornmental vandalism.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
12 Mar 09
Yes, the sole purpose of sun bathing gets lost and above all what's the point! Its just a whim of the ultra rich and no way I would support this as well.
@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
7 Jan 09
Wow that is the epitome of selfish indulgences. So here some know it all is making a stink because we use a fan ( which may just be solar powered for all they know) but think something like this is ok? Something is wrong someplace. Does that mean in the winter we should not heat our homes? Any form of heating uses some form of fuel. But there is a huge difference between normal use, which I think most of us have no problem with, than these super idulgent , spoiled people.
For myself I feel guilty when I forget to bring my own bags to go shopping and have to use plastic ( which I do recycle)

@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
9 Jan 09
I really appreciate your thoughts there, Barbie. We have to use energy but wasting it is not done!
@futuremba (97)
• India
6 Jan 09
well i do agree with u but one of us cant do anything we need to have mejority we all have to be one for rissing our voice for helping to each other only we can help them
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
6 Jan 09
The amount on money in that country is unbelievable mimpi and they will continue with projects like this whether we like it or not! They have indoor skiing fields, housing estates with islands shaped like palm trees and world maps; and many other constructions that defy the imagination. Yes, they are spending in excess, but you can arguably commend them also for having such a positive outlook and financial approach that encourages spending within their own country.
I remember reading a news story when I lived in India about a very affluent family ther that spent $50 million USD on their sons wedding! THIS to me is ludicrous and totally selfish as they could have had a very opulent wedding yet cntributed greatly to dramatic issues of their own country.
It may seem heartless, but why should Dubai be concerned with tht rest of the world? If every country focused on self-development strategies like they do, then maybe the GDP of each individual country would benefit as a result and there would be less incidences of starvation and poverty? Charity does begin at home and I am loathe to condemn another country for aspiring to maximize the potential of their own existence whilst forsaking others to be honest.
As for the global warming and environmental impact aspects, yes, I do hope they are addressing sustainability from this angle in parallel. I unfortunately am not knowledgeable on this subject from a Dubai perspective though.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
6 Jan 09
You have your point there James. But all said and done, I could never agree with the extravagance and overindulgence of the whims of a few! No way the venture of Versace Palazzo going to take care of eco tourism. No amount of empathetic environment and green shades can actually balance it all! Had it been just the riches we wouldn't have cared but it comes down to the earth, our earth, certainly its concerning.
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
5 Jan 09
I thought that 2008 was pretty much the year that the myth of global warming was exposed as a political agenda. No matter, the air-conditioned sand is a bit much as are the indoor ski resorts. They are both a bit like the Gothic churches in medieval Europe, intended to wow the poor into compliance. But the churches are still there and still wowing everyone, so who is to say what long term effect actions we might perceive as silly now might end up having.
As much as I am vehemently against starving children, I think the two issues are completely unrelated. Probably you will disagree, but that is my honest opinion.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
6 Jan 09
I agree, they are different but what I meant was the inconsiderate dispositions. But the fact that many rich do donate a huge sum for a cause negates it all.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
6 Jan 09
There should be some kind of law against something so stupid and greedy. And, even if you don't want to take it to the extent of global warming and how the money could better be spent, when they do these things in hotels... who do you think pays for it? Us.
Las Vegas is having HUGE problems now because they can't afford the huge monstrosities they have built because they built them so expensively, that the people don't have the money to accomodate them! $1.000 a night? only the rich have that kind of money, but LV was "siuported" alot by average people and they just dont' have that kind of money. New Mega Resorts are partically built nad now just standing unfinished as they don't have the money to finish them. The day of a quick trip to LV, play the slots, catch a show and come on home (if you live near) are gone...people just can't afford tings like that anymore.
So while they are providing for the rich, they are loosing money as there are more middle income people than rich... kind of like quantity vs. quality. Common sense tho tells you it is better to cater to quality as you will have more to cater to and also more return visits.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
7 Jan 09
Thanks for sharing this coffeebrak and I agree totally with you. There has to be some kind of screening which would look onto these matters. I am hopeful though. We must ensure Eco tourism to start with.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
5 Jan 09
They're probably donating some token amount to charity, but I doubt that they really care or really believe that there is a problem.
@gracie04 (4549)
• Philippines
6 Jan 09
It doesn't make sense.. why those richie rich people need to have air conditioning system while sunbathing? yay! the hotel is so inconsiderate! personally, i care about our environment.. and this issue bothers me a lot.. i hope the government of Dubai would do something to stop this shameful waste!