For how long have you been here on mylot?

January 5, 2009 8:43am CST
I joined mylot towards the end of December last year.So,you see,I am just a fortnight old here and I am really enjoying my time here. What about you? How long have you been here?When did you join?And did you really enjoy all the time you have been here?
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7 responses
• Lincoln, Nebraska
5 Jan 09
I have been here since March 2007. That is approximately about the time that I joined. I have seen much go on with MyLot during that time including such things as the adding of blogs. I have seen many people come and go. Some of them were let go due to violations of the TOS. Some evidently just moved onto something else. I personally was gone from MyLot for several months. What brought me back was that I received a PayPal deposit from MyLot even though I hadn't done anything here for several months. I do enjoy MyLot but sometimes I think we all need to take a break. When I have been on MyLot I have truly enjoyed it.
• India
8 Jan 09
You have been here for quite a long time. Nice to have your reply.Thanks a lot. Happy mylotting.:)
@CJay77 (4438)
• Australia
5 Jan 09
I have been a member here for six months, I joined here August 4 and so far so good. I also like it here and enjoying my time, but for the few last few weeks I haven't been active and I will try to catch up soon.
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• India
5 Jan 09
Thanks for your response CJay. Hope you keep enjoying here on mylot. Happy mylotting.:)
@arcidy (5005)
• United States
5 Jan 09
I have been here for 2 years even though I didnt start actually posting here a year later since I completley forgot about this forum after I signed up for it lol. But this is my favorite forum ever and im really glad that I found this forum.
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• Malaysia
5 Jan 09
I have been here for about 3 to 4 months. So far my experience has been pretty pleasant and there are a lot of useful discussions which I can learn from and also discussion which I can share my knowledge with.
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@aakay4u (799)
• India
5 Jan 09
I joined myLot on December 9th and became active from 12th December.Initially i could not understand on how to move around the site and was about to leave the site,but good sense prevailed and asked a few mylotters about how to start and they helped me.Since then am enjoying the site and now am addicted to this site.
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• Pakistan
5 Jan 09
I join mylot one day ago i.e on 4th of January 2009. This is my second post so far and earn just one cent for one post.
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• China
5 Jan 09
I join here about one year ago, and sometimes I come here, mainly to practice my English , because my mother tongue is not English , so I want to improve my English ability through mylot. And mylot really helps me a lot. I really appreciate. I will work harder in the future.
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