How often do you...
By katsmeow1213
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
United States
January 8, 2009 9:08am CST
clean your bedroom?
In this house our bedroom is the room that is cleaned the least often. Actually, I think the last time it was completely cleaned was probaby just before I was expecting my youngest son.
It is the room used the least though. When I clean, I usually clean the 4 downstairs rooms, bathroom, kitchen, dining room, and living room. The twins clean their room, and my oldest cleans his and helps the twins vacuum their room.
We only go into our room to change our clothes or go to sleep. The room is cluttered though. I have bags and bags of clothes that are waiting for a child to fit into them. I don't throw out the clothes my boys outgrow, I wait until the next boy in line can fit them. I also have some bags of the kids summer clothes in there, plus a huge pile of my own summer shoes or dress shoes that I don't wear often.
Not to mention since we don't have a garage, attic, or a basement that we can use, I also store all of our holiday items in my room and anything else we're not currently using at the moment.
So, with all that stuff in there, and the huge pile of dirty clothes all over the floor, just thinking of cleaning that room is overwhelming. It doesn't necessarily have to be cleaned, just organized.
I was up there a little bit ago cleaning some of it. I got a bunch of dirty clothes out of there. Now the little one is down for a nap, so I might get back and clean some more later today after he wakes up. I might wait for the kids to get home so they can help me too.
How often does your room get clean? What sort of stuff do you keep in your room? If it is messy, what does the mess consist of?
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27 responses
@gemini_rose (16264)
8 Jan 09
Funnily enough I have been trying to get around to cleanin my bathroom all week, it is driving me nuts because I just keep forgetting about it! I have no washing in there it is just the tidying and then I have this chrome unit and it has to be wet wiped and then polished and it takes ages so ergo gets left for as long as possible. Now though it is really grotty so it needs doing asap!!
@gemini_rose (16264)
8 Jan 09
OMG I just totally read this one wrong, that comes through trying to respond when I have not had a ciggie and the kids are getting cranky sorry lol xx
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
8 Jan 09
My bathroom doesn't get done as often as it should either. Problem being, if I clean the bathroom, I feel like I should clean the other rooms as well. If I fill the mop bucket to mop the tiny bathroom, that's a bit of a waste, so I just go through all the rooms, but you can't mop without cleaning, and I can't clean without mopping. So it doesn't get done until I feel like doing it all.
@stardustw83 (435)
• United States
9 Jan 09
LOL i wish our room got cleaned all the time but like you it hardly does of course we have a five bedroom house and its two stories and our storie is upstairs of course so the most we are in our room is when we go to sleep. Of course now that im on bed rest i wish i could say that its gotten cleaned but i really can't do a whole bunch of stuff due to the high blood pressure so it is still messy. We have a king size bed computer tv dresser and night stand in the room and right now its mildly dirty. I have two baskets of CLEAN clothes that i need to either have my husband put away or i will do it eventually but like i said even the most mundane tasks are hard at the moment.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
9 Jan 09
I can only imagine how you must feel. That nesting instict is probably kicking in right about now and you want everything spotless before that baby comes, but here you are stuck in bed.
The only time I was on bedrest was before my twins were born, and it was only partial bedrest. I began going into labor at 32 weeks, and they wanted me to at least wait until 36 weeks, so I was ordered on partial bed rest for a few weeks. I didn't really adhere to it, but then again I was so large, miserable, and uncomfortable that I didn't really have the energy to do much. I'd try to go for walks around the neighborhood, but eventually learned that was dangerous to do by myself because one day I walked a bit too far and started getting cramps. I was alone and had no one to help me. I managed to waddle back home in complete tears. Everything was okay though. The cramps were due to a grapefruit sized cyst I had on my ovary. The twins were fine. They ended up being born the day before 38 weeks, so practically full term. Over 6 lbs each. Didn't even need an incubator.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
8 Jan 09
LOL not nearly as often as I should! My room is actually the one I worry about the least but its also my art room, a storage room, my reading nook is in there and so on so its a pretty busy room (cluttered)...I'm actually do to give it a cleaning this weekend though..after the holidays (its also the "hide the prezzies in here" room) its always in need of a good cleaning LOL
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
8 Jan 09
Yes, my room also doubles as a present hiding area, and that mess is still in there. I even wrapped the presents in there, so there's scraps of wrapping paper, gift tag backers, tape, plastic wraps, and price tags lying about all over the room. I've gotten most of it into a trash bag, but I've only done half the room thus far!
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
8 Jan 09
I don't know when I cleaned my room last. My daughter still sleeps in my room, so there is my bed and her toddler bed. That takes up a lot of room. Plus I also have 2 dressers and a huge closet. Mine is not dirty either I guess. Just cluttered. I have the Priority Mail boxes that the mailman dropped off not too long ago in there taking up space because I have been to lazy to lug them to the basement. They are packages of 25 boxes each so they are fairly heavy. My dirty clothes go in a basket behind my door, so they are not in the way at all. I also have some books in there and old magazines I need to organize.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
8 Jan 09
I also share my room... it's me, hubby, the toddler, and the baby.... 4 people in 1 room. So there's our bed, the crib, and a toddler bed. One dresser for me and hubby, a bookshelf I use for towels and sheets, and 2 small storage type dressers for the little ones. Then there's the bags and boxes of clothes and all the boxes of other junk that should be in a storage area but since I don't have one they're in there. There's hardly room to breathe! So you can imagine how cluttered it is.
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
8 Jan 09
I clean mine when I get the notion.
I try to keep it fairly clean and organized. I just washed my sheets and changed my bed Tuesday. And, today, I just now took off the sheets from the other bed where the grandsons slept at Christmas when they stayed for a few days. I usually do that the next day, but the door to that bedroom had been closed, and I forgot about it.
Hopefully, you will be able to get another place to live soon that will have either an attic, garage, basement, or perhaps all three. That way, you could get more organized, move all the things out of your bedroom and into a storage area. That would give you more of an incentive to clean your bedroom.

@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
8 Jan 09
I have a basement, I just don't use it. I only put trash down there, things the garbage men won't pick up weekly. We have a big junk day twice a year, so stuff just sits down there waiting for junk day or waiting for... I don't know, something, but it's all trash.
My house is a duplex, and basement is combined. We've heard rumors that some teens kept breaking in next door, and getting into the basement, so we make sure nothing valuable goes down there.
We also believe skunks and other wildlife animals frequently visit our basement.
We do store some things in the house next door, but again, nothing valuable. Usually it's things like the kids outdoor toys and some more trash. I think we have a kerosene heater over there and a snow blower too. I don't go in there often.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
8 Jan 09
My home is very small - two bedrooms with bathroom and one huge room that has a the kitchen dining area and sitting room all in one. I did build an extension to this room that was another sitting area - very cool and airy - but I have now turned part of it into a dining area so have more room in my sitting room. I just wear summer clothes so so do not have the worry of piles of clothes to be put away for the next season. so I'm lucjy with that. Space is now very limited as the twins and all their toys etc are living with me but we are managing.
I have so much stuff under my bed though. My daughter helped me pull out and we threw away what we could then repacked it back under the bed!
The babysitter for the twins is responsible to keep their room and bathroom clean plus the kitchen area. Everything is tiled so she sweeps through the sitting rom as well on a daily basis and mops as necessary. I have someone once a week to do my bedroom and bathroom and do a deep clean in the house and this included the fridge and oven.So I am blessed really. My son does most of the cooking and the babysitter cooks for the twins if necessary. So, I don't really have a problem. I understand that you find it overwhelming. If you could pick up cheap plastic boxes with lids so that they can be stacked this might help a bit. I grew up in a house where as the youngest of three girls everything was passed down to me so I don't blame you for saving clothes and shoes etc to pass down. I would opt for stacking plastic boxes and then put a label on it stating what exactly is in each box. A marker would do to state for eaxample - boys summer clothes - 6 years'. This would help in identifying what box you would need at a particular time. Just a thought I don't know if any of mny suggestions would help. Do a little at a time and you may not find it too overwhelming. Blessings
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
8 Jan 09
That is an idea, but those storage bins are expensive. I buy them for the kid's toy boxes, and still don't have quite enough. One of them is destroyed already while the other just isn't big enough. If I happen to see them on sale though, I'll be sure to pick some up and give it a try. That may help with the organizing.
@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
30 Jan 09
To make cleaning a lot more easier I have one thing a day I do. Mondays I clean up the kitchen and this includes the counters and cupboards (wiping them down) washing and sweeping the floor. Tuesday I do all the dusting and clearing off surfaces such as every end table, coffee table and computer area that is in the living room. After that I will go upstairs and tidy up my son's room, the games room and our bedroom plus wipe off and dust all things as well.
Wednesday I will vacuum the downstairs everywhere and clean this bathroom.
Thursdays I will vacuum the stairs and upstairs and clean the upstairs bathroom.
Fridays I will clean and tidy the laundry room which means I will do my laundry this day and sweep and wash the floor in there.
I was just recently hired onto fulltime so I've been getting my chores all mixed up and today I spent all day doing all of those that I told you. I'm just taking a quick break for now while my upstairs bathroom's floor dries.
Have a nice day
@GreenMoo (11833)
11 Jan 09
My bedroom has only one chest of drawers for storage, so there are normally clothes about. Most of my clothes are packed into boxes in storage still, but even the stuff I have out doesn't fit into the one drawer if I've been really on top of the laundry and it's all waiting to be put away.
I have a single mattress stacked against one wall as I've not put it away since my eldest son was sleeping in my bedroom when we gave his room to guests a little while ago.
And there are toys EVERYWHERE! It doesn't matter how many times I put them in boxes, they sneak back out and cover the floor. My youngest is very into cars and trucks just now and they're constantly under foot.
This house isn't carpeted so I have to shake the rugs out and sweep the floor at least every day or so. I also have to tidy up the bed daily because the house is really poorly heated so I need to air the bedlinen (and the bedroom too when it's warm enough to open the outside door) every morning.
So I suppose my bedroom does get more attention than some other rooms. The first inline for cleaning is the kitchen as we spend more time there than anywhere else. Next comes the bathroom as the white floor shows up dirt so quickly. Then it's my room. My son's room gets looked at when I can no longer see the floor.
I do have a couple of spare rooms, but I keep those pretty much clear as we regularly have guests and I hate having to clear them out everytime one is due.
@eagle_f15 (1827)
• Malaysia
30 Jan 09
My bedroom floor is mopped everyday....can't stand hair and dust on the floor. As for the is wiped once in a while. My bedroom is small so there a bed, a side small cupboard, a wardrobe and a 5 drawer shelf for our things. Spare stuff that we don't use are packed away in a cupboard in another room. Oh and we have a foldable laundry basket in our room.
@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
8 Jan 09
Our bedroom is also the least used room in the house and most of the time the door is shut so the cats can't even mess it up. I try to keep up with the 'clothes piles' that have a habit of forming on the bedroom floor and change the sheets every Sunday. Other than that I just do a quick zip around with the Dustbuster whenever I spy a colony of dust bunnies forming and I dust all the decorative crap whenever I noticed that it's covered in that lovely film of dust. We currently have some fabulous '60s-'70s stick on tiles on the floor so once we get carpet in there I will be much more diligent about the vacuuming.
@sophia1984 (278)
• China
9 Jan 09
Maybe once in a week. In my everyday life, I must go to work everyday, I have no time to clean my room everyday, so in the weekend, the first thing for me to do after cleaning myself is cleaning my room, the other room my mum will clean them everyday, but my room, I just clean it mysalf, because it is my own room. ^_^
@futuremba (97)
• India
9 Jan 09
room should be get cleand every day in the morning through every corner of room ,but as we know people mostly have no time for cleaning ,but it should be every week throuth every corner,and every day get cleaned by stick ,house should be cleand for the sake of our health
@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
9 Jan 09
I usually clean my bedroom daily.It has been my habit since my childhood to arrange everything in its place.Thanks to my parents for developing this habit in me.My almirah is also very tidy and i arrange clothes in the almirah according to spaces assigned .Since my son is very small so i take care about the hygeine.
@juvinurse (33)
• United States
9 Jan 09
Me, like you, clean my bedroom the least.
I like to keep the living room, dining room, kitchen and bath ALWAYS picked up. Surface clean every day when I get home from work. Big time cleaning once a week.
My bedroom is my escape haven. I have my computer in here. When my husband is watching TV, I escape to the bedroom, therefore it gets used alot!
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
9 Jan 09
Hi there,
This is a totally amazing discussion.
It seems everyone has the same problem with their bedroom. Honestly I used to think I was the only person who had to keep the door to my bedroom closed at all times because of all the junk and bags and boxes on the floor and on the dresser and armoire.
My best friend whose bedroom is totally pristine has threatened me many times that she would come over and drag every thing out of it, make a big pile and force me to decide where all the stuff should go, either into storage bins, into another closet, thrown out, or packed up to be given away.
Actually she has a point. I don't sleep well in my bedroom because it is so messy.
Two people of my extended family believe in Feng Shui, it is this Chinese theory about arranging things in a way to have positive energy in a room. Both their bedromms are arranged in a minimalist fashion. Bed, dresser, night tables and a book shelf. Cheeerful window coverings. No clutter on the floor,no dirty laundry, nice lamps, a few photographs, very light bedding in the summer, warm bedding colours such as reddish and purple in the winter. Needless to say they also make their bed every day.
I always get a feeling of well being when I see their bedrooms. One of these days I simply must do something about organizing mine. But today I feel really happy that I am not alone in this dilemma.
@kykidd (6812)
• United States
9 Jan 09
Well, that's pretty nice that you store all of that stuff in your room. I guess a lot of people would have it stored in the kids' room instead. You are very generous with your space considering you don't have an attic or basement.
I am the same way. I usually don't clean my room until I go to do laundry. Right now, it is just me, so I really have more room than I need. I guess I should be grateful.
I think it is great that you save all of those clothes until the next boy grows into them. That's the way my mom did when we were kids, and the same way my friend does that has 3 boys. It saves a lot of money, that is if the first boy doesn't wear the clothes out completely before he grows out of them. LOL
Thanks for starting this interesting discussion, and have a great day!
@mslovely101 (177)
• United States
9 Jan 09
I think I clean my bedroom every week at least.i like to keep a clean and sanitary house. I can't sleep if certain things are a mess.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
9 Jan 09
My room is the last room that I clean and I admit that I don't get to it often by the time the rest of the house is done. I am single and it doesn't get too bad anyway. I do remember when I had all my girls still at home and lived in an apartment with not nearly enough room....then it was overwhelming at times to try to keep things neat and organized. A bedroom is easy to let get that way because it is so easy to just close the door and no one will see but you. I think if you make it a project and just work on it a little at a time that as you see progress, you'll get more incentive. As for the bagged clothes....don't know how many you have but I found that stacking milkcrate type boxes were great for storage and also I could put a cloth over them and use the top for putting things on. Good luck.
@dr_ankita (114)
• India
9 Jan 09
well i would say our bed room is the best place in my house..i am a bit addicted to cleanliness..coz i cant sleep if therz a bit of dirt in my bed room..i feel cleanliness maintains the aura of a i keep my bedroom clean..i keep all the mess out in the other room lol!so im not worried about the unused clothes,the newz papers lot ....
@marmalade1201 (6)
• United Arab Emirates
8 Jan 09
Just when i feel like it.. and thats once in a blue moon. Shame heh. The last time i cleaned my room was before the new year's day. I was just forced to do it, because my family believes that the whole house should be clean when the new year comes so it'll be clean the whole year. So basically, i clean my room just once a year. LOL!