It Wasn't My Car!

United States
January 8, 2009 8:06pm CST
Today I went grocery shopping for one of my clients. When I shop at this grocery store I park in the same place to avoid confusion when I come out of the store. I park closest to the shopping cart holders so I can make a quick exit. Today it was snowing like the dickens. The parking lot was a mess of sloppy snow and ice. I parked next to a silver colored SUV. The store wasn't very crowded and I was delighted to see this because when the store is packed with people it takes me a long time to complete a client's shopping order. The snow had stopped by the time I checked out. However, the wind had picked up and it was cold! I put my hood over my head and pushed the cart through the slop that the plows left behind. I went to the area where my car was parked and pulled the cart next to the rear door of the car. When I put my key in the car it wouldn't turn. Now I have to tell you that this key has been giving me problems ever since my son jammed it into the trunk and bent it out of shape. So, I removed the key from the keyhole and tried it again. One more turn as I gazed up and looked through the window of the car and spied the car next to it and realized that they had the same magnet on their car as I had on mine and in the same spot. Then I realized that I was trying to get into the wrong car. This car was identical to mine (minus the car seats and crap that I carry for work). A female shopper was walking by and turned my way as I tugged the shopping cart around. I said "well, the key would have worked if I had put it in the right car!" She laughed so hard! So did I. Embarrassed yes, but I lived to tell the tale.
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17 responses
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
9 Jan 09
Oh that's too funny!!! At least you were honest enough to tell the truth. Not me. One time I was shopping at Superstore and I came out to not know where my car was. I was obviously looking and I was feeling frustrated, a woman looked at me and asked if I lost my car. I said no I was looking for my husband. Crazy.
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• United States
9 Jan 09
Quick thinking! I am too honest. I would have blabbed it out.
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@AnakSuNamun (2084)
• United States
9 Jan 09
Guess what, I was at a coffee shop once and a friend of mine came over to pick me up. He called me and told me he was upfront, I was so preoccupied with my thoughts I came and I sat down in the first car I saw on the curb. Well,almost sat... Because that was a different car(same make and color but with a different man in it). My friend saw that and laughed his pants off,I was very embarrassed but the most hilarious thing was that I turned the handle about 20 times and probably even rocked the car but the man inside didn't even notice me! Ah, the dangers of talking of talking on the cell phone...
• United States
9 Jan 09
Oops, I seem to repeat myself a lot lately
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• United States
9 Jan 09
Now that is a good one! Imagine if the guy did take notice.
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• United States
9 Jan 09
What if he didn't mind? That thought has been taunting me forever lol
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
9 Jan 09
that is so funny, at least it was a strange woman imagine if it was the owner of the car so you fiddling with his car lol, that would have been even worst. I think this happens to lots of people.
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• United States
10 Jan 09
I don't know what I would have done if it had been the owner. It would have been funnier if each of us came out at the same time and tried to get into each other's cars!
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
10 Jan 09
yeah that would have been really funny for sure.
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@patgalca (18345)
• Orangeville, Ontario
9 Jan 09
I actually got INTO the wrong car once. I hadn't locked my car and neither had the other person. There are only a couple of cars in this town of the same make and colour so I was sure the car was mine. I mean, what are the odds of the same kind and colour of car being in the same parking lot at the same time when there are only 4 of them in this town? I got in the car and realized the seat was way back. I pulled the seat up closer to the wheel and looked into the back seat. I realized there was no baby seat in the back seat, then I realized I was in the wrong car. I got out and got in my own car without putting the seat back into position. I can't imagine what the owner thought when they got in their car and found the seat too close to the steering wheel for this rather tall person. LOL!
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• United States
10 Jan 09
I can well imagine the look on that person's face when they got into their car. Too funny.
@mizcash (685)
• Canada
9 Jan 09
Don't feel too embarressed I have done that many times, the one that really gets me is jumping into someone else car and sitting down then realizing it's not my husband and not our car.All I could do was scream, apoligized and ran out shamed face lol
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• United States
9 Jan 09
Now that would be embarrassing! I haven't done anything like that ...yet!
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@marcialoyd (1173)
• United States
9 Jan 09
Like others have said, I once came out of the grocery store and climbed into the wrong car. When the key didn't fit I quickly realized my mistake. I got out of that car really fast. I was so embarassed. But luckily no one saw me!
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• United States
10 Jan 09
Funny how these moments seem to happen when we have been shopping!
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
9 Jan 09
My mom and I did that once. She had been having problems one winter with her locks freezing, so we both carried a small can of lock deicer in our pockets. After shopping one day, we got up to the car. Put the key in, it wouldn't work, the darn thing was frozen again. We went to tuggin and squirting lock deicer in the lock, the darn thing would still not open. Then we discovered it was the wrong car, oppps. Guess what, once we found "her" car, we had no trouble getting in it.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
10 Jan 09
I am just glad that we didn't get caught, we were pulling and tugging, doing our best to get in that car, LOL.
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• United States
10 Jan 09
You feel like such a dingbat after it happens. Your only hope is that nobody sees what happened. This woman walked by as I was pulling the key out and turning my cart about. I always get caught!
• United States
10 Jan 09
You did a favor to another person by deicing their locks. What good people you are! LOL!
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@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
10 Jan 09
This would be embarrasing for sure. I am glad that it did not turn out to be the owner of that car and they were upset with you, but I know when it is Cold and snowing outside things like this are bound to happen especially when another car is parked nearby with the same color, etc. as yours as well. But at least now you have something to smile about, and hopefully remember for the best from now on as well.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
9 Jan 09
I always lose my van. We used to have a full size with the hightop. You could find it anywhere. If I don't have my son with me, most of the time I cannot find it. lol At least that car did not have an alarm that started screaming at you too. That would have really been embarrassing!!
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• United States
9 Jan 09
I would have peed myself.
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@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
10 Jan 09
That sounds like something that I would do before the 2 cups of coffee in the morning. There are times that we all have done something...I am going to think back over all mine and Ill post them back to you!It just means we are all human!
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
9 Jan 09
That is so funny. I have had a similar situation like this before also. Thanks for sharing with us.
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• Italy
9 Jan 09
so I :P
• United States
10 Jan 09
I think many of us can share similar stories. Fun to share with friends!
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
9 Jan 09
What a cute story to share with us! I think all of us have done something like this once in a while and it's nice to know we have company!
1 person likes this
• United States
10 Jan 09
We are never alone!
@roberten (3128)
• United States
9 Jan 09
I must admit that I have done the same thing on more than one occasion. The most memorable occasion, I was trying to get into what I thought was my car when a man came up to me and asked if I had the wrong car; he pointed out that there was an identical car in the parking lot next to the one I was trying to gain entry to. I went over to my real car and it opened right up. Oh, yeah, I was embrarassed. He told me that he had done the same thing once and the awful thing was that his key opened the wrong vehicle. He contacted the auto company about the mixup and his key working for someone else's car and he said they told him that only a certain number of keys are made for specific car models and then they repeat the keys as they manufacture more cars. So there are lots of cars manufactured that may use the same key to operate--scary! Don't be too redfaced, many of us have done the same or worse.
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@lilybug (21107)
• United States
9 Jan 09
I remember once when I was driving my moms car because she had taken mine into her work to get it worked on I stopped at the grocery store to pick up a few things. I was trying to get into a car that was not mine or hers. It was the same car, same color and parked TWO spaces from where I had parked.
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• United States
10 Jan 09
We are so tuned into the obvious things that identify our belongings like color, make, model, etc. that we forget to look at other identifying objects in the vehicle. I overlooked the fact that there were no car seats in this vehicle. My car is loaded with stuff. This car was practically empty. LOL!
• United States
10 Jan 09
This is actually a fear of mine. I'm always afraid that we're going to go to the wrong car and the wrong person is going to see us and think we're trying to steal their car when it's really a simple mistake. It's embarassing of course but I'm still afraid some whackjob would blow a fuse or something.
@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
26 Jan 09
Don't feel embarrassed, things happen. I once went to CVS early in the morning. When I parked my car, I was the only one in the parking lot. I went into the store, got what I went for and left the store. I got in the first car I saw, and oops this isn't my car. I jumped out of that car so fast and spotted mine one space over. I couldn't believe that I had actually got into someone else's car. It was much cleaner inside than mine though.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
9 Jan 09
Oh this is so funny - I love the story. I can just imagine your embarrassment. It is so easily done though, and , o.k, I'll admit it - I have done the same thing! t is just that people like us are thinking such lofty thoughts that we are above the mundane things of life - LOL like zooming in to our own car. Very good posting.
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