Learning to Drive!
By Debs_place
@Debs_place (10520)
United States
January 8, 2009 8:57pm CST
I was just being nostalgic when I realized by son was going to be 23 next month, he is in the Navy and I am really proud of him, he is a fine young man.
Well I started thinking about him learning to drive and here is the story..
I have trigeminal neuralgia and a doctor was going to be tiptoeing around in my brain, (you never really know how bad even a minor procedure can go) so I decided I was going to be the first one to let my son drive. Although he was old enough to drive, he still did not have a permit. I took him to the local high school parking lot -- last year they had 3400 students and they are adding an addition -- so you know it is a huge parking lot.
It was a Sunday afternoon in August, and we pulled in and I let him get in the driver's seat and we did the usual talk and adjusted things, and I asked him to drive forward slowly, well he gunned it and almost crashed into the chain link fence at the far end of the parking lot, he stopped just in time! He got the backing up part pretty good, and I told him to just go around the parking lot SLOWLY! again -- pedal to the metal right toward the cement based parking lot light. He stopped (I nearly got whiplash) - disaster averter. He steered around the light and zoom right toward the only other car in the parking lot. By this time I was sweating bullets.
In the second minute of this experience, he decided he was not ready and relinquished the wheel to me. He decided he was not ready to drive.
That next summer, we tried again and he wanted to take every turn at 30 miles an hour. I hired a professional driving instructor, it was the best $1200 I ever spent. In about 10 hours of lessons, he had passed his road test. To my knowledge, he has not had an accident (except a minor mishap or 2 in a parking lot) or a ticket.
So how did you learn how to drive? Were you a goofy kid? DId you have a professional instructor or go to driver ed? Let us hear your amusing or other wise stories about learning to drive.
I had a brother who backed up a curb and almost took out a store display window.
Matt if you read this -- still love ya buddy!

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12 responses
@AnakSuNamun (2084)
• United States
9 Jan 09
How old was your son when he learned how to drive?
I've been taking one lesson at a time from friends of mine for a couple of years-that means,one lesson a year
i finally started driving last year, better late than never. To tell you the truth, I love it! Well,of course, not driving in the snow or rain but on a nice day,doing 80-90 with the top down...
Didn't have any crazy stories as I didn't really study driving, i was shown a few times and then started on my own. However, I am horrible at reversing and I once scratched a trash can because I was in a bad mood and turned too sharp lol
I 've heard some stories about people confusing gas and brakes,that never happened in my early days but somehow I did that not long ago. I was about to make a turn and it was my right of way and some guy was trying to go before me. I was in no hurry and that didn't bother me so I pressed on brakes,well... that turned out to be gas pedal! So I literally rush flying in front of that guy with the most hilarious face,he probably thought I was bada$$ but all that was an accident!

@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
11 Jan 09
He was 17 1/2 when he got his license. He started the lessons and was done in about 6 weeks.
Once a year is not a good way to learn to drive, in NY state you would never pass your road test like.
Glad you are doing ok and no major accidents.
@futuremba (97)
• India
9 Jan 09
u should be having someone who make him learn prafssionally,hire someone who would be nice to make him learn driving,give him more time ,and learn him in better way ,u must make him learn drive for the sake of his fnjoyment and other things
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
11 Jan 09
I did get him an instructor, he has been driving for about 6 years now.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
9 Jan 09
i don't like to drive... so i never really learn how to do it... i just scared of driving and no matter how people teach me how to drive, i am still nervous... so at the moment i just let my hubby drives me everywhere... it is safer for me as well... :-) take care and have a nice day...
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
11 Jan 09
Well if you are scared you should not drive. It can be very nerve wracking. When we were in Chicago a few years ago, driving on the beltway made us nervous... they were going around 80 in the slow lane in rush hour traffic
If your hubby is your chauffeur..enjoy!
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
9 Jan 09
I never learned to drive, I was nervous and my family wouldn't teach me and I had no money for lessons, so that was the end of that idea, later, I never had the money, have always been living hand to mouth never better than that.
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
11 Jan 09
Well that is not fair, someone should have given you a chance. You should have gotten a friend to teach you.
In a lot of places you don't need a car, where we are it is relatively rural and you need to drive.
I know the feeling of living hand to mouth. I was just told I work too much OT and this by a person who did not know that I have a second job.
@dropofrain (1167)
• India
9 Jan 09
I am also a driver but not a good one. People sitting besides me are never confident about the same. I dont know what do I lack in my driving but people never have any confidence while I am on the drivers seat. On the funnier side, I do not have the licence. lol
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
11 Jan 09
You drive without a license!?! Isn't that illegal! Do you own a car too? What about insurance? Why don't you get a license?
I can understand why people are scared. Please tell me you will correct this situation. I hear you can't my lot in prison.

@rebecca1986bb (17)
• China
9 Jan 09
in navy? wow ~~~ that's cool, How does he think of Chinese soilders?
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
11 Jan 09
I have no idea what he thinks of Chinese soldiers. I know he us had encounters with Russian submariners but no one from China to my knowledge.
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
11 Jan 09
Well, let me tell you about my soon-to-be-23 son who's in the Navy! I had to teach my kids on a 5-speed, in a church parking lot. For the most part, it was lots of laughs!!! He'd get frustrated, but he got it eventually. He did pretty good until he got his own car and totalled it a month or so later. Fortunately only the car was totalled, he was fine. He's been in Japan for the last 3 years so he's not driving much. I figure he'll need lessons when he gets back to the states!
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
11 Jan 09
OH MY GOSH!!!! This is too funny! My son will be 23 April 17. He's ALSO about 6'3"!!! There was only one guy taller than him in his graduation ceremony from boot camp. Did your son graduate from boot camp in June of 2005? I think that's when Andy graduated... That would be so funny if they were in boot camp together!
I was very nervous about him driving my car when he was home last - November a year ago. He's going to try to come home in March, but it may not be until next Christmas.
Where is your son stationed?
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
11 Jan 09
WOw...we share the same son, mine is in the Navy and will be 23 in Ferbruary, the 4th to be precise--when is your boys 23rd.
That is too bad he totaled his car but I am glad he was ok. My son is too tall for this country..he wanted to go to Japan. He is 6'3" imagine him in a Japanese made car.
I am sure you will be a happy navy mom when your boy is home. A refresher class probably would not hurt but I think it is like a bike...you almost never forget.
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@earthsong (589)
• United States
9 Jan 09
LOL I'd tell him to keep out of parking lots, they seem to be troublesome for him :)
I have a 17 year old that has absolutely no interest in learning to drive. My hubby and I have both tried to give her lessons, but she just panicks. A driving instructor may be the way we have to go, but she'll have to want to learn first.
When I was 15 I got my first driving lesson. My mom let me drive the car around the block. She screamed and freaked out so bad I didn't try again for a year. A friend's brother let me drive his car around a high school parking lot and then through some side streets, once I got the hang of it. I didn't actually get any more experience driving until I was 19, and I got my license at 20. It seemed like such a big deal, and I hated oncoming traffic on two lane streets, so I was never very interested in the actual driving as long as I had a means of getting where I wanted/needed to go.
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
9 Jan 09
I was a goofy kid,making all kinds of mistakes.. I made so many mistakes i thought i would never learn..Then my husband tried teaching me & we ended up in a screaming match,so i would have to say i learned by trial & error..Today i am a pretty good driver....So to keep from getting all pushed out of shape with my kids ,I sent all of them through drivers Ed....They all drive & so far they are all pretty good drivers..
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
11 Jan 09
Husband teaching you to drive..oh...very bad move.
My son could not do driver ed..did not fit in his schedule plus he learned to drive over the summer. But profrssional instructors are definitely the way to go...I a with you on that.
@sunshinelady (7609)
• United States
9 Jan 09
I was in North Dakota when I learned to drive. I live in Illinois now and have had my drivers license now for quite a few years. Anyway my husband decided to take me out on the back roads as what he called them and let me learn to drive. I was real skittish and I must say he was very understanding. Well, I was traveling down the road and I still don't know how I managed it but the next thing I knew I was in the middle of a farmers field. I jumped out of the car and told my husband you need to get the car out of the field. He told me I needed to drive it out of the field and I refused. I was shaken up. After a lot of arguing on my part he went ahead and got it out of the field and I refused to get behind the wheel. He finally realized I was serious and we drove home. It took me a good four months before I would try again. Then he had one of his buddies teach me. And I got my license the first time I went and took my drivers test. Now my husband didn't get upset or anything when I drove into the middle of the field. I was just anxious when he was in the car with me. When his buddy taught me I did fine each time his buddy took me out.
@tamarafireheart (15384)
9 Jan 09
Hi Debs_place,
I am so glad your son can drive now, you know parents are the worst driving instructors? I used to learn to drive but my eye sight was failing so I stoped, I don't need to drive as my husbands when he has to.
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
11 Jan 09
Your eye sight is failing well that is not good. I just got progressive lenses today..a few hours ago actually and I am feeling seasick.
@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
10 Jan 09
I remember my Dad always wanted to teach and my brother to drive when he was drunk. This involved getting into an old 1957 Ford(Yes, with wings) and driving in a circle on our large prairie like front yard, with my brother yelling in the back seat,"aaaaah!" and my Dad egging me on, saying, "Yeah, don't be afraid of the wheel, man." Thankfully, my mother really taught me how to drive later on, by yelling at me,"Get over! get over!" I'm good driver now, really.