2009 off to a horrible start!

United States
January 8, 2009 11:41pm CST
Let us begin with New Year's Eve. My hubby and friend were both sick so our plans were cancelled. My mother was battling bronchitis. Just minutes past midnight on January 1st I find out my cousin (who is younger than me at age 35) passed away leaving behind a 5 year old! The next couple of days after that were ok but nothing great. Come this Monday I end up in the emergency room for 8 hours cause my kidney decided to act up. I thought it was better since it has been a year or so since I last had it do this. Come home from the hospital and a few hours later I am there again. This time I am there for my daughter. Her tonsils are almost the size of golf balls and it is making it hard for her to breathe and swallow. Turns out she has Mono!! Tuesday my hubby was home sick from work. Wednesday was reasonably calm. Today comes and my hubby was laid off indefinitely. Victim of corporate cut backs!! How about you? Anyone else having a bad start of the year?
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14 responses
@goldeneagle (6745)
• United States
9 Jan 09
Actually, 2009 has started off pretty well, despite the fact that I have been sick since Christmas day. However, 2008 was the absolute worst year of my life, so I am hoping that 2009 is better. I was SO glad to say goodbye to 2008. I am not expecting 2009 to be a walk in the park, but I am seriously hoping that it will not be nearly as bad as 2008 was...
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• United States
9 Jan 09
I hope things get better for you soon. Just keep your chin up. You will get through it...
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@vinyl123 (21)
• United States
10 Jan 09
I'm sorry your New Years has started off so terribly. All I can say is, "This, too, shall pass."
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Jan 09
Yes My year has started off horrible as well. Not much to look forward to in these hard economic times. Just gotta keep pushing and hope for the best.
@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
10 Jan 09
OMG, you really have had a tough start of the year. Mine started off by me being sick, I am still not 100%. I lost my job some months ago, so we are really struggling, that is a continuation from 2008. Sunday, my husband and I left to go to church, and the car would not start, thought it was the starter. We took a chance and took our other car, which is not insured, but thank God we made it to and from church without any problems. My husband and I pushed the car to the mechanics which is just across the street from where we live the next morning. My husband had to call out of work, he is a commission only salesman and needs his car. Well today is Friday, and he finally got his car back. He Was not able to work all week. He drove the uninsured car to work this morning, because we needed his pay check. GEE, he only mad $241.00, and the car is going to cost $160.00 to get fixed, that's what happens when you have a commission only job.
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@pujagupta (102)
• India
10 Jan 09
i am so sorry to hear all that. Your year really started badly. By i pray and wish that nothing more bad happen to you.
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@CRIVAS (1815)
• Canada
10 Jan 09
well I can't say that my year has started off as badly as yours, I am very sorry to hear about your Cousin, just know that they are in a better place. I am suffering from the same thing a lot of others are, I am not working and with the way that the economy has been lately, it's getting harder trying to survive on my husband's income. I just found out this morning that my childhood cat has a tumor and may not live too mcuh longer. I didn't take her with me when I moved because she had been with my mother her whole life. Now I wish that there was something that I could do but there isn't and I hate it. I hope that your luck changes soon.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
9 Jan 09
Yea my yr started off really cruddy too...My bf fell off the wagon for 2 weeks (that was a mess), my bests friends mom who was like a mom to me as a kid was diagnoses with Cancer, they are now talking about amputating her leg due to blood clots which means Chemo had to stop, my mum in law found out that her aorta *sp* is weak and the docs want to do surgery which she is denying. That of course has my husband quite upset because the inevitable is rapidly closing in...thats just some of it.....I wont get into the whole finances, hubbys work thing or any of the other stuff....
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@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
10 Jan 09
I am sorry to hear it. I have my bumps in the road but I always hate it when its all at once. Thats the time when you are tested the most. I pray that things will be going much better for you and that this year will be a very good year. I wish our politicians hadnt done this to us because now we have to play a waiting game hoping they will hurry up and fix things. I think we have to realisticly rely on ourselves because I am not counting on them to come through in time.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
9 Jan 09
Oh my, what a terrible start to the new year. 2009 isn't too bad for me, though work is slow for my husband and we're just getting over a cold. But so far it's better than last year when my current car went down the drain and my father-in-law passed away. Hopefully things will get better with the economy.
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@thukio16 (254)
• Philippines
9 Jan 09
Hi there! The start of new year i think is really bad... since monday january 5 till now i already have colds. uhhh! Anyways, have a nice day!
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@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
10 Jan 09
Wow maildumpster! That is a terrible way to jump into 2009. I'm so very sorry that you're going through that. I've heard of the saying it can't get any worse so I hope that comes into effect with your life and the events going on. Good luck and all the best for this year
@JummyTao (265)
• China
9 Jan 09
I sorry to hear about that.Best wishes for you and your family. I am not happy during the New Year.Just because of the unemployment.It's a horible start in my new year.But i think i will find a new one fit myself! Happy new year,everything will be better!
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• China
9 Jan 09
My new year start is no good, because on the 1st January, I have a little quarrel with my mother, so bad.
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• Italy
9 Jan 09
i have a orrible start in 2009 i have brok my display of the pc!!!
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