God Offends???
By twoey68
@twoey68 (13627)
United States
January 9, 2009 3:17pm CST
Ok, I'm stunned right now. I just came back to MyLot this morning after having been gone for several weeks and started a discussion and answered a few discussions and news articles. One of the discussions was on ppl chattering...no big deal. I responded to it and then just a few minutes ago I saw I got a reply to my comment and went to look. Here's what I found:
Could you not end your responses telling us to trust in god? We don't all follow the same life code, it's a little degrading, just saying.
I'd added my siggy which says
I've been a member of MyLot for well over a year and I've never, ever been told to not mention God. Ok, so some ppl don't follow God...no problem. I don't follow Wicca religion but I don't go around asking ppl not to mention it b/c I don't follow it...to each his own. Did I miss something while I was gone?? Did MyLot suddenly get new rules about what's ok to mention and what's not??
I'm not telling anyone to follow God or not follow Him, I do...that's my choice. For those that do, I'm reminding them to trust Him. I just can't believe that someone would have the gall to tell me not to mention Him...would you be offended if someone asked you not to mention something you believe in, regardless of who or what it is?
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110 responses
@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
9 Jan 09
I for one have always enjoyed seeing your signature and have never thought about it as telling others to believe or not to believe.
I thought this was a discussion forum and if others are offended by your signature then can you imagine what some of the discussions do to them???
I am like you, I have my beliefs and others have their beliefs but I don't go and say anything bad about their beliefs.
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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
10 Jan 09
{{{ DITTO TYC }}}[i][/i][u][/u]
I see nothing at all wrong in Twoey's signature, I've always admired her for doing it too! DON'T STOP TWOEY!!!![i][/i][u][/u]
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
11 Jan 09
Someone in here actually suggested the siggy line of "Jesus loves you...wanna fight about it?" LOL I love that! I have no intentions of changing my siggy...I was just shocked that I was asked to.
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 Jan 09
I have to wonder twoey if the discussion you responded to, was to someone who doesn't know you well. Well they're certainly gonna learn now!
You have every right to 'sign' your posts whatever way you please, because you are never abusive or insulting, and as this is a free country, it is a stepping on of YOUR rights to tell you you can't do this or that. Some of the people here need to learn not only manners, but tolerance! Keep on keeping on as you are twoey and put things like this down to other's ignorance, not yours.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
9 Jan 09
Don't hold your breath...she just told me I gathered my minions to attack her LOL I wasn't aware that I had minions but wow...
It's no biggie, we won't be staying friends...but I'm sure it's for the best
Talk about the drama LOL

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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 Jan 09
Don't you just hate it when you're unfairly accused? Minions indeed. The lady obviously doesn't understand the concept of FRIENDSHIP! Friends back each other up for crying out loud! I'm sorry you've lost a friend over this twoey, but with friends like that..........no great loss in the grander scheme of things. You just continue being who you are. That's more than good enough for people who know and love you. Hugs friend.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 Jan 09
Well I found out the person in question is actually on your friends list. So you'd think by now they know that your 'siggy' appears on ALL your discussions and responses and not just on the ones of 'people who agree with you' as that person said on their thread! I hope the two of you can agree to disagree on this twoey and remain friends, but I'm not holding my breath*sigh*.
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@nannacroc (4049)
9 Jan 09
I have just read your answer and the reply. Don't let this person upset you or change your signature. It is you and who you are. I'm not a religious person but we all have freedom of speech and your signature is not offensive and can be uplifting. Take care.
I certainly would not change.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
11 Jan 09
I agree I don't care what anyone puts in their siggy within reason...I mean I wouldn't like someone to put something about killing ppl or torturing animals or anything like that but if someone did, I'd just avoid that person and not associate with them. Problem solved.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
9 Jan 09
Hi twoey, There will always be some people who will be offended. One person didn't like my using 'Blessings' but there is no reason you can't mention God. I agree with you completely, everything is choice and we can all make our own decisions. Just continue as you always have, I for one have no problem with it. Blessings.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
11 Jan 09
I wouldn't have been bothered by your using blessings...it can mean alot of different things. I've always believed that everyone has free will, the catch is not to push your will onto others.
@nova1945 (1612)
• United States
9 Jan 09

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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
11 Jan 09
I am one of those ppl that when you tell me I can't do something I'll do it even more. As for prayer in the school, you show me one kid who wasn't praying when someone opened fire on a school...ppl may not like it but too bad. I have one person and one person only to answer to...and I'm the only one I have to answer for. I hope everyone can answer for themselves.
@nova1945 (1612)
• United States
10 Jan 09
The silent majority has been silent too long. It's time we tell that one or two who scream loud enough to be heard that the vast majority doesn't care what they want. It is time that the majority rules!
It's time we tell them, You don't have to pray; you don't have to say the Pledge of Allegiance; you don't have to believe in God or attend services that honor Him. That is your right, and we will honor your right; but by golly, you are no longer going to take our rights away.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
9 Jan 09
I would not be offended if they had a comment about their religion and I think they should respect yours. It is your choice and it is a place to give your opinion so like everything else, I do not think anyone should make a comment like that to you for adding that to your post.
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
9 Jan 09
[i]Hi twoey,
wow..that was a guts! LOL! I don't see anything wrong with your signature and if the person doesn't like it, then he or she must not read it and end of the story! We have the freedom here! Anyway, what a welcome response for you after few weeks of not being around!
There are really who are rude by nature around![/i]
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
11 Jan 09
I see things on here all the time that I just ignore and move on. If I went around asking everyone to remove or stop doing something b/c it bothered me, I'd never have time for anything else.
@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
9 Jan 09
We might as well get rid of the cat avatars too because I'm sure there's quite a few people here who don't like them, and are offended. Big Deal.
Pretty soon we won't be able to say anything anymore and I find the whole thing disgusting. And it's happening more and more today. I don't follow Wiccan either but I have many friends that do. Does it bother me, not in the least.
This is suppose to be a free world here with freedom of speech, yeh right. Not with people like this around. I couldn't care less if he doesn't believe in God, it has nothing to do with myLot or the discussions posted here, and I think he definitely should have minded his own business.
He mentioned that he had a siggy on another website mentioning that he doesn't believe in God and gets all kinds of flack from it. Welllllll, then he should know how you are feeling right now, and should have shut his mouth. But, he's just a very young boy yet with alot to learn I guess. Sorry this was your welcome back, aren't you glad?, lol! I want to go live with the wood elves too. Take care.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
11 Jan 09
I know alot of ppl here that are Wiccan and it doesn't bother me. I don't ask them to defend their beliefs or to stop mentioning them b/c I don't follow them. I think alot of it is b/c the person is a young kid and has grown up yet. Perhaps they will. If I find a way to move into the game, I'll let you know and you can come join me.
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@elemental69 (1561)
• Ireland
9 Jan 09
Hello my friend and welcome back.. From what I know of mylot we can each write what we want in our discussions as long as we are follow the guidelines. You havent broken any. As far as I am concerned its your signiture at the end of all of your discussions. If it did offend anyone, then the best remedy for that is for them not to respond to your discussions...... I mean I thought that would be the obvious solution!! :-)
• United States
9 Jan 09
sure would. i think u ought to be able to mention anything u want to. that doesn't mesan everybody has to agree. there are some wierd folks out in this world. don't worry aboput it, consdier the source & go on w/your buisness.
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
9 Jan 09
Really? Geezus!! This person needs a life!! You have every right to say what you want, believe what you want and this person is a..... I won't say it, I am a lady!
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@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
9 Jan 09
Personally I think it's good advice and anyone that would tell you that has some very serious problems they need to be working on instead of spending all their time on the computer. It wouldn't offend me to have someone say things like that to me. In fact I have been called everything but a white man because of some of the things I say. A lot of it was from people that tried to pass themselves off as Christians. Jesus took a lot more than that for us. Just let it roll off like water off a ducks back and go on and do your thing.
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@GardenGerty (162787)
• United States
9 Jan 09
Evidently they got up on the wrong side of the bed, or they do not have anything useful to say. If they do not like your signature lines they can make the choice not to read your discussions or replies. It is part of who you are. I agree, I have never seen you get on anyone's case because they mentioned the goddess. Keep on being you. Glad to see you, I like your tag lines. I am on less, went to work more, then got a promotion on top of it all. I am here though, and you do not offend me.
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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
10 Jan 09
Bravo! Bravo! Like I always said and so many other people have said to no avail....If you don't like the channel, change it.
@Springlady (3986)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Hi twoey,
I will always say God Bless and pray in Jesus' Name! No one will keep me from doing that!
I love the Lord and I am here to serve Him, not man. If it offends, then that is just too bad for them.
God bless!
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@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
10 Jan 09
Your signature ending is one of the reasons that I added you as a friend and one of the resons that I will continue to respond to your discussions.. If they don't like the ending signature, then they need to delete you as a friend.. I am a christian and it does not offend me.. As a matter of fact, it makes me proud to be a christian and to be associated with other christians.. I do not judge others but I don't allow others to judge me..
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@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
10 Jan 09
I pray that I will always be able to stand up for God, as He stands up for me.. I am in the midst of emailng back and forth with Lowe's about the firing of an emloyee just before Christmas because she was wearing a Christmas pin which stated, "It's Christmas, For Christ's sake" and another employee said that it offended her.. I was told that Lowe's didn't tell her not to wear it and that she had resigned insteaad of being fired.. I then asked them the following:
I would like to know one thing for sure, if I were an employee working at your store and I chose to wear a pin like the one she was reported to have been wearing and another employee stated that it offended her, would I still be able to wear my pin and the other employee be told to mind her own business or would I be expected to remove the pin due to keeping her happy.. Would my religious status be as important as her non-religious status, especially in light of the Season??
This is the reply that I received: [b]
Replied On 12/31/2008 2:28:55 PM
Dear Donna Lawson,
Thank you for your interest in Lowes.
On Monday, December 22, an employee in a Tennessee Lowe?s store [Newport] announced her voluntary resignation, and we accepted it.
Later that day, she was asked by store management to remove a pin she was wearing on her Lowe?s vest/apron. To offer the best customer service, we have a dress code policy regarding what employees can wear, including items on their vest/apron. In asking the employee to remove the pin, the manager was attempting to enforce the dress code policy.
At the end of the day, the employee was told the store was reducing its hours after the holidays and did not need her to work the remainder of her notice.
If you have additional questions, please contact us by replying to this e-mail.
Thank you,
Lowe's Customer Care
Received On 12/31/08 11:11:15 [/b]
I replied with the following: I believe that you have answered the question that I asked you and in reply, I will be shopping at Home Depot for any of my home repair or decorating needs.. Thank you for your half-honesty and there will be no more need of communication with me... Donna Lawson
And then I proceeded to go to Home Depot and buy about $100.00 worth of paint and painting supplies for our living room.. My religion is just as important to me and others are to them and I will stand up for my beliefs..
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
10 Jan 09
Donna, maybe all of us Christians need to add something like that to all our posts. I think it's neat. That reminded me of Tim Tebow's John 3:16 painted under his eyes last night when they played Oklahoma! I wonder if that offended someone? Millions of people saw that!
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@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
9 Jan 09
Yes, I think I would be offended if someone asked me to do that. We all have freedom of speech and religion here, we can say or do whatever we want. Most of us don't go around trying to offend people, I too believe in God, and I respect that other people may not, but I don't go around telling them not to talk about whatever they believe in, its none of my business. I don't know why someone would say that to you. I haven't read it in any of the rules either.
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@GardenGerty (162787)
• United States
10 Jan 09
Freedom of speech for all members, and freedom to talk about what interests them. Twoey is not an offensive person, and I guess we need to put up with these people who want to tell the world how to run their lives.
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@onlydia (2808)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Well, yes maybe. But you know I just leave it alone as we are to trust in God and not judge and all that other stuff. Like get mad and all. But I do and I do try to blow it off. Don't worry nothing has changed that I have seen. But most of us have taken a break from it. I still like it when you put it on mine. Your friend onlydia.
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@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
9 Jan 09
It think it's sad that some one is taking a stand like that. People should be tolerant of other peoples beliefs, and it's sad if they aren't. And if you've received negative comments from others, as that individual obviously did, why perpetuate the intolerance by passing it on? That makes it worse, not better.
Looking further at that particular conversation, I find it interesting that the person later states, "We should all stand strong in our own way." That's exactly what you did, so I can't see why there was a problem with it.
Last thought...if some one does have a problem, perhaps they can just skip reading the last line? 

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@BarBaraPrz (49104)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
9 Jan 09
Yeah, I rarely read people's siggys after the first few times of seeing them.
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