Do women get better looking with age?
By Rixelly
@Rixelly (85)
27 responses
@firelight (1858)
• Australia
9 Nov 06
It depends on the woman. True beauty surpasses age and won't be as affected, but there are also the women that really aren't all that pretty but look good because of youthful skin and are perky... We all change as we age, some people it improves, some it doesn't.
@firelight (1858)
• Australia
9 Nov 06
sorry about the pic, I added it three posts ago and it's following me and won't delete lol must be some kind of glitch, hopefully it disappears with this comment...
@Rixelly (85)
• Australia
9 Nov 06
Yes they can. I have made a point of staying out of the sun as much as possible and using very little product on my face. I wash with water and clean my skin with tea tree oil then moisturise it. That's all.
I wear little make up, I find too much can make you look much worse than none at all or just a little.
@elfaliasjoy (63)
• United States
9 Nov 06
I think how you look has a lot to do with how you feel about yourself. If you learn to be happy, especially with yourself it shows in a good way. If you feel you have to hide behind too many artificial things, you will find you will be less happy with the way you look. If you smoke, use heavy makeup and tan excessively, you are setting yourself up for a fall. If you take general good care of yourself, and have a good self image, people will feel good around you. When that happens, many will see you as beautiful, no matter what your age is. My lover calls me beautiful and I'm fifty-six and definately not slender. I don't use any make-up nor do a lot with my hair. My hair is very long and I just keep it clean and brushed and he adores it!
@kokopelli (4842)
• United States
9 Nov 06
yes, up to some age (when alzheimers hasn't bitten us yet, hehe). it's because, generally, women learn to take better care of themselves and learn how to carry themselves well as they grow older. wisdom which usually comes with age takes its part too. better outlook and attitude always add to one's beauty.
@mavisbike (1526)
• United States
9 Nov 06
woman get uglier wrinkles freckles on boobs sagging boobs arthritus etc etc
@pinkypop (662)
• Philippines
9 Nov 06
Yes, women do look great as they age especially those who are working. Being beautiful of a women doesn't necessarily solely means a woman age experience and attitude do plays a great role also in making her life more beautiful and meaningful.
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
27 May 07
It very much depends on the woman... and it also has a lot to do with her genes.
I have seen some 30 year old looking like a disaster and some 50 year old looking fantastic.
Some women in their mid thirties look better than when they were in their mid twenties. Some even look a lot better. Tina Turner did look an hundred times better at 40 than she did at 20.
Then of course... my guess would be that you need an older man... or at least a man of your own age to appreciate you. Most 18 year old regards Nicole Kidman as an old woman... despite the fact that she looks good.
It is actually frightening to see all those movie stars that we grew up with being as old as us and often older than us. Where does the time go?
@slaveeva (213)
• United States
28 May 07
I think it depends on the level of stress, the amount of time they can spend on taking care of them-selves and their genetics. I have seen some awesome ladies that are older and then I have seen some I want to hand a bag to.
I think I look better now at age 37 then I did when I was younger, but I am starting to age. I have been through a rough 5 years with more stress and heartbreak then anyone should have on a daily basis. If I can swing it around then I think I can stay up pretty good.
I will never be able to compete with a 20 Year old hardbody, not after giving birth to 7 kids, but then again I wouldn't want to.
@tulipblue (33)
25 Jun 07
yea Rixelly you are correct.The reverse is also true.An under aged male or female looks over aged when we look at his talking style,thinking capabilities and health condition. In fact to keep your body fit fighting with aging factor you must have to be keep checking your both your physical fitness and mental set up regularly.If either of these two is absent,than you soon will fall prey to ageing factor.In fact clean,happy and honest mind without mental pressure and devoid of any kind of fear must increase your longivity as well as your body fitness and brings a glow in your appearance.As a result it will impact on your appearance resulting you looking younger than your real age.So try to live a clean and simple life without any mental pressure.You will enjoy your life more effectively than before.
@banta78 (4326)
• India
27 May 07
I feel it depends how a woman looks after herself. If she takes care of her diet and follow a fitness regimen regularly there is no reason why she can't look good even when she is in her 40's or 50's or even more. It really depends on the person. I feel one should drink lots of water, do yoga and meditation. The self confidence it gives shows on your face as it radiates in it's glow.
@sailoffwithme (870)
• United States
6 Dec 06
I bet this is a trick question...I don't think there is a right answer for this!
@pramodthakur (2365)
• India
6 Dec 06
Yes, you are correct, even you are not looking as 44. It is unbelievable, I thought you may around 30.... really.
@sj_chaudhry (1537)
• Canada
6 Dec 06
ya ofcourse 100% beacuse beauty lies with in u, if u r happy and satisfied it reflects on ur face and u feel great.:-)