How to deal with an annoying person that you cant tell to go away?

January 11, 2009 3:19pm CST
There is this person I have known for about 3 years and basically they are dreadfully annoying. I can’t relay just say go away due to the fact that I’m not that mean. Is there a way I can get them to stop talking to me, just nicely?
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17 responses
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
11 Jan 09
If this is someone that you see everyday then that could be a problem. You could just politely say that you're busy or you have to go somewhere. If it's someone that calls you on the phone then just don't answer the phone when they call.
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@leonag (33)
• Canada
11 Jan 09
Well there are 3 scenarios. first if you are friends with this person then just faze him/her out. say your busy, cant talk now, gotta do overtime, you get the idea. Second if you are just a business associate and meet in the office lunchroom, start taking lunches at your desk, or going somewhere else, you know acoid them. third just be upfront and say your just kot that into them.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
11 Jan 09
I've never been one to NOT tell a person who is constantly annoying me to leave me be...I'm not mean about it mind you...but what I say would depend on the situtation...
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
11 Jan 09
wh is it "mean" to tell someone what you honestly feel/think and end yer own torment? id tell the person that you just didnt wish to be friends with them.. and end the association.
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• France
11 Jan 09
It's probably your nice demeanor that got you into this situation in the first place, so if being nice is the most important thing then you may find it very difficult to get out of this situation. Why don't you pose this question to this annoying person. Say, "I've got a question for you. I know this person who is dreadfully annoying and I don't know how to tell them to stop talking to me without offending them or making them think I'm mean. What do you recommend?" Listen intently and then do exactly what they say... to them.
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• United States
11 Jan 09
Well it sounds like you have a problem on your hands. To say it tactfully, just be open enough to say that you don't feel the relationship is going anywhere, your interests are too different, and that you would rather stop spending time together. There are many types of people, from those who are overly sensitive that they know things without being told, to those who you have to hit over the head with a hammer. You truly need to determine what type of personality your friend is, and gauge your actions around that. I hope it helps. In the meantime, would you mind looking at the discussion I started, and provide your input? Here's the title, and thanks. Building Online Income Good luck.
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
12 Jan 09
well you obviously can deal with them I mean it's been 3 years if it were me it would last probably a few months because I will ignore them completely hahah now you said you know them 3 years and they are annoying so if you can deal with them for 3 years I don't see why you can't put up with them longer I'm a nice person too, especially to myself hahah I really don't know how to get someone stop talking to me - nicely - after 3 years it would've been easier to say it if it was just a month or two because this person would be new friend to you and you would be just some passer by in his or her life so if ut of the sudden connection stops, this person would just see it as 'one down, more to go'
@lazeebee (5461)
• Malaysia
12 Jan 09
I usually try to avoid these people; hoping that they will get the message, or keeping my conversation with them at a minimum. If they still don't get the message, then it's either tell them directly, or tolerate their presence!
• India
13 Jan 09
You move out. I mean if it is difficult to make him or her go away then why not you move out of their range so to say. I guess that is the only option here.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
18 Jan 09
I'm not a very nice person when it comes to annoying people. I'd just tell them to go away or that they are annoying and how they are annoying.
@suzzy3 (8341)
19 Jan 09
Use my tips they work,always be busy,always be going out when they call,Say you are busy and eventually they will give up.It does work and it does not involve being horrible.
@UK_Shree (3603)
12 Jan 09
I find it really difficult to remove myself from someone who is annoying me too. I have been 'stuck' many times in situations where someone who I find annoying just keeps going on and on! I think the worst part is that even when my body language is giving away the fact that I'd rather go, they are completely oblivious!! Sometimes its best to just make an excuse though as I don't like to hurt people either
• India
12 Jan 09
I don't have a perfect solution for this but i say to deal the persons with open heart and get out of the problem. Even i am facing the problem i also want a perfect solution for this.
• India
12 Jan 09
just let of these persons word from one side of ur ear to the other side and just dont listen to them and speak only needed by doing this u make them to annoyed of annoying u and fine the problem would get over.
@GardenGerty (162427)
• United States
12 Jan 09
If they just hang around and talk to no purpose, make it seem like it is your problem, not theirs. I do this with my mentally handicapped clients, who always view the fact that I am sitting, writing required paper work, as the perfect time to tell me about a million irrelevant things, for about the fourth or fifth time. I tell them, "Oh, I am sorry, but I have to get this work done, and although I would love to talk to you right now, I am having a hard time using my brain so I will have to not talk to you." I cannot tell them, oh, go away, as I am in their homes when I am working. Honestly, there are times I would rather just tell them to be quiet and leave me alone. Clients even other than my own, will get loud and annoying in the Suburban that I drive. I just tell them, that if they are too loud I will have to turn off the music, and if they are so loud they make my driving dangerous, then someone else will have to ride upfront. I do not know the circumstances of your three year relationship, though. Hope this gives you some ideas.
@eshaan (6188)
• India
12 Jan 09
avoid meeting them if possible, but if they are the part of your business or somewhat like that then u will have to be a bit tolerant and talk to them softly and try to change their attitude too, or try to contact them through phones and no direct meeting..if they r troublesome neighbours....u can try locking doors from outside and telling someone to throw the keys inside..
@inuceres (341)
• Philippines
12 Jan 09
deal to them talk them nicely don't shout your saying anything that hurt them,..