Have you ever taken steps just on Faith, even when people told you not to?

United States
January 12, 2009 10:35pm CST
What examples in your life, are times that you just stepped out on shear faith , having no idea of what was to come you just went for something in Faith , believing it would all be ok and you could make it....
5 responses
• United States
27 Jan 09
hi eaforeman6...i've had to do that with jobs. just trying to have a job i'd take some that some family member didn't approve of. they were honest decent jobs. one was working in a childcare and another looking after a girl. when no one else is hiring i'm going for a paycheck. and each job had it's pluses. it's not big bucks but it's a paying job.
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• United States
28 Jan 09
I have always believed that legal, honest work is work...and wether anyone approves or not....you were being responsible and trying to work and keep the pay coming in,,,,,so noone should ever judge you about that....in my life, I have been a waitress, newspaper reporter, top sales executive, teacher,and a few other things lol but then I am old lol so I had the chance to learn alot.
• United States
28 Jan 09
you are my age. I understand, I have issues with my back and other things. I am doing alot of computer work and no longer use my back...it just dosent cooperate with me .lol Our bodies start to act up but the bills still have to be paid UGH
• United States
28 Jan 09
thank you for your support. i couldn't believe my family. they are good people and i was just trying to do what i could to make some money honestly. oh well i am surviving and God is looking out for me. thanks again. btw i am now old too at 53yrs but still need to work but thank God i can.
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• United States
13 Jan 09
I cannot give one specific example because my whole life has been built on doing and achieving my goal based on an inner knowledge that I would succeed when I was told that I would not. I believe it was based on faith with a large dose of stubbornness.
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• United States
13 Jan 09
I did remember one example was when I was 20 years old and I moved across the world from Scotland to North Africa when everyone told me I was crazy. I was right as it was the start of a wonderful journey through life.
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• United States
14 Jan 09
That is an amazing step of faith. It is just one of the best examples anyone could have.
• United States
27 Jan 09
Where to begin? Being a single parent, getting married, and getting a divorce are just a few of the things I have done on a leap of faith. But I have always believed that the risks we don't take are the ones we regret the most.
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• United States
28 Jan 09
Hi Love, I agree with you. I have started a few things thinking omg this is crazy but went on anyway... thats the excitement of life...those were job related lol without faith, we would miss out on much of life ...because we cant see the future ...
• United States
13 Jan 09
Yes, I do everyday. Especially when it comes to the things I am learning about our country and the "men" who run it. It is indeed a scary thing they are doing to us. But, I press on because I know, eventually, my family and friends will see what I see.
• United States
14 Jan 09
I know what you mean. So much of what we were raised being told has unraveled now and we know it is no longer true. We can see that our best intrests have not been the priority and we see this colapse economicaly which shows that mismangement and greed have been alowed to run rampant .
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Yes....with my writing. When I finished my first book even my family turned against me....They were used to me being just who I was and it's hard for people to change...especially in famlies. There is a fear factor of you becoming someone they don't understand or know. If you are talking about like faith in God.....then yes....he has been with me all the way....and I have learned to just keep going. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain....and if some people don't like it..too bad!
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• United States
14 Jan 09
Change is a frigtening word to many people especialy when you are going for a dream or changing the course of your life....good for you...Appreciate the response!