Nosy Neighbors!
By fwidman
@fwidman (11514)
United States
January 13, 2009 1:27pm CST
Yesterday afternoon I went over to the old house to feed my dog who was still there to protect the property while we still have a few odds and ends over there that need to be brought to the new house. Everything was fine and dandy there.
A couple hours later Shelly and the kid went over there and came hurrying home with a piece of paper they found taped to the door. Seems that at 6:30 yesterday evening an animal control person had been by the house and found the dog"abandoned". What the heck? The dog was fine, he had food, water, shelter and was happy. How could that be abandoned?
So I went back there with Shelly and made a collar and leash out of the old clothesline and we brought him over to the new house and I tied him to the tree in the back of the house, but the neighbors dogs in the back did not like having another dog there and mine actually growled, something he has rarely ever done in his life. So, I moved him to the tree at the side of the house and he seems very calm and content there, although I just noticed he has kicked over his water bucket.
Now, the only way the animal control people would go to the old house is if they were called by the one remaining neighbor living there. Why would she do something so stupid?
My question is this: Have you got any neighbors that can't seem to mind their own business and must stick their noses into yours?
If you click on the picture, you'll find a large dog hiding in the plants. This is my "puppy" Valentine
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27 responses
@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Somebody was either being nosy, vindictive, or acting out of concern for your dog. I'd like to think they were being concerned about your dog. If your dog was barking, like a lot of dogs do when they are bored, or lonely, that's probably why they called Animal Control. Years ago we had some students living next door to our mobile home. They were hardly ever home, but their black labrador was out in the yard. He barked and barked and barked and barked. The poor thing was unhappy about being left by himself. Lol, if you leave your dog alone for a long time, how do you know if he barks or not? You did the right thing by going to get him. Dogs are very social creatures, unlike cats. That's why I like cats. They can be left by themselves.
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
14 Jan 09
The dog only barks when people comes too close to his fence area, which the neighbors son has been doing a lot lately now that no one is living there. Every time I went over to feed the dog I'd see the kid hanging around. He even moved a chair over by the gate so he could drive the dog nuts. 

@greenglitterturtle (2750)
• United States
23 Jan 09
hi fwidman...that happened with one of my sisters who made arrangements for the cat. someone was looking after the cat in the garage until someone else was taking the cat in. but neighbors called in a complaint ant the cat was Picked Up by animal control. we were really upset cause the cat was going to a good home in a few days.
@greenglitterturtle (2750)
• United States
23 Jan 09
don't i know it. we felt especially hurt for the cat. because she was cared for and one of the neighbors ruined everything. that just shows things are always as they appear and we need to use caution before we jump in to "do good"
@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
13 Jan 09
My neighbors can tell you how many cars come to my home during any given day. They can almost tell you what time I go to work and return each day. I understand watching out for each other but sometimes it is a little overkill. There is no reason to be watching every move your neighbors make. The sad thing is they will make comments to us if they feel our kids have too much company or they feel we are working too much.
@whenever123 (39)
• United States
22 Jan 09
My nieghbors do the same thing and when somehow my dogs got out one day they called animal control these dogs are about 6 lbs. they couldn't hurt anything, and they shouldn't be running around but just call me or set them inside the gate why do they have to be so stupid one nieghbor just watches every car, and I feel like ok I can have whoever over but they look at me like oohhh what is she doing now just becuase I am a single mom.
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
14 Jan 09
Hi Fwidman
Since you mentioned you told her and that she has caused problems in the past then you know she's not true to her word and could care less about you and your doggie..I hope you talk to her and let her know you aren't pleased of what she did and would appreciate her minding her own business..

@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
14 Jan 09
Glad you aren't wasting a great pair of heels on her..
..just send them to me

@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
14 Jan 09
I believe she can do something so stupid, she wanted me in the past to call animal control because of the dog Esme and I were scared of but you remember the dog never did anything to us, well I told her no, and she took it upon herself to call the animal control and had the guts to tell me so.
I just stood there staring at her.
I think she is just like that and her time will be better spent if she look after her own, and not other's people's pets.
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
14 Jan 09
I did not wanted to go there, Andy is ok by his lonesome, he is not ok with other kids, I have seen him around his friends and well, it is a different Andy.
I hope tho that she grows up to be his own person and not a man that wants to please the wrong people.
I also understand mom, it is hard to be a single mom, and must be harder to try to change the world too ;)

@camomom (7535)
• United States
19 Jan 09
We are lucky that we do not have neighbors like this. You could try looking at it as they cared enough about your dog to make sure it was safe. Sometimes it's a good thing to have the nosey ones even though it can be annoying most of the time. You could also look at it as, if someone broke in, they'd see it and report it for you.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
24 Jan 09
I hope that you manage to get on well with your neighbours. I was always blessed to have good neighbours. They were helpful when I needed them but not too nosy. I think being friendly might make thing works in the long future. Sometimes it is better to bite your tongue even if you might know that you are 100% right. I treasure peace and being on good terms with the neighbours. Unfortunately I had a nosy neighbour living in my same street and sometimes she complained about my barking dogs when I was not at home. I just excused myself and promised to do my best so that it would not occur again.
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
13 Jan 09
Yes I do, the busy body next next door. When she wants to know stuff that is none of her bussiness I simply ask her if she's writing a book, then it gets good for awhile again.

@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
13 Jan 09
Well I like your idea but she's to dam busy taking care of everyone elses affairs, there's just no time left in a day. ha ha.

@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
14 Jan 09
Geez! So he was running around loose, not tied up or anything? You still own or are paying rent there? So, you are still in control of the property?
Is there not a number to call on the notice? I would call it. Or, at the very least, I would have taped your own note to that one, notifying the 'animal authorities' that you are there regularly, still moving, and why the dog is there to protect the property from theft. Giving them your new contact information so they can contact you next time the "nosey neighbour know-nothing" calls them erroneously.
Geesh! Some people, eh?
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Nosy neighbors! Were these people friends of yours before you left? They probably never investigated to see if you had fed or watered him. They just took it for granted he was abandoned and called the Animal Control. Funny they came out so quickly after you had left. Maybe the neighbors had called them before you even got there and it had taken them awhile to come out for the complaint. I do hate for anyone to poke into my business. My daughter's neighbor turned in my daughter for the same reason, trying to say they abused their dog. Well, the people happened to come out when my daughter was there, checked over the dog and the place and told her he saw nothing wrong. This guy has been trying for years to get my daughter and her kids in trouble because she wouldn't submit to his stupid advances after her husband left her! AND he's a married guy. He and his wife is nuts, and he's killed lots of my daughter's pets, to boot, and even admitted to a neighbor (he told my daughter) that he killed her full bloodied cocker spaniel and buried it in his back!
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
13 Jan 09
We were friendly, yes. And, the son was there when I came to check on the dog and he knows we have been there every day. I have no idea what got into her head. Too bad the control officer didn't arrive while I was still there, that would have been better
Your daughters neighbor is a real piece of work 

@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Would have been nice if he had come when you were there!
Yes, the man is a piece of work, although worse! To top it all, my son owned the property next to my daughter where this man now lives. He knew he'd never build there, so he sold it to what my daughter thought was her friends, but they became her worse nightmare! We've prayed that they will leave, or at least, he will leave. But it hasn't happened yet!
@Daydreamer2 (470)
• Philippines
14 Jan 09
well, what else can we do if the dog is abandoned, we can take care of them but it seem to get on the risk its hard though but if you think that there is a dog that will guard you, you can be content having a puppy. just think positive on it. happy mylotting!
@eternalgrief (12)
• United States
14 Jan 09
I've had a neighbor like that, thankfully I don't live next to them anymore. Basically, they are mad because my family wouldn't sell them the property. They don't want anyone living in the house, so they complain about anyone who stays in it. I once had some puppies that we rescued in a big cage in the back yard, they had lots of food and water. I paid lots of money for those expensive automatic watering and feeding units for them, and I would go up to the house each day after work (I got off of work at 7 am) and clean their cage and water/feed them, and walk them around on a leash. They called the police and said that they don't have water and food when they clearly did. The cop noted that, but I still had to go back up to the house when I had just left after finally getting off of work from all night, talk to the cop and then go home and try to get some sleep. He said that he could clearly see that the dogs were taken care of, but it was just annoying since they call and complain about everything all of the time. I mean, they even called the police on some kids for bouncing a basketball on the sidewalk in the summer during active hours. Now, I live near people who are the loudest people I've ever seen. They have been in at least a half a dozen fights with other people who live here, and then those in their apartment living with them. They're always yelling at their very little children, etc but they complain if anyone else's kid cries because they keep noise going and wake them up. I know how bad neighbors are, I'll be glad to get a house where we're not right next to anyone.
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
14 Jan 09
I have always gotten along pretty well with my neighbors no matter where I lived. I mind my own business and expect them to do the same. The only time I called the cops on a neighbor was when the guy was beating up his girlfriend and she came out of the house screaming for help. The neighbors you describe are neighbors from hell. Who would yell at kids for being kids? That's nuts!
@hisbabydoll (228)
• Ecuador
14 Jan 09
I guess that's the bad part of nosey neighbours. Although I have to say I've been tempted to call animal control on my next door neighbor in the past. They leave their dog outside all the time - it's a malti-poo so not a hardened outside dog - and it will bark for hours at nothing. They'll also leave it out a night so if we take our own dog outside for a few minutes, it barks at us every minute we're out there like we can't even go into our own back yard. But, my husband's parents used to leave their border collie outside most of the time and she loved it. She had a dog house, and about 25 feet of rope to run around on. She always had food and water.
The good part about nosey neighbors is if anyone tries to break into your house they'll probably call the police. :)
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
14 Jan 09
This dog of mine has always been an outside dog, from the time he was a little puppy. He likes it outside unless people are setting off fireworks or just making too much noise.
What I worried about with the other house (and why I left the dog) is that the nosy neighbor's kid and his friend would break into the house, just as they did the other vacant house on that property. I doubt she'd call police on her own son 

@yushulanfang (46)
• China
14 Jan 09
maybe you are right you encounter a nosy neighbor who we all dilike and then you can keep distance with him and fortunately you are leaving so you dont need to make a anger with him.but if your neighbor didnt do that thing on purpuse didnt you mistake him so i think you should drop in his house and make out that thing.
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
14 Jan 09
When I go over there I never see the woman. She is hiding in her house doing whatever it is she does. I see her son though, so the family knows I am still coming around. Yep, I am almost completely out of that house and will not have to deal with her anymore 

@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
14 Jan 09
it is always like that, isn't it??? we always have nosy neighbour every now and then wherever we live... i hope everything is sorted now and nothing happen to your puppy... i don't have a nosy neighbour at the moment... thank God for that... take care and have a nice day...
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
14 Jan 09
I think some people have nothing better to do than to stick their nose in where it does not belong. They should have seen that you had been there caring and feeding for the dog and so obviously he was not abandonded. It takes time to make a move and of course you don't want people coming around ripping you off of things still needing moved from one house to the other. The fact that you and later some others were there in the day shows the dog was not abandoned. At least animal control did not take the dog away before you got back.
@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
14 Jan 09
I think everyone has got nosy neighbours. I myself got these neighbours who ask me all sorts of questons. they want to know all of my personal affaira and the way they ask is as if they are sort of owning me. but they do not like it when I ask them the same sort of questions. This type of people are simply unavoidable and you will run into them almost everywhere.
@FDBrister (115)
• United States
14 Jan 09
My nearest neighbors are VERY close, lol. I can see in their kitchen windows and they can see in mine. With that being said, my neighbors are great. I've had no problems out of them whatsoever. My husband often shovels their walkway and shovels their car out when it snows (which is a lot). My neighbor slides our garbage cans back in the backyard after the mail has run for the day. We look out for each other.
In my old place, however the upstairs neighbor was EXTREMELY nosy. Every time someone came to visit, or we were outside, she was right there wanting to know everything that was going on. When we were selling out boat (we couldn't take it to the new house), she was right there while the people were coming to look at the boat saying stuff like "I wouldn't buy a boat like that, I'd rather just go out and get a new boat" and "That boat isn't worth that much money, I wouldn't pay that much for it." Needless to say, I'm glad we moved. In fact, that neighbor did play a part in my decision to relocate.
@aerthi (22)
• India
14 Jan 09
whatever u say is true.i had a neighbour who was very nosy. they were first friendly but as years passed we stopped talking with each other. as they were the former land owners they wanted to be the secretary. my mom was the secretary at that time. she kept the accounts well n was not taking a pie from it. but they wanted the post 4 themselves n so fought with us. so we gave up. because of this fight we had to come out of the house n take up another house leaving the previous house for rent. now the apartment is in a bad state without any maintainence we still have problems with them n we r losing the tenents because of them.these people r also usurping the common money. i will b happy if someone can give me a solution to this problem.