Life Style Changes For Healthy Living

Thiruvananthapuram, India
January 18, 2009 1:22am CST
Ever since I had a cardiac arrest during October 2007, I am on a strict regimen of vegetarian and fat free diet to control my illness. The suggestion that changes in lifestyle including an avoidance of rich,oily and spicy food and ban on smoking and abstinence from alcoholic beverages worked out wonders has been implemented successfully. My advice to all those desirous of leading a disease free healthy living would be to put a check on dietary habits and control the use of tobacco and limit consumption of alcohol combined with regular brisk walking in the morning and evening hours for at least 40 minutes.
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15 responses
@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
19 Jan 09
Congratulations on working towards a healthy lifestyle! That's so wonderful that things are working well for you. I've been taking little steps at a time to live healthy. I never smoked so that was never a concern. I cut way, way down on drinking after having my daughter. I drink maybe once a month, if that. I cut out drinking sodas about 5 or 6 months ago. I've been amazed at the wonders drinking lots of water has done for my body. I also have been exercising regularly. Now if only I could get rid of my sweet tooth and love for fried foods I'd be set lol.
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• Philippines
19 Jan 09
you have achieved so much yourself, cynddvs. you can take your sweet time on cutting the sweet tooth and the fried foods. when i encounter people who do not drink much water daily, i get surprised. i wonder if this habit can be traced to how they have been raised as a child. maybe, it is because their parents have not instilled in their minds the necessity to drink at least a glass of water a few minutes after waking up each morning and taking another glass minutes before each regular meal. this is going to be a good habit that you can instill in your upcoming growing up children, my friend. taking sufficient amount of water daily wards off a lot of illness that might come our way.
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• Malaysia
18 Jan 09
EECP Machine Set - Treatment bed with cuffs - Oh I see, you also attacked by heart disease. Me too, encountered angina and infarction on Jan. 15, 2008. Undergone angiogram and angiplastiy with 5 stents implanted in my arteries.

Warded four (4) days in ICU and the doctor asked me for undergoing bypass surgery.

I quit from taking bypass surgery and attended alternative treatments for; Chelation Therapy(20 protocols) and EECP Therapy(35 protocols); very effective treatments as result speaks itself thru my HLB Blood Test performed before and after both treatments.

Emmmm...bad thing/news is I am back to my previous smoker life, as now, I know how to treat its 'Systemic Oxidation Level' by continuing my Chelation Therapy for one treatment in 3 months period.

Of course I do perform my "Walking Medicine" for at least 20 minutes in a day. Talking bout foods and drinks intake, respectively, I am more on vegetarian menu and drink alkaline drinking water.

So far so good and healthy, very much from my previous life.

On my myLot profile page, I embedded a video about EECP Treatment.

EECP - Enhanced External Counterpulsion.
Oh I see, you also attacked by myocardio-vascular?. Me too, encountered angina and infarction on Jan. 15, 2008. Undergone angiogram and angiplastiy with 5 stents implanted in my arteries. Warded four (4) days in ICU and the doctor asked me for undergoing bypass surgery. I quit from taking bypass surgery and attended alternative treatments for; Chelation Therapy(20 protocols) and EECP Therapy(35 protocols); very effective treatments as result speaks itself thru my HLB Blood Test performed before and after both treatments. Emmmm...bad thing/news is I am back to my previous smoker life, as now, I know how to treat its 'Systemic Oxidation Level' by continuing my Chelation Therapy for one treatment in 3 months period. Of course I do perform my "Walking Medicine" for at least 20 minutes in a day. Talking bout foods and drinks intake, respectively, I am more on vegetarian menu and drink alkaline drinking water. So far so good and healthy, very much from my previous life. On my myLot profile page, I embedded a video about EECP Treatment. EECP - Enhanced External Counterpulsion.
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@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
20 Jan 09
I won't get into a discussion here about vegetarianism or veganism here... we've talked about that enough.... Healthy lifestyle... 30 minutes excercise a day 8 glasses of water a day plenty of FRESH uncooked fruits and vegetables We all know those.... But here is another one for you... Listen to your body. When your stomach tells you it is full STOP EATING. The amount of calories we (on average in US) take in today is astounding... no gym could burn off all the food we eat. NO smoking NO drinking Boring? I don't think so... I think of it as a challenge... and it is beneficial to me and others around me. Good luck to you! Thanks Zelo
@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
20 Jan 09
There is not one diet out there (or dietary lifestyle) for everyone. I am hypoglycemic and need to stay away from starchy foods and the such and am a big fish eater and a meat eater one to two times a week. Each person needs to know what is going to benefit them to make them their healthiest. I have no heart disease nor high blood pressure but I have low blood sugar... quite the contrary to one who is the opposite... and therefore different diets. Thanks Zelo
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• Thiruvananthapuram, India
20 Jan 09
Thanks for the nice response.Your thinking and ways are not disagreeable as long as you find those beneficial to your system.Thanks once again LOL
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• Philippines
19 Jan 09
it is good of you to have brought this up, sukumar. a healthy diet is really needed so that each one of us can move away from the clutches of getting ill most of the times. among the good exercises to like are very light ones like walking and stretching. this is contrary to what others think about exercising. most people think that to exercise means to do exert so much effort at it. although health experts are keen enough on making everyone learn that to exercise is just to flex those muscles, still most do not get the picture right. the people of old used to be healthier than most of us because they walk! instead of taking a ride in order to manage a kilometer distance, they walk. until now, the older ones walk such short distances.
• Philippines
4 Mar 09
many thanks sukumar for the best response mark.
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
1 Feb 09
H[i]i sukumar, that is a good news. Just continue to follow that routine and exercise makes wonder for sure! This post will inspire people who are in the same situation![/i]
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
19 Jan 09
Yes, we should understand that if we want to live a healthy life, we really have to do a lot of changes in our lifestyle. It is sad though that many will not mind this truth simply because they don't have self control and discipline. I know so many people around me whose daily food intake is to my assessment very unhealthy. Imagine eating so many processed meat like hotdogs, hams, fatty foods, food enriched with msgs and artificial food colorings, carbonated and caffeinated drinks an da lot more. I'm worried how they poison themselves each day with the type of food they are consuming. And worse, most of them are fond of unhealthy vices like drinking and smoking and are not taking daily exercise. They will only change their lifestyle when they are already afflicted with diabetes or have suffered stroke. But to me, prevention is better than cure so I make sure I live a healthy life. I want to live healthy. Yes all of us will die but it is better to live life without any health problems and stay young till the Lord calls me home.
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@bignik (272)
• Italy
19 Feb 09
Hi my dear friend , you have summed up all in a very few concised and great words ,i myself went through a rough time in life but with a little will power anyone can overcome bad habits, because if you become a slave to medicine , you always ask the doctor for more ,medicine helps relieve symptoms but not the cause greetings bignik sardinia italy
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
19 Jan 09
i and my hubby also try to change our lifestyles and stay healthier nowadays because there are so many scary illnesses out there nowadays if we didn't take care of our health... congratulations on healthy lifestyles... take care and have a nice day...
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
19 Jan 09
Yeah... but if you cannot eat, drink or smoke... and you are about to sell all your favourite possessions... What is the point of living? lol
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
19 Jan 09
I am trying to eat better and get more exercise in 2009. I have gained weight and I do not like the way my body looks and feels right now. I am eating better foods and less fat. I am also taking time to walk on my treadmill also.
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@ElicBxn (63830)
• United States
18 Jan 09
Well, I have never smoked, or drunk much. I do eat some rich foods, but have never been a big fan of oily or spicy ones. When I do eat oils, they tend to be olive oil, its the only oil we keep in the house now. Its the walking that is the big issue for me, my feet hurt so bad that I have trouble doing it.
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@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
18 Jan 09
This reminded of my friend who is currently on a cleansing diet because of her liver cancer... last december... she was in a lot of pain because of the chemotheraphy... and all the medicine she had to take... but when she went to a biochemist who put her under a strict cleansing diet of wheat bread, fish, and organic vegetables... she is now feeling a lot better... Just shows how healthy food can change one's life...
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
18 Jan 09
I'm very glad you survived that and are changing your life for the better! I don't eat much red meat, maybe twice a month. I'm not eating as much poultry as I used to, either, because it sometimes feels like it weighs me down. I do love my gin and tonic, though, and am finding it hard lately to limit myself to two a day so I cut it out altogether. I can't walk far because of my arthritis and scoliosis. I try to exercise in other ways, sitting in my chair or lying on my bed. It's dangerous to lay down in my house, as I have two dogs that take that as an invitation to wash my face!
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@murugezh (273)
• India
19 Jan 09
After I have read this people now in this world want to take care of them health I too that is why stopped eating on hotels I like homely foods now. I too stopped to take oily foods.
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@vikeyshuy (284)
• China
19 Jan 09
thanks,sukumar,you give me useful tips to keep aunt had type 2 diabete,the doctor suggests her eat low sugar, low fat food,eat more vegetables and fruits.she follwed the doctor's advice strictly. besides that,she keeps doing excercises everyday, such as brisk walking,playing badminton,now she gets stye changes really works!
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
18 Jan 09
Hi sukumar794! I am happy to learn that your diet is successful leading you to a healthy living style. My husband and I are on a diet of fish and vegetables but once in awhile I prepare and cook white meat for our meals. I really am planning to go back to walking. Take care and have a wonderful day! lovelots..faith210