Does it drive you crazy too?
By JenInTN
@JenInTN (27514)
United States
January 21, 2009 9:30pm CST
When your watching a movie and someone wants to talk to you while your watching it..does it drive you nuts too? Do you know someone who does it? Are you polite and answer or do you just say..I'm trying to watch this? What about someone who's already seen it and wants to tell you whats going to happen?
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44 responses
@roberten (3128)
• United States
22 Jan 09
JenInTN, I am so busted! I am that annoying person who talks more dialog than the movie. It is a very bad habit that drives my daughter nuts! I know it is rude but I like to know the end of the story before it begins so I ask a thousand questions. Do know that I do try NOT to be such a PEST but I sometimes fall very short. Now that I am conscience of my fault, I try to be more quiet or leave the room so others can enjoy their movie in peace. Man, BUSTED!!!! 

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@wheel416 (1019)
• Canada
24 Jan 09
Hi there,
I was reading through the responses before I replied with my own response and I was wondering how long it would take before someone admitted to being the annoying person who suddenly has 1000 things to save when you sit down to watch a movie. I'm just gonna go over and hide behind roberten, as I very timidly raise my hand to admit that I too am a pest to watch a movie with!
I guess he and I will be in the next room having a conversation while the rest of you watch your movie.
Thank you for my chuckle of the day and happy Mylotting! 

@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
23 Jan 09
har har har. i drive me wife nuts when i do this. well i sometiems do it in prupose. specially when i see her so serious watching something on tv or sometimes when she watches news. i usually do this. well in purpose to drive her nuts har har har. she hates me when i do this and dont like to talk to me for an hour. 

@wheel416 (1019)
• Canada
24 Jan 09
Hi there seventh,
I'm sitting here chuckling to myself as well because just like you I'm guilty of this offense and also just like you because I'm already guilty of it I tend to do it on purpose as well.
Somehow they don't seem to think it's as funny as we do though do they?
Take care and happy Mylotting! 

@agrant10 (1476)
• United States
22 Jan 09
Yes, this is annoying. My spouse likes to talk when the movie is going on. I'm the type of person when I'm watching a movie I do not like any talking because I feel that I might miss something and then I have to rewind it. My son when he was smaller he would sit there and tell you the whole movie. Now he is 19 and he does not do it anymore.
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@chriswolf (360)
• China
22 Jan 09
On one hand, I will talk to him politely if I can pause the movie. Otherwise, I must not spend any time with him.
On the other hand, if someone who's already seen the movie wants to tell me what is going to happen, I will kill him. Kidding, but I really want him leave as soon as possible.
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@tracie1758 (507)
• United States
22 Jan 09
I HATE it!! I get so frustrated. I try to pay attention to them and the movie at the same time but it really just turns into me nodding my head at them and pretending to listen. I have a younger sister who puts her foot down and flips on anyone who tries to interrupt her movie or tv show!
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
22 Jan 09
Yes, I feel bad and it drives me nut, when someone who has already seen the movie, may try to narrate its finer points. I will just request him to keep quiet or if possible to move away from that place. I've observed that some are in the habit of divulging the main points of story, they spiol other's pleasure too.

@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
23 Jan 09

@suruchi86 (1873)
• India
22 Jan 09
Yes, it feels very bad. In such cases, I normally remain aloof and avoid to answer or ask the other person to talk sometime later.
@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
24 Jan 09
yes drives me nuts because i lost my concentration
.if someones telling me about the story while i am watching i will tell her or him to sh*t up and let me carry on watching.

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@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
24 Jan 09
oh man i hate that so much, be all into the movie and either someone is talking over it, and i tell them shut the hell up already, but when they sit there and say yeah he's going to die, the bad dude behind the door. i turn it off then they want to ask why did you turn it off?
ok are you like serouis you just told me what happen at the end jerk!!! then i smack them around .. no just kidding but it make me feel like it
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@UtopianIdealist (1602)
• United States
25 Jan 09
Sometimes, we have background movies on, where the intention is for it to be just background and people talk and interact while it is on. Though, there are times when it is obvious that someone is trying to watch something, and it is aggrivating when someone tells you what is about to happen. Talking in general can be annoying, but telling the movie when you are trying to watch it is worse, to me.
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@wheel416 (1019)
• Canada
24 Jan 09
Hi there Jen,
Well, out of nearly 50 posts to your discussion there have only been perhaps two or three of us who will openly admit that we are guilty as charged! 
I had way too much fun reading responses to this discussion. I have been told repeatedly to shush up during a movie. I have had people ask me if they should stop the movie until I finish what I had to say!
Now, in my own defense I must say I'm guilty of talking during a movie but not of revealingthe plot if I have already seen it. In fact, it's probably ironic if I've seen the movie and love it I'm drawn in, therefore less likely to speak and you can watch your movie in peace. On the other hand if I haven't seen the movie or I'm bored, my mind will wander and you will be subject too what ever whimps circulate throughout my brain. Lucky you!!!
This is just too much fun. I'm glad my neighbors can't see me because I'm sitting all alone in my living room with nothing on that my computer and nobody around but me and my two animals laughing to myself. Me thinks if they could see me, they may think, I was a crazy cat lady! Although I do have a yellow lab as well.
All the best and happy Mylotting! 

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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
24 Jan 09
LOL..Glad your having fun with it. You are one of the few pleading your off the hook. We can't help boredom and circulating whimps. As for the neighbors..if you have a lab you can't possibly qualify as a crazy old cat lady so don't worry about for the response!Take care.

@saffrondreams (596)
• Canada
24 Jan 09
Haha, I have a friend whose parents like to make comments about the movies. And they don't exactly have any sense of volume control. It used to embarrass him as a child, because everyone around them would be staring.
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@DancingRedFeather1 (1037)
• Canada
24 Jan 09
Yes, I hate it so what I do. Especially when someone calls you on the phone and you can't get rid of the person. Drives me nuts.
@oldboy46 (2129)
• Australia
23 Jan 09
There are not too many things that are more irritating than any of these things occurring when you are trying to watch a movie, and it is even worse if it is one that you have been waiting to see for a while. There are the people who tell you what is going to happen next or come out with some inane comment like “you will never believe what …” or “wait till you see what he/she did when ……..”.
Once my partner, myself and a group of friends were at the theatre/cinema to see some movie she had been wanting to see for ages and that sort of conversation was going on a couple of rows in front of where we were sitting. This man was really talking so loudly it actually made it hard to hear what was being said in the movie. The ‘narrative’ had been going on for at least 20 minutes, gradually getting louder and the whole theatre must have been able to hear it all.
My partner found the Usher and asked that the person talking be asked to be quiet so we could enjoy the movie. The Usher spoke to him but it only silenced him till she left and he started narrating again. In the end someone yelled “either shut up or I will see you do. We came to watch the movie and not listen to your constant drivel.” Slowly the audience started to clap, whistle and cheer. By this time we have missed another 5 minutes of the movie which annoyed everyone it seemed.
My partner and 2 of our friends spoke to the Usher and said they were unhappy and wanted the film to be restarted. They refused so they wanted a refund for our entire group. When she insisted they got the Manager who offered us free tickets to a later viewing. It was not convenient for us as we had to go back home later that evening after the planned meal. My partner can be determined when she wants to be and so got on her phone and asked for the phone number of the local paper and then introduced herself and said she had a piece for them to print about the movie theatre. The Manager saw the error of his ways, gave full refunds for our group of 10 people PLUS gave each of us a book of 5 complimentary tickets. Initially we rejected the complimentary tickets as that was not what we wanted, but when he insisted we accepted them.
In actual fact my partner had phoned one of her daughters but the Manager was not to know that. Our children saw some movies for free over the next couple of months as 2 of the couples with us were not from the district and were in fact visiting us.
Another annoying this is when you are reading a good book and someone comes along and makes comments about how things go and how you will be very surprised or shocked or whatever. Just go find somewhere else to be and let me read the book for myself and I will soon know all about it too, without help from the peanut gallery.
Finally those people who eat “noisy” lollies/candies or whatever.
Have you ever noticed that just as it gets to that really dramatic suspenseful part these people decide to either open the box and make a real noise then or else they stuff their mouth with chips/crisps or some other such thing and CHEW REALLY LOUD! Those people should be banned as far as I am concerned and removed from the theatre because they can ruin the movie for everyone else.

@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
24 Jan 09
It is a shame how people show so little respect for other at the theatre. I have had a few situations in those myself although not as extreme. I know what you mean about the noisy cruncher I also love to read and really like to "get into" my book. It's almost like my concentration is broke and interest lost when someone comes along talking about oh I read that book and I like chapter 99 when such and such happens.LOL.Thanks for responding.
@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
22 Jan 09

@apples99 (6556)
• United States
23 Jan 09
Well yea a little bit, but only if there talking through the whole movie, but I must admit I have been kind of guilty of talking while watching a movie, but I dont talk through the entire movie I just like to make a few comments here and there, like when I watch movies with my family we all like to discuss the film a little just a certain scenes that may have stood out, but if someone hasn't scene the film and they say that they dont to be told what happens in the film then I dont say anything until after the film is over.

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@cheryltippett (231)
• United States
23 Jan 09
It used to aggravate me nd drive me absolutely crazy. Not anymore . Not since DVR......Now I can rewind and see what I missed or I can record and watch it when kids are asleep or at love me some DVR
@yezzyk (180)
• Netherlands
24 Jan 09
Hi Jen,
When it's a movie I've seen, I don't mind, but if it is one I really want to watch, I simple pause it or switch it off. I'll watch it again when I'm alone.
But usually I'm watchin movies with people who want to watch it aswell. We talk then, during the movie, but always about what we see or hear. It's not disturbing then, but actually makes you look with other insights. :-)
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
24 Jan 09
Hi yezzyk! Thanks for the response. I don't mind as much either if I've already seen it. It's when it's new and I'm really excited about watching it that it bugs me. I can see your insights point but for me..I'd rather talk about it after the movie.Or even during a second time. Happy mylotting and welcome.
@reciporkate (37)
• United States
23 Jan 09
Ugh, that's so annoying! I usually just sigh really loudly and lean forward, blocking them out, they usually get the idea
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