I love my sleep so why am I not getting any?
By mjaelaws
@mjaelaws (26)
United States
January 23, 2009 11:36pm CST
I am so glad they have a section on sleep because I love it! Problem is I'm not getting any. I think I'm broken. I am the person who needs like 12 hours of sleep to function and for the past few months I'm up until 1 am and then getting up early in the morning with my kids and man do I feel it. I want to nap when my daughter naps but I can't because I have a son who does not nap so I can't just leave him all alone while I pass out.
Problem is my mind will not shut off it's like when I lay down I do it without really thinking of anything but the second my head hits the pillow it's like a switch gets turned on and I'm thinking of everything under the sun. Literally from what I will do tomorrow to why I did something in high school. Ok that was like 6 years ago why am I thinking about that kind of stuff when I want to sleep. I'm sure there are lots of methods and things I can do but I'm hoping maybe someone will mention something out of the ordinary that I can try.
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14 responses
@bbydollz (114)
• United States
24 Jan 09
This is normal and it happens to many people all over the world it is called stress whether you know it or not. You need to things like meditate before you go to bed, try reading a book if you like to read that always makes me tired, maybe take up yoga or something, try to start exercising or eating healthy. Things like this can make a big difference and if none of this works go see your doctor and get some sleep aids.
@mjaelaws (26)
• United States
24 Jan 09
Thanks for the advice sadly my day is a big ball of exersice if you can call running around like a chicken with my head cut off that anyway. I so wish I could go get some sleep aids. But my daughter who is almost two still wakes up at night so I'm afraid to do that the few times I took a full dose of an over the counter sleep aid I was out so hard that my husband who could have a bomb go off next to him woke up before I did.
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@psspurgeon1 (1109)
• United States
24 Jan 09
There are certain vitamins that help you to relax and nod off at night. I have insomnia as well. My brain will not shut down. Ever. I have tried certain things but find that the next morning and day are a nightmare with them. It takes forever to wear off and function. I have two small kids so that stuff didn't work. Now I take Ambien. It is great. The first few months, it will knock you out flat within 5 minutes and after a while it takes about an hour but it still works great, just take it sooner than bedtime as that happens. It allows me to get sleep and no matter how little I get I am still refreshed the next day. I can take it and sleep peacefully for 7 to 8 hours and be great, or I can take it and get a choppy 5 hours with my kids interrupting and still be good to go the next morning. I can't take naps for the same reason cause as I lay there it just goes and goes. I usually get a nap in about once a week. The Ambien works great though, I have had no problems with it. It is supposed to be a shorter term medication, but as I have said, it's been a year and I'm still doing great with it. Some nights I can fall asleep on my own though and those nights I don't take it. I would give it a try. Best of luck, I know it's a pain. Also, you may try a longer term anxiety medication. It is a combo of anxiety/ocd that is what's making our brains work 24/7 so sometimes a treatment of that will kick it in the pants.
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@dropofrain (1167)
• India
24 Jan 09
I am going through the same problem where I face a lot of problem in sleeping. Nowdays, after trying hard I am unable to sleep. I usually went to bed around 10 and used to wake up at 7 but since a few days I am observing that I can not sleep before 12 and thus unable to get up before 8. So it has badly disturbed my life. To avoid this problem I have started physical excercises. NOw, I play at night after dinner, So I can have soundful sleep in the night.
@moneymaya (901)
• India
24 Jan 09
I too like to sleep and I think its my favourite Hobby LOLs ,but I don't have enough rest in week day , I only have rest on week end yeah ofcourse it due to office work since its an medium level company so there are too heavy work load in company so its not possible to come early and take daily rest but its only possible at week end
thanks for sharing
@djemba (767)
• India
24 Jan 09
Its just stress and tension that are bugging you and keeping you awake try doing something that you think is really boring and you'll be asleep in no time...like i'm a tennager in college whenever i can't sleep i just open one of my textbooks and i m done..i sleep like a cow..
@fruitysalad (40)
• Canada
24 Jan 09
If you're having trouble getting to sleep, there are several things you could do. Definitely try reading before you sleep. For me, I read until my eyes get all droopy and it's just like, I can't keep my eyes open anymore. Of course, sometimes I just can't find anything to read and that just sucks. Another thing is you could try doing some relaxing activities before sleeping like, say... yoga. whatever floats your boat and puts you in your "zone"
also, keep in mind REM (Rapid Eye Movement) cycles. These determine whether you will be grumpy or not so grumpy when you wake up, but it seems that getting to sleep is more of a problem for you than waking up. Just try to relax and don't let people bug you. Stress and anxiety are the worse preventers of sleep.
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@mjaelaws (26)
• United States
24 Jan 09
I can't read before bed I've tried that a few months ago and go figure I would get so into the books that I would not stop reading to go to sleep until I had a headache from starring at the book for so long. Maybe I should read the dictionary! LOL
Gosh I wish I could do yoga but I just don't know how to relax one of my fatal flaws i guess you can call it.
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@makingpots (11915)
• United States
25 Jan 09
I am right there with you, mjaelaws. Only it has been about 3 years for me. Insomnia is my best friend and my worst enemy all at once. But at least I can count on it, there comfort in that...... see your reasoning becomes skewed after years of this.
There are many techniques, there are pills, etc. The best I have found for me is exercise. Exhaust yourself at some time during the day, treat yourself kindly by eating and drinking enough to support the exercise you are getting and your body will begin to help put you to sleep at night.
...... but if you are like me, with children and a busy family schedule to maintain, it is hard to fit in time to exercise. I don't have a suggestion for that, I'm still losing that battle!
There is also a yoga pose that is very good for doing at night before bed. If interested PM and I'll describe it to you.
@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
24 Jan 09
What you are describing is textbook insomnia. It happens to the best of us at times. Insomnia can be a symptom of a larger problem, but it could be the result of something else like lack of exposure to sunlight or drinking caffeine close to bedtime. It could just be that you're under an increased amount of stress right now. You should ask yourself some questions. Have you had any major changes in your life recently? Are you having problems at home or at work that are stressing you out? The pineal gland basically interprets light signals for your body in order to determine when to sleep and when to be awake. If this is the problem, you could try some things such as getting outside and getting at least 15 minutes of sunlight each day. Also, you could make sure to have your bedroom very dark when you go to sleep each night. It will also help if you don't have any caffeine or sugar for at least 4 hours before your chosen bedtime. It sounds like the problem is your racing thoughts, though. This happens to me quite often. You might try some deep breathing exercises while you are laying there and concentrating on your breathing...in and out...in and out... Don't think about anything other than the sound of your breath. You need to train yourself to worry about those things during the day. If you're worrying about things that you need to remember or things that you need to do the next day, get up and write a list of the things that you are thinking of so you can rest easy knowing that you have it all written down for tomorrow. Then go back to the breathing and don't allow yourself to think about anything other than your breathing. The other things I listed above may also make it a little easier for you to fall asleep when it's time to go to bed. I hope this helps!
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
24 Jan 09
Staying up too late can make it difficult for you to fall asleep and it sounds like you're staying up too late...along with the stress of raising young children. Stay away from caffine in the evenings, do something as the others have suggested to wind down and, when you do go to bed, take your mind to someplace peaceful and relaxing so it won't stay in active mode. I love the beach so that's where I go. I imagine the look and the feel of the sand, the palm trees, the birds, the ocean, the boats and whatever else I want to put there. It's similar to meditation and will help you transition your mind to the sleep stages.
@borgborg (821)
• Philippines
24 Jan 09
I think you have a case on insomnia... Sometimes I tend to be like that usually when I have a problem or if something worries me! I read from an article before, Im just not sure if I remember it right that an apple before you go to bed can help you relax and fall asleep. A glass of warm milk also helps! If your problem still persists... I suggest you see a doctor...
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@srijshm (1165)
• India
24 Jan 09
Dear mjaelaws, we all love sleep
& anyone who say on the contrary is lying.
Regarding the problem of insomnia/ not getting sleep when you want to sleep: I am sure this is a passing phase that happens when the routine is disturbed. Your body will overcome it.
Here are a few tips that have helped me.
1) lukewarm water bath 20 minutes before you plan to sleep.(this relaxes the muscles & thus it will be helpful in your case)
2) chop onions & soak in yoghurt for about 15 minutes, eat this salad . ( this will help to cool your body & you start feeling drowzy 10 minutes after you have eaten this.
3) visualize counting reverse from 100 in your mind. visualize 100, erase it them visualize 99..... If you loose count start from 100 again.( this trick keeps away unwanted thoughts from disturbing your mind)
Good night sleeping beauty...........

@becdmd (704)
• Philippines
25 Jan 09
I'm not a mom but I hope I can give you advice how to sleep, try to have a planner, list all your activities and try to solve the problem why you lack sleep. maybe, you also need a form of relaxation prior to sleep, like going to a spa. You can consult a doctor, to check if you have an insomnia. If the methods didin't work, examine yorself and ask why? maybe you need to reflect and meditate on things...why not try read the bible, ask God for help, pray.(^_^)
@djemba (767)
• India
24 Jan 09
Oh man, insomnia is my worst nightmare come true (check out the irony :P) but seriously I love sleeping and it really gives me one of the most feel-good hormones in my body! I figure there are very few people out there who need around 12 hours sleep compared to other normal people. The best way to induce sleep is to declutter your room and your life. The basics are that the room needs to be dark and bed should not be too comfortable as it generally kills your sleep. And take two days off...so that if you sleep the first day you do not have to worry about waking up early morning next day. Such steps should induce sleep!