What is the funniest name that you have ever heard?

@ronaldinu (12422)
January 24, 2009 1:21am CST
The funniest name that I have heard is Richwoxi. I wrecked my brains if the Maltese girls' parents are Chinese or have other connections with the Asian part of the world. Another colleague who seems to know the family and origin of the girls name told me that her mum has heard the song (I forgot the song's title but the lyrics say something like) Rich was she.... so her mother named the girl after the song. So the name is a hotchpotch of English-Maltese mixture. What is the funniest name that you have ever heard?
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46 responses
@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
24 Jan 09
the funniest name i ever heared is "D*ck",but his real name is roderick but he likes to calll "d*ck"
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
24 Jan 09
If my name was Di*ck I think I would have changed my name:)
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@carinio98 (2929)
• Philippines
24 Jan 09
how about the movie hancock? its just like c*ck hand......
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@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
24 Jan 09
hahaha yeah its a movie and i think its acceptable than name"d*ick"
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@Humbug25 (12540)
28 Jan 09
Hi ya ronaldinu I am not sure what the funniest name I have ever hear of is but the greates surname I have heard (and people might think it is funny) which I think is great and it is Squelch!! It's like the noise your wellies would make in mud!
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@carinio98 (2929)
• Philippines
24 Jan 09
i forgot that name... but its very funny name in our country... some names are like family name repeated twice when you call it... its just that its like a stinky name and very ugly than its sounds like but the owner of that name sometimes is gorgeous... oh and yep... theres one actress in our country that as a original name thats so funny name... shes a singer...
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@chirantani (1379)
• India
24 Jan 09
One of the most funniest name I have ever heard was Boo.It was a dog belongs to my neighbor.Apart from it,one name that I still remember was of one of my friends. He was named as X,and he was named after the alphabet. Hopefully it was not his official name.
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
25 Jan 09
I had a student named Kermit, once. It reminded me of Kermit the Frog from Sesame Street. The kids would tease him and I felt bad for him because Kermit the Frog is quite well-known, and had been for years. I wonder if they had never heard of Kermit the Frog.
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• Canada
28 Jan 09
I work in a place where I work with a database for healthcare in Canada, so I see names all day every day. One of my favourites was Earl Prince. That's just funny. Other names make you wonder why they haven't changed it yet, like "cockburn" I mean seriously, why don't you go by the surname "syphallis" while you are at it? Or "whitehead" which could also translate as "Zit". International names are also things that can me misunderstood. I saw one kid whose name was "smellie. You can't tell me that kids wasn't bullied EVERY Day at school. But my favourite of all time was (and this is ENTIRELY true I swear it is really really someone's name) Fu k Yu. I mean how do you pronouce that, with a long "u" or a short one. Because if you need to call them you to talk to him/her, you don't want to sound like you are cussing at them. "Hi, can I please speak to FU K YU!"It just doesn't work, you know?
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
24 Jan 09
when I worked in customer service, the chinese name phoc yu was the funniest followed by a man who claimed his name was kitten d ick, yes he said that was his real name and also the name on his credit card so who knows.
• Canada
28 Jan 09
I worked with someone with the same chinese name, but it was spelled different. I asked to sl=peak with Mrs. Yu. I just couldn't bring myself to say it out loud in the office, you know?
@Raven1 (577)
• Australia
25 Jan 09
@jdyrj777 (6530)
• United States
26 Jan 09
I know a lady whos last name is Butts. She named her son Seymore.
@jdyrj777 (6530)
• United States
28 Jan 09
Ooops accidently added response up above this one.
• Canada
28 Jan 09
oh she did not. really?
• United States
26 Jan 09
One of the funniest I've ever heard is Lavatory Smeltzer (I have no idea if I spelled this name correctly).
@jdyrj777 (6530)
• United States
28 Jan 09
Yes she did. Once i worked at video professor warehouse. Out of boredom we would look at the names. We once found one that said "Long Dong". Lol!!!
• Canada
28 Jan 09
seriously? that's just mean.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
26 Jan 09
I started a discussion about unusual names a while ago and I mentioned an Italian guy called Felice Coniglio which translates to Happy Rabbit. I did another one about pet names and I wrote about a cat named "Benito Pussolini" and a mouse named "Mousy Tung." It's all fine when it is pet's names but some parents need to think more carefully before naming their kids!
• Canada
28 Jan 09
some people think they are clever when they are just mean or stupid.
• United States
25 Jan 09
years ago i knew a girl named Amnesia her parents were immigrants from the USSR (it was before it broke up) to the USA when she was born, They barely spoke English and thought the name was cute. She went by the name Amy.
• Canada
28 Jan 09
hey, what's that girl's name? I forget. HA, so does she! rofl
• United States
28 Jan 09
She used to get teased so bad. Of course I got teased because of my name. Trishna. I never did like it. My grandfather made it up literally, but I found out recently its one of the Hindu goddesses, kind of ironic
• India
25 Jan 09
Hello my friend ronaldinu Ji, Well our side there are some tribals, who name their children after 'Utensils' name in the house, they may be feeling easy to remember, may be due to shape they are born. But, some more names I heard after 'Appolo-13', some people named after that. Some will nevr name them after 'Phoolan-Devi' No body will name after 'kakayee' a charcater fro epic Ramayana'. may god bless you and have a great time.
• India
31 Jan 09
Hello my friend ronaldinu Ji, I think you enjoyed those names very well. So nice for your BR. may god bless You and have agreat time.[b][/b]
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
25 Sep 11
I heard lots of funniest name in mylot like sweeti, magnifier, laddu, dancing girl, talkative women haah...I have big list but cant explain every name here otherwise full night will spend in mylot..
@jazzyrae (1745)
• United States
2 Aug 11
My moms friend from Tennessee has a brother named Zebulanottis
@idowrite72 (2213)
• United States
25 Jan 09
There are 2 that come to mind and both were students in the school that I taught in for 30 years. One is M'Boya and the other Ikentina. (the second named after Ike and Tina Turner, we were thinking, but called only Tina)
@suruchi86 (1873)
• India
18 Jun 09
I heard many funny name like D*ck, F*k, hancock etc. Which give instant smile on anybody's face.
• United States
26 Jan 09
The funniest names I have ever heard of are what my wife told me when she was working as a front office secretary at a hospital laboratory. Twin boys were at the lab for blood tests. Their first names were Lemonjello and Orangejello. Accents on the second syllable. Lemonjello and Orangejello. I could not believe the parents would do something like this!
@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
31 Jan 09
A boy I know is named Intrepid. We drive an automobile called a Dodge Intrepid!!
@Crocket (315)
• Canada
25 Jan 09
The funniest name that I have ever heard is Englbert Humperdink. I loved his music and wanted to sing just like him. When I was touring the Holiday Inn Resorts for three years in my travels I used many of Englbert's songs. It really turned the girls and women on so I became an overnight success with his music. Crocket.
• Philippines
26 Jan 09
I heard some of my friends... that they saw a tablet in the cemetery with a name on PERFECTO EXACTO HUSTO Y COMPLETE...which translated to english " PERFECT EXACT RIGHT AND COMPLETE....