Why are we afraid to hold the prisoners from Guantanamo Bay?
By Shakadoodoo
@shakadoodoo (737)
Dallas, Texas
January 25, 2009 1:46pm CST
I have been wondering why people are so afraid to keep the prisoners from Guantanamo Bay? It is not like there is a large amount of Alkida or Taliban in the prison system and if there are they can not be even close to the power the Aryan Nation, Latin Kings, Bloods, Crips, Vice lords, Disciples, ect.... in our Penitentiary system. Seems like all they would need to do is separate them or put them in solitary confinement. I am sure they would rather stay in Guantanamo Bay then get put in Fulton Prison, San Quinton, Pelican Bay, Rikers, etc...... Them cats wont last in those prison systems long - if they were acting a fool. The would be surrounded by enemies. Imagine them in a New York penitentiary. They would be bound to meet someone who had family that died in (911) They would be worst off than a child molester. That would have to put them in solitary for their own protection. They are human just like us and I doubt that Bin Laden, Hamas, Hazbelloh, Taliban, etc... has more power that any of the prison gangs we have here in America. First of all - It is not that many of them here. Not close to the numbers of the gangs already her. Just think about - Tim McViegh blew up all kind of people and he was no threat - and he had people that loved him in the prison system. If we keep the enemy close then we know what their doing. That's just my opinion - What do you think?
8 responses
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
26 Jan 09
Here is why we don't want them here:
Plus read this discussion on more comments
I sure don't want them in my neck of the woods and Obama needs to let the american people decide if we want them in our country since we are the ones that will be supporting them and having to deal with the releases and all.
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@shakadoodoo (737)
• Dallas, Texas
26 Jan 09
He has been talking about what he is going to do with the economy since day one. Im sure being able to cut taxes has something to do with that. They have been having a stimulus plan since day one - it is congress that is fighting over it. And to tell you the truth - they need to. I am not sure I want them making quick decisions about an economy that as been getting screwed up for years and years. It is a little easier to say "close down Guantanamo Bay" then it is to say "I have all the economic problems solved" - If he did that - He would be the Savior All Mighty that conservatives have been teasing him about being. You have to realize that a lot of things he did not know until he was in office - Some decisions are not meant to be made so quick.
And as far as building getting attacked - we have to worry about that anyway - What jail they are in will not make them any madder than they already are. They are mad about European Jews in Israel and they do not think they should be there - That is the issue that needs to be resolved - Not what prison they are in.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
27 Jan 09
Then the intelligent thing to do would be to leave them where they are and take care of that issue first... then decide on what to do with them
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
26 Jan 09
All those involved with 9/11 were in our "backyards" and we didn't have a clue as to what they were doing.
And who would have thought if they knew an attack was being planned, that it'd be to attack 2 busines office buildings. Why not bomb airports, the mints in the country, how about plain old Wall Street? all better targets than 2 professional office buildings.
And you are right, the President doesn't do a whole lot - Congress, Senate, House of Reps... they do more than he does. Howver, he has Executive Orders that he can sign and do as he pleases and no one can say a thing. FIrst thing he did was say to close Gitmo Bay... why not say " tax cut to all americans so we can get this economy back on track". No, he left that to the Congress/Senate/House for them to fight and battle over, but he used his executive power to favor terroists.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
25 Jan 09
Where to house them is only one small aspect and probably the least worriesome. I for one would love to see these guys in a U.S. state or federal penal fascility, the justice the inmates there would delve out is far worse than the treatment they recieve in guantanimo.
Here is the real and far more ominous problem. It has to do with the status they are asigned. AS a detainee of unlawful combat, they are not subject to the rigorous standard of evidence and proceedure a civilian criminal is. For isnatce, one of the top dogs caputured, though by his own proud admission is guilty as sin, was not read his miranda writ along with a few other technicalities. In his current status, the military tribunal goes on as normal and he will eventualy be tried and convicted. However, once in the same system our deomstic criminals are in, a judge is obligated to dismiss the charges and a proud jihadist goes free.
These are not "suspected" aresstees, picked up by police, these are warriors captured on a battlefield not though fighting under a national flag. In going ahead with this plan, we are applying a standard used for one type of offender to a completely different scenario and it is completly incompatible.
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@shakadoodoo (737)
• Dallas, Texas
25 Jan 09
Yea, I see what you are saying there. But consider this - Our constitution was not written for them - they are not even American Citizens. Why would they have the same rights in court that we have. If no other country wants them what choice do we have. "Bunk you Junk" should be as foreign to them as they are to us. And if the court did let them free - again, they are not American citizens - so they could not stay here. So then we would be right back where we started - If no other county will take them then they have no say so on how we treat them - and if they do - ship them to them. I think we could come up with a way to solve that problem. And if worse came to worse - and I hate to say this - but people "accidentally" die in prison everyday.
@Benjaminna (300)
• United States
25 Jan 09
Because the terrorist are the victims. Didn't you know that?
@4ftfingers (1310)
26 Jan 09
The reason they want to close it is because it's giving the US a really bad name with regards to human rights etc.
Some of the people who are in Guantanamo Bay were just unfortunate people in the wrong place at the wrong time. People in Afghanistan were given money for information on anyone likely to be connected to Al Quada, and so people abused that by accusing innocent people of connections. These innocent people were rounded up, a long with the people who did have conenctions and have been detained for as much as 6 years, even though they had nothing to do with 9/11.
@shakadoodoo (737)
• Dallas, Texas
26 Jan 09
They should let them free - But the ones who are innocent - are not the issue. Other countries said they have no problems taking them - I think France said they would take all of them all. I am talking about the ones like Kahlid Shekih Mohammad and the ones that have Proudly admitted guilt. Those are the ones no other country will take.
@SeoulBoy_Art (193)
• Japan
26 Jan 09
Because it`s the same as anything else in America.Everybody wants them locked up just not in their neighborhood. That`s true they won`t last long in federal prison. Some people like to think the keeping them in Cuba will protect them. But rest assure if they get out in Cuba they will be safe to go back to where they came from and fight some more.
@shakadoodoo (737)
• Dallas, Texas
26 Jan 09
I agree with you - How will all of this affect Japan - Are our relations still cool? We have always had good relations with Japan haven't we? It is china who we have had problems with huh? Do you all hear about this stuff all the time?
@shakadoodoo (737)
• Dallas, Texas
26 Jan 09
I doubt that - If anything is going to change we have to do it together - no one can be our savior - we have the save ourselves and that is by working on a common goal - Not by finding ways to be divided and conquered.
@SeoulBoy_Art (193)
• Japan
27 Jan 09
Well This won`t affect Japan or Korea at all. They use the same finger printing system to get into the country the US does. Besides they have cameras everywhere and they see everything. It`s a lot harder to sneak into the country.
@bangingsim (69)
• United States
26 Jan 09
I tottaly get what you are saying and agree with you. Why is everyone so scared of having the terroists a.k.a. bad guys in their prisons? It's not like they can escape by snapping their fingers. I just don't understand why we are keeping them alive in the first place. If they were found guilty of a terroistic act i personally think they should be punished more cruely. This is why i wish Obama would not shut down Guantanamo. It is a very harsh place and perfect for people like this.
@shakadoodoo (737)
• Dallas, Texas
26 Jan 09
I feel that. All they have to do is send them to Texas - They will fry them up in a second down there!
@shakadoodoo (737)
• Dallas, Texas
26 Jan 09
Are you speaking Portuguese? Are you saying that they do not know if some of the people that they are claiming to be terrorist may not be terrorist and they need a new jury? - I do not speak Portuguese - I just figured you were speaking that language because you are from Brazil
@panzerswifey (314)
• United States
26 Jan 09
I am a Army wife and I keep seeing people calling the Iraqis terrorist.
Well the Iraqis had nothing to do with 911.
They did not come here and attack us.
We attacked them and it was actually a revenge type thing because Sadaam tried to kill George Bush Sr.
We have worse people running our government and people are scared of people that have never been out side of their own contry before.
I am wondering where those people would gets the weapons let alone the help to escape prison.
If they did not escape at guantanmo, why would they escape somewhere else.
I actually wonder how may of those people they got locked up really deserve to be there.
We only know what we see on tv, which I can bet you any money only half of it is true.
I do not see those people posing a threat to us at all. If they wanted to they would already done so.
And again the prisoners from Iraq had nothing to do with 911
so why do people keep thinking the war in Iraq was because of 911
It was not.
The truth will come out soon.
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
26 Jan 09
People seem to think of terrorists of having some sort of superhuman power - it's so ridiculous. They are no more capable of killing a building full of people than any other psychotic killer in prison. Not only that but you're right, it doesn't seem to make sense to hold all these suspected terrorists together like that, it would be better to split them apart so they don't collaborate on what they are going to do when they get out.