Are you or your spouse the better driver?

United States
January 25, 2009 7:17pm CST
That sample question is not as eazy as it shounds. There are a number of factor that come into play.Like, what the amount of driving each of you do? For us i drive about 150,000 miles a year. She drives may be 25,000 miles a year. What type of weather do you have to drive in? Me, all weather from wy in the winter to tx in the summer. Her, she lives in tennessee , not bad weather. What kind of vehicle do you drive? For us not a factor,We both drive 4 wheel drive trucks.Have you had any acceidents. For us,Me 2 her 0. Well maybe this is not that hard of a question in our case. How about you?
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11 responses
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
26 Jan 09
My husband has driven race cars and all sorts of heavy equipment so I would say that he has a lot more experience and probably can handle a car better, but I would say that I am the more careful driver and probably a better regular road driver than he is. I don't like to drive in the winter and I know that he is better at that than I am. Ice scares me!!
• United States
26 Jan 09
Hi Carolscash.I know what you mean, one of my two accidents was in wy in the winter.When you and your husband are driving Do you take turns or does one of you do most of the driving? I don't think i have ever met a race driver. That sound fun but i don't think my wife will let me. Now that i am thinking of it,My wife is the one that drives faster.Your husband being a race driver, My bits going on he drives faster.What part of the counrty are you in? Do you have snow or ice? good talking to you. bye
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
26 Jan 09
Hands down if it's between me and the guy that I'm currently with right now then it's me. I have been with my bf for 8yrs. When you can drive a standard while in labor to get your own self to the hospital then you can pretty much drive through anything. Anyway I have lived in Kansas and in Pennsylvania and in Maryland and in Texas I have only had the priviledge of driving in the first three throughout all seasons. I do 100% of the driving and can put a good 500,000 miles on depending on if I'm visiting my realitives out of state or not. Also I haven't had an accident in 6yrs and the one I had 6yrs ago wasn't my fault it was the party who took the turn to wide and was on my side of the road and took out my side of the car. Shakes head.. I'll never understand why people just can't stick to their side of the road when driving.
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• United States
27 Jan 09
I don't blame ya I wouldn't have gone back to him either. I can only imagine what type of pain you had to be in .. I remember being crushed between an atv and a tree that was extremely painful but I had my dad with me so I was ok.
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• United States
27 Jan 09
Hi bellaofchaos. I don't know what i would do if i seen one of my kid or grand kids trapped below a ATV. that must have been hard on both of you. I know I don't take it well when i see my wife in pain.
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• United States
26 Jan 09
Hi bellaofchaos.Sounds like you do a lot of driving.I broke my leg one time and had to drive myself to the doc's.I was in to rock climbing at the time. I lost my hand hold and fell about 30 feet on the rocks below.I was here in tenneesse and at the time the only doc we had in the area was a old,unpleasant type.His wife was his nurse, a ready nice lady. I came limping into the office with my blood shoked rag tiyed around my leg.She took me right in to see the doc. He was looking at my leg and ask what had happen.I told him i fell off a rock.He asked if i had been driking I said no I was climbing the rock.He stop looked at me in the face and said Oh stupidty. I don't go back to him. Good talking to you
@kellys3ps (3723)
• United States
26 Jan 09
I think I am a better driver than my husband.
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• United States
26 Jan 09
Hi kellys3ps.Yes, I think my wife is a better driver then i am.But don't tell her.
@android (894)
26 Jan 09
I am the only one who can drive so it's just me - I haven't had a car for a few years now so I haven't done any driving for a while. When I did have a car I would probably drive on average between 10 - 20 thousand miles a year, which I think is about average for the UK. If you do more miles than that in UK then you can expect your car insurance to go way up!
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• United States
26 Jan 09
Hi android. Our insurance is very high,don't know why LOL. I work in the oil and gas field so i am always on the road.what pays your bills?I have been lay off for the last three weeks so, my wife got me into my lot. I think to keep me out of her hair.I have meet a lot of nice people here.I went to the UK when i was in the navy. Had a great time.I am from the south in the U.S. so people thire seem to like to talk to me.I have a draw.I don't know what i would do with out a truck,here in the state we don't have a lot of mass transit like other places.
@hildas (3031)
26 Jan 09
I am a great driver. I have never had an accident and I think I am in more control than my husband who gets some road rage now and then. He also drives too close to the rears of other drivers and gives me bad nerves. My husbands has had two slight accidents with reversing into others. He does drive a lot more miles than I do but they are motorway miles (which are easy) where as I drive through the town everyday in traffic. I really think I am a better driver than my spouse overall. He needs to calm down a little while he is driving.
• United States
26 Jan 09
Yes, he does drive mostly because I don't mind and going out on rides no matter where is a time for me to relax if he is home and he can do the driving. I can just enjoy the ride. I like to drive sometimes and I will. He will ask me who's driving and most of the time I say, you. Many times I don't feel like driving anyway and when I do I get tired easily.
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• United States
26 Jan 09
Hi hildas. If your husband was old,bald and ugly he could be my twin LOL. I am sure he is none of the above.Like you my wife is alot calmer then I am.When the two of you are going some place who does most of the driving? With us, I do most of the driving. I think that is because the way we was raised. We are both let said older and from the south of the U.S. Please don't get me wrong, I have rode many times with my wife driving.But, most of the times I drive.
• Canada
26 Jan 09
i would say im the better driver because i dont go even 1 Km/h over the speed limit, I don't go through orange lights, and i've never gotten in an accedent, when my spouce drives about 5Km/h over the speed limit, goes through orange lights very often, but she also hasn't gotten in an accedent.
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• United States
26 Jan 09
Hi huejass. My wife has gotten more tickets and go's faster. I was wining this one till the accedents line.where are you? In am in tennessee in the U.S. You are using km so i know it not in the states. We are one of those back way places.LOL Did I tell ever one I never have back end into something. At this point I need all the "never done" i can get.Ever thing i hit was right in front of me
@StarBright (2798)
• United States
26 Jan 09
You talk about the number of miles driven per year and the weather and the type of vehicle, but are you forgetting something? Safety. Quality of driving has to take safety into consideration. Which of you observes all traffic rules? Who is more likely to respond best in an emergency situation? Or who is more likely to avoid getting themselves into an emergency situation because they tend to drive defensively. You have got to measure this on several levels. I am sure each of you will win points in different categories. In the case of my husband and me, he is a better driver than I am overall. His job required he drive public vehicles. I am a more cautious driver and do not take some of the chances that he takes. Each of us has had accidents - none of his were his fault. I don't take blame for mine either, but since I rear-ended the guy, it's my fault.
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• United States
26 Jan 09
Thank you Starbright. I got her on this one. Me, two tickets in over 30 years driving. Her,More alot more.How many tickets have you got? I had it made till i got down to that part about fault. Will I able to talk you into the fact the steel post i run into in OK. drove in front of the truck.Had to try,I back to square one.
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
26 Jan 09
Well, this question and explaination of terrain and weather is a little bit lacking....I'm the wife so I can add to this. We do have snow and icy roads in the winter just not as much as my husband has to deal with in -40 degree weather and snow and ice much worse than here. While yes, it's true he does much more driving many accidents are not the fault of the person driving the car but the other person that you tried to avoid. I have had some very close calls from people being head on coming at me in my lane and pulling out in front of me just as I got right on them I had a green light and this other person was in a turning lane coming across in front of me running a red light on his side. There are others I could quote as some harrowing times I managed to avoid an accident, lol. Well you know what we drive. I can't add to that.
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• United States
26 Jan 09
There has been a lot of great response to this posting and I thank every one. But, I have been called crazily but never stupid. The best response goes to this one.
@us2owls (1681)
• United States
26 Jan 09
For me this is a very simple question to answer. I do all the driving - my husband is English and he has never driven in his life. When we are in the USA at my home we travel quite at bit and I drive. I have a customized Chevrolet Van, and it has a seat that goes down to make a bed so if we are travelling a great distance I can pull off in a rest area and take a nap and while I am doing that my husband sits and reads.
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• United States
26 Jan 09
Hi us2owls. I have been in England when i was in the navy. Great place but,it rained alot. I worked in thialand for about a year total and they drive on the other side of the road like in England. You talk about my driving here in the states. Put me on the other side of the road. Let say keep the kid in the house mom. It was not a good picture.I was working with some boiler maker and welder that were hard core to the bone(I am a inspector). After a week they came to me and asked if I would let one of them drive.That was ok with me and we all lived happiy after.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
26 Jan 09
She thinks she is. But, I don't agree. Ha ha !
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• United States
26 Jan 09
Hi greenline. hopfully both of you are.
• United States
26 Jan 09
Hello, I am alone,so I am the only driver now.I don't drive very much,mostly to the store.I meet my sister a few saturdays a month to go to different places. She does the driving.I don't like to drive on the interstate, the traffic is so much it scares me. I drive a small van. I probably drive way less than 10,000 miles a year. No accident's,knock on wood.I drive in dry and wet weather,no snow,thank God..If it snowed,I would have to stay home,I would be afraid to drive in it.Bless you. Be safe driving.
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