He Said, She Said...I'm Confused....Don't Know Who To Believe Anymore

@pyewacket (43903)
United States
January 27, 2009 4:54am CST
I think in the past week or so many of us have been aware of a lot of craziness that has been going on here. Everything from the copy cat impostors who come here and have wrecked havoc...to people opening multiple accounts all in one night..lets put it this way...I saw a lot of "monks" here..some people impersonating people we know...heck I was even impersonated and copied and so were some people on my friends list. ...With all this frackus going on, I do have the personal emails of many of my friends here...yes, even those who are no longer here and have been writing to a lot of my friends trying to figure out WTF??? WTF?? WTF??? is going on here?? ...I'm really trying to weigh everything here..listening to all sides here...but I'm still confused by the he said/she said mentality...whom do I believe? I mean folks I'm getting real paranoid here. Like who are my friends??....whom do I believe? What the hell is going on here?? More than ever, this site has been going out of control really BIG time. Isn't this SUPPOSED to be a place to have fun? To share our thoughts..no matter what??...to share our opinions...???? But really I'm getting really fricking confused..I just plain don't know whom to believe anymore...like there is some kind of weird conspiracy here. Too many of my friends have been attacked...like I said ...I have the private emails to get some of the scoop..but even THEN I'm confused as I get conflicting stories. Have any of you experienced this??...are you confused??..are you getting paranoid about what has been taking place lately??...whom do you trust? Hmmmm...I just might go back to ONLY trusting my two cats...they don't give me any mind games and crap...Crap no wonder I've gotten to be more reclusive
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52 responses
• United States
27 Jan 09
Well, you know I know what you're talking about. And I'm still watching that one particular person I emailed you about. I haven't made up my mind yet if it's her or not, isn't it just crazy? I don't like being like this as all I want to do is come here and have a little fun. I haven't noticed anything else out of sorts but am always aware of this now. This is so sad and upsetting to many of us, I'm sure. It's such a great site to meet so many different people with so many different opinions, nationalities, religions, etc. It just takes a few to make it fall apart. I don't like losers winning in the end.
• United States
27 Jan 09
Well, I found out it's really her so I'm relieved. She pm'd me and mentioned something that only she would remember. I'm sure it's the little bugger, haha! I'm so glad she's back because she's so much fun! Just wanted to let you know Pye. Whew!
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• United States
27 Jan 09
I'm the real MSV1313 and the real AngryKitty, you can ask Pye, she'll tell you. You were on my friend list when I was MSV1313 I believe. There was a fake me running around, but they don't have such a firm grasp on the English language as I do the faker was Msv313v2 and lacked the avatar of Zeke the cat.
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@ellie333 (21016)
27 Jan 09
Hi yewacket, I responded to that discussion and read through and was completely amazed by what was going on but could tell who was who from the posting points. It was very crazy. I haven't heard anything though from anyone so have no conlicting stories but I agree my animals give me unconditional love and acceptance of me for who I am without playing mind games but the majority of people here that I know are good people. It is few as usual messing about. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Jan 09
Well Pye all I can say to this is trust your Instinct, you know what I have been through on here and basically I do know who to trust and who not on the majority part The Friends you have had for a while on here you should know by now no matter what and if you see something that you are not to sure of, know they have a reason for that and of course ask no messing This Site went to pots Months ago and I can not se it getting back to what it used to be ever Hugs to you
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
27 Jan 09
I agree with Gabs, trust your Instincts....
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
27 Jan 09
This has been gpoing on since day one of this forum actually. It occurs in all forums of this type unfortunately. Was my name ever copied? Or my avatar? I never really paid any attention to that even after reading a few discussions about that issue. I don't think this site is any more pout of control then it was 3 years ago actually. Stiull the same except members write discussions about it more often bringing attention to it more so. I say write administration instead of a discussion. Mainly because the discussion will more than likely get deleted anyhow the way things are and have been here. I am not paranoid at all. I just do my thing here then move on. I was attacted and whined once and let it slide. Now I just move on. By the way, send me an email again, I've lost your addy. Please? I wanted to email you asking about this issue last week and couldn't find your addy. Thanks in advance. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
27 Jan 09
You cannot trust anyone... period... except me... lol And if you get involve in someone else problems... you are looking for trouble... and you will find it. lol On myLot... you are on your own. The moderators don't take sides. They simply apply the law as they see it. So if you react to someone abusing you... chances are that myLot will come down on you rather than your abuser. It is a mug game... and some people like Plooker know how to play it. Plooker opened a new account under the name "Twodogs". I figured out it was him with his second post... and he went away. lol
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• Australia
27 Jan 09
When I confronted him... he did not admit to it... and walked away. He has not logged into myLot since. lol Here is the link http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/1853625.aspx?p=3 And for a bit of fun... I just responded to a discussion with a picture of my cats eating a bone. lol http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/1885729.aspx
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• Australia
29 Jan 09
My cats are also semi-feral. My Tom cat brought a feral cat home two years ago and started to have kitten with her. They are somewhat getting used to me because I feed them. But they are not domestic cats by a long shoot.
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• United States
28 Jan 09
Great pics of the cats.. Cats are my favorite animals but where I live, my "Birdie" got hit and killed by a car, so I will not have any more here.. She wasn't a stay at home cat, she was a hunter and we couldn't keep her in the house no way, no how, just open the door and she was out like a shot.. So now, the only cats we have around here are the strays that have their kittens under out house but they are so anti social, we can't get them to even come around.. Again, love the pics of your cats..
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• United States
27 Jan 09
Well i know what you are saying,i don't have any idea who can trust and who i can't,people who i thought were my friends like said,you just don't know.I know i got a nasty pm yesterday from some one on my friends we are close but i thought that this was a honest nice person.Boy did i get a shock,i got accused of things i had not done and no idea about what this person was talking about,boy that knocked my socks off.Well the one and true and good friend,i thought was a friend,i guess was not.But to worry i want be taking with this what i thought was a dear friend.But then again i should have been smarter than i was when this person tarting avoiding me.I don't play mine games.Like you said he said she said is crap.I was a very good friend to this person.Never one time betrayed our friendship is no longer because of a one jealous friend of this other friend.I want trust any one no more.
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@spoiled311 (5500)
• Philippines
27 Jan 09
hi pyewacket! well, i honestly do not know what you mean...i am not aware of any situation around here. i just log in, see the discussions and reply to ones i am interested in and start my own if i have something to think about. if ever there is a sitaution between members here, well, it is not really my care anymore because i am just here to find an interesting outlet. i am more personal in the people;s experiences here, take care and God bless you! :-)
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
27 Jan 09
Pye, I noticed one member banned with "inactive account".... I like him very much I miss him a lot. Other than this, I start checking all of my friends and many profiles are plain blank. I am not sure if they are banned or Mylot has the software problem. As far as copy cats, I didn't see any, maybe because I answer posts from my email and I stay with my friends discussions only due to limited time. It looks to me like site was attacked by hackers, or has the software malfunction. Trolls, yes they still here for sure....but they usually attack one user at the time, not many accounts. Anyway, virtual friendship is very hard, but I always learn about people not because they respond to my posts, but by the way they see the world and respect other people point of view. HUGS
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• Canada
27 Jan 09
I ain't getting paranoid or confused I am just getting POed. This guy has gotta stop. If you unsure of who the real one is and your sure they are on your list check your list to see which one you have. That way anyone pretending to be your friend but is adding you back to their list will be the fake one.
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
27 Jan 09
I have not been around enough to see all this i guess. Sounds kinda crazy sorry they are messing with ya. I hope it stops soon. But i agree with the cats things lol they can be trusted
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@BarBaraPrz (49034)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
27 Jan 09
Not always... my cousin's cat likes to take things off the desk and hide them...
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• United States
27 Jan 09
I guess it's a good thing that I'm not a trusting sole to begin with. As far as trying to figure it all out, I was curious and annoyed but now I don't think I care enough to even want to figure it out. No matter where we go or what we do there are going to be annoying people around and most definitely people we can't trust. MyLot is no different than any other aspect of life except it's more anonymous. Which usually gives rise to the annoying people being more willing to be even more annoying.
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@makingpots (11915)
• United States
27 Jan 09
I'm confused too, pyewacket.... and I miss some friends. I didn't get hit by the impersonators, but I think I saw some of it going on. What was with the 'monk', I was thinking he was a good guy reincarnated, but now he's gone. I never saw multiple monks. I saw the return of a cute red head that many have been missing. Hmmm and her avatar had a cuddly looking bear in the box with her. Is there hope of more returns. I don't know about worrying about trusting anyone myself. I guess I just don't put enough stock in the happenings around here. May be why I don't have many close friends but also might be why I have been spared attacks. Although someone IS widdling away at my star number. I'll pm you. Want to make sure you have my email.
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@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
27 Jan 09
Wow - I haven't been aware of any of this, Pye! Not sure I would have noticed an imposter necessarily, but I don't think I've come across any in my travels lately. I can't see the point of it anyway - isn't it enough work just being ourselves on myLot? Who are these people trying to fool ... and why? I guess all we can do is be honest, and be ourselves. If people have the time and the energy for weird conspiracies, well ... at least it's keeping them occupied and off the streets - hahaha! (We wouldn't want them scaring the horses ...)
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27 Jan 09
Hi pye, Well i am a bit confused as well, so when I am responding to my friend, well is it my friend I am responding to? not sure, I wish mylot would do something about it, its just getting too stupid, I think that when people first join mylot and they have to put their password and their own names, they should also put their username so if any one try to use your username, they won't be able to. I am me pye and you have my e-mail address if you are not sure, you can always e-mail me. Bright Blessings. Tamara xxx
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
27 Jan 09
KNock on wood as I haevent seen any of this but a few post getting deleted. Which on those I havent figured out why. am also missing a couple of old friends that had some post deleted so I do beleive they havce been band hmmmmmmmm
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
27 Jan 09
pye - you know me, I have no FRIGGIN' clue. Fortunately, I always seem to stay way under the radar on these things and totally miss all the whoopla. Now, I'm not complaining, mind you. I really don't mind be left totally out of this loop. It does make it a bit confusing for me though when I know something's been going down but have no clue what it is. I don't know what to do myself to ensure it doesn't happen to me. Apparetnly though, I've been doing just that - whatever it is that needs to be done so that I'm not in the middle of this. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be able to help out my friends - if I knew what was going on. But with all the garbage that does tend to go on here, I'm kinda glad I don't know. Sometimes ignorance is bliss... Best of luck in getting this all resolved - and don't you dare leave us!!!!
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
27 Jan 09
Hello pye, yes you have been copied and I know this as I was talking to the imposter of you and then was told by someone (a friend) that I was talking to the imposter and not you. They added and extra "e" to your name...pyee...I was taken aback as I was rven sent and email of your or aaah his/her discusion started and I happen to respond to it. I then thought I was targeted by this person as in my conversation with this person as being you I told them I would help catch this person. It turned out to be someone else and a problem admin is trying to work out. Anyway, until I was alerted by the imposteer that there was an imposter I had no idea. So this person is playing games with us. I'm just going to do the lot as I always do and not let this person ruin my time here. I refuse to let this person ruin my time here. I've been here over 2 years and made some friends here. I won't give it or them up for anything because someone wants to play games. I don't think you should either, or anyone else. Everyone knows about this person they let us know about them. So now we can be aware and just make sure there is nothing odd about the post that we respond to.
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@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
27 Jan 09
Poor Pye... I haven't had too much except what other people say is going on, they'll probably get around to attacking me because I'm on certain people's friends list. Try to stay out of it if you can, that's what I always try to do.
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@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
27 Jan 09
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery - Charles Caleb Colton, 1820 I can't imagine why some one would want to copy another member here, unless they are envious....or there is malicious intent. Regardless, who ever they are, it seems that they mostly just want attention. So if you ignore them, they won't receive whatever thrill they've be getting from doing the copying, and hopefully move on to other forms of entertainment. Unfortunately, that puts the burden on the friends of those being copied. If a response seems totally out of line with the person you know as 'friend', ignore it. If you know that it's a copycat...report them. Especially if they are reusing a private photo that is some one's avatar. That plagerism...and MyLot seems to not go for that. Each time you upload a photo you're asked if you have the right to use it, right? I guess that other than being more vigilant of the responses you get to discussions, I would recommend continuing to enjoy the site. I mean...you are still you, and your thoughts and ideas are still yours, right? If some one who looked and dressed like you came to your door...your cats would know that it was not you, right? So will your friends here, if you happen to get copied.
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@fszkixk1 (22)
• Malaysia
27 Jan 09
I'm a newbie hear and I don't know what had happened. Being back stabbed by friends or someone who is close to you just pisses me off. I do not know if i should cry or just get mad. Leave the so called "friends" and find better ones. Giving a second chance to people is a must.
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