"Its only a dog. You can get another one."
By wanderer086
@wanderer086 (759)
January 27, 2009 9:38am CST
We just had to have our lovely greyhound put to sleep. He was 121/2 years old and had been healthy up to a week ago. Then he got ill suddenly and he was in a lot of pain and very agitated and the vet thought he had a tumour and we decided between us that we could not let him suffer anymore. A lot of people do not understand that losing a dog is losing one of the family and say things like "You'll get over it and you can always get another one". We are so upset, the house seems so empty without him. We will not have another dog because we have been through this too many times now and cannot face it again. Sorry for rambling.
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29 responses
@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
27 Jan 09
I can relate to what you are going through. My pets are a part of my family, if either one of them passes away that is a huge loss to me. They aren't easy to replace like some people tend to think and say, just like you can't replace a friend who passed away. You can make new ones eventually, but it will never be the same again. I still miss all the pets I had as a kid who passed away, I cherish all of them in my heart and I hope to meet them on the other side of the rainbow when my time has come.
Good luck with your grief, take your time and let no one make you think you should do otherwise. Your dog deserves your mourning, and you deserve to show your emotions.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
28 Jan 09
Aww--Snoopy is beautiful and looks like my current cat Pyewacket who is all black...I had a cat named Snoopy as well, ironically he was all white instead! He lived to be 21 years old, he's in Rainbow Bridge--maybe your Snoopy is up there playing with mine?
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@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
28 Jan 09
In that case they are really each others opposites as my Snoopy was a female. It sure is a nice and comforting idea that they are all up there playing and waiting for us. Your pyewacket looks lovely, I love the eyes on black cats. It's like they can see right through you.
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@wanderer086 (759)
28 Jan 09
Thankyou for your response cyberfluf. Yes, Shadow certainly deserves our morning.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
28 Jan 09
I'm sorry to hear about having to put your dog to sleep, and yes I know the pain of losing a pet. I've had pets (cats) all my life, since I was five years old, I'm now 53, so I've had a lot of deaths in the family. I've always considered my "babies" like my children, and some I remember and miss more--not that I didn't love all of them, I did.
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@wanderer086 (759)
29 Jan 09
Thankyou for your response pyewacket. I think they are more than babies. Babies grow up and leave whereas a pet relies on you all their lives.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
27 Jan 09
some people don't see pets as family. as a pet owner i know i would be totally heart broken if something were to happen to my dog. so you grieve if that is what you need to do. when and if you are ready for another pet then go for it, but if not then just know that you have wonderful memories
@wanderer086 (759)
29 Jan 09
We have good memories of all the pets we have lost 34momma. Thankyou for your response.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
27 Jan 09
Hi wanderer, First let me tell you how sorry I am that you had to have your beloved dog put to sleep. As you say many people don't understand but losing a pet is losing a family member. I lost my pet cat less than a year ago at the age of 13 and it was a very difficult time. I had another cat at the time, but each is an individual and special in it's own way. Blessings.
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@FikiFiki (101)
• United States
27 Jan 09
Sorry for your loss.I feel your pain...it's always tough losing a loved- one. I once had a boss who was in obvious grief after putting her dog down. This was during the holidays and i gave her a Christmas card & included a P.S. that said "ALL DOGS GO HEAVEN"...She came in my office with tears of joy, thanking me as that note truly touched her. Having my own lovely dog now, i can truly understand how losing a pet would be like losing a family member.
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@wanderer086 (759)
28 Jan 09
I am glad you helped your boss. Thankyou for helping me FikiFiki.
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@MichellinaGem (164)
• United States
27 Jan 09
I am very sorry for you. i do understand how hard it is to lose a pet. I hope that maybe sometime another will come along for you to give all that love to. I know it is hard to decide to replace a member of you family though.
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@wanderer086 (759)
28 Jan 09
Thankyou very much for your response MichellinaGem.
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@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
29 Jan 09
awe I'm sorry you had to put your dog to sleep, that's always a painful thing to do. There are people out there who don't fully understand how much a pet can mean to a family especially if you have had it since it was a puppy.
@melanie652 (2524)
• United States
29 Jan 09
No, it's not "only a dog". It's a beloved member of your family. It is heartbreaking to lose a pet you've had for a long time. I'm sorry for your loss.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
29 Jan 09
Anyone that would say such an insensitive thing has obviously never owned one, or become attached to their own very much at all. I remember our family dog being put to sleep when I was a child, after growing up around him for 9 years or so. The sadness was indescribable.
I am sorry to hear about your greyhound wanderer and I totally understand your lack of desire to ever get another dog again too. Situations like these are never easy. I hope you start feeling less sadness sooner rather than later. 

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@wanderer086 (759)
29 Jan 09
The responses I have had from mylotters has helped me a lot James. It has been overwelming. Your message helped too.
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@Carolyn63 (1403)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I'm sorry for your loss. And though it is true, you can get another, and time will ease the pain, many people don't realize or understand how close we become to our furbabies. For some, these are the children they couldn't have. They are our friends. We tell them secrets and open our hearts to them. They are always happy to see us.
There are many of the older generation here that say, it's just a dog, or just a cat. They don't take them to the vet if something happens, they put them down themselves, to put it politely.
I know you say you can't face it again. I have said it a million times and I will say it again. There are so many animals that have never known the gentle caress of a person. They have never had their tummies rubbed. They haven't known love, eaten regulary, or had a home. Yes, it hurts when they die or we have to make a decision to put them down. Look at all the joy you got from the relationship. How many times did you just laugh at his antics? How many times did he snuggle up to you when you didn't feel well? You made a difference in that dogs life and he did the same for you.
When we lose a pet, lose someone we love, we close our hearts. We should instead open our hearts. There is still so much love available.
Once again, I am sorry for your loss. Hopefully you will be able to look back on the blessings you shared and smile once again soon.

@Carolyn63 (1403)
• United States
30 Jan 09
I am so happy to hear you will still be caring for animals. I'd have a zoo if I had the money and the room. I have a friend that rescues race horses. I still donate each year to the local animal rescue group. I used to be more involved but work, health and time became an issue. I know I can't imagine my life without an animal in it.
@bamakelly (5191)
• United States
30 Jan 09

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@wanderer086 (759)
30 Jan 09
thankyou for your lovely response Carolyn. We have a lot of good and happy memories of all of the pets we have had over the years. The only reason we will probably not have anymore is because of poor health. We will be pet sitting for other people though and we are involved with the local greyhound rescue. We will always be involved with animals.

@mcelhenney (481)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I am sorry you lost your pet.I understand exactly how you feel.I have lost several in different ways and it always made me so sad. I always cried because they were part of the family.It was very considerate of you not to let him suffer any more.I have been in that situation too.I lost one dog,a german shepard one time due to someone poisoning him.I had left him at my mothers and someone in her neighbor hood poisoned him.It was too late by the time she got him to the vet.Another one,she was a little thing,was killed when someone shot her in the head,she was with my daughter. I don't own any more because I can't stand to lose them.Again I'm sorry for your loss.Blessings to you and your family.
@wanderer086 (759)
29 Jan 09
I cannot imagine how you must feel losing your dogs in tose awful ways. It must have been terrible for you. I am so sorry. thankyou for your response. I can understand why you could not have another dog.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
29 Jan 09
I am so sorry for your loss. I have two cats, one dog and a bird and they are all getting older and although they are all healthy I know I will have to face what you have had to endure just now. I can relate to the feeling that you have just lost a member of your family because that is what a pet is. As far as getting another one the only reason I would do that is not to replace the one that is gone because that is impossible but to give you something else to focus on in order to ease the void for example if I lost my beloved cat (Heaven forbid!) I would get a kitten to keep me busy, because the empty space would be too much for me to bear. Having said that I guess one won't know how one is going to feel until one is in the situation. Good luck to you, I hope you will feel better soon.
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@wanderer086 (759)
29 Jan 09
We both have health problems so we would have to think carefully before we had another dog. Thankyou for your response paula.
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@sammy009 (259)
• United States
28 Jan 09
HI. I am so very sorry to hear about your loss. I can relate to you, I had to put my boxer dog Buddy to sleep and it was in September of 2008, He was only 3 years old and his kidneys failed. I can say he was my best pal. I miss him dearly. My husband had a dog from when he was a little puppie and he lived 16 years. It hurt alot, and the pain and loss you can not express enough. I told myslef I will not get another, then I thought, no I love animals, so i decide to go to the spca and give one a second chance on a home, Little to my suprise I, went down and gave another a home. I can tell you, the memories of my beloved Buddy, is with me always, I still cry to this day over him. You and your husband maybe some day should try going to the spca and shelters in your area. I hope yous get another dog someday. It takes time. God Bless your greyhound.
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@wanderer086 (759)
29 Jan 09
I am sorry you lost your dog so recently sammy. We both suffer from ill health so would have to think very carefully about getting another dog but if we did it would be another rescued greyhound. Thankyou for your response.
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@burke1961 (4)
• Australia
28 Jan 09
I understand exactly what you are feeling. I have to have my beloved 10yr companion put down due to Cushings. But don't completely wipe the idea of another pet. Would you have gone wthout the last 12 yrs of his loyalty and devotion just to avoid the pain of his loss (which will ease in time). You can't replace him but you can replace the good things he brought into your life. Remember the old motto its better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all!!! Applies to pets too.
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@wanderer086 (759)
28 Jan 09
I know what you mean burke. We said we would not get another one the last time but we only managed to last 6 weeks. The house was too quiet without a dog. I do not think we will get another one for a few years this time though. I have a bad heart problem and the strain did not do me any good.
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@wanderer086 (759)
28 Jan 09
PS Thankyou for your response burke and welcome to mylot.
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@wanderer086 (759)
29 Jan 09
Hi Frances. If we did ever get another dog it would be a rescued greyhound again. They do not need a lot of exercise and they really need someone to take them in. Most of them have had a terrible life. Hope everything goes well for you and your dogs.

@debny711 (264)
• United States
28 Jan 09
I know how you feel. All my pets are members of the family. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to any of them. My dog is 14 years old and I think he has kidney problems. I might have to put him down and it breaks my heart. Some people don't understand because they don't have a pet. Don't say you will never get another dog, one will come along that will need love and a good home. I have had so many dogs in my life time. I can't imagine life with out one.
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@wanderer086 (759)
28 Jan 09
I hope your dog gets over his kidney problems. I shall be thinking about you. We are involved in house and dog sitting so we have a lot to do with other peoples dogs so there will always be dogs in our life. We jsut cannot think of getting our own dog again. Thankyou for your response debny.
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@kat_princess (1470)
• Philippines
28 Jan 09
You must have loved your dog.Our dog is also old now.He's still healthy but I had it coming that he may leave us anytime.If he does I'll cry over him as I was the one who took care of him but it would heal soon.Well,it's not that we don't understand that you love the pooch very much but sulking won't bring him back either.You would heal soon.
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@ryzach (1544)
• United States
28 Jan 09
I am so sorry for your loss. I do know exactly what you mean by being part of the family. We still talk often about our previous dog, she has been gone over 6 years now and we still miss her she was so special and we had her with us for 13 wonderful years. We had another dog while our other was still here and she is 7 years old and just as special. I am glad we had her too. Some people can forget their former pets, we cannot , they are very special to us and I have to look at being blessed having had the time with them. Do not apologize for rambling, you need to express yourself.
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@wanderer086 (759)
29 Jan 09
We have good memories of all our dogs and they all had their own unique character. Thankyou for your response ryzach.
@fizanali (478)
• Pakistan
28 Jan 09
I'm not much of a dog person rather I'm not much of an animal lover so I'd say that why bother with animals and pets in the first place getting emotionally attached to them. It's fine if you use animals for some benefit like on a farm or a police dog but what with having feeling for them? If you feel lonely in life first you should get married even then lonely have a child, even then lonely have another child and keep having more children until you don't feel lonely anymore.
And in old age your supposed to be lonely so choose so good habits like reading books.
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@wanderer086 (759)
29 Jan 09
I have children and grandchildren fizanali as you would have known if you had bothered to check my profile.
@gracie04 (4549)
• Philippines
28 Jan 09
That's so insensitive of him! i know how you feel because we lose a very adorable dog few years back.. he was 2 years old when he said goodbye.. it was really painful as we consider him as part of the family.. yes, we have new dogs here at home but he can never be replaced..
@wanderer086 (759)
29 Jan 09
I am sorry you lost your dog at such a young age. Thankyou for your response gracie.
@Bad_Daddy55 (497)
• Canada
28 Jan 09
your dog was a best friend, a pal someone to talk to , take a walk with go shopping with etc.. How can you not feel this way.. I have 3 dogs and they r mine and my wife's.. we treat them differently I train she spoils more than I do but they r always there for me regardless how i fell and what mood i'm in at the time.. even if i'm in a bad mood they want me..
Give yourself some time and see what happens.. there are several breeds out there for whatever reason, who knows you might change your mind some day.. but always remember your lost friend, he was and is there for you..
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@wanderer086 (759)
29 Jan 09
Thankyou baddaddy. We have never forgotten any of the dogs we have had over the years and have good memories of all of them.