Do you ever get fed up of making for others?
By nancygibson
@nancygibson (3736)
January 28, 2009 11:33am CST
This is going to sound very selfish, but I think I'm getting a bit tired of always making things for other people and never having any thing nice that I made for myself.
I work on projects all the time,taking huge pride in quality of workmanship, ethical sourcing of materials, good value (if I charge at all, often I give my work away) and excellent follow up support if anyone needs anything altering, but just once, I think I might like to make something just for me.
Last time I felt like this I actually started something for myself, then felt so guilty that I put it down ten minutes later and started working on things for other people again.
Does that sound terrible of me, am I as horrid and selfish as I feel when i have moments like this?
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11 responses
@p3halliwel2005 (3156)
• Philippines
29 Jan 09
No you're not being selfish, horrid nor terrible..I think sometimes people just get tired or fed up of doing the same things over and over and yet don't get any benefits or appreciation that sometimes we feel this way. I work from Monday to Friday night shift. I still clean the house, wash the clothes during Sundays, iron clothes during Mondays.My husband doesn't work and I have 5 kids who all go to school. I go to straight to work and go straight life after time for myself..sometimes I want to leave just to catch up on myself but then I feel guilty because I want my kids to enjoy too so I end up not doing anything and just going along with the flow of my daily life. It's like when your in a department store and your kids saw something they want to buy and you are saving your money for something better but then they give you that look that would break your heart not caring that you need the money for something else and you end up buying something for them because you don't want them to feel down. Also there are times when you have this delicious food given to you and you want to eat it so badly but then you see people around you and just decide to share it...sometimes with my kids I just give it to them rather than I taste it and just crave for more. Oh well..I guess that's us..that's life..and we live with it each day hoping someday we can do something special for ourselves..

@emopwincess (194)
• Mauritius
29 Jan 09
Yeah i do feel fed up and at times i feel i am being unfair to myself by making up for others. And sometimes i become selfish and think just for myself but then i feel i am being unfair to others. I prefer to make up for others rather myself. I like to do things to others.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
28 Jan 09
You are just a typical female. We are taught frome childhood to do for others and we do and do and do. For a long time I was the same way now I use myself as the pattern for things that I crochet so I get to keep and wear the prototype and that is fun. I still make thousands of things for others and I do not sell. These are for free. They go to cancer patients,
kids in hospitals
,and nursing homes
But I do make stuff for myself and it is fun, and I wear it when I drop off the other things I have made and folks will say "how much would you charge to make me one of them"? and I say I only do charity work I do not sell!

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@thebeaddoodler (4262)
• Lubbock, Texas
31 Jan 09
The guilt is part of conditioning from childhood. We're taught to consider others first. However you can't go through life only thinking of others. If you depend on your crafts to make a living, that would be understandable, but obviously you don't. Try to begin slowly. Do something small for just you every day. Work your way up to doing that special project for yourself. You are as important as anyone else in this world, and if you don't project that no one else will think of you that way. You're familiar with the saying "if you don't love yourself no one else will". Well that's part of loving yourself, so get to it and make that special something for just YOU. You deserve it! 

@thebeaddoodler (4262)
• Lubbock, Texas
31 Jan 09
Ooops sorry, I didn't read all the comments before I posted, and I see you do depend on your crafts for a living. You STILL deserve something for just YOU! You don't have anything to feel guilty about.
@nancygibson (3736)
• France
1 Feb 09
I think I might cast on a sock for myself sor similar, something really simple that I can just do a few rows on between other projects, that might be a good start
@pheonixstar1982 (2307)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I come from a family of crafters and i crochet. I give alot of my stuff away, but if i do charge its barely more then the price of the materials needed. Anyways, with all the people in my family that are crafters, its rare for someone to make anything for me. Yeah i am capable of doing it myself, but it doesn't mean as much since i am the one who made it. I have kept a few things i have made for myself. I have a ponch, purse, and shawl i have made that i use regularly. The funny thing about the shawl is i wore it out one day and i heard someone wondering out load if i had made it because it had a lot of fringe on it. I turn and was like yeah and we got talking about how its so hard to make fringe for something and have all the fringe the same length.
Oh and no i don't think thats selfish at all...enjoy the fruits of your labor.
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@mansha (6298)
• India
29 Jan 09
Well actually I got fed up of being nice to many people when they got back at me telling me that I am high headed and just do them charity out of showing off for myself. I didn't get their llogic and felt if they feel so insecure taking money from me then they can surely return it. They are my family so I felt I should have helped them in need now I am being accused of being petty and mean and I did so out of my own desire they could have managed it by themselves. I justy don't get the psychology of this thinking. Meanwhile I am on vacation on meeting these family members. I hope I never have to meet them ever again too.
@eagle_f15 (1827)
• Malaysia
29 Jan 09 are not the only one who feels like this...and no you are not horrid or selfish. I think many of us here do get fed up once in a while. I do get fed up when I find the water pitcher on the dining table in my apartment is empty and the last person who pours the water did not fill it up. This is because when I want to drink water there's none in the pitcher. So to discontinue from getting fed up, I use another pitcher in the kitchen...........!!
@abdulmalik2009 (132)
29 Jan 09
If it brings a simple to their misrable face I think its worth it.
@djemba (767)
• India
29 Jan 09
yeah i know exactly how it feels ..sometimes when projects are assigned to me and my friends in class ..its more like i have to make 5 of them because i am making them all for me and my friends and therefore i am never able to make a special one for me .. of course at times they work on my projects too but i really want to make a project, a very special one that will give me the greatest grade ever..
@ashley2009 (85)
• United States
29 Jan 09
you dont sound selfish. its good that you like to make stuff for other people but you should also take spare time and try making stuff for yourself and your family as well. you dont sound selfish at all. dont listen to other people what they think. you arent selfish and you shouldnt feel guilty. your being to hard on yourself