Religion Is But Man-Made!
By bekosfc
@bekosfc (235)
10 responses
@LuckyLadyD (359)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Hello bekosfc and thank you for responding to my comment.
Firstly, in my first message responding to you I did state that the writings of the bible were inspired by God.
To a lot of people the bible is just a bunch of stories that took place a long time ago. However, those 'stories' are actual accounts written by real people who either witnessed, or were participants of the writing.
The bible is broken down into two parts, the Old Testament, and the New. The Old Testament from which you are quoting Deutoronomy, is the old covenant. However, the New Testament is the New Covenant that we live under today.
Although these 'stories' as some people view them are indeed old, the true and living God of those stories is well and alive today. Those very 'stories' are examples of the things God continues to do today as well.
There are 66 books in the bible, most of which were written by different people.
Your words about the books of the bible being canonized rings of the Catholic Religion. However, the books of the bible were actually translated from their original greek writings, checked for accuracy, and bound in agreement with scholars of many faiths.
You ask where I get that from? Well, my personal spiritual journey began when I understood that I had to obey one of God's basic principal to 'First seek Him'. Having understood that, I began this long journey that hasn't ended yet.
I have attended many Sunday School lessons spanning my entire life since I was a wee child, have attended numerous worship services, have read many versions of the bible from cover to cover, and have experienced my own spiritual growth.
One of the best sources I came across to put the bible into perspective is found at the link below.
I read this bible from cover to cover, in addition to other versions, and I cross referenced for consistency. I came away with a better understanding, which allowed me to be less of a 'prove it to me' person, and more of an 'I believe, and want to understand more' person.
You can have 1,000 people read the same biblical passages, and have 1,000 different understandings of what they mean. That's why Sunday School, and Worship Services are so important to our spiritual understanding and growth.
Our country is one where less and less people attend church serves each year, and the result of that is very evident in our sinful society.
As to a reference where you can find God calling us to blind faith, read Matthew 17:20.
As I believe I stated previously, politics and religion are subjects that cause more arguments than solve them.......
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@bekosfc (235)
• India
30 Jan 09
Thanks a lot Lucky for your elaborated message. I agree with you that the different translation of the Bible which we now have was translated from the original Greek and Hebrew. There's no disagreement in this.
....and bound in agreement with scholars of many faiths. Are you talking about christian scholars from different denominations or who are this scholars that you mentioned about? I am asking this because as far as I know it is the Christian scholars who did this. Just curious if what you know is different from what I know.
And regarding faith. Thanks for the passage. But I think the passage is not about how we come to now Christ/God or our Christian Faith. Rather it is about Jesus addressing the faithless disciples who are supposedly already a believer/follower of Jesus.
Would you please re-read Heb.11:1 again. I believe this scripture describe to an extend what Christian faith is. When I became Christ's follower I didn't take a leap in the dark and I would never have become Jesus follower if He was calling me to do that, but I knew what Jesus was asking of me or what He did for me and where I would be if I accept, receive and faithfully follow Him.
Well, I don't know what your background is. So, forgive me if I sounded rather argumentative. I don't intend it to be that way. But I wanted to be clear about what I was asking of you or how I can express myself more clear.
Once again thanks for sharing. I enjoy this conversation.
@LuckyLadyD (359)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Hi bekosfc and thank you for your discussion.
I just got finished saying this in 'politics', but at the risk of repeating myself, religion, and politics are usually taboo subjects because there will probably more arguments started over these topics.
You will rarely find two people with the same point of view on these topics, but, with that said, I will weigh in on my knowledge on this subject.
There is much to be said about religion, the history of which is documented in our bibles that we are to read. In fact, the bible is what was used as a foundation by the founding fathers of this country, and the main reason anglo saxons left europe. They wanted the freedom to practice their religion.
There are centuries of documentation in the secular and religious worlds telling of the events we read about in the bible. The bible is put together by top religious leaders from all sects of religion, and the books in the bible only made it to the bible with the consensous of the majority of these religious scholars.
The books of the bible are believed to be, by these scholars, writings inspired by God. There are more writings, but they could only put so much in the bible, so many were left out.
In the very bibles we read, God calls us to blind faith, and gives us the writing in the bible as lessons, and examples as to why you should blindly believe in Him.
That doesn't mean that God stands over us making sure we read the bible each day like he instructs us to, nor does he stand over us making sure we follow the instructions given us in the bible.
However,the bible is the most basic instruction you will ever see or receive on how God wants us to live our lives here on earth. The extent we accomplish what he instructs will determine His reward to us when we face Him for final judgement which will ultimately determine if we will end up in Heaven or hell.
For those of us who think Earth is Hell, wait until you do get there! No matter how badly we human beings treat each other, God has not destroyed us yet! That doesn't mean that he won't....For he surley will, and promises to in the very bible we are instructed to study!
His inaction up until this point just serves to show you the measure of his love of us, His children.
@bekosfc (235)
• India
29 Jan 09
Thanks for writing LuckyLady.
I agree with you that the Bible is the most basic instruction that we have on how God wants us to live. I would also like to say that the Bibls is more than just instruction, it is the very Word of God inscribed by His own fingers.(Read the book of Deuteronomy and you will find that). Yes, Earth is nothing compare to the Hell that we know of as described in the Bible.
I have read through your post and I have a few doubts. Here I have a few questions for you to furtherclarify my doubts.Firstlt, Can you give me the source from which you get this info/idea that the Bible is compiled together by various religious scholars? As far as my knowledge is concern it is the early church Fathers who had compiled or canonised the 66 books of the Bible.
Secondly, you said that "in the very Bible God calls us to blind faith". Could you please give me the references where in the Bible it said God calls us to blind faith?
@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
29 Mar 09
Religion like Christianity, Islam and Judaism would not agree that it is man-made. They will argue that it is revealed by God. Whereas religions like Buddhism and Jainism are man-made, and they no problem admitting that they are man-made. And I think it is extremely important to bear in mind what the religion says when we talk about it. I think that is giving a religion hearing what it deserves to be given.
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
28 Jan 09
Religion is maybe man made but it is there for you to seek a relationship with God. So I will say that it base on the individual.
@bekosfc (235)
• India
29 Jan 09
Hi Kerr, Thanks for sharing. But I guess you must re-read my post again. I said that man would still kill man if there was no religion. That's the statment I made. And I don't mention that religion produce killing.
I don't believe in turning the great Bible into just a book of do's and don't's. Christ came not to establish another religion but to revealed the true living, loving God. That's the reason why I don't believe in Religion. I also don't believe in Christianity as a religion. But i do believe and believe well in Christianity as a Relationship through and with Christ.Christianity is not about man trying to find God but this loving mighty God becoming man to seek and save man that are blind and lost. Whereas, religion is all about the limited man trying and actually fooling himself by making himself believe that he can find the Unlimited.
Take Care.
@luvandpower (2048)
• United States
29 Jan 09
The word man-made, is a word used for something created by man's hands. I agree with the statement, but probably not for the same reason. Religion in general, all somehow revolve around God, or Jesus. So, knowing this, I would say that if we sinned, then yes man created sin also known as religion. Because what is there to believe in? God. A Savior. A Promised King.
@luvandpower (2048)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Why would God be mentioned, if sin was not to be in other words. Religion formed because of sin.
@bird123 (10659)
• United States
29 Mar 09
Religion is man made.Deep inside we all know God. That is why man made religion.Knowledge has to be earned. That is how we learn wisdom.It is never given. That is why you find so many mistakes in religion. They haven't discovered all the answers yet.Be careful of those who claim to know it all!!
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I agree with that statement completely. I've noticed that, more often than not, a person's religion seems to support or condemn the same actions and people that an individual doesn't like. For example, most religious folks that dislike gays and atheists, say that they do so because the bible tells them it's wrong. However, members of the same religion with a more laid-back view on life are perfectly fine with gays and atheists, even though they look to the same book for moral guidance.
There are several different religions, and they all have some similar concepts, but are different for the most part. Each one seems quite suited the the culture that practices it, and there's a reason for that: a lot of religions are are made FOR a culture, by that culture. That explains why every time a culture changes, it's religion tends to change, too.
@mothershaveneedstoo (21)
• United States
29 Jan 09
When I read the Torah (the Old Testament), I can't help believing that G-d wrote it. How could a man back in the time of slaves and oppression of women and the sacrifice of animals and people/especially children write some laws down about:
*giving slaves one day off out of the week & releasing them after so many years
*not murdering
*a story about not sacrificing a child to a god
*the ethical slaughter of animals for food
*a law about killing an animal before eating it
*rights for women
*the suggestion of setting up courts and civil laws
etc., etc.
Whether people follow these laws or not is another story.
So it doesn't seem possible to me that a human being could have come up with such ethical laws at the time they were written. I guess I have more faith in G-d than I do in people.
@lanlan011 (701)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I agree to some extent. I think man comes up with the religion. I believe there is a God but a man had to come up with the religion to serve God. Like catholicism, some one came up with that. Im not saying the religion is not real because a man came up with it. Im saying that some one just named it.
@chocolatechilli (246)
• South Africa
29 Jan 09
Yes, religion is man-made. I think that religion has served for many centuries as a way of institutionalizing spirituality. To get one thing straight, yes, I do believe in a Supreme Power (God) and yes, I do believe in miracles too. A person should bear in mind, though, that for many years, the Christian church had the monopoly on religion. A social calendar revolved around religious feasts and it was taught in church that everyone had his/her (though, probably in that time mostly his) place in creation. Lords and kings were lords and kings because God willed it so. There were books in the cannon (the Bible) that were later ommitted because it was considered too dangerous. During the first three hundred years, there was a lot of relative freedom of religious expression, but when Constantine standardized Christianity, he did so according to the most conservative model thereof. The Church of England was founded for purely political reasons. The Cathars were religiously persecuted because the King of France wanted their territory.