Abortions, Pro life or pro choice
By fgf9393
@fgf9393 (11)
United States
January 28, 2009 11:11pm CST
From one point of view, a woman has the right to do what she wants with her body, but on the other, the baby deserves the right to live... I believe that a life begins at birth, therefore abortions should be okay/legal... just something to ponder on...
Hit me back with your thoughts on this debatable topic...
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20 responses
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
3 Feb 09
I believe that life begins at conception. A baby has to grow and develop during pregnancy and there is a heart beat so he or she is alive at that that time in my opinion. I think a fetus is an innocent one. The lady could adopt if she really doesn't want a baby. Then the baby will have the chance to live. The aborted babies are the missing people of the world. Maybe one of them would have been as great as Mozart or Shakespeare. Many ladies that do have an abortion regret their decision later. If her life is in danger then abortion should be available but that sort of event is rare. I would never have an abortion but respect other people's opinions.
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@Sorru123 (31)
• Malta
20 Jun 09
Yes, I agree with all you said, an unborn child have the right for life and also have a soul, but I don't agree with you when you said I respect other people's opinion. Dear Lady this is not a matter of opinion, but this is hatred against her child, so the mother has her opinion, so what about the unborn child's opinion? He/she are helpes. am i right? thanks
@katran (585)
• United States
29 Jan 09
You think life begins at birth? That's a pretty strong stance to take. Did you know from the moment of fertilization gender is decided and the child has a genetic code that is unique to it and will never be reproduced again? Did you know the heart starts beating only five weeks after fertilization? By six weeks brain function can be measured by an EEG. So, those are the usual two qualifications for something being living right there: heartbeat and brain function. Is there something OTHER than heartbeat and brain function that determines life? Perhaps the ability to survive on ones own, you would argue? Well there are lots of life forms that cannot survive on their own. Their are humans that cannot survive without feeding tubes and iron lungs, and yet we do not say THEY are not alive.
By thirteen weeks, a fetus has fingerprints, usually sucks its thumb, is practicing breathing, and has pain receptors in most of its body. Most abortions are performed by thirteen weeks.
Also, did you know there is little (if any) argument among biologists about when life begins? A United States judiciary subcommittee charged with discovering when life really began by gathering testimony from medical professionals published the following report: "Physicians, biologists, and other scientists agree that conception marks the beginning of the life of a human being - a being that is alive and a member of the human species. There is overwhelming agreement on this point in countless medical, biological, and scientific writings."
So, there you have it. You may believe life begins at birth, but you have medical evidence and medical experts who say you are wrong. Abortion is murder. Some people seem to think it is okay for a mother to murder her unborn child for her own convenience, but that is nothing short of heartless.
@dawon007 (184)
• India
29 Jan 09
The Geneva Convention defines the time of birth as the time of fusion of the sperm and the ovum and not at birth. I don't think it is without any medical support.
@saffrondreams (596)
• Canada
29 Jan 09
And that's relevant how?
What's under contention is the personhood of the fetus.

@dawon007 (184)
• India
29 Jan 09
Abortion is bad both for the child and the mother. There are many medical complications involved in abortion, like possibility of losing the ability to give birth again. Also the mother suffers the mental torture of having killed her own child , a rare thing even in nature where the mother try all out to protect her baby.But we humans who think that we have more logical sense and have the ability to think, consider the baby as a burden and not as a gift to the mankind. I think the human civilization that exists today need to do an unlearning and relearning exercise to know what is important and what is not. We don't care for our baby, but we care for our pet and wild animals. We don't show mercy to living beings of the same breed but to other breeds.

@saffrondreams (596)
• Canada
29 Jan 09
That's hard to prove either way, but it's irrelevant anyway.
Every woman is different. They will each have a different subjective experience with pregnancy and will come to a different conclusion.
IMO it's pretty patronizing to assume that banning abortions is for the woman's own good. It's saying that adult women can't make their own decisions.
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@saffrondreams (596)
• Canada
29 Jan 09
As the pro-choice slogan goes: her body, her choice.
The right to bodily integrity is a fundamental human right.
Nobody, and I mean nobody, has the right to use your body without your permission. No exceptions. It doesn't matter if you're a scumbag, and Mother Theresa needs your kidney. It doesn't matter if the guy who needs your kidney is the guy you ran over because you were piss drunk.
Forcing a woman to carry a baby into term is forcing her into reproductive servitude. It is a violation of her bodily integrity.
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@josephb (219)
• Malta
29 Jan 09
Well I still think that abortions should be illegal. I think this because if abortions are legal so every girl will do s** just before merriage or like at 13 years old and do abortions, if she does it she has to live the consequenses. So no I don't agree with abortions
@saffrondreams (596)
• Canada
29 Jan 09
Why does she have to live with the consequences?
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@wallfranklin (148)
• United States
29 Jan 09
She shouldn't have to live with the consequences, for the babies sake. There's adoption! There are so many people out there who cannot have children of their own and would love to adopt a child.

@umcane86 (65)
• United States
29 Jan 09
If my fiancee got pregnant unexpectedly, I wouldn't know what to do. I think it would be her choice because I know that she has a lot to accomplish in life. Ultimately, as a guy, I don't get a lot of impact at the end of the day and SHOULDN'T have an impact on people that I don't know. My fiancee and I would talk about it if it happened to us, but I don't think I should EVER have a say on other people's lives.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
30 Jan 09
Well, technically life doesn't begin at birth. The sperm and ovum are both living cells at the time of conception. However, if we're talking the life of a sentient human being - at around 6 months the fetus can survive outside the womb as a "sentient" being, even though many of it's systems will still be underdeveloped.
I'm pro-choice, of course, because it's the woman's body to do with as she pleases. I'm under no delusion that a woman should be forced to give birth because "someone else may want a baby", nor do I think it's necessary to bring another human into this world. We already have enough humans as it is.
@gracemanotoc (641)
• Japan
30 Jan 09
Abortion is ok if you don't believe in the emotional effects. But as for me, it's never ok even if sometimes it becomes a possible solution for those who thinks it is. I came up with this blog about abortion at http://www.bukisa.com/articles/26362_do-you-consider-abortion-think-again It gives off possible emotional crises especially to the mother. It is part of you, I mean the baby was your flesh and blood and if you think it is always easy to forget it after the abortion think again. We are the only ones who are creating fears that if you have a baby, your life is done. It's not true! There are many good things and happiness with having a baby.
@eynjel05 (444)
• Philippines
29 Jan 09
Abortion is a sin. And for me, as a human being we don't have the right to kill. I still don't understand why women do such thing. If they don't want to have a child or they were not yet ready for such then don't engage yourself in a situation which can cause pregnancy.
Well in our country ( Philippines ) abortion is not legal but then there are still women who practice that and I feel pity to them because they will missed the chance of experiencing the happiness of having a child and at the same time they commits a sin.

@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
29 Jan 09
Don't you think that if a girl has to face her mistake and go through labor and delivery, even if she gives the baby up, maybe she just might think twice before laying down to do it again?
@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Sin is a religious stance that I can understand. I would also love to see people avoid the chance of an unwanted pregnancy. But here in the states, kids are getting older faster and there isn't the parental guidance that their should be. There isn't the teachings that there should be. There isn't the resources there should be.
I think preventing pregnancy should be a bigger concern. If there isn't an unwanted pregnancy then there isn't an abortion. Does that make sense?
I think more people (here anyway)should be thinking of avoiding the problem in the first place. Then the arguing about the mother's rights wouldn't be needed near as badly.

@leavell77 (18)
• United States
30 Jan 09
I am pro life. I feel abortion is okay before the heart starts beating. Once the baby has a heartbeat it is a living thing. I could not imagine a fetus with a heartbeat being killed especially when it has started to move in the womb. Does anyone ever think of the pain that the baby would feel especially when a woman has an abortion later on in the pregnancy..
@Ephraim123 (274)
• Philippines
30 Jan 09
As a Christian, I'll always be Pro life regardless of abortion's legality. The moment that a baby/fetus is conceived, he/she is already considered as a human being. Every human being deserves to live in this world. I hope a woman who is about to go through this process should think first how her mom sacrificed just to let her experience what life is all about. Having the chance to see the world is enough to pass it to somebody who is so innocent and should not suffer from whatever reason why or how he/she was created. I see nothing but selfishness in those people who committed abortion.
@Aprillynn1 (225)
• United States
24 Apr 09
I am so torn about this conversation....
To answer this question, I would need to know the answer to another unanswerable question.
When does the soul begin to grow? It is at conception.....or birth.
But personally, I would NEVER have an abortion. Not under any circumstances.
@Sorru123 (31)
• Malta
20 Jun 09
You don't have to be torned dear lady, because life and soul in itself are from the begining of the pregnancy, and know has the right to kill that poor child. I admire you mostly when you said, that you will never make an abortion in any circumstances. God please bless all the women in the world to stop this war against poor children.
@Rydog11 (30)
• United States
23 Apr 09
Just because it isn't born, doesn't mean the baby isn't a person. Imagine a person having a miscarriage, and how you felt. You should feel the exact same way about abortion. if you can't handle the baby, just put it up for adoption. These are all hard choices, but easily avoided if people used their brains.
@Sorru123 (31)
• Malta
20 Jun 09
I, don't think so, a mother has the right to do with her body when there is no life in her tummy, she cut her head. You speak no sense, from the begining of the unformed child has life, and no one have the right to kill a baby, imagine your child now and think if she/he had be aborted what will say now.
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I am pro-life for that very reason. The baby has a right to live and in my opinion birth begins in the womb because you do have heartbeats and you can see limbs and things. Babies can die in the womb from miscarriages and other things, so that gives me the idea that life begins in the womb. When exactly it begins I don't know.
@andrejuly84 (1047)
• Romania
29 Jan 09
you are right, the life begins at birth. the unborn baby has his own life and has the right to live.abortion is a murder, cause the baby is a human beeing from the moment of the conception.
i am totally against abortion, the woman doesn't have the right to take a life, even if this life grows in her body. she has the right to do what she wants with her body as long as this adoesn't involve other human being.so we should fight against abortion to stop this great, cruel murder against innocent babies that has the same right to live as we have.
if you don't want the baby, don't kill him, there are many people that want to adopt a child.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
29 Jan 09
Ok, I am in a double thinking here. I do not like abortions as means to use just becouse you have been careless about protections. However here is something we have to consider.
Woman, no matter age, are raped by anyone/realtives. Getting aforced pregnant. children borned by realtives mostly have sideeffects! The child is not wanted, the child would be an consistent reminder of what happen to the woman.[b][/b]
when You think about this, DonĀ“t You think an abortion are something to consider in this case?
@mammamuh (582)
• Sweden
29 Jan 09
Legal - I wouldn't do one, but I'm not the one to judge.
I don't like the fact than you can choose to abort a child for being just that child - there is a limit for me - i think an abortion in the begining for not having any child is more "okay" than kill a child just for being that child.
@wallfranklin (148)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I am 100% AGAINST abortion! I don't think that anyone should kill a child! However, I'm not sure I think it should be illegal. If it was then women would just go and find another, more inhumane way, to end the pregnancy. There's always the choice for adoption and being adopted myself is probably why I feel this way. I think that there's never a situation that a child should be killed!
@hi_deepp (36)
• Philippines
30 Jan 09
An unborn child in the mother's womb is already living so I'm against abortion. If you respect your life as a woman, you should do the same with the unborn child inside you. Granted you conceived the child unwantedly, still it's not enough reason to end the latter's life. Even if abortion is legal in some countries, not every legal thing is the right thing to do. It's your good-trained conscience that you should follow.