God back in schools

United States
November 9, 2006 10:37am CST
I am a christian and I fully believe that God should be back in the schools, Prayer and faith is what this country was based on. What do you think? If we take God out of things then what do we have?? A big ole mess is what I think!!! Give me your opinion
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35 responses
• United States
10 Nov 06
Well which God do you suggest they bring back? Should only Christian religions be taught? Who decides which religion is taught in the schools? Not everyone in the country is Christian so why should there only be Christian religions taught. And for that matter not everyone believes in God or religion to begin with. This country was founded on the principle that everyone has the right to choose their own religion so how does forcing kids to learn a religion in school keep with that idea? I have decided not to bring religion into the picture with raising my children yet they keep picking up the ideas from somewhere. One or the other is always asking me about God and Bible stories. I don't know where they are getting it from but I answer the best I can (I spent 13 years in Catholic school). But I choose for us to not have a religion and I would be highly offended if the public schools took it upon themselves to save my children and teach them to be Christian. That is my job and my job alone.
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• United States
10 Nov 06
well in my opinion the schools systems never really taught us anything they covered very little when I was a child, gave you a basis to start,( you as a parent can share you views with your kids and they will build there own opinions and views as they mature) I would ask my mother and she would answer me in her way, every one can read a passage out of the bible and get something totally different out of it, So I think that GOD should not be displaced!
• United States
11 Nov 06
Even if not only Christianity SHould be FORCED, I Have Comments about those 2, first of all we said that we could have free religion so people could learn about Christianity AND other religions if they want to! but it is not being forced on them but they will still need some kind of base!!!
• United States
11 Nov 06
Even if not only Christianity SHould be FORCED, I Have Comments about those 2, first of all we said that we could have free religion so people could learn about Christianity AND other religions if they want to! but it is not being forced on them but they will still need some kind of base!!!
• United States
10 Nov 06
I have read through all of the comments here so far, and am sad to say my beliefs have been confirmed. Many have said: without religion, violence will go up, and crime, etc. etc. Well, since I am free-thinking human, I have never needed a 'heavenly entity' to tell me to not shoot someone. My parents instilled a sense of morality in me. Church is a crutch for the weak. When good things happen, it's because you worked for them, or luck. Not because god ordained it. When bad things happen, I turn to friends and family to help me through it, not god, he can't help, what can he do. If there is a god, do you really think he has time, to look after every little problem and part of your life? I don't understand why, people need a church to take their money and tell you how to live your life. Spirituality is within yourself. And back to violence on the rise, because religion is being weaned out of society..... HAVE YOU EVER NOTICED EVERY MAJOR WAR THROUGHOUT HISTORY WAS BECAUSE OF RELIGION? ONE PERSON TRYING TO FORCE THEIR BELIEFS ON ANOTHER GROUP. Basic history lesson here people. You all preach 'love they neighbor'... but I have yet to see a religion that follows that. If people as a whole could start thinking rationally, instead of religiously we would have a lot LESS problems. Believe what you want, but keep it at home, I pay tax dollars for those schools too. And I have the right for my kids to not be ostrecized because they don't wnat to hold hands around the flag pole and pray.
• United States
11 Nov 06
Sorry that I have to say that I do not agree with your opinion.. however your opinion is your own and you are more than able to have it. I do also agree with you that a child can be raised without religion and be of high morals and a positive addition to our society. Again the reason we have the problems today is again and I have posted in other discussions is "LACK OF PARENTING". Parents now a days have better things to do then to make sure their children are behaving and treating their neighbor or friends the way they would like to be treated. Children are allowed to play video games that in my opinion even a grown adult shouldn't play but again my opinion. Children are allowed to watch movies that they should not watch, etc... WHY? Because it is easier for the parent.. they don't have to entertain them or teach them the way to act....Where you stated that your tax payer dollars are used to education your child and you don't want them to hold hands around the flag pole and pray... That is fine, however my tax payer dollars are also used to educate these children and if my children want to hold hands around the flag pole and pray they shouldn't be ostrecized for wanting to do this also...I believe it is a personal choice and for you to say that it should stay at home is unacceptable.. I believe it should be freedom of choice..
@forfein (2507)
10 Nov 06
I am not a religious man my friend, but... 1. World War I was started by the assasination of the Arch Duke Ferdinand 2. World War II was started by a Fanatical Dictator and his Nazi Party. 3. The Korean War was because of Communism. 4. The Suez Crisis in 1956 was started because of Oil 5. Vietnam, Communism (I think,) 6. Falklands War because of Argentina 7. The first Gulf War, because Saddam invaded Kuwait 8. Iraq to get rid of Saddam Dont see any religion in there!!! Love thy neighbour yes, but if the neighbor gets too big for their boots, do something about it! The Majority of people who go to Church are at least half decent people, one could say the same I guess for the Majority of Muslims.
@srhelmer (7029)
• Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
10 Nov 06
The problem with putting God into our schools is there are too many people who will attempt to force their religious opinions on our children. School is for education. God is something kids parents should teach about.
1 person likes this
• United States
10 Nov 06
thanx for your views
@Mommamea (1215)
• United States
10 Nov 06
It would help a great deal with teaching these kids right from wrong. My son was very disappointed last year that his school could not have a Christmas celebration because of the kids who might be offended. Well I protest! If kids can wear certain head dressings because of their religion or beliefs, If they can be dismissed from participating in classes because of their beliefs or their parents don't agree then By God let my child be allowed to do the same. Those that are offended, don't come to school that day.
• United States
10 Nov 06
thanx for your opinion I tend to agree with you. If they can express theirs why cant we express ours.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
9 Nov 06
I dont agree because there are many diffrent people from many diffrent ethnic background that dont have the same beliefs as the Christians do. I believe that the teaching of God or what ever you believe in should be kept at home and at your Church. Not in our Public School systems.
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• United States
9 Nov 06
thank you for your opinion, as well I can see you the way youmay see things
• United States
10 Nov 06
I don't believe that anyone should have any religion pushed upon them, but if the children want to pray, then let them. As long as they aren't trying to bring their religion onto the others then it isn't hurting anyone.
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• United States
10 Nov 06
thank you for your thought!
@RieRie (820)
11 Nov 06
Well which God would you like in schools? there are many different religions, some with many Gods, some with only one, the reason religion was taken out of schools is because it was biased towards certain religions, so if you want God in schools, you have to have all of them and something for atheists and agnostics too. It just won't work.
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• United States
10 Nov 06
Absoultely! Bring God back to schools! We have "Meet you at the pole" here but it is only once a month. It is a time of prayer only for those who want to participate, outside by the flagpole. They've taken the phrase "under God" out of the Pledge of Allegiance and it infuriates me!
• United States
10 Nov 06
Why does it infuriate you dismissing "Under God" and "in God we trust"? Can you not be faithful to God unless it's printed on your money or said in the pledge? You more important issues if you need this constant reminder.
• United States
10 Nov 06
they had something like that at my childrens old school. It also infuriates me dismissing "Under god" and well as "in God we trust"
• United States
10 Nov 06
its all political and as they say politically correct, I think its a crock... its vbeen that way for years and everything was going as well as expected but you will see, if we start taking God outta everything violence, crime, ect is gonna get alot worse
• United States
10 Nov 06
I think maybe the people who would like to have god and religion a part of the children's schooling should have the children go to a religious school where they do that.
• United States
10 Nov 06
If you don't want to be punished financially for learning about God, teach them about God yourself. Why should it be the school's responsibility to teach your children about God?
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• United States
10 Nov 06
well actually where we live we have no choice the public school systems are crap and the private school just happen to be christian, I agree it is our job as parents to teach our kids which we do and I dont go preaching to everyone ( my views are my views). Matter of fact I think everyone should have their own opinion on who God is. Just because we may say a prayer in school to acknowledge God, you can be praying to your GOD just as well during that time.
• United States
10 Nov 06
Yes but have you ever checked into the price of sending your children to a private school, my kids do attend a private christian school, and it is very costly, you shouldnt be punished financially for learning about God, and in most cases in the public school systems, they do not try to push it down the kids throat (so to speak)they say the pledge of allegiance ( not any more) which is riduculious! and that was really about it except at Christmas, which is the celebration of the birth of Christ, and kids should know the real reason behind Christmas.
@tsmeesa98 (576)
• United States
10 Nov 06
I'm about to shock a lot of people but I live in a small town in Georgia and they do pray in school. They also say the pledge of allegiance to the flag and teach about Christmas, Hannakuah (sp? my baby had a rough night last night), Kwanza, and most other holidays. They require the girls skirts to be a resonable length, same for their shirts, and all other clothing. They really do punish kids for cussing and suspend them for smoking or drinking. And yes she goes to public school. So I guess that was a really long answer to say yes I fully believe that God belongs in schools.
• United States
12 Nov 06
Well you are lucky so far because it is illegal to have school sponsored prayer in a public school. You can not stand up in front of a class and lead them in a payer--it is illegal. If someone in the school wanted to throw a fit about it they could and that would be the end of your prayer in school. Now if they are just saying you can have a moment of quiet time, but don't specify the kids should be praying then I think that is okay. Also on the Pledge--I am still on the line about that one. On one hand I don't think they should have stuff about God in it but it is so ingrained in me that I can not say it and I taught my daughter to say it that way (they do say it every day in school). But at Girl Scouts it said in their handout the girls can omit God from the Pledge if they so desire.
• United States
10 Nov 06
That is AWESOME to hear! I Have chills just reading it. Good for you and the children who go to that school and in that area!
@forfein (2507)
10 Nov 06
I am not a practicing Christian, but I do believe in GOD. And GOD is GOD no matter what religion you belong to! When I was at school we were taught religious instruction, and it does no harm. Done in the right way, it would show the young people right from wrong in my opinion! So we now have difference religions at school. Why cannot the whole school be taught their own religion all at the same time? Obviously in different parts of the school.
• United States
12 Nov 06
I agree. And there are other religions out there besides the big ones. What about Wicca (people who practice it consider it a religion) or Scientology (they consider that a religion too). Do we just practice basic Christianity or do we get specific Different religions interpret the Bible differently so which version to we teach. And what about religions that might have more then one god (not sure if any still practice that). What if my religion says that Christianity is just a cult and they have it all wrong. My religion says Jesus was just some nut-job that got a bunch of people to follow him blindly. (Just imagine there is such a religion). Should that religion be taught equally even to Christians. Would you, as Christians, not be completely offended at such teachings. But if it were a true religion they would have to teach it. Even if this "religion" says there really are 5 gods and they rule the earth equally and there is no one true supreme God. Would you allow your children to lean about it?
@forfein (2507)
10 Nov 06
I know the World is different now then when I went to school, but we did'nt have "Turf" wars!! Catholics nd Protestants at the same school no problem... OK ... so now we also have Muslims, Buddah, and Sikh.... But what better way to integrate??? In fact.... how about learning a bit about each religion and getting the kids to make their own minds up?
@loudcry (1043)
• India
10 Nov 06
I think religion is something which one must practice only inside the home. Display of religion in public does not serve a pourpose. This is just an opinion ,I do not advocate imposition of any such law. I'ts just a civil and decent way of life ,considering many religions have come to become very loud these days.
• United States
11 Nov 06
Only practiced within the home... So if my child is out in public and they feel the need to pray.. I should teach them to not do it because we are in public.... I think not..that is outward discrimination. I would also teach my child that forcing God on someone is also not acceptable... Drinking, smoking, etc are things that I think should only be done in private also... however they continue to be done in public and it is deemed acceptable...
@loudcry (1043)
• India
11 Nov 06
There is a need to distinguish between religion and spiritualy. Religion is the physical manifestation of beleif in god, in various ways. Praying one can do in one's mind. I just happen to think that leaning on religion to express one's identity or looking for a an identity in religion is lame. Think about it most of us dont even choose our religion, it's something we get by default.
• United States
10 Nov 06
thanks for your thoughts
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
11 Nov 06
I think that this country was based on freedom of religion. That is why they came to America. Even though the mass religion at that time was Christian, the fredom of this country was not founded on freedom of Christianity. I think if you want God back in school, then all religions would have to be recognized. And with there being so many religions, that in itself would take the entire day. I believe this is why they have private schools thru the church. Put your kids in private school and they would be exposed to the God of your chosing.
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
11 Nov 06
And from you zukepr, that is a true compliment!!! Thank you!
@jaimee (97)
• Philippines
11 Nov 06
I agree that prayer should be back in schools. No wonder public schools are in such disarray!
• United States
16 Nov 06
Are you sure it isn't because there are more broken families now (the divorce rate is at what--50%now) or that a lot of families have two working parents so there isn't always a parent at home all the time. I really don't think it has anything to do with prayer in school. That stuff should be taught at home and shouldn't left to public school teachers. But I guess since they stopped praying in school kids just quit praying all together, huh? I don't see a correlation at all. I went to a Catholic school and we said a prayer before we started each class period, before and after lunch and at the end of the day. We're the kids prefect--no. I had a friend get pregnant at 16, another at 17. I had friends that were sleeping around and dating 30 year old men. Boys were getting beat up and bullied all the time. People were mean and cussed all the time at school. There were gangs at the schools, although not as prevalent as in a public school. One of my brother's classmates at his Catholic school was gunned down by a gang member. And yet we prayed every day in school and went to Mass once a week. Taking prayer out of public schools didn't do anything. People are always looking for someone or something to blame. If kids aren't behaving you should look closer to home.
• United States
16 Nov 06
Are you sure it isn't because there are more broken families now (the divorce rate is at what--50%now) or that a lot of families have two working parents so there isn't always a parent at home all the time. I really don't think it has anything to do with prayer in school. That stuff should be taught at home and shouldn't left to public school teachers. But I guess since they stopped praying in school kids just quit praying all together, huh? I don't see a correlation at all. I went to a Catholic school and we said a prayer before we started each class period, before and after lunch and at the end of the day. We're the kids prefect--no. I had a friend get pregnant at 16, another at 17. I had friends that were sleeping around and dating 30 year old men. Boys were getting beat up and bullied all the time. People were mean and cussed all the time at school. There were gangs at the schools, although not as prevalent as in a public school. One of my brother's classmates at his Catholic school was gunned down by a gang member. And yet we prayed every day in school and went to Mass once a week. Taking prayer out of public schools didn't do anything. People are always looking for someone or something to blame. If kids aren't behaving you should look closer to home.
• United States
16 Nov 06
Are you sure it isn't because there are more broken families now (the divorce rate is at what--50%now) or that a lot of families have two working parents so there isn't always a parent at home all the time. I really don't think it has anything to do with prayer in school. That stuff should be taught at home and shouldn't left to public school teachers. But I guess since they stopped praying in school kids just quit praying all together, huh? I don't see a correlation at all. I went to a Catholic school and we said a prayer before we started each class period, before and after lunch and at the end of the day. We're the kids prefect--no. I had a friend get pregnant at 16, another at 17. I had friends that were sleeping around and dating 30 year old men. Boys were getting beat up and bullied all the time. People were mean and cussed all the time at school. There were gangs at the schools, although not as prevalent as in a public school. One of my brother's classmates at his Catholic school was gunned down by a gang member. And yet we prayed every day in school and went to Mass once a week. Taking prayer out of public schools didn't do anything. People are always looking for someone or something to blame. If kids aren't behaving you should look closer to home.
@wavelander (1526)
• Portugal
9 Nov 06
I think it's a good idea if the school is Catolic! we can't force kids to have a religion! they have to choose for themselves when they are old enough to understand!
• United States
9 Nov 06
Thanks for you imput, I do agree with you in the age factor! but I never hurts to be educated on any and all religons, no matter what God you worship
@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
12 Nov 06
I don't agree because not everyone is going to be of the same faith. I agree with the first answer, if the school is a Catholic school then yes, by all means, God and prayer, etc. should be included. If it's a school where there will be people of several different faiths then I don't think they should be expected to have prayers, etc. although I do think it would be a good idea to teach about different faiths.
@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
12 Nov 06
I don't agree because not everyone is going to be of the same faith. I agree with the first answer, if the school is a Catholic school then yes, by all means, God and prayer, etc. should be included. If it's a school where there will be people of several different faiths then I don't think they should be expected to have prayers, etc. although I do think it would be a good idea to teach about different faiths.
@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
12 Nov 06
I don't agree because not everyone is going to be of the same faith. I agree with the first answer, if the school is a Catholic school then yes, by all means, God and prayer, etc. should be included. If it's a school where there will be people of several different faiths then I don't think they should be expected to have prayers, etc. although I do think it would be a good idea to teach about different faiths.
@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
12 Nov 06
I don't agree because not everyone is going to be of the same faith. I agree with the first answer, if the school is a Catholic school then yes, by all means, God and prayer, etc. should be included. If it's a school where there will be people of several different faiths then I don't think they should be expected to have prayers, etc. although I do think it would be a good idea to teach about different faiths.
@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
12 Nov 06
I don't agree because not everyone is going to be of the same faith. I agree with the first answer, if the school is a Catholic school then yes, by all means, God and prayer, etc. should be included. If it's a school where there will be people of several different faiths then I don't think they should be expected to have prayers, etc. although I do think it would be a good idea to teach about different faiths.