I have the questions, do you have the answers?

Regina, Saskatchewan
January 31, 2009 11:26pm CST
I'm off to bed now, but before I go, a couple of questions have just popped into my head. (And don't take all this seriously ok? Have some creative fun with your response or I won't comment on them!) My questions: I don't write mature discussions..... So why are my discussions getting tagged 'mature content'? I have a yellow star that has been at 80/100 for weeks and weeks now.... So why aren't you all plussing me and raising my rating? I'm going to be hit and miss here for a couple of days as the hubs is home..... So what are you all going to do while I'm gone? Night, night...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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27 responses
• United States
1 Feb 09
If there is one word in the discussion that can be on the "mature list" even written by a guest.. the system automatically puts a tag in there that warns of mature content.. I have been plussing you... I plus everyone! gnight!
7 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
3 Feb 09
LOL, thanks for the info and the pluses............and good night to you too! Higgles ................oh btw, did you see that masked man that just blew on by? He wears funny shoes...................LOL
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
1 Feb 09
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Those ain't funny shoes, them's purty shoes
3 people like this
• United States
1 Feb 09
So why are my discussions getting tagged 'mature content'? Because I come in and talk about lifting my skirt and you looking up it, and you eating edible panties, etc, etc,. Sheesh, why did you think they were getting tagged that way? So why aren't you all plussing me and raising my rating? Darlin, I am plussin the hell out of ya. Yep, I just follow you and a few others around, hitting the plus button so hard my fingers hurt at the end of the day!
6 people like this
• United States
2 Feb 09
You're done already wow! that was fast... Hmmm hmmm, hmmm Now what was I thinking just under the surface... In sixth grade I learned a joke that was about a little boy and a little girl and they were playing house together and the little boy said that he wanted to put his finger in her belly button, and the little girl tried to explain that he missed her belly button the boy teasingly said yeah' I know that's okay, I have to confess that's not my finger...
• United States
1 Feb 09
Oh, yeah, and boobs and nipples and stuff like that gets ya tagged, too. And, you know there are always boobs and nipples in your discussions, even if nobody says anything about them. They're still there. Just under the surface.
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• United States
1 Feb 09
heehee, just under the surface. Ok, I'm done.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
1 Feb 09
ONly Mylot knows teh why of things. I dont know why our stars don tmove I fell from a 10 ro a nine months ago and never figuered out why. and as to mature contenet I havent seen why they sould put yours there . I dont pay attention whwere they do with mine guess I ought to pay more attention huh?
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
3 Feb 09
oh my lord wouldnt it! lol. think I got something about it when I first jouined so I just put on to accept that . have had no problem since!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
3 Feb 09
I don't get the mature content tag either, and really hardly pay attention anyway. I just happened to notice it lately. But this rating thing really does have me stumped. Unless I have a troll of my own who spends all their time going from discussion to discussion and comment to comment of mine, minusing me to counter act the pluses! LOL Wouldn't that be a hoot?!ROFL
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
4 Feb 09
I say, let the troll play. It may be keeping my star down, but it's not keeping ME down, and that's what counts! LOL
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I ALWAYS plus ya sparks... I donno why you aren't going up, not because I'm not doing my part if you are getting mature content, well, complain to the people in charge, I did that recently when someone put a bad tag on one of my discussions and they removed it right away! Since I have no "love life" I have no reason to have a mature content or other disgusting tag or discussion... so, sparks, you have good discussions, and I always plus even fair responses - I only minus really dumb, or offensive responses....
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
1 Feb 09
Frankly I don't care about the tags. I mostly ignore them. But I am puzzled about the rating thing. It doesn't make sense. I plus everybody unless I feel the need to report them, and I do that very rarely. Maybe it's a glitch on my account like not being able to post pics in my discussions or responses...........It's a conundrum alright! Thanks for the support. Now I'm REALLY off to bed.....Higgles.
10 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
3 Feb 09
Which could be taken a number of ways. I prefer to get a giggle out of it! LOL
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I did get a smile, but was also offended so I asked the TPTB to remove it.
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
1 Feb 09
Obviously, your discussions need to be tagged with mature content, because warnings need to go out for those on the lot who are not anywhere near mature enough to read things with a grain of salt and a giggle, and perhaps a brownie or two. What will I do while you're gone? How about if I miss you? I need to focus on something, and you are someone worth focusing on.
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
1 Feb 09
Thanks for the brownie... I am much obliged!
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• Canada
3 Feb 09
Don't worry, I'll share.
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
1 Feb 09
Hands out a brownie to CanadaGal...ladeda..whistles a happy thought
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
1 Feb 09
Are you awake?..*wanders in and leaves a few happy brownies* and that is why I see mature content and what I will be doing while you are gone..making more brownies.. and heck if i'm going to let you get better than me..I will keep my ratings higher than you cause i'm older and well higher..lol.. just kidding silly Sparky..you are tops with me..
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• United States
1 Feb 09
Please share the happy brownies with me. :)
4 people like this
• United States
28 Feb 09
*covers eyes quickly* Rose.....Rose??? Ummmmm........... You forgot something. Go put your robe on, honey.
1 person likes this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
3 Feb 09
LOL Kitty you do make me smile.................or is that the brownies? No, it's you because brownies make me downright giggle! ROFL
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@oldboy46 (2129)
• Australia
2 Feb 09
Discussions are tagged "mature content" when you use BIG PEOPLE's words as far as I know or maybe it is one of your friends, or perhaps someone not so friendly, who is adding those tags to your discussions. Look at the sentence "miss here for a couple of days as the hubs is home and that implies you have better things to do that post here. Maybe that is classed as "mature content". Gee, I only give a positive (+) when I respond to a discussion. I do not have enough time to stalk anyone so that I can help improve their ratings here. Maybe that is something I should give some thought to, so if you hear a big loud noise you will know I am thinking. While you are gone it is obvious that I will be twiddling my thumbs but I cannot hold my breath till you return. Drat if I do that, I might never be the same again. There is also the possibility that I will be pushing up daisies instead of my preference for pulling them up.
@oldboy46 (2129)
• Australia
3 Feb 09
Oh and thank you so very much for your kind words and consideration of how hard thinking can be for me. Just reading your comment makes me feel so much better already. Currently I am on the grass. You know, the bit that gets mowed. But who knows what tomorrow will bring, although I do admit I am hoping to stay on top for quite some years to come. Picking daisies seems like better fun to me.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
3 Feb 09
LOL Great response! And in future I'll try not to use big people words so you don't have think and I won't be startled by loud noises! LOL So which side of the grass are you on these days? ................
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
4 Feb 09
You're more than welcome. And I do agree PICKING the daisies is much more fun! lol
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• India
1 Feb 09
Well, I don't really remember responding to your discussions, but hey sparkofinsanity, just be sure that if I ever did, I would have never tagged you discussion as mature content and would have surely rated you a plus, cause I always rate a + to every one who starts a discussion that helps build conversation. I am really sorry for y our current state, but it seems that may be some people might have diligently rated you a -ve for some stupid reason of their own. Hope you get out of you troubles soon. Also I really don't know whats happening, cause since long even my star rating hasn't increased. I am stuck at a 9 since God knows when!! Take Care God Bless YOU
• India
3 Feb 09
Ya right, we must get down and do that.!!
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• United States
1 Feb 09
I have been stuck at 9 for over a year now. You are not alone.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
4 Feb 09
LOL. Well my star is up a point today, so somewhere, somehow, someone's doing their bit! LOL
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• United States
2 Feb 09
You know I think it might just be one of your friends trying to keep you all grown up with the rest of us children playing in our playground. By the time you are done reading all of our responses you should be all primed up to spend some quality time with hubby... Good morning...
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
3 Feb 09
Damn, I must be all grown up. I spent my quality time with hubby BEFORE I read the responses! ROFL
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
1 Feb 09
Who are the idiots that tag other people's discussions as mature content? That's ridiculous. I have a red star that has been 90/100 for months and months. I'd rather my star was yellow because that colour goes better with my avatar while the red one clashes methinks..You want yours raised, I want mine lowered...it's my belief that people would rather put someone down than raise them up. Let's see who gets to their goal first....you want plus 10 points (at least) I want minus 10 points...okay people go for it. While you are gone I will be doing the same as I would be doing if you were here.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
3 Feb 09
I always pos my friends (everyone actually) too. It's automatic. Neither of our stars have changed yet. I think it takes more than a couple of negs or minuses.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
3 Feb 09
I can't neg you Tickle. I just can't. So I won't rate you at all ok? LOL Maybe some of us are caught in a time warp or posting from another dimension or something and we just don't know it? ROFL
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I'll miss you terribly but I do understand I have to share you with that loving man of yours. As for the ratings I've noticed that and wondered "why" is it like that. I have marked every plus sign I can find on you, lol to try and get it raised but with no luck. What's going on here. Aren't they getting my + marks for you? I don't know and can't second guess the lot, lol I have no idea why the discussions ar ebeing tagged mature, Hh that makes no sense! Have fun with your guy. Enjoy his time home. I'll be waiting for your return.
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• United States
3 Feb 09
Yes, I do believe it is posible to fall in love all over again. ANd again you are making me cry. That is so sweet. I am so glad that you are happy again. You have many more good days ahead of you. Enjoy each and every one of them!
3 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
4 Feb 09
I owe you one moonbeam! Last night, (after a rather difficult day) the hubs took me out for an early Valentine's Dinner, and a few glasses of champagne, and we tumbled right into bed for some long overdue 'bonding' (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, lol) almost as soon as we got home. That kind of thing has been absent in our marriage for some time.....This morning, he was all smiles and charm and it really hurt this time to see him leave........But I feel much better about our relationship, and it's all because of YOU and making me rethink my attitude. Thank you.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
3 Feb 09
Thanks sweets. I'm glad you don't mind sharing me........like you have a choice.LOL Hubs and I had a lovely evening last night and a great day in the city today. He got his hair cut and looks 10 years younger, and rather sexy! LOL Tomorrow I do all his laundry and make some food he can take back with him so he doesn't need to cook, so I'll have a busy day tomorrow, but I don't mind. It's just so nice to be happy to have him home for a change and be able to do things for him. Is it possible to fall in love with your own husband more than once? It's all in the attitude, and my attitude has changed and that's a good thing!
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• Canada
1 Feb 09
You're over 50, therefore you are mature, lol. Or you are so funny, nobody takes you seriously anyway, so people are putting them there to make sure nobody will comment negatively, eh? Yellow, that is one of your favourite colours, quit complaining, mine is White for absolutely no reason. Plus me! I ALWAYS plus you. You know that. And everyone else for that matter, unless they are being a real jerk. While you are gone? We will all have a big party, HA! XXXX
• United States
1 Feb 09
I love parties!!! Woo Hoo!!! I am bringing the Fuzzy Navel jello shots to this party.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
3 Feb 09
Royal, save me some of those shots PLEASE! LOl Annie, I'm not a huge fan of yellow, but I like the rest of your reasoning! VERY creative. Well done and BR to you!
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• Canada
1 Feb 09
OH, goody! *Annie scoffs a couple of jello shots* GULP! Yummy. Wanna brownie? They're awesome!
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
1 Feb 09
Girl, I've been plussing every thing you write, trying to get your star up! Does someone have to tag them mature content? Or does mylot do that?
• Regina, Saskatchewan
3 Feb 09
Thanks Barb, but I'm still at 80 and it's been months! LOL Maybe there is a glitch in the system with my name on it? ROFL
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Well, I'll still keep rating you. Surely it will have to change one day! But, being at 80 doesn't harm your discussions!People still come around!
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
1 Feb 09
Yes, it's crazy for your discussions to be under mature content!Maybe with all of us giving you a plus every time you start a discussion, it will soon raise yours higher! It took mine a long time to get back up there.
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@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
2 Feb 09
Somebody might have reported your discussions having mature content that is why your discussions were tagged "mature content".Well for this part you should contact the administration and seek the answer to your query. I am a new member of my lot and posted over 200 posts and my star rating is 7.I have seen a lot of members who have posted 140 plus posts and their star rating was 9. I am not still able to figure out how the star ratings go up?But from today onwards i will definitely not forget to hit the plus button for your discussions because i always follow your postings and enjoy them. Happy my lotting.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
3 Feb 09
Why thank you. That was a lovely compliment and I do appreciate it. And I will be sure to plus you too!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
1 Feb 09
Ok Mature contents I do not believe that someone here knows what they are really are lol either that or our Language is foreign to them As for the Star well mine has been red now for months, it has been 93/100 for months I mean I guess it is stuck, look how hard you and me tried to swop Stars lol they just would not shift so I guess they are stuck well and truly to the page and the % is not working I hope you are sleeping well and tight
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
3 Feb 09
You're right Gabs.........trying to switch didn't work so I guess we really are stuck! LOL Oh well the red looks good on you and the yellow goes with my avatar, so I guess I should stop bellyaching eh? LOL Slept well last night and will tonight now that I'm used to the hubs in my bed again! LOL You sleep better too ok?
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
3 Feb 09
[i]Hi sparks, I have no clue about that but this is what I noticed after I fall into red for 2 months and now enjoying my blue for the last 5 months... I rate everyone with +, all post I responded and everyone who drop their responses in my post! After doing that, my blue star was maintained! Anyway, I don't know about that tag...hmmm...hopefully this is just a glitch![/i]
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• United States
3 Feb 09
[i]thanks for that sparks... It's also rare to find anyone here who is full of energy and sense of humor, like you! Maybe they are just J?! LOL![/i]
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
4 Feb 09
Could be. But I don't care really if they are. I come here for the fun and affection of friends like you.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
3 Feb 09
I plus everyone too. Espeically you. You always make me smile and feel good! As for the tag..............I think someone is just trying to tell me to grow up, but sheesh, what would be the fun in that! ROFL
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@littleowl (7157)
2 Feb 09
Hi sparky...am sorry to hear your light hearted discussions are being marked mature content.....wish I could lay some light on that for you. For the next few days as I am always I will be here on Mylot and another site I go to, plus with housework and all the other things that have to be done....nothing exciting...hugs littleowl
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
3 Feb 09
Ah, I don't really care about the tags. At least it's not rude.........I've had plenty of those in the past! LOL I will see you in other places in a few days after the hubs goes back to work...................higgles.
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Because you ultimately receive immature answers and thus must be censored. It is only fair you know. Add to this you give us information like you won't be coming out to play because the hubby is home leaving our imagination to run wild which simply adds fuel to the fire of our imaginations, mature content here we come. Because although many of us love you to little pieces and hit the plus sign as often as possible, the star trolls come along and reduce all our little + signs as we go. It is inevitable. Those that are popular will attract the little star trolls. You must become armored against them. I have they are not dangerous simply annoying. I have been gone for a few days, so I will go seek your past discussions for fodder.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
3 Feb 09
Now THIS is answer I can get my head around! LOL Thanks for the lift Ivaldean and right back at ya with hugs and of course, giggles! LOL
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1 Feb 09
Hi sparky, I have no idea why your discussions being tagged mature contents but when I respond I cannot use some words which mean another meaning, its takes away the fun of it and I have number nine star which I have for a long time with 92/100 rating on and yes I am plussing you, night night, Love and hugs. Tamara xxxxx
• Regina, Saskatchewan
3 Feb 09
Have I told you lately how much I luv you Tamara? No? Well I do. I just love seeing you on my threads. You always make me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Higgles sweets!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
4 Feb 09
3 people like this
3 Feb 09
Hi sparky, Oh sparks, love you too and always will follow your thread, where ever you may go. love and many hugs. Tamara xxxx
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• India
1 Feb 09
Good go to sleep while we ponder over your questions. But what were your questions? Oh I was absent minded and did notr read them with due diligence. Since you wre sleepy i guess you must have dozed off writign the question and I dozed off reading the question. When yu wake up just give me a reminder and I willo try to read teh qeustion in a fully wakeful state. I am sure I will have the answers then. Till then keep sleeping let me sleep tooooooooooooo. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
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• United States
1 Feb 09
wake up!!!!!!!!!!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
3 Feb 09
WAKEY WAKEY DUDE! I'M BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK! Now, I want answers damn it! But first could you remind ME of the questions? ROFL
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