Would you want to be MyLot friends with a troll???
By ladyluna
@ladyluna (7004)
United States
February 3, 2009 7:34am CST
Hello All,
If you knew that a new member was at best a troll, at worst a terrorist, or somewhere in the middle with an irrefutably disturbed psyche, would you accept a 'friend' request from him or her?
Below is a new member's first discussion. Please read on, then you be the judge.
Thanks, I'm looking forward to reading all of your responses!
"Hi I go by the name (fill in the blank).I am a scholar.
I have arrived in the U.S yesterday.
I have heard white house is a very famous place.
Where is White house?
Could you please provide me info about the white house"
Now here's where it gets twisted -- the discussion is tagged with the following:
"assain, bush is dead meat, wanna kill bush, house of bush, bush lives white house"
This is the unnamed member's very first discussion, and the new member's profile page specifies the following:
age: 30
country: afghanistan
[b]My questions to you are:
1. Would you accept a 'friend' request from this person? And, would it surprise you to learn that this person had 28 members of our community accept his or her 'friend' request yesterday?
2. Is this a good example of why it may be unwise to accept 'friend' requests without even reviewing the persons profile page?
3. Is this to be taken seriously, or do you think that it's a sick, twisted attempt at humor?
4. Should this be reported to the MyLot admins? What about the F.B.I. or Homeland Security -- should this be reported to the authorities?
Thanks again for your input! [/b]
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16 responses
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
3 Feb 09
I did accept this person because I felt it was a good idea to keep tabs on them. I'm not usually targetted by trolls so I had my doubts. I thought it might be a youngster trying to be a troll.
I sometimes think these sort of reactions egg on people who are up to mischief.
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Hello MsTickle,
Thanks for sharing with us your though-process about this particular member.
By "these sort of reactions", do you mean my having posted a discussion about this? If that is what you mean then you may be right, I simply don't know. What I do know is that the line between discretion and indiscriminate can sometimes be very, very thin. Hence the reason why I posted this. Hopefully, the sage wisdom offered by fellow members in discussion such as this will prove highly useful for the whole of the community.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
4 Feb 09
Hi Mykl..I wish I knew how you figured out who these people are and what they are up to. He left me a message on that last discussion saying "bye Tickle...lol lol lol"
only my dear friends call me Tickle so it is either just a copy cat or someone I'm friends with.
Yes Ladylunar, that is what I meant but on second thoughts should have read "ANY sort of reaction". I guess I just don't understand the mindset of a troll and why he /she behaves as they do (as Mykl said, if they re-channeled their energies they could make a bundle...maybe they simply don't have what it takes to be an active, positive member of a community such as this)or for that matter the mindset of those who continually respond to them and stir the pot. The trolls are seeking attention in the first place so ignoring them seems to be the best way to deal with them and make them go away, but no, many people go on the attack and respond and respond bringing themselves down to the level of the troll in my eyes.
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
3 Feb 09
1. Sometimes (thought not necessarily in this case) it's better to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. I noticed that there are a set of people who patrol the trolls well. I hope to friend them.
2. I try to review but people can type anything they want into a profile (I haven't figured mine out yet but am working on it) so what you se there may not be what you get.
3. While I'm not Bush's, or the government's biggest fan, I think anything this lacks the humor it may be seeking. I did like one of the replies though.
4. I'm 99% sure it has been reported. (unless as a newbie I messed up)
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Hello TLChimes,
Welcome to MyLot, and thanks for chiming into this discussion!
Ah, a fellow Sun-Tzu fan? For anyone who may not have read it, "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer." is a quote from "The Art of War" (400 B.C. China), one of the most impactful books ever written, and a read that I would recommend to all!
Wow! Are you ever on top of your game? I've been here for years, and I know nothing of a group of members who patrol the trolls. Please allow me to congratulate you for your powers of observation -- nicely done!
I wholeheartedly agree that this certainly lacks the humor it may have been seeking.
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Thank You for the welcome!
I really can type better then my post showed. I need to stop typing and holding kids at the same time.
I just noticed a few names popping up in the same places as a couple of idiots, I mean Trolls. Funny how they are like minded folks though. I think I would have liked them even with out seeing them close in on bad children.
A good read that I recommend to others. Another good place to find the quote is in the Robin William's film "Toys."
Nice to meet you!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
3 Feb 09
I used to accept each and every friend request in the past, but I'm far more wary these days. I check their profile for other friends and examples of their activity now for one. There is just way too much strange crap going on here to NOT be this way. I too received a request from the person alluded to and I chose to sit on it while I waited to see what the deal was.
In direct response to your questions:
1. Sometimes I would accept, yes. But only because I wished to keep track of their activity.
2. Your outline is a VERY good example and solid proof of how we must be careful about who we accept these days.
3. Nah, I wouldn't give someone that carried on this way the satisfaction of being taken seriously in any manner other than letting them know they've been spotted and are being reported.
4. Reported to mylot admin? Definitely! As for the authorities, not much point really in my opinion.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Hello James72,
Very thoughtful response -- thank you!
So, you concur with others here that sometimes it is far wiser to keep a bird's eye on these members. I can see where that makes terrific sense!
I certainly appreciate that your motivator is to limit the satisfaction level of these misfits. Well done!
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I got the same request this morning. The name was a good indication of thye mindset, and a look at the profile was all I needed to delete the request.
There are certain geographic zones that I do not associate with, and that happens to be one of them.
After reading the first couple of sentences, I decided that he had nothing useful or intelligent to contribute, and having him on my friends list would be not only a waste of time, it would also be a needless exposure to more anti-American propaganda.
Of course, the requesting information about the White House didn't help his case much either.
My impression was this was the work of a juvenile mentality who was trying to make an impression or seeking attention.
I was not much surprised by those who accepted his invite however.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Hello Destiny,
Thanks for sharing! You make some very valid points: geographic area, whether accurate or not is really quite telling. As well, the user I.D. was a clear indicator.
I did not reach the same conclusion about the suspect maturity level though. To the contrary, based on certain 'tells' I suspect that this is not an adolescent.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I never said he was an adolescent.
I said he had a juvenile mentality.
There is a difference.
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@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
3 Feb 09
I am one of those who don't check the profiles of those who request to be friends with me. I have never had any problems and it seems to work fine with me. The FBI would have their own way of surveilling the internet. Cheers!!
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@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
3 Feb 09
Personally I would not accept a friend request like this. It maybe an attempt at humour, but it is in very poor taste especially as a first post for someone joining such an interactive community. I'm sure if he/she continues posts like that the admins will pick up on it. Its always worth reviewing the profiles for random friend requests like that.
I recently had a similar thing happen to me with my twitter, the same kind of troll started folowing me and was twittering messages such as the one you describe. So i just blocked the user from following me.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Hello Thezone,
Welcome to MyLot. I hope that you thoroughly enjoy your time here.
Yes, I agree that as a very first post this is quite telling.
Thanks for sharing your Twitter experience. It must be a nice feature to be able to flag & prevent the interraction of a particular member. That is a feature that has long been requested here. Hopefully, your input might be read by the powers that be, and have some impact in that regard.
Thanks again & Happy MyLotting!
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@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
4 Feb 09
Just a quick update on that Twitter member. I went to view their profile again and guess what it said "Sorry, the account you were headed to has been suspended due to strange activity."
So it is good to know that people are keeping an eye out for this kind of thing.
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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
4 Feb 09
To start with the last question first – I don’t think this should be reported to the FBI simply coz I feel this person is psychologically sick but without much info about the USA. People who are actually aiming to harm the USA have such in-depth knowledge and information network, I rather think it would put the FBI to shame. There intelligence gathering mechanism has to be the best in the world coz they are actually plotting against the best and have succeeded.
Third question…partly answered above. Also if you just go ahead and report a just-landed immigrant on the basis of this mail, you will be making yourself a laughing stock and yet cautioning those who may become this person’ guide in future. New recruits will be more discreet in future (not that they aren’t, me thinks the world in general has no idea of the depth of their reach in the net world).
Second one – accepting or rejecting a friend request is not the end of my mylot world…I accept all and then reject those who either post crap, are simply looking for money or inactive for a long long time. I seldom go thru a person’s profile while accepting the request.
First – I would, just to keep a track of him, to see the types of discussion he starts and also to chk if he PMs me anything more incriminating than just ‘Bush the assassin’ (BTW – Bush is known as an assassin in many countries for various reasons).
Rest assured, the people who matter don’t go about writing about it so openly. Those who don’t matter do write, but by the time they are indoctrinated, the subscribe to their ‘own brotherhood channels’ which support them.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
5 Feb 09
Hello Sudiptacallingu,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this matter. I always look forward to your perspective.
We Americans have learned the hard way that we should never underestimate the will of terrorists. However, I see little value in glorifying their intelligence capabilities. I also see little value in engaging a discussion about U.S. counter-terrorism capabilities. I'm of the opinion that it is far wiser, and ultimately more productive to refrain from shining a light on certain activities that relate to national security!
As for this troll being a "just landed immigrant": I would purport that the content of the post suggests that there was little truth in the post, rather a fabrication designed to satisfy the under-developed ego of the twisted poster.
Last, I couldn't disagree more with your statement that "... the people who matter don't go about writing about it so openly." Radical, extremist terrorists have been remarkably open about their intentions. They maintain websites packed with their insideous goals, they eagerly claim responsibility for their acts of terror, and the engage in a regular public relations campaign for the purposes of generating revenue and recruits.
Although, if there is any single reason to alert the authorities about this kind of activity, it's because we are seeing an emerging trend of 'home grown terrorists' here in the states. Misguided, youngsters or emotionally isolated and underdeveloped men, typically from broken or trouble homes, with unsatisfying school or work histories. There is a profile, and I detect some of the underlying tells in the post.
While I thank you for the warning, I have no qualms about being perceived as a "laughing stock" for acting on such matters.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
-Edmund Burke
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
6 Feb 09
Hello Sudiptacallingu,
Thanks so much for the kind words.
Alas, I know not where we're headed, though I fear it may not be a 'destination' of our choosing. There are forces at work from among rogue organizations as well as government entities that are, by design, working against you and I being able to live our lives in relative peace.
As I penned my prior response to you I was painfully aware of the perspective of this "home grown" issue. While we in the states have seen few incidences of this, elsewhere around the world the phenomenon is much more jarring. Perhaps none so much so as in your homeland, and inside of your neighbors borders. I sincerely wish for us all the ability to permanently quash the irrational desire to forcefully dominate others.
True freedom begins and ends with any of the many variations of The Golden Rule. True freedom begins and ends with one's own commitment to respect others as they themselves would wish to be respected. Of course, it's a two way street, eh?
After thousands of years, why do you suppose the Human species still hasn't figured out how to get along?
@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
3 Feb 09
1. No, I would definitely not accept a friends request from this person. Yes, It would surprise me to know that 28 people agreed to be friends with this person.
2. Yes, this is an excellent example of why we should check out profiles either before or after accepting a friends request. We can always delete them after we see we may have accepted someone that we truly do not want to be associated with.
3. Yes, I would take it somewhat seriously as it is quite out of the ordinary. Who in their right mind does not know where the White House is??? That is a huge alert for me and so are the tags. Also, the profile information is another alert.
4. Of course this person should be reported to admin right away. Admin will or should contact the FBI or Homeland Security since they will have the information those agencies will want, such as IP address, etc.
I agree the authorities should be alerted about this person. Then they can decide how to handle things.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Hello Royal52gens,
Thanks for sharing your pearls with us! The latter exchange between you and MYKLJ is really very eye-openning!
Hmmm, you raise an interesting question: I wonder if MyLot does submit these kinds of posts to the authorities. I'd actually really like to know if there is some requirement for turning over questionable content to the F.B.I., which is the U.S. agency responsible for overseeig internet criminality. Hmmm, great question!
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
3 Feb 09
odd how jacksback is using the same avatar as the one he used for a previous account "antichrist"
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
4 Feb 09
No way would I want a friend like that. I don't know if the person is just doing it for attention or b/c they have a sick sense of humor. In answer to your questions: No I wouldn't accept a friend request, no it wouldn't surprise me but I would notify the other ppl on their friend list if they were my friend as well, I'd take it seriously enough to report them to MyLot...I think if MyLot deemed it a serious issue they would be the ones to report it to authorities.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Hello Twoey,
Hmmm, now that is interesting -- notify the other mutual friends. That represents taking responsibility, good neighborliness, and concern for our valued community to a level that I had not considered. Thank you for making me put my thinking cap on. Well done!
As for not finding the profile page -- yup, you're on target. MIKYLJ let us know about the deletion almost as quickly as it happened. Thanks to the MyLot admin's, who I know got at least 6 or 7 abuse reports on this creep.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
4 Feb 09
If the person's ID was trueassassin then I got a request as well. When I tried to view the profile page I got an error page showing the page is no longer there. So MyLot removed them.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
4 Feb 09
Hi ladyluna, I think I have come across that post yesterday and it sort of ring a bell in me that this person has something up his sleeve and immediately it flashes back a post here lately about President Obama, 'Is Obama the target of assassin?'. But I didn't think of it that serious as to check his profile and since you bring this up and seeing where he come from, we should be careful of this person as he might be true to his wicked intention and disguising himself to be a scholar. I have always been obliging to friends request and would not hesitate to approve if any one request me to be their friends but I have to be careful now in the wake of many troubles that is boiling in mylot. Since I am not from US I think this should be taken seriously and report it to the intelligence of your country. You might not know there might be a repeat of 9/11,
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Hello Zandi458,
Thank you for such a thoughtful response.
To be clear, I do not take the submission of this troll as factual. Instead, I believe that the entire submission was fabricated, to be deliberately deceiving -- as troll's typically are.
However, that doesn't dismiss the fact that if this is a ruse, it is indicative of the handiwork of a suspect individual. One who we must consider as capricious and potentially volatile. Do any of us really desire to interract with that kind of person? Especially when it's avoidable? And, if I'm wrong, and it's not a ruse, well then we definitely don't want to invite this kind of a person into our inner circle. Better safe than sorry, eh?
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
3 Feb 09
It's definitely sketchy. I am willing to bet that the members that took him in as a friend were not aware of this. As for what to do with it...i'd bring it to mylot's attention and let them be the judge. oh and NO I would not accept him as a friend. I am very careful on who I let in these days with all that's been going on around here.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Hello Sid556,
I'm sure that you're absolutely correct that the folks who accepted this member's 'friend' request were unaware. That is the point of posting this discussion, to raise awareness to the advantages of being discriminating.
I'm glad to learn that you are already in the habit of being discrimination, as it relates to accepting 'friend' requests. It really doesn't take long to look at a member's profile page and discussion contributions, does it? I suspect that a moment of prudence is its own reward, eh?
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@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
• United States
4 Feb 09
1. Would you accept a 'friend' request from this person? And, would it surprise you to learn that this person had 28 members of our community accept his or her 'friend' request yesterday?
No,I would Not knowingly eccept a friends request from this person. But of course, I am ony of thoes who do not look at profiles and discussions before i eccept the friends request.
2. Is this a good example of why it may be unwise to accept 'friend' requests without even reviewing the persons profile page? Ummm yes!,definatly. I HOPE i didnt eccept this person. lol now im curious, I have a friends request that i still have not checked today.. wish you woulda put the name
3. Is this to be taken seriously, or do you think that it's a sick, twisted attempt at humor? WELL,Ive learned over the past few months dont underestimate ANYONE so...
Humor or not yes it should.
4. Should this be reported to the MyLot admins? What about the F.B.I. or Homeland Security -- should this be reported to the authorities?
Yes, I think it should be reported to mylot.As for the fbi and homeland security.A heads up could be good. But umm How would one go about doing that?...
Thanks again for your input!

@KrazyKlingon (5005)
• United States
4 Feb 09
For the FBI, you can probably find some way of emailing them through this site:
For Homeland Security, it's
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@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
• United States
5 Feb 09
Whoa this is supprising to me.. that you could email both online LMAO... But come to think of it.. since bush is no longer the president. If someone kills him it wil be like regular old murder right? its not like some federal thing?...
Because not alot of people like bush they may just disgard the email and be like oh well...lol
hahaha. i know bad time to make a bush joke but its so serious..
Thanks for the links!:)

@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
3 Feb 09
LOL I was also requested by that person
I did NOT accept because I already knew who it was and why they were here
as mykl said they were a troll
the same troll that has plagued this site with many different usernames
yes I did report that discussion as a terrorist threat and then i reported the user as a troll
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I am guessing that you also saw his teenage daughter LOL
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@Sammy_pink (163)
3 Feb 09
Hi Thankyou for posting this! I am so new and very nieve it seems as I had never even thought about this being a possibility! I know sorry, maybe I am to nice but not from now on, I will check up on everyone now that you have allerted me. Thankyou again:)x
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Hello Sammy_pink,
Welcome to MyLot & you're very welcome! I hope that you thoroughly enjoy your time here, and that your contributions remain troll-free!
To put this into perspective: it is my experience over the course of the past three years that the majority of members of this community have demonstrated a sincere sense of responsible interraction. So please don't be so circumspect that you forget to have fun -- 'cause that's what it's all about here.
Happy MyLotting!
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@plumwish07 (4057)
• Indonesia
15 Feb 09
i don't think that i should accept this person as my new friend since i don't know him at all, and thats really suprised me, this person as like you said had 28 members of your community. just becareful with those kind information since we know that everything can be made in internet.
about reporting to mylot admin i think it will depend on you. in my opinion, as long as this person doesn't do something negative to you, its better to ignore him, cheers
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I always check the requester's profile. So this would have been an instant denial from me. I would possible reported it to admin as I find the tags to be offensive.
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