Why all the bashing on the New Prez?
By TLChimes
@TLChimes (4822)
United States
February 3, 2009 5:38pm CST
I've noticed that even though a month hasn't passed yet, but there are many people bashing the president. I understand that many didn't want him. I get that.
I know that he is moving quickly to pass his things, but that I understand too. Changes need to be made. I get that it opens him up to stuff from people. I understand.
But we have at least 4 years of him. I don't understand why his first 30 days didn't pass before all the judgements on his plans. Shoot Bush got 8 years to mess things up.
And before you chew on my leg... I voted for the other guy (not the Republican either... his VP scared me)
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17 responses
@angusthethird (515)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I think it is unfair.
I hate to say this, but I think alot of people have a problem with our new President because he happens to be black. That is a sad testimony of our society.
He is facing opposition from all sides. I think the Republicans are still angry because they didn't win in 2008. I think they should get over it, get behind our new President, and offer him all of the support that they can. He needs it.
I think he deserves our respect. He deserves a fair shake in all of this. I think we should withhold our criticism until 2012.
The jury is still out on whether his ideas will actually turn our economy around and put people back to work.
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@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Every party is upset when it loses. Just look at the temper tantrum the democrats threw when Al Gore, and John Kerry lost. People need to stop talking about how wonderful Obama is cause he hasn't done anything yet. As soon as Bush got into office he wasn't even given a chance. Hopefully this time people will sit back, and just let this new president do his job before they start with the comments. Good or bad.
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@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
4 Feb 09
First I agree with what you say. I have been in the hospital for the past two weeks, Still a few days to go, and have had nothing but time to watch the news networks. Some things have developed that is saying a lot if you will watch and listen real close. I finally caught Obama explaining his plan to fix the economy. I am more convinced now than ever that He is being set up to be the fall guy for all the bull sh*t Bush brought on us. It seems Obama is being fed a bunch of bad information. When he was explaining his plan he said some thing that I know he knows isn't right.I hope this iswn't the case but it sure is looking like it. We need to keep this in mind about Obama. The truth is he is just as much White as he is black. Personally with the mess Bush and friends has created I don't think Obama is the best man for the job but we should all wish him well and do what we can to support him at least untel we know more about him.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
4 Feb 09
You are right, he hasn't been in office very long. But with the little time he's been in he has managed to...
Name 3 people for his cabinet that tried to get away with tax evasion... need I remind you that that is a felony?
Name a Secretary of State with gaping conflicts of interest with many of the national leaders she will be dealing with.
Name a Chief of Staff who was on the board of Freddie Mac.
Swear to ensure no earmarks would be included on the Stimulant Package, but as we know, the package is chalk full of them.
Tell the people of the United States that we need to live more eco-friendly, but keeps the heat in the Oval Office so high people complain about it.
Promies that he will reduce the influence lobbyists have on government, but name at least three lobbyist for his cabinet.
There, is that enough? Or should I keep typing?
I'm willing to give him credit where it is due; keeping Gates as Secretary of Defense was a great choice; While I personally think Gen. Shinseki is a moron, there is nothing in his military record that would make him ineligible to be the Sec. of the VA. And while I don't like some of what he's done, I like that he has hit the ground running.
However, naming felons for cabinet positions doesn't make me very comfortable about his judgement.
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
4 Feb 09
ParaTed2k - Very good - thank you for your post!
By the way - in at least two of the three cases of tax evasion, it was indicated that Obama's staff either knew about the tax problems in advance of their appointment or learned about it early in the vetting process, so they obviously tried to pass them through hoping that no one would find out about it.
@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
4 Feb 09
He was supposed to check their taxes himself? Wow... OK, I didn't know that went into his job. And didn't he take it on the chin for that? I think there may even be a discussion on that here on MyLot.
The package is a sticking point... for a lot of people... but how could he do one that pleased everyone? Instead of all the finger pointing why isn't there an answer. As far as I can tell there is no RIGHT answer to this.
I wonder how we know what the heat is at in the oval office.
I'm in no way saying he's perfect or great... I just really thought it was early to be so harsh. Which some tell me they hear nothing but good.

@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
3 Feb 09
From the beginining Obama has been damned if he did damned if he don't. He has taken over a mess and will do what he thinks is right. For some reason alot of people think these things are done overnight. We are accused of seeing Obama as a "god" it is not the left side that is complaining about not getting things done quick enough. George Bush couldn't do anything in 8 years what makes the right side think Obama can do it over night. Most scream help help help so he comes up with this plan and blam he is accused of paying off favors! Like we didn't know that was gonna happen. This is a waiting game to see if things pass and work. We were in a recession for a year before Obama took over just ummmmmm 13 days ago yet he is expected to have fixed everything. SMH
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@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Hey red sometimes it is best to bring in one that has not been in office for a long period of time, they may just be able to come up with some idea's that are fresh. He is an intelligent man with family in heart. I dont think the people see him as a savior at all I believe they hope he has something better to offer us. If the republicans had the answers why didnt they offer it to Bush, come up with a plan. All I can say is Obama is at least trying to come up with something!
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@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
4 Feb 09
I'm not sure I've been watching the same news reports as you. You must be in another country. Here Obama is seen as some savior of the world. People are afraid to make any bad comments about him. I'll agree with you we need to give him more time to get things done though. But people need to get realistic. Look at Obamas record as senator, and tell me you honestly think he's going to do anything at all. lol. But maybe he will. I wish him the best of luck.
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
4 Feb 09
You're right that he couldn't win no matter what but I thought that the smart way for others in the government would be to stand by long enough to see if he'd fall on his face or stand tall. They seem to be making it worse.
Now, Later when he goes whatever way, they will be stuck with the memory of where they stood today.
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@tdemex (3540)
• United States
4 Feb 09
He doesn't have a chance of turning the economy around. Why, you ask? Because he's stilling catering to the very smart southern Republicans. they want to dictate to him their agenda, they still have the power to stop him and he has to cater to them to get anything done. They screwed this nation up and still think tax cuts work!!! Duh!! When you gonna pay the bills with no tax money coming in to pay them?? Somebody please explain that to me. Trickle down economics? LOL! You can't keep spending with no money coming in? I learned that in 4th grade. Will someone wake these people up and have them smell the coffee! Please!!!! tdemex
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@tdemex (3540)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Lets see Tax and spend democrats= Clinton balanced budget. No deficit! Or spend and no tax republicans= 3 trillion in debt! OK! Now I see how it works, thank's for helping me see the light! I'm deeply indebted to you for straightening me out on the republican agenda man I had it wrong all this time! Wow I
love this place! tdemex

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@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
4 Feb 09
tax cuts = more money for consumers to spend, which = more business, which = more jobs, which = more money for consumers to spend, which = more business.............
Someone is going to have to spend the money to get our economy going. Either its going to be consumers, or its going to be government. With tax cuts it leaves it up to the consumers to decide what they want to spend the money on. Build the economy from the ground up. The other way is through government in which they pass out money to businesses. We all saw how well that worked. They are greedy, and just keep it for themselves.
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@christinep312 (131)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Actually he doesn't... he has such a large majority in the house that he doesn't have to do anything there. And in the senate he only has to turn a couple republicans to stop a filibuster. If this makes things worse it will be on the dems shoulders... the republicans are bystanders until 2010
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@juveriam786 (111)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Ha hah...the last part was funny. His vp was scary. Anyway, people want Obama to mess up I think. And your right we do have him for the next four years, but the way things are going I'm glad people are talking. We need people to, bc with talk comes change, and Obama hopefully will change everything, well somethings for the better.
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
4 Feb 09
"Obama can not change everything" - Isn't it amazing that everyone expected Bush to change everything but don't expect it of Obama?
@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
4 Feb 09
That is the thing Juveriam Obama can not change everything, he can start the change and it is up to the American people to make it happen. We the citizens make this country not our president. Obama is a great incentive for many people he has brought hope to many and with hope you have a greater chance of change.
@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Glad you smiled!
I am very much in favor of people talking and pushing.... if it's productive. But I see more bashing then anything else (though I'm reading others see the opposite) and no real answers.
I wish I heard viable answers that helped turn it all in the right direction.

@christinep312 (131)
• United States
4 Feb 09
I think political debate is what makes a democracy so great. If we all agreed with Obama than we would become too polarized. If the citizens aren't suppose to watch any president and critize him when he does something we don't like than who is. And this happened to Bush and every single president before him. I mean even Washington was heavily critized. And also if Obama trully is as great for the country as some people think he is than he will prove the people who are agianst him wrong. Let him prove me wrong and I will respect him for it. Until then, when he does something I don't approve with I am going to critize him for it. I mean its my country too.

@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
4 Feb 09
If people want to help the economy (american economy) then they need to go out and buy something. Something american. Until people start buying products made in america again, we will continue to ship jobs overseas. It was a big mistake for companies to go after the dollar by switching to cheaper overseas products. In the long run they screwed themselves. Go out right now, find something that was made in america, and buy it.
@tdemex (3540)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Find something made in America should be the question! I worked in the auto industry for the last 15 yrs, building assembly lines and installing them all over the world. Now the parts come from everywhere. There are no, I repeat NO cars made in America anymore. At least parts wise, they are put together in America. I really think the only place you can find anything truly made in America is at a crafts show and then the items probably come from somewhere else. tdemex

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Heck he was getting based before he was even sworn in, then he was bashed for the actual swearing in...lol! I think it's a combination of things; for some, they genuinely disagree with him on the issues and what he wants to do, for some, sad but true, it's a racial thing and then there are those who just like to complain or they expect a miracle overnight. It always happens to some extent but it seems to be worse this time, at least to me it does. Of course, there was no myLot in previous elections.
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
4 Feb 09
It has actually become more of a racial thing because people are using his color to make excuses for him - saying that everyone is expecting more from him and bashing him because of his color.
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
4 Feb 09
You are very right. Which is why I asked Why. Not sure I got a clear answer though because no one agrees.
Race seems to be a big thing. But someone pointed out that he is as white as he is black... I loved that. I think I'll steal it for future use.
I can disagree with my president but still support him and see what the future holds. Look at the faith people put in Bush after his first 4 years... they put him back in office.

@sid556 (30953)
• United States
9 Feb 09
I'm with you on this. It seems like he is being overly-critisized for every little thing he does and it began before he even took office. He was not my first nor most passionate choice for a president. I was really behind one that dropped off early on and then felt pretty good about another that also dropped out of the running. I really did not care for McCain but had he been voted in, I would have quietly hoped and prayed that all went well. That is what I am doing now. Much of this mess was started some time ago. Like Bush, he is not on his own in making the decisions that will make or break this country. You just can't blame one man for all that goes wrong. There is nothing we can do about it now but hope he does a decent job.
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Obama heightened expectations of many American people with his campaign promises and promises for change - and many expected immediate results - which have yet to come. Once elected, he quickly began to fill his administration with former Clinton administration/staff members. He is now pushing Congress to pass a stimulus package full of pork barrel spending and very little that will facilitate economic recovery.
All of this, in addition to a few other small matters - such as jumping sideways of some of the White House press and some very obvious partisan politics - gee, I wouldn't know why anyone would be bashing him....

@newtondak (3946)
• United States
4 Feb 09
"I just think that thirty seconds into things is a bit early to throw him to the wolves..." - it's a little more than thirty seconds and he very well knew with the state of our economy that he would need to hit the ground running and get things done quickly.
"...and the pork was there before him." Sorry, but two wrongs don't make a right. Yes, there was pork before him, but a very big part of his campaign was CHANGE and the assurance that it would not exist in his administration. Instead of CHANGE - he proposes legislation that is supposed to be for economic recovery but is, in fact, a lot of excessive and pork spending.
If Obama didn't want to take the responsibility for leading this country and turning around our economy, he shouldn't have run for President! With his own words, he brought much of America to believe that he was some kind of savior that could fix everything and make it all better - I hardly think that anyone should be cutting him any slack!
This crap was a long time coming so it won't be fixed with one swipe of a pen. Silly for anyone thinking it would.
And no, it takes more then one guy (ex-president) to create a mess like this but he still ain't no saint.
@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Yeah it is tough to deal with people preserving high things... but he might yet deliver... or not. I just think that thirty seconds into things is a bit early to throw him to the wolves... and the pork was there before him. This crap was a long time coming so it won't be fixed with one swipe of a pen. Silly for anyone thinking it would.
And no, it takes more then one guy (ex-president) to create a mess like this but he still ain't no saint.
@turandotty (228)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Anyone with a brain knew that Obama was not going to deliver what he said he would, but anyways that would have been impossible. All the "change" he's achieved is filling the White House with the Clinton administration (like you said, newtondak) and not only that but crooks (Daschle) and his former campaign workers. He's not putting qualified people, he's just putting in his little 'gang.'
I'm not mostly mad at him though, I'm mad at the people that voted for him. America proved that it can easily be brainwashed by empty rhetoric and the media. People were too interesting on hopping on the "yes we can" bandwagon than actually considering what was best for the country and who was right for the job. So... I've never expected a lot from Obama. Of course, he's welcome to prove me wrong.

@mimico (3617)
• Philippines
5 Feb 09
I guess it's just a habit to comment negatively on others. I mean, oit's so easy to point out the negativities when you look at other people. That would be taking away the focus on your own flaws. I just feel that it's always easier to bash people than praise them in general. Obama isn't the only one getting a bad rap, even celebrities and your mother-in-law are...
@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
3 Feb 09
It happens to all presidents. When W. Bush got into office the democrats started bashing him before he could even begin his job. Actually obama has been receiving alot of undeserved compliments. People talk about him like he's the savior of the world, and he hasn't even done anything yet. Its good that some people don't agree with him. Everyone agreeing like mindless zombies is just too weird. You must really hate Bush if you admit to voting for John Kerry. Sheesh.
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
4 Feb 09
All previous presidents have been expected to prove themselves worthy of the office - for whatever reason, this hasn't been the case with Obama - too many Americans already see him as a savior and worship the ground he walks on without question.
@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
4 Feb 09
agreed on that. People need to sit back, and let him do his job. We don't need anymore backseat drivers.
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
4 Feb 09
I wouldn't want a land full of sheep but I think playing fair wouldn't be hitting the new guy before lunch on the first day of school. They should at least wait till recess.
I don't think he needs either major kudos or slams.... I think time will tell.
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@turandotty (228)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Are you totally kidding? I hardly hear anyone bashing him. If anything, people treat him like he's the messiah. It's creepy. Even most Republicans are supporting him. After 8 years of Bush bashing too...the media have done a complete 180.
Why did Palin "scare you"?
@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Palin and I see things differently. I think family planning is something UNDER taught and funded. I think the world would be better off with out so many young ladies getting pregnant. I also have a thing about the extreme way she saw things. From animals to children. She was far more extreme then her brain allowed for.
Bush didn't really start getting too bashed until after the second term started. Or there wouldn't have been a second term.
I guess it depends on what you read, watch and listen to... I have yet to hear anything about the second coming or anyone recently walking on water.
@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
4 Feb 09
She didn't just not want abortion, she doesn't want family planning. Less family planning means more unwanted pregnancies which means either more spending taking care of them or more abortions. Prevention is far better.
She and her own family PROVED her method doesn't work. She's a grandma now isn't she? How old was her daughter? Church didn't work, not planning didn't work.
I'm a tree hugging hippy that thinks slaughtering wolves and giving hunters $500 a paw is a bad, extreme thing.
I think the media didn't have to ruin her rep... she opened her mouth and did it all on her own.
McCain would have been better off had he not picked her. Some people would have voted for him if....
The VP's are one extreme white supremest or one heart attack away from being president and that was a big factor in this past election.
@turandotty (228)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Ok well I think that abortion = murder so I agree with Palin - it's definitely NOT a substitute for birth control. I didn't think she was all that extreme. She isn't as far right as Obama is left... I mean if anyone is extreme, it's Obama, he has the most far-left voting record in the Senate. So yeah, I'm pretty pissed the media for successfully portraying her as a redneck, which she is not. But then the media is completely left, so what do you expect.

@mindymelena (158)
• United States
4 Feb 09
i love our prez and thank god that we finally have a good one !

@newtondak (3946)
• United States
4 Feb 09
I think it's a little preliminary to be judging whether he is a good/bad President - on what do you base your judgment?

@t123weety (15)
• United States
4 Feb 09
In my opinion for the last two terms the USA had the same guy. This is all new and therfore the news is going talk and bash. How else will they get people to watch and read.There will be changes and I think everybody is just sitting and waiting to see if the new guy really does what he has said he would do.
@t123weety (15)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Change is not always a bad thing. Sometimes just difficult to adapt to.
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Of course it is possible that America got so used to basing the President when Bush was in office that they're having a hard time getting out of that groove!
I think the citizens of modern-day American are much more aware and informed about the goings-on in our government than they were even a decade ago and are much more apt to speak up with their opinions.
@VoteforPedro (301)
• United States
4 Feb 09
I was so sad when Summer started vile gossips about Pedro after he took office. I do not understand why people have to be so mean and rude.
@sxrxnrr45601 (1171)
• United States
4 Feb 09
I know they are bashing him so badly already give the man a chance thats how I feel I did not vote for him either but I do believe he needs to be given a chance!
@shalli17here (627)
• Indonesia
4 Feb 09
actually, i have no right to say my opinion, coz im not US citizen..but to be honest, first i salute him before the election day..but now, after he has been elected i got dissapointed. why ?
im dissapointed coz of his statements about Palestine-Israeli, that US is on Israelis side. if im not wrong he said that US will give a full support n back-up for Israeli, n will defense Israeli for whatever threatening them..
im sorry if i dont know the exact statements, but thats what i conclude from his words. and im very dissapointed, because i think US is in Israelis hands, US wont dare to fight with Israel....eventhough most of the countries in this world, already know who's wrong or right..but the truth has been blinded and disguised by Israels power..
as long as there is not yet a President who dare to fight for the truth and stand for justice..then there is no good president there..
once again, im sorry but it's just my personal opinion..
@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
4 Feb 09
First off... You can always say your opinion because what touches one country touches all countries. At least in my book, we are ONE world.
Second off... I asked for opinions so any said with respect is welcome, and you showed the perfect respect. Thank You.
And I think you are right that we won't go after Israel. For many reasons. But I think we have ourselves (the US) too thin as it is. We need to pull back and re-group and find ways of encouraging Peace not war.
And no, I don't see it happening any time soon. Sad isn't it?