Gang of children caught slowly roasting puppies over bo
@StrawberryKisses (2833)
February 4, 2009 12:34pm CST
OMG this story is AWFUL. I cannot believe that kids can be SOOOOOO cruel.
[b]"A gang of children aged as young as 10 were caught trying to roast a pair puppies over a bonfire.
Passerby Melanie Johnson spotted them kicking the pups and holding them over the fire on a canal bank.
The youngsters fled, abandoning the dogs, when she challenged them.
Ms Johnson, 32, took the puppies home, then passed them on to an RSPCA centre where staff treated the dogs and are now looking to find them new homes.
The seven-week-old dogs, have now been named Guy and Cinders by RSPCA staff.
She said: 'I just could not believe the cruelty being shown by these kids. If I hadn't turned up, I think they would have burned the dogs alive.
'I heard yelping and saw a group of children standing around a small bonfire. I ran over the bridge to them and saw one of the pups being kicked and the other being held over the fire.
'Most of the kids were aged 12, 13 or older. But some were as young at 10.'
RSPCA animal shelter manager Jean Spencer said: 'The puppies are only seven weeks old. The fur on one of them was singed and the other has a small hernia.
'Fortunately, they are going to be fine.
'The lady who brought them in was in quite a state when she got here. She walked here with a puppy under each arm and was clearly very distressed.
'To think that children could be so cruel is really disgusting.'
She added: 'The puppies are absolutely gorgeous. Everyone here has fallen in love with them.
'They will stay here with us for just a few days before going to our RSPCA centre in Halifax, where staff will get them re-homed.'
Greater Manchester Police have not made any arrests in connection with the incident and a source said it would be extremely difficult to identify the culprits."[/b]
I was almost in tears reading this. I think I would have freaked right out on those kids, I wouldn't care what they may try to do to me. BURNING puppies ALIVE!!!!!!! Is absolutely disgusting.
What would you do if you saw this? or what would you do if you found out one of your kids was doing this type of thing?
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11 responses
@jesse022190 (171)
• United States
4 Feb 09
this is a gross story. I can't believe children these days would do something like this. If anyone I know was doing anything like that I would call the cops. Serial killers used to torture animals when they were younger. It is just a small step from torturing animals to people...
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@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
5 Feb 09
Oh yea I know. I was told when I was younger that a person that hurts animals usually gets tired of them and moves on to either their wife or child. I hope they are able to find these kids and charge them
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@raxxie (128)
• Mexico
4 Feb 09
It's terrible. I think that lady did the right think but those kids are still out there, and my question is WHERE ARE THEIR PARENTS?
I mean, if a kid does that to a puppy, what is he learning at home? If I found a child of mine doing it, I'd be really really worried :(
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@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
5 Feb 09
I'd turn my child in. I don't care if he has to face jail time at least they will have the scare they need to stop hurting poor defenseless animals.
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@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
4 Feb 09
did you get a good enough look at them to ID them? you should have called the police. Anyone caught doing that to an animal should be beaten with a bull whip...
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@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
5 Feb 09
Umm... It was a news story. If I had caught them I probably would have looked for the closest thing to me to give those kids a wack.
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@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
5 Feb 09
That is what I meant. Whip them with a bull whip until they bleed the way they used to do back in the days of slavery. We need to use the bull whip and the noose a lot more in this would see a reduction in crime here in the U.S.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
13 Feb 09
If these kids are so cruel at such a young age, imagine what they are going to be like when they are adults or teens!!! Where are these kids parents?! What would make a child be so cruel?! I hope they find who these kids were, but they probably won't! I think the kids should have the same thing done to them. Granite they are only kids, but if they can be so cruel then they should get the punishment for it!!
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@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
13 Feb 09
I agree with you. They are old enough to know better so they are old enough to get the proper punishment. I don't understand how kids can get SOOO cruel. Thank you for your response.
@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
26 Feb 09
That's awful!! I like animals much better than people, and kids can be terribly cruel. If it was my kid, I probably would have spanked her till she couldn't sit down. Then had a LONG discussion, and 'community service.' That means helping at an animal shelter.
As for those little monsters, I would have been less gentle. I probably would have started punching them, screaming "How do you like it? There! Aw, did it hurt? GOOD!!" I lose it when I see things like this. I would regret being so awful later, but I'd be all caught up in a red haze during.
I'm very glad my girl would never do something like that. Actually, if she caught some kids doing that, her reaction would probably be a LOT more vicious than mine. She's more aggressive than I am. I'm timid in regular times. She's more of an extrovert.
@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
26 Feb 09
LOL I know what you mean. All I felt when I read this was anger. We have always had animals around and my son has always been more of a gentle person so I would be very shocked to find out he had done something like this too. I doubt he ever will, he's too sweet and he knows what mommy would do to him if he did LMAO
@Crywolfe (11)
• United States
6 Apr 09
This is sickening. If it was my kids, theyd be in a world of hurt. id definately turn them in and probbly do more than that. Evil evil kids and people nowadays. id probably knock the livin daylights out of those kids.
@stardustw83 (435)
• United States
8 Feb 09
this is soo sad. I think if i ever witnessed this i would have called the cops and tried to get a couple of the kids and then get the puppies to the vet asap. If i ever found my own child doing this i would get him or her into counseling so fast that their head would spin. I'm not even sure i would be able to look at them the same way.
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@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
9 Feb 09
Yea if I ever found out mine did something like this I would turn them in. Kids need to face the consequences of their actions.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
4 May 09
If they are capable of torturing a puppy they are capable of torturing another human being. We have lost our values! Where are the parents of these kids? Why they are running them wild! Its the society duty to educate our young to respect nature and animals. If we fail, we cannot expect respect in return.
@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
6 May 09
I completely agree. I just wish they had been caught so they could have been punished. Thanx for your response.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
6 May 09
What the hell is with kids, and what kind of parents do they have? Anyone, who has no regard for animals probably won't have much regard/respect for people either. Sometime back in February was a kid named Kenny Glenn, though called himself Timmy The Animal Abuser...he then got his brother to actually video tape him abusing a cat named Dusty....THEN...the jerk had the nerve to post it on YouTube...people were naturally outraged, and one member there somehow managed to track this Kenny Glenn down who lives in Lawton, Oklahoma...and yes, he was taken into jail..the main problem though, is that his parents are very influential people (translation: rich)--and probably nothing will happen to can see a whole article about this ---the good news Dusty was rescued and so was another cat this kid was abusing and are supposedly up for adoption
@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
9 May 09
That is so sad. At least he got caught but there really should be tougher penelties for abuse to anyone or animals. Sometimes I wish people weren't rich and money didn't matter so much to people.
@suzzy3 (8341)
8 Feb 09
I can not beleave this,it is so awful ,what is wrong with some kids did they not get soft toys to cuddle when they were young.It is not quite as bad as this but yesterday next doors dog kept barking and I noticed these boys were running up and down the path which we share with our neibours,they were banging the door and making the dog bark then ran and hid while the dog went mad at the window ,so i went down the path and caught one while the others run off,I told them it was cruel what they were doing and plus the fact they were disturbing me as the walls are not very thick and to clear off,so yes I would step in or call for help ,if these kids are like that they will not care what they do to you will they?It makes my blood boil and upsets me deeply inside to think these children would ever consider doing something as evil as this,just glad I live in the country and away from crowds and we can control what goes on around here,take care
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@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
9 Feb 09
I don't understand what is wrong with them either. I just wish they had been caught by the police so they could have been charged.
@rmorefield (941)
• United States
5 Feb 09
If I found out that one of my kids was doing something this heinous, I would be arrested for child abuse. No question to it. I wouldn't do anything horrible to them, but I would beat the s--- out of them, and then beat them some more.
If I were to walk up on something like this, I would also freak out. There would be no time for rational thought. And they would definitely be able to identify the culprits after I got through with them. Believe me. At least one of them would have a few bruises. (I have a pretty good backswing. LOL)
There is no excuse for something like this. I'm not blaming the parents, but where were the? I think children should always be supervised. But my big question is, what would cause these kids to act in such a manner? How could they be so cruel?
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@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
5 Feb 09
I blame the parents 100%. 1 they should have been supervised and 2 where else could they have learned such behavior? The way a child is raised had way too much to do with how they turn out in life.
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@Interdistibution1 (166)
• Canada
22 Feb 09
I sure would go to the police and have them make an investigation as kids will talk about it and sooner or later they would be caught.