Are you a proponent of "date nights"?

United States
February 4, 2009 4:27pm CST
I try to make arrangements once every two or three months for a childless date night. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids....but well trying to have a romantic dinner out or at home is well impossible when you have three kids. Our kids are 5, 3 and 2 and it is a challenge to take them out to dinner and complete a sentence at the same time...and they are basically good kids. For us it's like a minivacation from the reality of our life when we catch these little moments to just be a couple. I think it's a great idea because it helps you and your partner nurture that pre-kid connection you had way back when so that when your kids don't need you so much any more you won't find yourself asking the what in the world happend to us question because you allowed your marital relationship mature with your kiddies. So are you for or agains date nights and why or why not?
4 responses
@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
5 Feb 09
Are you kidding only 3 or 4 times a year? Darlin it is healthy for you and your spouse to spend time away from the kids on a weekly basis do it more. Even if you just take a walk. a couple of hours a week will work wonders for ones marriage. It doesnt mean you have to spend money. Even 2 times a month is good. Take more time lol
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• United States
5 Feb 09
Awe thank you. We try to spend time together at home just chit chatting after the kids go to bed. I agree it is very important for people to make sure they make time for couple time.
@crystal8577 (1466)
• United States
5 Feb 09
I am neither for or against them. I have 3 kids also so it is hard to find someone who will take them all. I don't allow anyone but fmaily to watch them. When we do go out to eat together if we talk it seems to be about the girls, or his job. He is also a type 1 diabetic so he is tired easily & would rather relax. It does not bother me, there are plenty of ways for us to connect at home with the kids around. I met him when my oldest was a month old, so it has never been just he & I. We are used to that & it works for us.
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• United States
4 Feb 09
We try to have at least one night a month for ourselves. Usually our daughter will go with her grandmother for the night. We usually end up spending the night at home having a nice dinner and watching a movie. Every once and awhile we will actually venture out and go to a bar or a movie. We try and keep it cheap though. Were just happy to have some baby free time.
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@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
5 Feb 09
Date night? What the heck is that? LOL IF and that IF is huge, I could get any time away from my kids to have a "date night".. I'd gladly take it. It's been going on 5 months... or wait... Actually it's been 5 months to the day since I've had time away from both of my kids. I've had one day where a friend *wink wink* took my son to stay with them but that's been it. So I could manage it, I would accept it lol... not like i'd turn it down and say oh no.. I can't tonight.. LOL But yes, everyone needs time away from their kids, and have ADULT time. If your one of the lucky ones that get to do that, take full advantage of it and have a great time.
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