What were you embarrassed about when you were a child or teen?

@AmbiePam (96508)
United States
February 5, 2009 11:04am CST
I was tall. Really tall. I was always mistaken for being older than my age, and I was once hit on at the age of ten while I was selling candy bars. I was 5'4 when I was ten, 5'9 when I was eleven, and by the time I was thirteen I had quit growing and was an even six feet. I was on a field trip when I was twelve, and was mistaken for the teacher. I wore my basketball uniform with my name on it to the store when I was eleven and was asked what grade I taught at that school. I was the tallest person in my class until I went to college when I was sixteen. By then of course I didn't care how tall I was. But I was teased endlessly when I was a child, and it bothered me. I look back now and think how stupid it was to be embarrassed by my height, but kids are just more self-conscious I guess.
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53 responses
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
6 Feb 09
When i was a kid in grade school we got teased because we were being rasied by our grandparents. They called us the beverly hillbillies. Asked tauntingly "why are your parents so old?" My sister, brother and i all teased for everything from our grandparents to our clothes our house. Just everything. All the grades k through 6th. We were teased because we lived near the school. We were not the only ones that lived 1/2 block from school, just the only ones that got teased for it. My grandparents thought they were doing good putting us in a school that had all high class kids in it, in a good neighborhood. They were all kids of doctors, lawyers, etc. Basically we were like the beverly hill billies. Lord how i hated those kids. Daydreamed for years after leaving that school about meeting up with them and getting even for all the torture. Half way through my 20's before i realize they are not worth my time.
@AmbiePam (96508)
• United States
6 Feb 09
I went to school with a girl whose mom abandoned her to her grandparents, and she had never known her father. Her grandparents spoiled her rotten, and she deserved everything they did for her. She got so many questions about why she had no parents that I couldn't help but be glad her grandparents took such excellent care of her.
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
6 Feb 09
I think my grandparents spoiled us too. Whenever my aunts and our mom came over they would always tell us how we have it so much better than they did. I only had 2 friends them whole time i was in school. An overweight girl and a girl they called a crybaby. All my life i would feel a certian colseness to certian people. Then later find out that they were either raised by their grandparents or that they have Irish decent like i do.
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@my2boys (821)
• United States
6 Feb 09
I have always been really short. I am 23 years old now and only 5'0". But my height never really embarrassed or bothered me. Sure people picked on my about it but i didnt mind. It only gets frustrating when i am shopping for pants or the fact that i always have to keep a stepstool in the kitchen to reach foods on the top cabinet.I had really bad acne as a teenager. That emarrassed me. I would always try and cover it up but i couldnt.
@AmbiePam (96508)
• United States
6 Feb 09
My sister had bad acne. She was so smart and so popular though, that she never got teased.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
5 Feb 09
It is not stupid at all it is very important for children growing up and very important to their self esteem.
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• United States
5 Feb 09
My large boobs did not go with my chicken legs.
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@glords (2614)
• United States
6 Feb 09
I was embarrassed a lot when i was in high school and jr. high. I think I was embarrassed on everything from the size of my nose (which is average) to the color of my hair (dirty blonde). Kids are so self conscious. I was embarrassed if my makeup was smudged or if I didn't have time to reapply makeup after gym class. I constantly reassured myself, that "nobody cares." Funny but at the time I found that reassuring when it felt like people were talking about you. I think most likely it was mostly true. Nobody cares what you're wearing in highschool because they are all to worried about what they are wearing. I wonder how I had time for anything, with all the time I invested into worrying about boys and friends and clothes and makeup and music groups, and being popular! LOL
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@ljbinkop (744)
• United States
5 Feb 09
I'm with your first resonder. I was the shortest and I still am everywhere I go, but that wasn't the most embarassing thing... I also have a really round butt! It's all very well and good now, that butts are in, but when I was growing up in the 80's, flat butts were in, at least in my neighborhood! I hid my butt under long sweaters until 1990! Now my husband wouldn't ket me wear a sweater like it in a million years! LOL!
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@AmbiePam (96508)
• United States
6 Feb 09
J. Lo has done a good thing for people with full booties, lol.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
6 Feb 09
I have always been short. Anyways, I have not been taken for older than I am. When I was 35 and went to our alkoholshop, I had to show my id, to tell how old I was. For me at the time that was really fun, but the girl behind the desk got blushing and said I am sorry. That is the rules here in sweden, you cannot by alkohol until you are 20. Nowdays, when I say my age, people do not believe me. It seems I look younger than I really am.
@AmbiePam (96508)
• United States
6 Feb 09
That is great! What is weird, is that forever I was mistaken for an adult when I was just a kid. But I'm almost 28 and now everyone guesses I'm around 22. I don't mind that. Maybe when I'm 40 they'll think I'm 30. lol
• United States
5 Feb 09
I can't commiserate with you over height, cause I've always been a perpetual shorty. But, I had a few embarrassing moments when I was a kid. I was teased over my religion. Kids were really mean about it too. We weren't allowed to watch TV until I was in my preteens and kids at school thought I was some kind of freak cause of that. But, have you seen the trash on TV these days? Not much to get worked up over. Even the kids shows are a bunch of junk. Not sure why they thought TV was such a big deal. I was smarter than all those other kids anyway, reading at age four. Most of the kids I grew up with could barely read or write in the second grade and I was reading at a sixth grade level by then. So, I guess there are some good reasons for kids not to get involved in popular culture and television. I was teased endlessly over my clothing, cause they were always hand me downs and Good will store clothes. I don't remember ever having new clothes. Well, maybe once when I was six years old and nagged my mom for two hours to buy me a cute little two piece outfit. I think the outfit cost all of $6.00 at the Kmart. I owned that outfit for four years and it was still good when I outgrew it. So, yeah! I got teased about a good many things. I was always sick over one thing or another. And, noone made fun of me cause of that, but I think it scared the other kids in elementary school. They must have been afraid of catching something. And, my hair was obscenely long and that was another point of ridicule. But, longer hair is the big thing now in beauty, so looking back on it, I can't imagine why I would have hated my hair so much. I chopped my hair off over the summer months cause it was so hot. And now that it's growing out, it looks horrible. I'm sure there were other things I got teased over. But those are the highlights. Thank G' I did home school through most of the upper grades. I can only imagine how embarrassing those school years would have been. I was a very insecure child. I am hoping that my daughter grows up feeling more confident about herself and the way she looks.
@AmbiePam (96508)
• United States
5 Feb 09
I wasn't allowed to wear shorts, and I wasn't allowed to wear pants until I was twelve. I definitely got teased on that.
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
6 Feb 09
You kinda sound like my household.. I was raised a Jehovah Witness from birth and not able to do things others could was embarresing and sad since I wanted to have fun to..so i rebelled as a teen.. I had 3 older Sisters so i never had new clothes.. I read books since the age of 3 and was considered a bookworm.. have always had pale skin and was called names.. My father hated long hair and would cut all our hair like a dutch girl so now i refuse to cut it and i'm 57... Rebelling helped me to grow up to learn to do what i want plus leaving husbands that felt i should cater to them..
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@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
5 Feb 09
Well, I am taller than the average woman 5'7" and a bit to spare. But that wasn't what got me. It was school pictures. When I was a teen I always seemed to have zit on picture day. And it was always either on my nose(Hello Rudolph) or on my chin. So I have pictorial proof of my embarrassment.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
5 Feb 09
What wasn't I embarassed about? I can recall that from when I was about 11 until 16 I had at least three things which I found to be very embarassing at the time but fortunately all of them have since disappeared on their own. I was, how can I put it, rather large then. The consequences of not being allowed to leave the table until my plate was clean maybe but at 16 that problem just vanished. Then I had a problem with sweaty hands too. Of course that meant I spoiled the pages when writing at school and when we had the once a week dance lesson at school it was very embarassing. Then the last was hairy arms. I can remember wanting to wear long sleeved tops all through summer too. After 16 and ever since none of these have ever been a problem because they are now non-existent but at the time it was cause for much worry on my part. I thought I would never grow out of them but fortunately I did!
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@AmbiePam (96508)
• United States
5 Feb 09
I never would want to go back to the teenage years.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
5 Feb 09
No way! I am quite happy to have come out of them a long time ago!
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
6 Feb 09
I was embarrassed about my scars...or the cuts the lead to the scars. You see...any cut i get be it just a small nick or a big gash scars as I'm missing the component in one's blood that helps you to heal and fight infections. A injury results in me being on antibiotics for 2 weeks and a scar. Needless to say..teenagers arent very nice about differences...scars, height, zits, wieght and i got picked on alot because of them. they dont bug me near as much now...theres a couple that do but the rest dont.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
6 Feb 09
I saw that a few people were embarassed about being smart - that was a point of pride for me....they might not have had scars but i had better marks and always was reading...books were a good escape from the teasing i could tune out anyting anyone said if i had a book in front of me (i was reading before i ever started school...the teacher in kindergarten used to leave me reading a book to the class if she had to go to the office - might have been another sticking point for kids with me being a "nerd")
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
6 Feb 09
Oh i know i'm a total geek/nerd (i like it that way too.) Thank you..the picture was taken last summer when we were out kayaking on the lake near where i grew up.
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@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
6 Feb 09
I wasn't teased that much but I was probably the skinniest girl int he school.. I was about 5"6 and weighed only 104 lbs.. I didn't think that I was skinny but others did, I was happy with myself as far as the weight went.. But I wore glasses back then, from the fifth grade on up to the present, I still wear them.. Four eyes was the word for people like me especially when it came from the mouths of idiots who just happened to not have to wear glasses.. I never let it bother me as I didn't really care about the opinions of others, I don't know why I didn't, but I didn't.. I wasn't at all embarrassed by the glasses and was happy with the way I looked.. I am still happy with the way I look and if anyone doesn't like the way I look, then I still have the same attitude and the same place they can kiss.. We are all different and I think that is great..
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@AmbiePam (96508)
• United States
6 Feb 09
I like your attitude!
@savypat (20216)
• United States
7 Feb 09
My last name, We had a very Jewish name in a town with very few Jews and I was always teased in school. We were not Jews but that didn't matter. Kids are really cruel.
@AmbiePam (96508)
• United States
8 Feb 09
Cruel and ignorant.
• Bahrain
8 Feb 09
hmmm o.o.. I wasn't embarrassed about anything really . I lived my life carefree and couldn't care less about the other kids, but I suppose that's because I wasn't the type that would succumb to bullying. I wish if it was the same now -w-
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@AmbiePam (96508)
• United States
8 Feb 09
I didn't go to a very big school. So if someone was saying something bad about someone, everyone knew it.
• Bahrain
8 Feb 09
same here -w- but, you know, "ignorance is bless" ;)
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• United States
5 Feb 09
I was embarrassed by my mom when we went to buy my first bra at the age of 14 , she went to the lady in JCPenney and asked for help for a beginner bra for me and she said real loud " that it was about time that I needed a bra , that I was the president of the itty bitty ti**y committee" I just about fell down crying right there and did cry a bit in the try on room.
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@AmbiePam (96508)
• United States
6 Feb 09
Despite my shyness, I think I would have run from the store. Or maybe just collasped right there. I started wearing a training bra in the 1st grade. Then started the never ending nightmare of boys constantly popping my straps! You know, like they were suspenders or something.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
17 Feb 09
I was pudgy and extremely shy throughout grade school and got picked on alot. As I got to my teens I got thinner and less shy but still wasn't comfortable around alot of ppl including other students. I loved school, I just couldn't stand being around so many ppl. [b]~~AT PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS**[/b]
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@KarenO52 (2950)
• United States
6 Feb 09
I was underweight, even though I ate well. I was also very pale, which made some people think I was sickly. My mom was actually more embarrassed than me, because she didn't want people to think she wasn't feeding me enough. I was a strange kid in that I wasn't crazy about candy and other treats, and preferred to nibble on raw veggies. My mom encouraged me to drink milk shakes and malts, and was always trying to fatten me up. I had a good appetite, and I ate more than most of my friends, who couldn't believe I stayed so thin and ate so much. I was called skinny, string bean, etc. I even had a boyfriend when I was 11 or 12 that told me to gain some weight or he would break up with me. I broke up with him, and went my merry way, and eventually gained weight. Now I want to get some of that weight off!
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@AmbiePam (96508)
• United States
6 Feb 09
Sounds like were a very normal child, and everyone around you was weird!
@snoopy04 (718)
• United States
10 Feb 09
Mine was my teeth and my weight. I had two front teeth that stuck out really bad and the kids used to call me Bugs Bunny all the time. Then when I got braces to fix it they used to call me metal mouth or other stupid names. I was also very skinny as a child so all the boys would call me Olive Oil because I reminded them of Popeyes girlfriend. Now my teeth are straight and I have a terrific figure and it doesnt matter how mean the kids were back then because I am happy with myself then and now. But now that I have kids I hope that they dont ever have to endure what I went through as a child.
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
5 Feb 09
I was never embarrassed about anything about me. I just wanted to be more popular. I was not super outgoing and probably sort of geeky, although I did not think that I was at the time, but looking back now, it is funny. You see, when I went to my first high school reunion (10 years), so many of the "cool" people were in nothing jobs and so many of the geeks were in high-paying, great jobs. So, now when I hear my students call someone a geek, I say to them, "What do you call a geek in 10 years?" They ask me, "What?" I say.... "BOSS!!"
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@AmbiePam (96508)
• United States
6 Feb 09
I fully agree!
@messageme (2821)
• United States
5 Feb 09
What wasn't I embarrassed about! I was so easily embarrassed, I think it has something to do with because I was very shy when I was younger so you could pretty much do or say anything and I would get embarrassed!
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@AmbiePam (96508)
• United States
5 Feb 09
I was shy as well. I had to work up the nerve to talk to people.