What would you buy if you were worth $100 million?

United States
February 7, 2009 7:36pm CST
What would you buy if you were worth $100 million? I would probably buy a yacht, some nice cars, a few houses and invest the rest. What would you buy?
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2 responses
@TnWoman (1895)
• United States
8 Feb 09
hello jesse i guess that if i was a multi-millionaire like that i would also invest in some property, houses, have a nice vacation house somewhere, a couple of nice vehicles to drive around in and i would buy loads of new clothes. i would never run out of any kind of the make-up that i like to use either. lol and i could go get botox (i hope that i spelt that correctly) treatments for my face so that i wouldn't have very many wrinkles showing as i get older. and i guess that if i was a multi-millionaire like that i would have a couple of horses and a nice stable and a big place where that they could run and have plenty of exercise. take care and have a beautiful evening.
• Janesville, Wisconsin
8 Feb 09
My Home, the marsh, and the woods.. And would buy up all the land I could to try to perserve it... As well as let people hunt on it and fish on it for a small feet bank it.. to pay for the land, as well as invest to make the money grow, and try to make it keep growing, as well as investing it to keep growing, and try to help invest it in a way that I kept it growing, as it growed would give some to others help them grow theirs.. and try to plant money trees to make as many other millionares as I could. Buy houses built in flood planes, and quake zones so those effected could move on.. Take all the old scrap and sell it to recycling places.. and even relocate the buildings for restoration to go to people in non flood plains effect by other natural disasters... - DNatureofDTrain