Octuplet Disability Payday....???
By CraftyCorner
@CraftyCorner (5600)
United States
February 8, 2009 6:28pm CST
Nadya Suleman, mother of 14 children including the now famed Octuplets received a massive California state Disability payday because she had all her pregnancies after receiving an on the job back injury. The $168,000 payment was given after she was involved in a scuffle on the job involving some mental ward patients while working at an institution.
Is it wise to be having multiple birth pregnancies while dealing with back problems?
This whole situation is getting stinkier the more I hear of it...First we've a dodgey fertility clinic, a woman of iffy financial standing, now she has previous health concerns...what is going on here?
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15 responses
@relundad (2310)
• United States
9 Feb 09
I actually think this woman has some mental issues going on and then found a quack of a clinic and doctor to match.
They also said that the parents had to file BK after trying to assist her with the kids. For someone with financial problems where did she get the money to have 6 previous fertility pregnacies? The husband divorced her and none of the kids were his! But apparently they used the same donor for all of the kids!
It just doesn't make sense to me that somehow she found the money to get pregnant and now the taxpayers get to pay for this football team and cheerleader squad!
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@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
10 Feb 09
Octo-mom paid for the UVF treatment via the disability payments when she was injured on the job. Apparently, she isn't paying for any child upkeep, the grandparents are paying food and bills. She also had plastic surgery and had her nails done. She expects hand outs to continue paying for child upkeep...
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
9 Feb 09
I sincerely hope they throw the book at the doctor that helped her out....there was a discussion about how they want to limit the number of children married couples have....I think they should start with these women who are getting pregnant out of wedlock and getting pay check along with each chile. The whole thing is a stinker like you said!
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@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
10 Feb 09
I think there is already limits on how much assistance a woman can get on welfare for each additional child she has. I could be in error...
@DreamingofaBaby (1)
• Canada
12 Feb 09
I think this is a horrible thing. I have been dealing with fertility issues since 2002 and have seven babies in heaven. My husband and I both work a full time job and at least one part time job, sometimes more. We have health care through our jobs, but the health care will not help us. The fertility doctor advises us for us to be parents, we need embryo donation. It will cost $32,000 and the insurance will only cover $4,000. Leaving us to come up with $28,000. No one will help us. Then you have a woman like this. No wonder we are having such a hard time. I set up a site at www.geocities.com/dreamingofababy2008. It has not helped me, I sure hope hers does not help her. Yes, we have looked into everything. Adoption will cost over $25,000. We are looking into embryo adoption now, but it costs thousands. I can understand this because they will be destroyed anyway, why not give them to people. But, I guess that is the American way. If they can't make money off it, destroy it in case some one else can benefit from it. What has this world come too.
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@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
13 Feb 09
Man, that does stink.
There are however quite a few older children out there in need of homes too. I was one of them (2 1/2 at adoption second time around) and my mother loved the adoption. It didn't matter if I was disabled as well, (had mild autism) I turned out to be a really good egg as far as she was concerned.
Keep truckin'.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
12 Feb 09
I find the world easier to cope with now that I've realized we entered the twilight zone some time ago..
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
23 Feb 09
I think that's part of it.. but no matter how some folks insist the world hasn't changed, I remember growing up in the 50's and 60's a kid could ride their bike all over the county.. nowadays I would never allow my grand kids to play in the front yard, let alone take a bike ride, and we live outside of small town usa..
@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
13 Feb 09
Have we entered the twilight zone or has the Internet allowed us to see everyone's dirty laundry?

@suchasucker (206)
• United States
9 Feb 09
From what I've heard/seen, this woman and her entire story disgust me. She has to be one of the most selfish people on the face of the earth. Why would you bring children into this world (purposely), that you have no way to support? Or that your only source of income to support them will be from money distributed by the federal government. I don't appreciate my tax dollars going to support her family.
I'm a single woman as well, and I'd love the opportunity to have children someday. However, if I reached the point where I felt the need to go to a fertility clinic, I would make sure I had my finances in place first. I will make sure I am fully able to support the child/children on my own behalf. Not due to charity or government support.
Personally, I think they should force her to put them up for adoption if she can't earn the money herself to support them. Let some loving families have a chance at them, who are more than willing to foot the bill.
@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
10 Feb 09
I agree. You can't eat love and that is very true. Especially when your talking about a completely helpless human being. One of her elder children is autistic.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
9 Mar 09
A person can have wishes regardless of their health. Nadya Suleman has been well enough to have six children, although three of them are disabled. She thought she was well enough to have a sixth child but she had eight babies not just one. A fertility clinic may want to help ladies achieve pregnancy but it also tries to get lots of money. I think $168,000 is a lot of money and if I received that amount I would buy a house. If she had done that she could have extended it for her children that she has now got. I wish her well and think she is very unusual.
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@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
10 Mar 09
Do not the welfare of your existing children take precedent over the desires you have for more children? That is the concern that many have of Octo-Mom's motivations and her fertility clinic's ethics.
@moneymommy (3418)
• United States
9 Feb 09
I dont understand this woman's thinking or anyone else that has that many children. How are you going to show them individual attention. How are you going to afford it in this bad economy. She doesn't even have a spouse to help out. There's no way!! She must have a mental health problem because no one in there right mind would do that. At least in her circumstances.
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@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
10 Feb 09
There is already an investigation going on into the fertility clinic. I'm sure there is an investigation going on into Mom on the hush.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
9 Feb 09
Personally I feel that this is a weird situation for sure. Who in their right mind would allow some woman a chance to have 8 kids at one time who has a Medical situation like this? Personally I feel a Huge SCAM going on somewhere, and very Glad I do not live in CA and one of the many Tax payers having to pay for this. She is Divorced, lived with her parents in a 3 bedroom house, and had 6 kids already. Simply this is abusing the system big time, and I would Love to see someone for sure be held responsible for this. Waiting to see what else comes out in the media as well, as this is getting crazy for sure.
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@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
10 Feb 09
I live in Arizona, but we just don't know where the F's up are. I feel for you Cali's, I really do.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
9 Feb 09
Okay, this whole situation was bad from the start. She had six children prior to having the octuplets, also she is on disability, she has no husband, and she is living in a two-bedroom house with her mom and dad. She claimed that she was an only child who just wanted a lot of children. Well, she got it. She gave birth to eight babies, four of them were two sets of identical twins (that explains why she had so many), she only had six eggs implanted into her. She had a great job prior to being on disability and no, she should not have had children when she was on disability and she should be in a bigger house than the one she is in to take care of her children, also, she should have a husband to help her raise these 14 children because honestly, why would you want that many children without someone to help you take care of them? This whole situation is out of control.
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@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
10 Feb 09
We're talking about disability for a back injury before any of these pregnancies of course. I'm surprised that she doesn't get a call from the disability people...people loose their disability for less.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
9 Feb 09
I could not have any children because when I was seventeen, I got pregnant and got vd at the same time, and because it went undetected, it spread through my fallopian tubes, I had the baby gave her up, but she had problem with her eyes and when I got married, I found I could no longer bear child so we adopted. Now this woman who had a back injury gets pregnant just like that? Mind you, she could not get pregnant the normal way, but I was wondering why she is so lucky and I so unlucky?
I was only allowed to adopt two children and if they had not been twins, I would have only gotten one.
Maybe some wrongs are considered okay. Mine was not.
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@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
10 Feb 09
Octomom had a problem with her fallopian tubes as well.
@di1159 (1580)
• United States
9 Feb 09
I think that the doctor acted in a very unethical manner to implant so many embryos into this woman. Even if she was the richest woman in the world and could support all the kids (which I've been hearing she cannot), it is a danger to both the mother and the fetuses and can cause countless complications. Then she'll want to sue the doctor and blame him, and the viscious circle continues. I have trouble getting a pain prescription sometimes, how any doctor did this is beyond me.
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@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
10 Feb 09
Tell me about it, I feel sorry for the guy who's sperm was used. Apparently he permitted one baby to be conceived, but not thirteen others.
@singlemommy (2955)
• United States
9 Feb 09
Honestly, I think something should be done about women who do this. Think about it, she has 14 children, ALL 7 years old and younger!!! I give my props to women and men who have a large family. I just have two children who are 8 years old and 2 years old and believe me, they are a handful, so could you imagine 14 children???
I do believe that it is a parents choice to have these children and if they HAVE the means to support them, then my hats off to them, but if you don't have it, don't have them. That's just how I feel about it.
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@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
10 Feb 09
What bugs me is that she just assumes that people will just jump in to help her just because of the wonder of baybees! High end multiples are not that uncommon anymore, especially UVF multiples.
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@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
9 Feb 09
This woman is the type of scum that dragged this country down to its current state. Everyone is looking for freebies and handouts and expect taxpayers to foot the bill. It's time to put the foot down and say no more. Enough is enough.
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@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
10 Feb 09
Yea, it's time to reward those who make the right choices, not those who make the wrong choices repeatedly.
@uicbear (1900)
• United States
13 Feb 09
The more I hear about this situation the more upset it makes me. I just think it is a travesty of the medical profession that a doctor would do this. Personally I think the doctor who impregnated this woman should have to support all those babies. i know this might be extreme, but it just seems that there were so many reasons for the doctor to say, "I'm sorry, but i don't believe that following this course of medical treatment is in your best interest."
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@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
15 Feb 09
Said same doc impregnated a 49 year old woman with out medical insurance with quintuplets as well. Guess who has the joy of looking after those tiny bits of life...the taxpayers of California.
@dmrone (746)
• United States
9 Feb 09
This woman has mental problems, that is for sure. She will not have to worry about things for these children. The companies will give her diapers, formula, food, clothes, bottles, live in help, van, insurance, and money just to have these childrens pictures on their products. She may even get a larger house for them all. Sure it smells to no end, but you really have to ask yourself, is she really mental or really cunning?
@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
9 Feb 09
What is going on is a woman so obsessed with babies that she will do anything to have them. I am sure there are other dodgey fertility clinics. I am sure they would love to have a spokesperson like her.
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@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
10 Feb 09
One insemination I could possibly understand, but repeat after repeat...good lord! Isn't there any inquiry as to fiscal viability of the parent? Or did OctoMom pull fraud on the clinic?