Do you always return your library books on time?

@apples99 (6556)
United States
February 9, 2009 2:34pm CST
I haven't gotten any library books in a while because I dont like having to worry about returning them on time so I just buy my books any way do you always return your library books on time?
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22 responses
@loveyevi (513)
• United States
9 Feb 09
I just recently got a new library card, and there was a notice when I signed up that their fines have gone up quite a bit, because of the economy. I used to not be very good at getting everything back on time, just because I read them and forget. But now with the fine increase, I will try to start getting them back on time. Or at least try to renew them by phone or internet if I know I will not be able to get to the library on time to avoid the fine.
@caver1 (1762)
• United States
9 Feb 09
Yes, I try to always return my library books on time. Our library now has a service that sends an email 3 days before your book is due. It is nice to have the reminder.
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• United States
9 Feb 09
I try to , but I have not been to the libary in so long just for the fact that i cannot get there very much and I do not want a huge fine.
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@SusanLee (1920)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I think I've only paid a library fine once, and it was only ten cent. As a matter of fact, I called the library just today to extend my time two more weeks. I got three books a few weeks ago and read them over the week-end, went back and got seven more from two different libraries and haven't read one all the way through. When I read I read nonstop, when I'm done, I'm done I guess until the next phase hits me. Dropping off books at the library isn't a problem because I pass them on my into either town I go too.
• Singapore
4 Mar 09
I borrow a lot so I paid fines more than a few times but it is still a low percentage of the borrowings I had that I need to pay fines on.
@moneymommy (3418)
• United States
9 Feb 09
Most of the time we are pretty good at returning are books on time. If I think I wont be done with a book on time I will just renew it.
@alharra (507)
• United States
9 Feb 09
I'm constantly having to pay fines-but its not all my fault. My Mom gets into the stash of books and wanders off with them.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
10 Feb 09
No, and I've really made an effort but somehow they just get past me. I try to buy books for me as well as to sell when I go to book sales and auctions because it's often cheaper than paying the library fines.
• Singapore
4 Mar 09
Hi apples99, I *try* too. After all, I wouldn't want to be fined for nothing. Besides, why do I borrow books unless I want to read them? So most of the times, I do manage to return the books on time. Else I will just go for a renewal or pay a fine. Normally, my situation is that I just need another day or 2 to finish the book. Good news has come for me as from next month on, the libraries here will allow free renewal - this means I can have my 4 books for 6 weeks instead of 3.
@charles63 (146)
• United States
10 Feb 09
I've always returned my books on time, but I don't use the library very often. I've still got a stack of books that I've bought that I haven't read yet. Usually I don't finish a book until weeks -- sometimes months -- after I've started it. I think the current lending period at my local library is three weeks. That's better than the two weeks that it once was when I was young, but it still doesn't quite fit with my reading patterns.
@mivarg (277)
• India
21 Feb 09
Yes, I do return the library books in time. That helps me work systematically and read more. I have membership in three libraries, and I am always very punctual about returning books in all these libraries.
@fineartist (1217)
• United States
10 Feb 09
No, I usually do not return my library books on time. I feel badly about this since I am a librarian. :( Oh, well. I will try to do better in the future. Since the economy is terrible and my local library is terrific, I will continue to borrow library books. Have a wonderful day!
• Malaysia
11 Feb 09
It's been quite some time that I've borrowed any books from the library, since the public library is located quite far from my place. But I used to pay lots of penalty to my university's library during my second and final year of study, due to lots of assignments and too much books to read at a time (and there were times I was too lazy to get back to the library and extend the borrowing period!)
• Philippines
21 Feb 09
Hey there! I always make sure that I return the books that I borrow from our school library. I don't wanna pay for the fine for not returning it on time. lol. The books that I borrow are the ones that I need for my assignment or case studies. Our school has a lot of helpful books that I can use as my reference.
@jakill (835)
11 Feb 09
I usually get my books back on time but have been known to forget occasionaly. I used to read two books a week and get 6 books out every three weeks, but I've now reduced it to only 4 books at a time. That's because I now spend so much time doing this sort of thing online. Once I lost a book because I took it on a weekend to New York and then couldn't find it. Think I left it on the plane coming back. I had to confess and pay for it. I don't take library books on journeys any more.
@Bevsue (251)
• United States
10 Feb 09
I had to stop using the library for the same reason. I do love to check the libray used book sales, however. Wonderful bargains there.
@CRSunrise (2981)
• United States
10 Feb 09
I definitely try to return my library stuff before they're due. I don't want to pay those late fees. I already have a fine on my file that I haven't paid yet. I don't have to worry about paying it right now, unless it gets over $5. As long as I'm careful, I won't have to pay for it for a long while.
• United States
10 Feb 09
Yes, I do. If I will be late I always contact the library beforehand and ask for an extension, which they give.
@akangirl (2436)
• India
10 Feb 09
We don't have a library here now. But when i was in college and school i used to return library books on time. So i never got a fine. I was quite strict with returning books on time.
• United States
10 Feb 09
Wow I always seem to wait to the last day or else to late and have to pay a fine. I just don't seem to make returning them a priority and i should since i read or listen to them right away. I am making a new resolution to return all library books pay all fines and return them as soon as i am finished with them so someone else can enjoy the free reading material our local libraries have to offer. thanks for making me very aware of my bad habit.
@aquiah (79)
• Philippines
10 Feb 09
I experienced having to pay fines for books that I haven't returned on time.. And guess how long I did'nt return the books? 8 months..haha.. the reason is, our library is located far from our classroom and I always forgot to bring the books with me o school. This happened to me twice, when I was 12 and 13 years old. After that, I make sure to return the books I borrow on time not only because I pay fines but there are other people who wants to borrow and read the books also.