Anyone addicted to that show House?
By Jadedjoilea
@Jadedjoilea (133)
United States
16 responses

@Jadedjoilea (133)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Aww that sux =(. They were teasing you with House and then went and took it away =(.

@zuri25 (2125)
• United States
9 Nov 06
I'm so addicted to that show. I get so mad when I have to miss it for some reason or another. House is such a jerk but he is so entertaining lol. I missed the beginning of the last episode with the overweight guy, but my fiance filled me in. He's even more fanatical about House than I am. Next weeks episode should be good. They all are. I wonder what will happen with Cutty trying to get pregnant, Wilson covering for House, and House getting investigated by that bitter copper.
@Jadedjoilea (133)
• United States
9 Nov 06
We can't wait for next weeks episode. I got my fiance hooked and i do beleive he too may be even more addicted then I am lol. Couple weekends ago they had an all day marathon on TNT and he sat and watched every episode even though we had seen them all LOL.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
9 Nov 06
I Love Dr. House, and the Show House. My favorite episode ever is when they showed the episode with the guy who got really sick, and was in a special issolation area, and then the other assistance got sick, and what they did to save him.
The only problem with watching it this yr. is they have put it up against the Time frame of when another Show I Love to watch is on, so I have missed most of them so far :(
@hellparadiso (358)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Uh,YEAH. That show is amazing, and one of the best shows on TV. That episode that was on the other night, with the 500-pound man was SO GOOD. I love the way Cameron's character is evolving, and how people around House are starting to realize that they don't have to fall for all his BS's really screwing with him too! I will be so devastated when this season is over. It's the only show that my husband and I watch every single week, without fail.
@Jadedjoilea (133)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Same with us! They arent thinking of canceling after this season are they? God i hope not!
@FearMeNewbs (300)
• United States
9 Nov 06
I never really watched that show, but if it seems so good, maybe i'll watch it one time and post back on what I think.
@clownfish (3269)
• United States
10 Nov 06
Yes, I love, love, love it! Hugh Laurie is just fabulous and I love the whole character of Doctor House. It's a great show!
@madmax2crazy (1569)
• United States
9 Nov 06
never seen it and don't plan to any time soon, too busy online to watch much tv lol
@Jadedjoilea (133)
• United States
9 Nov 06
LOL i know what you mean. House is one of the few things i can find time to watch.
@hilarysarobot (137)
• United States
9 Nov 06
I love House! I haven't been able to see any of the new episodes, though. I hope my mom is TiVoing them back home, or I'll be quite disappointed.
@Jadedjoilea (133)
• United States
9 Nov 06
I'm visiting my sister right now and she too is addicted so I haven't had to miss any episodes so far. Hope you get to see them all as well.
@Jadedjoilea (133)
• United States
9 Nov 06
I really like that one. I also loved last season's last episode when House got shot. Last episode with the overweight man was pretty good as well.
@meshellrose (286)
• United States
9 Nov 06
yep, so addicted, we came home early from trick or treating to watch It's on an hour earlier in my time zone
@Jadedjoilea (133)
• United States
9 Nov 06
LOL! We look forward to it everyweek. After Tuesday passes the weeks seem to go by so slow.
@gnt23tr (1014)
• United States
10 Nov 06
i love the show. It is great but now I am concerned that is becoming routine. Every episode they talk about the same things and as always House is rude but he is right and in the last moements he finds whats wrong with the patient. So it needs some changes but overall it is a great show.
@Withoutwings (6992)
• United States
9 Nov 06
I absoultely love it! I think it's one of the best shows on TV today.