Ban The God Talk Will Ya!
By Sparks
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
Regina, Saskatchewan
February 11, 2009 12:37pm CST
A friend alerted me to several discussions in this category and like a good little lotter, off I went to check them out.
Now, normally I stay away from this category because it just gets up my Irish nose.
What I read today however has made me think.....and trust me, that doesn't always produce a happy result!
Let me begin by saying that whatever spiritual belief you choose to follow, that is your right, and I for one would never presume to try to influence your choice. The facts you present, yes, if I believe you to be wrong, I would certainly challenge those. Your right to believe? Never would I challenge that.
Every 'religion' in the world has the intention to do good.
Every 'religion' in the world has the ability to do harm.
You can't have one without the other. It's the yin and the yang of life.
Christianity has a sordid past. So does Islam.
For the most part Catholicism in particular has grown out of it's middle ages
mind set and returned to it's roots in spreading peace and love for all mankind.
Islam has not. The purpose behind the Ottoman Empire remains alive and kicking in many factions of the Muslim faith. It is a religion that was totally concocted in the megalomaniac brain of a disenfranchised MAN who cared more for his own ability to manipulate the masses than he did for the love of God. He even had to change God's name to assuage his guilt!
The Christian religions that have cropped over the centuries are also outgrowths of the fevered brains of MEN. To claim they have divine inspiration or approval is a typically human excuse to fool the ignorant....(and I mean ignorant in terms of uninformed)
The validity, truth, or purity of one religion over another, or the ONLY religion to follow in order to attain oneness with the Supreme Being, is NEVER going to be settled to the satisfaction of everyone.
SO BAN THE GOD TALK. Take comfort in your own beliefs and leave off trying to convert, subvert, or hurt those who do not follow your path. You'll never win anyway. Because in the end, no matter what you believe or don't believe it is not MAN that will settle the question! So unless you believe you are above the God(s) you worship, try spreading some love instead!
I don't care if anyone responds to this. I just had to get it off my chest.
Blessing on you all.
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38 responses
@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
11 Feb 09
heck I will even throw in a hallelujah!! LOL
organised religion was created by MAN
you are absolutely correct there
TRUE religion should be a personal relationship between the person and their deity
it is based on faith
faith is based on personal thoughts
faith cannot be challenged nor can it be proven or disproven
why fight over something that cannot be proven either way?
10 people like this
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
11 Feb 09
And the more I learn in my Wiccan studies, the sadder I feel for the people that populate this category of 'religion'............
Shiny Blessings on you wonttakelong!
I know how you like shiny things. LOL
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
11 Feb 09
My name is Cyn and I second your A-FREAKIN-MEN and your HALLELUJAH!
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
11 Feb 09
oooo shiney LOL
brightest blessings sparks!
hello Cyn
always good to see you again
(hey that rhymes hehe)
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
11 Feb 09
Brightest of blessing to you, my friend. Want some tea and brownies?
I wish that my Irish got up so well.
Well put and well addressed.
I will say that my faith allows my to enjoy free will, the earth and take responsibility for what I do three fold. I try to Harm none... which means not discussing religion with too many with out care.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
11 Feb 09
Ah, a fellow Wiccan! Waaaaaaay cool! I no longer bother discussing religion with many people anymore. I respect everyone's right to choose. I am well educated in many religions and I have made MY choice of path to follow. But sometimes you just have to speak up when your heart aches...........Brightest of Blessings to you too TL.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Feb 09
I have yet to meet and greet a Wiccan I didn't feel a bond with. Must be the witch in me huh? LOL
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
12 Feb 09
So much for getting to bed and sleeping...
Ban the GOD talk, ??? Hmmm, the prince of peace comes to enlighten the world and make people see that following the teacher was more important than following the leaders...
I haven't even begun to speak and there certainly has not been enough said... LOL
I ain't no son of a preacher man, but my daddy he could talk a lot about how he felt of all different subjects, he claimed to be agnostic...
I've been called a heretic and excommunicated, I have the right to speak out against organized religion and the harm caused by the lies... I should be able to expose the liars...
I love GOD (No gender required)
I'm not arguing, but I might be a little assertive.
How about that song American Pie written and sung by Don Mclean? Can music save your mortal soul? Actually the mortal soul does not need to be saved if we know how to be right with GOD... What were we taught by one of the many teachers?
The way to peace and forgiveness is to confront the person that you have harmed and make amends. Then bring you clean self to GOD for Blessings...
It is just that simple... Why make anything harder than it has to be, no body has to die for a mistake... But a sin would be to hide a mistake and make it worse compounding problems with more lies or intentionally omitting key facts which is the same as lying...
Blessed Be My Ladies,
I's tired...

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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Feb 09
Well said even in your tiredness GG. Now get some rest.............
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
11 Feb 09
Hi Spark,
As a Christian, I am to try and lead others to Christ. We are commanded to do this. We are not to keep Christ to ourselves. Satan would love nothing better!
I agree that arguing will not help bring someone to the Lord, but spreading His love, His Good News and prayers can.
God bless!

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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
11 Feb 09
Thank you! I want to be loving and I try to be kind to everyone.
I find life is so much better when you have love and kindness in your heart!
Hey, Won't!!
Blessings to you!

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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
11 Feb 09
Spring, I've known you for some time. I know how devout you are. But you are loving and balanced too and that makes all the difference! Blessings to you too sweets.
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@rev1wendy (611)
• United States
12 Feb 09
The God I love and worship loved Samaritans as well as Jews. That is His message; Love one another. Religion is one of the worst things that ever happened to Word of God. If we could find a way to eliminate religion, the world would be a much happier place. I think that is at least a big part of the peace the second coming is going to bring with it.
Blessings, Hugs, and love to you.
The Rev
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Feb 09
Right on as always rev! I'd listen to you talk God's love all day any day! It's the dufus's that think they have to abuse you into acceptance I can't stand....
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@rev1wendy (611)
• United States
12 Feb 09
I'm thinking that God isn't real happy with that either. He forgives us when we ask and welcomes us to Himself with open arms, not loaded "arms". He is love.
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
12 Feb 09
Just got done posting to Michael's about God talking in the storm and now saw this..well i don't call myself Wiccan, but I do like being a Green witch/hippie loving Earth carry all things in my store so as not to discriminate against any so if you want a brownie with your smoking apparatis then i'm the one to call..
Love you Sparky!

@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Feb 09
A 'green witch'! LOL I love it. Annie is sending me some brownies and she's already given me the perfect pipe (smokeless), so I'm good to go for VDay! LOL
You and Annie would be a hoot together. If the hubs and I ever split up I intend to move to Annie's farm........wanna make a threesome? ROFL
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Feb 09
Annie are you calling ME a dog?............wait, you meant Spunky didn't you? Well didn't you?! LOL
No worries Annie, Spunks can stay outside for the most part. She just needs to come in once in a while for her lovin' and to eat. She won't eat until she gets my permission, so leaving a bowl outside for her is no good. She's such a lady.
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
12 Feb 09
Green witch, that's cool!
I wanna be a white witch.
And yeah, if sparks moves in, it will be the first and only exception to my "no dogs in the house rule". But I'm wondering how George and Bear will take it. NOT well, I assume.

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@olivebranch56 (910)
• United States
12 Feb 09
Sparks, I couldn't have said it better myself. You can have religion, money, beauty, friends, anything that you can accumulate on this earth, but if you don't have LOVE, you have nothing. I firmly believe that. Hugs and blessings, Marilyn
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Feb 09
Well you've certainly represented nothing but Love to me Marilyn so I consider myself ahead of the rest of the race! Hugs and blessings to you too my friend.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
11 Feb 09
I think this is the first time that I have seen this subject turn to Man bashing. But Since its inseption except for a few rare instances Religions have been Male dominated.
The male of the species has always had an inferiority complex toward the female. Even though he is part of the creation process, the female is the obvious part and it gives the male the creeps.
That is why women since ancient times were thought to be witches and connected with the spirits, because for so long no one knew for sure how that kid got in there!lol
So the Male had to become dominate in the spirit world. He had to communicate with the "gods". So that he could control these mysterious women! Didn't work did it?
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
11 Feb 09
Nope! And we witches are growing in numbers every day! Beware boys! We've got your number! LOL
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
11 Feb 09
You better hide your Bic before someone tries to use it to burn you at the stake.
I have said this since the beginning (and by beginning I mean the day I wrote my first discussion) I don't care if you hug trees, go to church every sunday, or have a shrine in your bathroom devoted to the great cosmic long as you don't try to shove your beliefs down my throat, all is at peace in the world.
Unfortunately there are a few (MEN and a certain LADY) on this site that just can't help themselves.
They "believe" it is their mission in life to spread the good word of the lord to anyone and everyone regardless of whether or not those people want to hear it.
I just ignore it.
Blessings to you too good like catholic school girl :P
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
11 Feb 09
I well remember your 'debut' here! LOL Oh my, oh my!
I have been avoiding this category like the plague since I started my Wiccan studies. But today a dear friend needed my countenance and I can never refuse a friend in pain. After reading the links sent and a flurry of pm's with the friend in question, I couldn't NOT post this. I needed to purge my system and balance my energies.
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
11 Feb 09
there is no convincing those few who beleive its their mission to do that that it offends others and is seen as disrespectful
its like beating your head against a wall LOL
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
11 Feb 09
I rather think Christ would shake His head in sorrow at the methods some people use in His name. It just defeats my sense of logic that people don't see that.......
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
11 Feb 09
We can be a violent hateful species, can't we? No wonder the heavens weep......
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
11 Feb 09
Very well put. I can't think of anything to add but I wanted you to give you this:

@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
11 Feb 09
Thank you! Here's some for you: LOL

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@tamarafireheart (15384)
11 Feb 09
Hi sparky,
I couldn't agree more, I myself was in this uniformed religion and was brought up rather strict, I was a catholic, I didn't agree with their teachin so I broke away,a after so many years I have found my path and what I believe is do what you will and harm none, but all thos other religions belive in killing where there is suppose to love one onother and be a good christains its a bit hypercritical I would say. Love and hugs.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Feb 09
I was brought up very Catholic too Tamara. The path I'm on now is the same as yours and it has brought me more peace and love than any other religion I've studied. Higgles sweets.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Feb 09
Note: I shouldn't have said religion, I should have said belief system.........
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@RockCollector59 (325)
• United States
11 Feb 09
you have a way with words beautiful lady.i believe in a god. i will not tell you which one.I have had the honor of knowing people from all religions. when it comes down to it,the dogma of the religion does not matter it is what is in the person heart that matters. I would not try to change you to my religion nor would i preach to you. In this world we all go about our daily life's trying to be the best people we can be.I have been all over this world and each place,religion and country has both good and bad people.each person must be judged as a person not by there religion or place they live but,by their hearts.their are people in all religions that preach hate. it is up to the other people in that same religion to stand up and say that person does not speak for me. the only person that speaks for me,is me (and sometimes my wife). I do not fill a ban on god talk would be good.I do believe in a ban on preaching and hate talk.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
11 Feb 09
Me being me, the title was to get people's attention, but the intention was to stop the hate. I believe as you do Rock. We make our choices and we follow our own paths. We should be judged on our deeds and what's in our hearts. You have a loving heart, any fool can see that. I believe I do too. That's all that matters....sharing the love and letting the rest be in the hands of whatever deity we believe in.
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@RockCollector59 (325)
• United States
11 Feb 09
You have a heart of gold beautiful lady.We all know that.You are as bad as my wife. She too, can put into words what I am trying to say better then I can. she like you can also spell them. Such is life
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
11 Feb 09
If I can properly understand what anyone writes, then I don't even notice the spelling. So no worries Rock. You are doing just fine! But I miss my moondancer. Please tell her I'm thinking of her........
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@Mamakavi (63)
• Kenya
12 Feb 09
Personally, I'm inclined towards the Islamic faith.
That said, this is my 2 cents worth of a contribution:out of 6.6 billion people inh the world, only 2 billion are Christian. Out of those 2 billion Christian, 1 billion are catholic, the other billion are protestant and everything else- Seventh day adventists, orthodox,mormons, etc. Out of the remaining 4.6 billion, another 2billion are muslims, and the remaining 2.6 billion people are everything else: hindu, budhhist, traditional religions, voodoo,wican, etc.
Now when you look at this equation, nobody has a right to belittle anyone's beliefs. All 6.6 billion of us believe in something different.
God (for those who believe in Him)judges us by who we are as people and what our contributions have been to mankind. He put us here for a reason and the journeys we all take are in searh of that reason.
Please do not shove your beliefs down my throat unless I ask you to!
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
12 Feb 09
Hi sparkofinsanity, I partially agree with your line of thought. I refrain from preaching not because that I am shy of talking about "Jesus Christ~" and the Catholic religion that I pertain to, but because I prefer to evangelise others by the way I live. I am not a saint and I do gross mistakes and I do doubt whether other see me an example or not. However I do believe that is your example that will move others and not your words. Evangelizing others by mouth have limited success, while evangelizing others by your life example is a total different story. I have in mind three people. Ghandi whom was a Hindu but set an example for all. Pope John Pual 2 has won the world with his charisma and humbleness. Mother Theresa who lived to help the poorest of the poor. I do have great relationship with a Muslim friend whom we were best friends in our youths. We still respect each other despite belonging to different religions.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Feb 09
I was raised Catholic too ronald. And in the sixties when the Church 'allowed' us to pursue knowledge and attendance at the Church's of other faiths, I made friends with people that previously were considered 'sinners going to hell'. It changed my attitude towards 'nonCatholics' and fostered an acceptance in me of EVERYONE'S right to worship as they choose. These days I prefer a spiritual belief system, rather than a religious one.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Feb 09
Sorry sparky, but you're gonna get a serious retort from me on this one!
Personally, I generally have no issues in anyone trying to argue the "benefits" of their respective religion at all. Where I DO have an issue with it, is when they conduct themselves with a complete lack of open-mindedness and blatant intolerance. It seems that for some people, to DARE embrace the opinions of another when it comes to a different faith to their own is sacreligious or something!
I don't get overly involved in the religion category much either, because 9 times out of ten it descends into a free-for-all and respect for each other is completely thrown out the window more times than not. Muslims get hammered and struggle to explain themselves effectively, which in turn makes things even worse..... Other "organized' religions get jumped on as well and many people end up going completely against the very foundations these faiths were built upon, just to win! (Win in their own minds anyway) It's practically a circus at times!
YES we are all flawed individuals on this earth and we need to respect the fact that each and every one of us have been gifted with the same free will as each other. It's so hypocritical how so many of us will fight for our right to have our own opinion on something, yet we'll completely deny our "opponent" the exact same right!
It really is quite frustrating at times and as you have rightfully stated already, it is not man that will ultimately provide the right answers in this regard, so why can we not just accept each others differences and agree to disagree and leave it at that?? Why must people reduce themselves to taunts and blatant insults aimed directly at each others respective Gods or Prophets or Divinities etc??
I like your post sparky and it contains some very important messages within it. To be honest though, the specific isolation of some religions there to prove a not so positive point; whilst placing Catholicism as a religion that appears to be improving and spreading love and peace in this world, kinda goes against so many of the other poignant aspects of your post. Aplogies for such a long answer, but you're gonna get the serious side of me every now and then. I have a yin and yang too! 

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Feb 09
I am happy to see we can mix it up at every level sparky.
I "Got" your angle by the way, so no question needs to be raised there at all. I'm personally anti organized religions myself (for want of a more neutral way to put it) because I feel that they have the ability to ultimately LIMIT an individual's opportunity for holistic growth. But in spite of this, I do enjoy learning as much as I can about many aspects of many beliefs and I am very open minded about all of it. I just wish that humankind could be far more understanding and tolerant of each other!

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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
11 Feb 09
I'm smarter than the average bear too James, and I say that in all modesty.
Do I detect Wiccan beliefs in you? I've been studying it myself. I do so agree with your assertion that 'organized' religion is confining and that's what drove me away from it. I've been on a spiritual search all my life. I have now found my path and I can't tell you how much better I feel..........I could go on but this is not the time or place.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
11 Feb 09
Good to see the yang side of you James. No worries, and I count on my friends to be honest with me........
I now see what you mean about 'isolating' certain religions in the post. It was a devout Catholic that brought their concerns about some of the religious posts that prompted this discussion, so I was not as 'neutral' in my focus as I should have been. On the other hand, if any of the posters who were responsible for my friends angst read this, then they will relate and hopefully 'get it'. Either way, my own energies are now balanced, my friend feels better and that's what counts. Thanks so much for this glimpse into your serious side. I am impressed and agree with what you had to say, because I really do agree! And as you can see, I have a serious side too. Good post James, thank you.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Feb 09
Probably about the same number that were driven away....
But I get your point and it's a lovely thought indeed Beth. Welcome to the lot.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Feb 09
You're welcome...............apparently I'm pretty good at relieving tension, or so the hubs tells me! LOL
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
14 Feb 09
Yes, she is. Trust me, 20 yrs of it. It never ceases to amaze me. I'm the only one who can out energize her...but only sometimes.
She's nuts, but so am I.
Love ya sparks.

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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Feb 09
Thanks sid! Good to see you even if you have nothing to say! ROFL
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
11 Feb 09
I think I now know what the effects of the blow to the head were. Wowzers, Sparx!
I agree with you for the most part. Definitely. Even if I believe there is only one way to heaven, free will gives EVERYONE the right to believe as they will. It does NOT give them the right, however, to try to deny me the right to believe any more than it gives me the right to deny their right to believe. And, that's one thing I saw in neo-age Christians - they do not want anyone else having a right to believe or practice their religious beliefs. They want everyone forced to conform to THEIR beliefs. WRONG!! I have no respect for them or their beliefs, even if I happen to share the same core beliefs. They do not represent me nor would I want them to. They are poor examples to follow. They obviously don't follow Him whose name they take on as believers or they wouldn't be so narrow in their focus or so limited in their willingness to allow others the same freedoms they enjoy.
OK - you got me on a tangent. Dang!! And, I didn't even have a blow to the head...well, years ago, the back of my head on the sharp corner of a terraza porch.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
11 Feb 09
My point exactly and very well said for being on a tangent! LOL Maybe that blow to your head by the terraza porch did some good after all? ROFL
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
11 Feb 09
I always give BR to the responder who says what I tried to say, only better. Credit where credit is due..............
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@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
12 Feb 09
I agree that all paths are valid and equal. I don't know if I agree with "banning" anyone from speaking, but I would say that those who speak should do so with respect to other's beliefs. Every faith and path out there has something in its past that was done in the name of their path. No path is without a stain, so to speak.
I suppose it is why I really like the teachings of Gandhigi who once said something to the effect that Christianity is a good religion, and that he wished more people followed it. (Not meaning, for those reading, that everyone should be Christian, but that Christians should follow their own tenants).
Great topic by the way.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Feb 09
I just want to 'ban' the talk that aggressively feels the need to "convert, subvert and hurt" when a loving approach would go a lot further. Some of the stuff I read today in this religion category made my blood boil...............literally. I've been having hot flashes all day! LOL
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Feb 09
Namaste to you too Anora_Eldorath. Well said.
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@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
12 Feb 09
I know. It can become very difficult to remain calm with some people, but if we want to tell people that we believe in "love and light", then that is the example we need to set. There is nothing wrong with people sharing, agreed. There is also nothing wrong with people saying "Let us speak respectively to one another, and appreciate that we all hold different beliefs".
When one discusses religion, it's bound to always pull in a few that are overly zealous about their way of doing things. We only try to respond politely and continue on in positive conversations with meaningful information.
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