alternative medicine
natural cures
regular visits to the doctor
reponsibilty for own health
traditional drugs
Are natural cures better than traditional drugs?
By dgwinchina
@dgwinchina (292)
25 responses
@PapaJim (50)
• United States
18 Nov 06
I absolutely do. As mentioned earlier in this thread, doctors and pharmaceuticals treat the symptom not the disease. Doctors are good for broken parts, etc.
I am presently on a quest for natural alternatives in my newest bout with cancer. It has returned after a 6 year hiatus. When it first reared its ugly head then, I trusted the oncologists. The massive chemo, lifetime dose of radiation, and needless surgery reduced my quality of life. I lost 85 lbs in 6 weeks during radiation, my mouth opens only halfway, and my neck and throat are so scarred from the radiation, eating and breathing is a chore.
The physicians want to do surgery this time but because of the treatments above, my chances of surviving the surgery are less than 50%. Additionally, if I do survive, it will be with a non-healing trach hole and probably no tongue. No thanks.
I therefore chose to leave it in the hands of God and His natural solutions.
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@dgwinchina (292)
• China
18 Nov 06
I'm so sorry to hear about your cancer.
There is a lengthy report confirming your experiences and some cures on my web page at
I hope that's of some use.
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@PapaJim (50)
• United States
19 Nov 06
Thank you for your concern but, through the grace of God, I will win this challenge...and it may be because of your web site! Very informative with some very good links. Highly recommended.
God has allowed me to prove the medical profession wrong concerning my survivability twice before (heart attack and cancer). I look forward to another victory. Even if I don't survive, I will leave a skid mark two miles long when I go down!
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@PapaJim (50)
• United States
18 Nov 06
Oh, one other thing...
We jokingly ask the question, " Why do they call their profession a 'practice'?". In fact, that is exactly what it is.
If one pill doesn't work, try another...don't stop the first...just add the new one. My poor mom takes 24 pills per day...4 different blood pressure meds and 3 blood thinners in addition to the others. She's 84, tired of living in a fog and pain but the docs constantly want to perform new "tests" and try new meds. I have just acquired medical power of attorney for her and, guess what, it's a whole new ball game/
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@intricategirl (95)
• United States
15 Nov 06
I am an herbalist, and I do not believe that one is "better" than the other. I think that each has its place.
Furthermore, while I agree that taking responsibility for our own health should be a primary concern for everyone, I think that a balanced approach includes visits to a doctor. But this does not necessarily have anything to do with alternative medicine. Taking responsibility for one's own health and living a healthy lifestyle should be important no matter what type of health care you seek.

@intricategirl (95)
• United States
15 Nov 06
Dg, that does not mean they are worthless. That means the ones you saw are worthless. It is a fallacy to believe that all doctors are incompetent because you dealt with a select few that were.
I can point to just as many herbalists and other alternative medicine practictioners who have no business spreading the nonsense they call "information" as I can regular MD's.
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@dgwinchina (292)
• China
15 Nov 06
I visited a doctor once, about 30 years ago, when I had conjunctivitis. He gave me some ointment and it got worse. So I went to the eye hospital, and they told me there was no cure, and it would get better on its own. It did, and confirmed my belief that doctors are a wate of time.
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@intricategirl (95)
• United States
15 Nov 06
Excuse me, but I am an herbalist, and herbs can be very dangerous!! Foxglove is exactly the same as digitalis, and either one can kill you if used improperly. And this is only one example.
You claim that you want to take responsibility for your own health, DG, but as long as you are willing to believe that just because it's a plant it can't injure you, you are doing yourself more harm than you are good.
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@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
15 Nov 06
Yes, herbs can be extremely dangerous. They can and have killed! I choose to work with my doctor. I agree that I have to be responsible for my body and I know it best, but I choose to work with someone that has had years of training in how it works.
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@TrinityRose (462)
• United States
18 Nov 06
It honestly depends on the persons state of mind I think. If they want it to help then I think it would. The ancient egyptians used herbs and the most fascinating thing they used as an antibacterial salve was honey!
@dgwinchina (292)
• China
18 Nov 06
Yes. The power of the mind is amazing when trained and used properly. The physical properties of herbs, combined with the power of the mind can cure anything.
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@dgwinchina (292)
• China
16 Nov 06
There are so many types of alternative medicine that it is very difficult to recommend just a few books.
There is herbal medicine, massage, yoga, Homeopathy,
Mind power,diet,exercise,water cures,etc.
there are probaly more alternative cures than orthodox ones.
It's best to find a field that vibrates with you, do some web searching, and start to get deeper.
As some have said, prevention is better than cure, so you could start with what causes disease. here are a few
Vaccination, mobile phones, processed foods, microwaves, fluorided water, pesticides and chemical fertilizers, many house3hold products, etc
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@moneybags (220)
• United States
18 Nov 06
eh not to sure. i have used some natural but dont try and figure out which are better.
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@dgwinchina (292)
• China
18 Nov 06
The cures with no long term side effects are usually the natural ones.
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@anfisak (91)
• Canada
14 Nov 06
Ofcourse I believe in natural medicine and especially in taking care of yourself. If you don't take care of yourself, who will? If you are seriously ill, best bet is to go to the doctors' and find out what is causing your illness. But other than that, I would always opt for natural cures. We have what we need on this earth, we don't need to make up medications to help cure ourselves. We have what we need under our feet and in front of our faces.
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@dgwinchina (292)
• China
14 Nov 06
I agree completely. Especially with the part about taking responsibility for our own health. There is no-one who knows our body better than we do. How many cases of misdiagnosis are there each year?
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@dgwinchina (292)
• China
16 Nov 06
Thank you. Another wise person joins the club!
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@yueer2006 (626)
• Hong Kong
15 Nov 06
Is the medicine three minute poisons, can not eat good which themedicine or does not eat
@hotchocolate (849)
• Philippines
15 Nov 06
i think it depends on teh type of sickness you have, some can be omitted and just let the natural mechanism of the body take its course, others, well no can do but visit the expert :)
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@dgwinchina (292)
• China
15 Nov 06
A friend of mine had fallen and broken a hip. He had surgery, and was wasting away because he wasn't eating. I made his favourite curry, and mixed in some cannabis, and left a tiny portion by his bed. He rang next morning to ask if there was any more.
He then started eating again, and fully recovered.
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@supersach (1523)
• India
16 Nov 06
I always avoid going to the doctor unless I have no other choice. Whenever I have a problem, I usually depend on home-made remedies made from herbs and other things in our home which seem inocuous but show great results on the regular health problems. Yes, I also believe in taking responsibility for my own health, I do believe in the famous quote, "Prevention is better than cure".
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@dgwinchina (292)
• China
16 Nov 06
Well said.
Taking responsibility means we are more aware of our diet, more careful with exercise and sleep, get our share of sunshine, and love - all the elements required to ensure good health.
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@swirlczuk (104)
• United States
15 Nov 06
I totally believe in alternaitve medicine. Because it has worked for me- I cured my acid reflux with licorice root chewable pills. I had it for two years went through one bottle and it's gone now for about two years. The pharmies can cause more damage and make you dependent on them it's not a Cure. They just cut off all acids produced and that can't be good. I just think people should research more before they take anything from a doctor(most controled by the Pharm companies) or herbal. But I do also believe that somethings that may need pharmies for like pain if you broke a bone like discused before or something like schizophrenia there may not be an alternitive.
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@dgwinchina (292)
• China
15 Nov 06
I agree completely.
Isn't it amazing how five thousand years of learning in the Chinese and Indian traditions is completely ignored by today's profit motivated sickness industry. When profit comes before health, obviously health suffers.
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@Duvessa (913)
• United States
10 Nov 06
Not exactly. If you have a life threanening illness then you should go see a doctor. But in regular cases of illness I see nothing wrong with treating ourselves.
Afterall everyone knows that there is already a cure for AIDS and cancer but the Gov't and medical field is just hiding it from us to keep people sick and to keep them making money.
@dgwinchina (292)
• China
10 Nov 06
Right, there are cures for Aids and cancer, but the doctor will advise against them That is why it is best to take responsibility for our own health, and NOT see the doctor.
Doctors do not cure illnesses. They just remove the symptoms.
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@sillygirlsd (959)
• United States
10 Nov 06
I think that seeing a doctor is the most important...when it something serious....I mean like a cold or a sore muscle that goes away in a few days maybe putting some kinds of herbs or heating things on...but something more serious like a broken bone, or cancer, or diabetes...needs to be taken care of with medication prescribed by a doctor or the long run I think it's better...Sure doctors make mistakes just like anyone else.....but I think it's better to see a doc and get a professionals point of view!
@dgwinchina (292)
• China
10 Nov 06
Broken bones yes, but cancer and diabetes no. Do you know that there are cures for these diseases, which the doctors refuse to deal with. If you relly want to know about the Cancer industry, look at this page.
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@asteroid8 (914)
• Italy
9 Nov 06
If you are not very sick, I think that natural cures are good to make you healty, but if the problem is more serious, you must go to the doctor.
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@dgwinchina (292)
• China
10 Nov 06
I agree. But I think that by becoming familiar with natural cures, then we tend to look after ourselves better, and therefore become sick far less often
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@Photos4sale (352)
14 Nov 06
This is interesting. I was raised the traditional western way (doctors, pills, jabs etc) but I was healthy, apart from a few things I won't go into here.
Anyway, last year I went to Malaysia and tried natural medicine for the first time. Reflexology (foot and back). Just by rubbing, the doctor found ever problem I have ever had (I didn't tell him anything). He made me boil some God aweful soups for hours and hours and I drank them religiously. Ok, long story....
Outcome! Now I feel better than ever, I have not had any of my problems come back and I even reduced/stopped taking my medication. Once a week, I treat myself to another God aweful soup, but I feel fantastic. Honestly, I have never had so much energy.

@Photos4sale (352)
14 Nov 06
haha! I used soup as the only way to explain it. Basically, the tradition medicine came in the form of plastic bags with leaves, roots, twigs and all sorts of grass type opjects. The idea was to boil them in 7 cups of water on low heat for about 2 hours. What came out was a dark brown liquid. It tasted really bad (about a cup after boiling) but 3 of those a week made me feel fantastic (that was to clean the blood). I had another one as a general tonic to build the body up.
I know it sounds like BS to most people, it used to to me. All I can say is it works.
@dgwinchina (292)
• China
14 Nov 06
A great point.
The problem with allopathic (orthodox) medicine, is that it treats the symptoms and not the cause. Natural cures tend to get to the root of the problem, and usually identify what we were doing wrong with our diet or exercise program.
Perhaps you should tell us what is in this 'awful soup', and what it cures.
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@Photos4sale (352)
15 Nov 06
ahhh I have an even more amazing story.
My cousin suffers from stomach ulcers, very badly. We went to this same doctor and he said (in a Chinese accent) "you need male chicken, 6 week old, fill stomach with ground ginger and steam 5 hour then every week and no food later."
Ok, again, sounds like witch craft, but she went to the doctor one week after the 5th chicken and he almost fell over. The ulcer had not gone, but it was almost 1/4 of its original size and healing. Now, she gets no stomach pains like before. Can anyone argue against this?