questions that i stopped to ask...
By airdnaxela
@airdnaxela (12)
February 13, 2009 4:03am CST
i had a boyfriend who was younger than me... we went steady for 2 years. we we're both serious (at least during the times we were together)... until something came up... something went wrong (until now i still don't know what was it) and he just decided to break up with me.
he broke up with me just after i found out i was pregnant. i told him about it the day after he broke up with me... he didn't cared. he told me to just do what will make me happy with the fetus inside my womb... i was devastated. everything was going well between the two of us, and all of a sudden, everything just turned into black...
i decided to keep the baby, and now it's been 7 months...
i stopped asking questions... and i don't think i still would want to know...
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11 responses
@dreamy1 (3811)
• United States
13 Feb 09
I'm sorry especially for the poor baby that will grow up without knowing it's father. It's a terrible thing to bear. I hope he comes around one day but if he doesn't that's a mistake he should think about and suffer for every day for the rest of his miserable life.
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@airdnaxela (12)
• Philippines
16 Feb 09
AT first, i felt sorry for my baby not going to have a father. But when I came to realize what kind of person he was, and what kind of family he has after all these years that our families have known each other, I don't think I should feel sorry for my child.
I'd rather have my child and rear him alone than to feel sorry for giving him a father who is irresponsible and doesn't have a mind of his own. He doesn't even know what to do with his own life, what more with me or the baby.
God will be our guide and no one can ever be compared to what He can give if we have Him.
@dexterous21 (1180)
• Philippines
13 Feb 09
Oh well! Some questions shouldn't be asked anymore. In analysis of what happened, maybe he figured out that he will have responsibility soon (intelligent enough to escape from responsibilities), maybe he is immature to be in a "good" relationship. Well, I had experience that from my parents, my mom is older than my dad for many years, and my mom always handles the relationship (just can't take these kind of guys, even he's my father) or maybe he is influenced by his so called parents (as far as I know). Many answers but of course you wanted the answer directly from him. But I think you don't need to that. You will just be wasting your time. You have to focus on your baby, how to bring the baby up better than his "father" was brought up. Sorry for him. His conscience can kill him is he has.
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@airdnaxela (12)
• Philippines
13 Feb 09
True. I'd rather not ask anymore 'coz I'm moving on now... I don't want to know the answers 'coz it might just open the wounds again. God is good, He's never left me and my baby...
And I'd rather rear my child alone than give him a father whom he will just hate...
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@nengs10 (3180)
• Philippines
13 Feb 09
Wow, I salute you for deciding to keep the baby and continue your pregnancy despite all the hardships you experienced. Upon reading your story, I was also confused as to the exact reason why he left. Anyway, look at the brighter side. One person left, a new person will arrive who is your baby. Kudos.
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@airdnaxela (12)
• Philippines
13 Feb 09
Yes, very confusing...
The last thing I remember him say was "I don't want to have a commitment nor a relationship with you just because of the baby"...
I was isolated from my family for how many months now... But I have to face the consequence, my parents doesn't want other people to talk about me and what happened to me... Another question to be asked...
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@elshaddai123 (3981)
• Kottayam, India
13 Feb 09
It is not good to have boyfriend younger than you, same age also not bad

@dexterous21 (1180)
• Philippines
16 Feb 09
Age doesn't matter.Maturity matters here. It doesn't mean that you are older you are mature.
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@elshaddai123 (3981)
• Kottayam, India
16 Feb 09
your and my culture is entirely different so I am sorry for the remark.

@nanayangel (7879)
• Philippines
13 Feb 09
Hi there!
I am sorry to hear about what happened and sorry to hear that you had a jerk of an ex-boyfriend. One thing that no one should be sorry of is that miracle inside you. That precious innocent baby who is counting on you to give the love that he or she needs.
I hope that your pregnancy will go really well and that you'll have an easy and very fulfilling delivery. Always pray to God for strength and guidance. He will never turn His back on you the way your ex did.
@airdnaxela (12)
• Philippines
13 Feb 09
Thank you! =)
And yes, i know that God has been and always is my strength and my guide. If it weren't by His grace, I wouldn't get this far... I love this child and it is from God. There are no accidents. There is a purpose for everything.
I've learned my lesson the hard, unimaginable way, but I can do all things through God who gives me strength! :)
@psxf5467 (19)
• China
13 Feb 09
Sorry to hear ur story.My opinion:
1.give up ur boyfreind forever,If he really love u,he should take his responsbility.This kind of boy is not siutable for u,u are luckly to realise this if u are married 20 years,then you know whant kind of man your husband is that's too late.U are young enough to start a new life,to find ur real love.
2.give up the baby.I know maybe u don't understand why.But this is a good way for u to start a new life. If you have a baby before married,it is hard to find a new boyfreind.You can have a new baby with the person you really love.
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@sunsham68 (1376)
• India
17 Feb 09
sorry that this happened to you, but you have got a good head on your shoulders, cos you have made the right decision to keep the baby and trust in God. Dont consider giving the baby away, that is the one piece of advice that was wrong in the replies to your post, cos you have to be sure that when you are ready for love again the person will be soemone who will accept you with your past and your baby. That will be a true person who can give you a better happier life, so stick on to this little piece of heaven and enjoy the unconditional love adn happiness he/she will bring to your life till you find the special someone to complete your life. If you do decide not to get married or something, (though I wish you dont make that decision) for any reason, then too your baby will be enough of love and happiness..Good luck!
@airdnaxela (12)
• Philippines
17 Feb 09
Thank you!
I don't want to commit the same mistake again... That is why I always hold onto God's Words. I know someday, in God's own time, everything will be put into place.
@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
14 Feb 09
Hats off to you for deciding to keep the baby.
If it were me that wouldn't of even been an option. What I mean is, Of course I would of opted to keep the baby and not even consider otherwise.
I am so sorry to hear of the break up.
By the sounds of things, it may be just as well.
Children learn what they live. Maturity would be number one. Obviously your ex boyfriend has more maturing to do.
I don't think age has anything to do with it.
Whether you are his senior or not.
Point is you are going to have a baby, with out him.
What it comes down to is fate.
Either you two were meant to be together or you were not.
I strongly believe that.
If you Love Someone,
Let Them Go.
If They Come Back,
They're Yours.
If not, They Never Were.
On the other hand, maybe once the baby arrives, he will have a change of heart.
Regardless of the reasons he chose to break up, if he comes back and wants to see his baby, I would let him but I would have conditions. I wouldn't give this guy blind trust but i would give the baby the right to have both Mom and Dad in it's life if at all possible.
If he comes back and wants to see you as well as the baby and is an option you would consider, take it slowly.
Talk long and hard before making commitments.
I would want to know the reasons he broke things off if he came around and wanting to start again.
If he doesn't appear to want a relationship with you but does with the baby, I wouldn't press him for the reasons he chose to break up.
Bless you and your baby. may your lives be filled with Joy and happiness. best to you both!

@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
17 Feb 09
You are a smart girl. Your baby is blessed to have you as a mommy.
I agree with you. I'd be trusting God also.
One thing too is that if the Dad wants to come into the Baby's life, I hope he realizes it is a long term thing.
It can do more harm than good to be there for him one day and then gone, not to be found the next. Only to wander back in months later. You Know?
I am thinking about you both and the father as well. I wish you all whatever is best for everyone. Since the Dad has been SMS'ing you, it sounds like he has had time to think about it. Perhaps he will come around. It would be neat if he were to be present for the babies birth but I realize it is possible that he may likely not be.
Stay strong. Wishing you well.
@airdnaxela (12)
• Philippines
16 Feb 09
True. A lot of talking should be done if ever he wants to see the baby or talk to me. But for now, I leave all to God...
That's what I did, I let him go. It took time for me to accept the fact that maybe he didn't really love me... Or not enough to at least take the responsibility for the baby. I didn't asked for anything from him. I waited for him to say he wants to be the father of the baby, but no. He doesn't even want to talk about it. Or now maybe his conscience is bothering him that's why last December he started to send me SMS asking how I was. He's taking things lightly and I don't want my baby to get confused when the time comes that he would want to know his father.
I would not lie to the child about what happened, but I'd rather not have him meet his father and be confused of what a real family should be.
I grew up with my parents. Together. And I never imagined having a different life having a broken family. I mean, I have nothing against people who grew up in a broken relationship or having a failed marriage. I respect them. It's just that I am speaking for myself, I want my child to grow up in a normal way. I don't want him getting confused and blaming everything that's happened.
I know God is a God of order and I don't want to doubt His words. I trust Him that my child will grow up in the way He would want him to be.

@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
13 Feb 09
Oh he is so bad... I feel really sorry for you... Apparently, he is being very irresponsible, he said let's break up after he told you got pregnant...
Well, it's been 7 months now so you probably go back, I truely wish everythin good for you and your baby.
@jyesha (105)
• Philippines
13 Feb 09
you made the right decision, your ex boyfriend is not deserving to your love, he was so immature, just continue loving your baby in your womb and I know that God will always here beside you and your baby, be strong to face all the challenges in your life, I know you can race your child without the help of his father, you have your family and friends who always there to guide you. Just always pray and will for you and your baby.
@airdnaxela (12)
• Philippines
16 Feb 09
Maybe he's got someone... I don't know... But everything was OK between the two of us. He can't suspect me of anything because he knows my activities everyday...
He broke up with me giving the reason that he wants to do things on his own... I didn't opposed... I gave him his freedom, I just told him that I was pregnant the day after he broke up with me 'coz everything was so sudden... His decision was abrupt, without talking with me.
He tried for us to be OK again, but things didn't work out... He didn't really know what he wants in his own life.
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