Suicide pacts...

@ronaldinu (12422)
February 15, 2009 12:59pm CST
Life never stops to surprise me. I have read in a local newspaper, that the police are investigating two youths after a nineteen year old was found dead after she fall from a building. To cut the story short it seems that the three youths did a suicide pact but two of them backed out at the lat minute. Are suicide pacts common? It is the first time that I have heard of this. What do you think about suicide?
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7 responses
@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
16 Feb 09
suidcide are common in germany!not long ago a police couple had trouble.the wife was trying to kill her husband the the wife killed herself.other news was because of the crisis the business are down so all the 2 kids are killed by husband then the wife killed too the himself.many news here lately
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
15 Feb 09
I have heard of them but do not know how common that they are.
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@mansha (6298)
• India
1 Mar 09
In my countrytoo suiide pasts are common. Famers have been known to kill themselves out of growing debt or man killing his wife and daughters as he can not marry them off or due to extreme poverty. Is a scary scenario. many times when stress is too high the reason gives way to the irrational steps and people choose the easy way out.
• United States
15 Feb 09
i have heard ot them bet you have to if you'll stop & think. what jim jones & all his followers? i think sucicide is a very selfish thing to do to your family, it's a copout. nothing could be that bad. i have had to step-fathers that committed sucicide. it's a horrible thing to do to your family, very sad. u feel so helpless & wonder what u could have done to help them.
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• India
16 Feb 09
Hello my friend ronaldinu Ji, I think, in recent times, it has become re-curring and here in our country too, some 2-3 yrs back, few families committed sucides jointly together, or after parents giving poison to tehir children , they too commited sucide. But all tehse case were due to debt/love etc. In case sited by you, may be due to fear of examination. The moto behind sucide plays an important roll. may god bless you and have great time.
• Philippines
15 Feb 09
oh my gosh that's too sad. I have noticed how teens of today are actually more sad and lonely. they seem to brood more and growing up much much more faster. I dont know what's with the world of today but there's something about it that makes these youngsters crawl into their shells when they have problems and that probably pushes them to the edge. also, their early expoasure to the gruesome details of life, could also play a role in their depression. it's so sad that there are just too many depressed kids these days.
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
16 Feb 09
Hi Hon We had a similar thing happen in a city near us some years back. A girl that didn't carry it out told the story to police.. so sad! xoxoxoxoxoxo