How Do You Cure Menstrual Cramps And Mood Swings?

February 15, 2009 9:43pm CST
I have been having the ex-wife of all menstrual cramps today, and the mother-in-law of all mood-swings all freaking week. GEESH!!! Tonight I felt worse than I have in years. I popped TWO apo-naproxen 375's, and felt better. I'm only supposed to take 1, but tonight I was D E S P A R A T E !!! I thought "if I can take one of my husband's 800 MG Motrins when my wisdom teeth act up, why not two Apo-naproxen 375's? I've been one one of those for menstrual cramps for years, and know how they work with me, so two in an EMERGENCY (I won't do that unless I feel like I did tonight) didn't sound like it would hurt me, and as it turned out, I was right. I feel much better. Tonight though, I was thinking that labour pains would have felt better than this!!! GEESH!!! Still not sure about the mood swings though..... How do you handle the problem?
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25 responses
@hi_deepp (36)
• Philippines
17 Feb 09
Years before, I suffer from severe menstrual cramps (dismenorrhea) But when I started taking birth control pills, it regulated my menstrual period and my dismenorrhea disappeared completely.
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• Canada
22 Feb 09
I was also put on those for a few years, but I stopped taking them after 3 yrs because of the higher risk of cancer if you are on them for more than 3 yrs at a time.
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
16 Feb 09
I drink a lot of water and take enough rest. By drinking a lot of water, the easier for the blood to come out. And taking enough rest the more I feel relax and does not get irritated easily. It works for me. I dunno to others.
@celticeagle (172510)
• Boise, Idaho
16 Feb 09
I do yoga! There is a yoga stance that helps. You also want to watch your diet during that time and up and around the time you know you are going to start. If you take care of yourself before the fact your menstral cramps will not be as bad.
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• United States
16 Feb 09
I get the worst of the worst of all worst menstrual cramps, nothing ever helped me. I would even get throwing up, naseua, sick to my stomach it was so bad. Two things that have helped me. My N.D. prescribed me bio identical progesterone (from wild yams and soy) Plus, there is a product called Crampbark Extra from a company called Vitanica. It has the cramp bark herb and some vitamins. 3 of those capsule, before or during the pain are a godsend. It is the only thing that has worked for me. Even pain killers never worked for me. I hope you find something that works for you!
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@FDBrister (115)
• United States
16 Feb 09
I've had cramps that bad, so I understand. The answers are so simple, it's hard. I've found (through research, trial and error, and training) several things that work to beat cramps and mood swings. For cramps- hot baths, hot tea, hot compresses, massages, and loose clothing help. Using a topical muscle relaxer (like Icy Hot, Ben Gay, or Aspercreme) also help, but make sure to use them sparingly. One extremely important, yet often overlooked, suggestion is to drink lots and lots of fluids. Cramps are simply contractions, being dehydrated makes it worse. For mood swings- exercise, herbal tea, music, massages, aromatherapy, and naps all help. Making sure to stay well rested and well nourished helps tremendously. Make sure to eat light meals, not heavy ones, otherwise the grumpiness will be worse.
• United States
17 Feb 09
I bite my tongue a lot to hold back a lot of the words I want to say durring the mood swings. I get the overwhelming urge to punch people for getting on my nerves, I do manage to control it but somedays it's a near thing. My husband says I go into a rage (it's true, I do, I go from one extreme to the other and everything just makes me so dang mad). I have tried all manner of things, boiling hot baths, scalding showers and heating pads help me as do mass quantities of chocolate. My husband gives me a wide berth for a week.
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@Darkwing (21583)
16 Feb 09
I hate to keep harping on about this, but there are herbal remedies which would bring you natural relief without the worry of side effects my friend. There is a root called Black Cohosh which is good for menstrual cramps and mood swings. It balances a woman's hormonal system. There is a danger in mixing your own remedy though if you're not fully trained in herbal medicines, so I would suggest that you go to a herbal shop or health shop where you will be able to find capsules already made up. If in doubt, have a word with the herbal specialist there. This link will explain about capsules and the qualities of the Black Cohosh capsules... I hope it helps... The herbal remedies can also be bought online from this site, and several others, if you would prefer, at a reasonable if not reduced, price. Brightest Blessings my friend.
@Darkwing (21583)
22 Feb 09
I'm sure they'll ship to Canada my friend. If not... give me a shout and I'll darned well find somewhere in Canada for you! lol. Normally you'll find that anywhere on the Net will ship to at least three, main countries, these being the U.S.A., Canada, and the U.K. After that, will normally come Europe and other countries, but I would think you'd be included.
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• Canada
22 Feb 09
Oh, Darkwing. You're not harping. More than just the OP will read this. Way more. So you are educating people on homeopathic remedies and where to find them. I think it is absolutely fabulous! I know I went there right away to check it out. You are a wealth of valuable information. It seems that "Black Cohosh’s powerful phytoestrogens promote hormonal balance throughout the menstrual cycle and serve to ease the distressing physical and mild mood changes that accompany menopause". I'm nearing the end of my cycle right now, and in a week will be growling and ready to bite anybody's head off. Plus menaopaus is only around the corner for me, too and with that comes all sorts of mood swings and hot flashes. So, now I am dying to try out some of the herbal remedies listed there. I wonder, do you think the will ship to Canada?
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
16 Feb 09
One summer when we were vacationing at the inlaws' I was in so much pain my mother-in-law wanted to take me to the hospital. My husband was out visiting a buddy so I felt so alone because I wasn't in my own house. The Naproxen had stopped working for me so the doctor put me on Oxycontin for my cramps. They worked the first month but at this particular time I had to wait until my Tylenol 3 (for my fibromyalgia) was out of my system before I could take the Oxy otherwise I would have been sick to my stomach. I don't think the Oxycontin worked when I finally did take it. When I got back home I asked my doctor for a hysterectomy but she said I was too young so she put me on the depo shot which eliminates periods altogether. I was on that for two years and when I came off it my cramps weren't so bad. Occasionally I will have a bad bout but my Tylenol 3 and hot bean bags on the belly are the most I can do for myself. My massage therapist told me that you really want to curl up into a ball when you have cramps but what you really should be doing is stretching and exercising. I find it helps, but only while I'm exercising. The pain comes back when I relax again. *sigh* I've given birth twice and miscarried once - demerol is great! Wish they'd prescribe that for cramps. But labour pains aren't as bad because you know they will come to an end and at that end there will be a wonderful baby. Yeah, so I was in labour with my first baby for 36 hours but for the first half it was pretty tolerable. Mood swings? Well, I do take a PMS supplement by Swiss Naturals vitamins, and I use Yam cream - just a dab on a flabby area every night before you go to bed when you are not "on". I really think the cramps cause the mood swings. They can be so bad they can turn you into a monster. You might want to check into some natural remedies from your health food store or even pharmacy as they carry those types of products now. Good luck!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
16 Feb 09
You took naproxen which was what I was going to suggest. I had to take the prescription kind for many years or I'd be laid out on the couch in so much agony. It was a monthly ritual for me till I had a hysterecomy a few years ago. My doctor told me to take two naproxen at the first sign of pain and it'll take it away then one pill every 6 hours which was a dream come true pain reliever!!
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• Canada
22 Feb 09
I'm pretty sure that Naproxen is an anti-inflammatory. Just stronger than Ibuprofen is all. Also called "Aleve", and "Anaprox". People taking Lithium (for Bi-Polar) can't take it as it inhibits the Lithium. Wow, I was just reading up on it at wiki, just to be sure, and holy cow! The side effects! Fair skinned people (that's me) are prone to "Pseudoporphyria", which is photosensitivity, blisters, caused by excessive UV rays while on Naproxen. So, don't use a tanning bed or go outside tanning excessively while taking it. Basically your skin becomes very fragile. Very interesting reading. I'm glad I looked it up. I'm so anal about those blasted details and leaving no stone unturned. I'm going to try Darkwings homeopathic remedies.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
21 Feb 09
I have found that I need to become much more receptive of the needs of the sufferer. I stand by with soothing words and hot water bottles. I smile through the little messages of venom aimed at me. I know it's not personal. I proffer pain killers and I provide a personal slave service so that she can be relieved of any or all of those little jobs that she would normally do. Finally there's always chocolate. Hope that you are feeling a little better now.
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• Canada
22 Feb 09
Oh, p1key, you can come over and soothe me at the end of this month then. You are so understanding and very wise. Chocolate is sooooo gooooooooooodd. Dark chocolate please. XXXX
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
16 Feb 09
You can try Pamprin.. This should work for all of the symptoms that you have been experiencing.. Relaxation and Yoga helps too. I hope that you will feel better! I am so sorry that you are having a rough time.. Take care!
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• Lubbock, Texas
16 Feb 09
I haven't had those kind of cramps since my first child was born, but I hurt just hearing your talk about it. I didn't learn this little trick until I was post menopausal, but I've used it on Grand daughters who have these same kind of cramps and they say it works. Press your fingers into the depression just below and behind your outer ankle. (either or both sides at once) Gently massage up your leg about 4 finger widths and then start over.
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• Canada
22 Feb 09
Yeah, funny that you mention when you were having your children. As, after I had my first child, my cramps disappeared. 2.5 yrs later I had my 2nd child, and they were back with a vengeance. I was pretty much ready to get pregnant with a 3rd, in hopes that they would disappear again. But our marriage was losing ground, so I decided against it. But thank you so much for that peice of advice. I guess it is some form of accupressure? I will try it next time and see if it works.
• Singapore
19 Feb 09
well for cramps i used to have some tablets. and so it wud be little better. but sometimes that tablet also wud be so big tht i dont want to have it. i usually just take rest and dont walk much. abt the mood swings well better not to tak to anyone i guess. lol.
@ik4man (627)
• Malaysia
19 Feb 09
Anybody try ostrich oil? well...i did and use it regularly at least two days before my schedule menses. Just rub onto you lower abdomen, it's work for me. I never suffered with menstrual cramp since after i got hold with this oil. No menstrual cramp mean no mood swing for me.
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@soulist (2985)
• United States
16 Feb 09
What I normally do is I drink ginger tea. It really helps with cramps. I didn't believe it when my grandma told me, but I tried it recently because my cramps were just so terrible, I couldn't do anything just lay in bed, but the ginger tea helps a great deal, and it helps with mood swings too.
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• United States
16 Feb 09
I have the most excruciating menstral cramps for many years now. Naproxen is the generic of Anaprox. Naproxen does not work for me but Anaprox 550mg. does. You have to take it before serious pain arrives. And from what I have read, both Anaprox and Naproxen cannot be taken longer than 5 days or it can cause a heart attack.
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
16 Feb 09
Awww you poor baby! I don't know what to tell you I never had that problem but my daughters did. They took midol and used a hot water bottle on their tummy. I'm so sorry you are in pain oxxoxoxoxoxo
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@Mirita (2668)
• United States
16 Feb 09
I usually buy myself a cheesecake ,and it replaces the mood swings for a while.
@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
17 Feb 09
hot water bottles are my best friend and so are heating pads when i have menstrual cramps. Hot baths help too. Mine rarely get so bad that i have to resort to Tylenol or ibuprofen.
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@Yori88 (1465)
• Philippines
16 Feb 09
There are several ways to cope with and alleviate the pain and discomfort of menstrual cramps. Follow these helpful guidelines: * Exercise regularly by walking, cycling, stretching or doing pilates * Soak in a warm bath to relieve pain * Use a heating pad on your lower back or abdomen * Try drinking ginger tea to reduce nausea and chamomile tea to soothe cramps * Make yourself as comfortable as possible – wear track pants, socks and curl up with your blanket * Massage the affected area with arnica or aromatherapy oil * Increase your intake of vitamin supplements such as zinc and calcium * Reduce your intake of salt to help reduce bloating * Get plenty of rest Good thing I don't have any of those problems. I wish you overcome those soon.