Somebody call me stupid in front of my 7 years old!

February 16, 2009 10:02am CST
I couldn't belive this,i took my kids swimming yesterday and while i was watching my son trying to get on the other side of the pool to joint his sister,some woman started to yell at him for being in her way.So i got up and asked her politly what her problem was,she said my son needed to be told to stay aways from her when she's swimming.Well he didn't know that so i told her to relax,i would let him know,has i was walking away she sais"STUPID WOMAN,IRRESPONSABLE MOTHER".What!!My daughter was right there,heard everything,i couldn't belive it.She has so little respect for my kids and i to talk like that in the front of a small child.I waited till she was done and walk into the changing room to have a little chat with her...needless to say she got a ear full....what a b@!#h!
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21 responses
16 Feb 09
Good for you for going to talk to her about it afterwards. I'm not good with confrontation and probably wouldn't have been brave enough to say anything and just would have agonised about it later on! I think people wouldn't be so rude if more people stood up for themselves like you did.
3 people like this
• Canada
16 Feb 09
Well,it took some courage but it needed to be done.I just couldn't let it go!
@JodiLynn (1417)
• United States
16 Feb 09
Some people just don't like kids, at all. Maybe she was one of those. Good job handling it, well done. Can we get a " " on what u said in the locker room? :P
• Canada
16 Feb 09
Let me tell you it wasn't pretty....i made her feel so small about what she did,but i'm not proud of that. I'm just glad i kept it in long enough to wait till i was alone with this...individual!!
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
16 Feb 09
I think the way you handled it was very good. You showed your children how to properly del with someone like that with respect and dignity for yourself. I mean she just showed how disrespectful and rude she was to yell at first your son like that and then yourself. I mean he's a little boy trying to have fun, she is the one that needs to relax and realize that kids don't realise things and just politely either ask you to tell him to watch for other swimmers or tell him herself. I mean what was her problem....horrible woman. Kudos to you for holding your cool and waiting to go into the dressing room to address her attitude.
• Canada
16 Feb 09
Thank you. That's why i waited till no one was around to be rude to me i wasn't nice but at least nobody(or kids)was around to witness her humiliation...
@jillbeth (2705)
• United States
16 Feb 09
Sorry that happened, but I tend to feel sorry for such people. People who don't have respect for others don't think much of themselves, either, if the truth is known. You set a great example for your kids by not telling her off right then and there and doing it more privately (as much as a changing room provides, at least). We have enough rude people running around as it is.
2 people like this
• Canada
16 Feb 09
You are right,most peoples who are disrespectful toward other are usually miserable with themself and that's sad.
@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
16 Feb 09
I can not believe this. How dare she do this. Just because your child was in her way. What is she the queen or something. I would have given her a nice little chat as well. Obviously she is not a parent, I find that most people that are like that are not parents.
1 person likes this
• Canada
16 Feb 09
your right,she probably don't know how to handle kids or herself for that matter!
@eichs1 (1934)
• Philippines
16 Feb 09
Wow... she's so well-mannered isn't she? In another words, I think any stupid people don't have the right to call anyone irresponsible or stupid, more so in front of children. But, I forgot. Only stupid people do what a stupid person do, right? Anyways, I'm sure your children know you are not stupid and irresponsible. Next time you meet her in the pool, drown her for me, will you?
2 people like this
• Canada
16 Feb 09
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
16 Feb 09
woww... that is really very rude of the woman to do that to you... good on you for telling her off... even though your son is in her way when she is swimming, she doesn't need to get so worked out like that... on top of that, calling you stupid and irresponsible mother in front of your child is totally unacceptable... some people just don't have manners and need to be taught one... take care and have a nice day...
1 person likes this
• India
17 Feb 09
You gave her an ear full?! Good… you redeem my self-respect for me! I am in perennial fear of people who think of themselves as Their Royal Highness and their foul tongue. Me, I am a loser and controlling my temper and articulating my views in a logical sane manner. So it has happened quite a few times when I have had altercations with people on the road in front of my child and just the fear of it crossing the threshold of politeness and escalating into serious warfare, has pulled me back. We (my son and me) usually laugh it off by saying that such people are not worthy of our reply and its best to ignore them and do what we are doing and want to do. Its difficult I know, I am a loser and weakling I know, and I just admire moms like you who know how to give a verbal dressing down in a civilized manner.
• India
23 Feb 09
Thnx for the BR…sometimes it requires more strength to keep quiet.
• Canada
17 Feb 09
Stop calling yourself a loser...I'm sure you're not!And your right sometime it's better to not reply and ignore them.Thank's for your anwser and don't call yourself a loser,Have a nice day.
@healer (1779)
• India
16 Feb 09
I am sorry you have faced that situation. Sometimes we meet certain people who don't know or who don't care about people and the one that you meet was one of those who don't care about people. If i were in your place i should have started a cat fight there even if my kid is standing next to me, i am a very short tempered person. Anyway i guess you deal with that situation very nicely. wishing you all the best in life
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@paulsy (1263)
• Philippines
17 Feb 09
Well, that woman is totally trash. She definitely is the one who should be called stupid. Maybe she thought she owned the pool... lol. People like her should go get their own pool where no one else would be in their way. She has no right to humiliate anyone! I really admire you for holding back your temper until you got the chance to talk to her in the changing room. I can't imagine what the conversation was like... If it were me, I might have said too much that the woman would have forgotten her name by the time she steps out of the changing room...LOL!
• Canada
17 Feb 09
I don't think she know what hit her once a was done with her...She got a big piece of my mind!
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
16 Feb 09
Sounds like she needed a nice little talk. You weren't being irresponsible, she was just being pissy. Hope you told her what!
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@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
17 Feb 09
oh i would had fun with this, i would have told my kids in front of her. see how rude people act, this way we aren't rude like her. she's is just a very bad person and really shouldn't be wearing a bathsuit like that it make her look fat. lol.. naw for real i would just told my kids, that isn't the proper way for people to behave and we need to ignore them. then tell them she look fat in her bathsuiting
• United States
17 Feb 09
we try to teach our kids right, but deep inside what want to say whatever, ok i've done that before in front of my kids, no wonder they got issues. lol..
• Canada
17 Feb 09
Lol...she did look horrible,she had a leather face but i waited to tell her in the changing room.My kids can be really rude if they have too,i just wanted to show the right thing to do.
@FDBrister (115)
• United States
16 Feb 09
I hate to say it, but manners just don't exist in our society any more. I've had people to say much worse to me or in front of me and my kids and not care who was around. Common courtesy is no longer common, especially where I live. Unfortunately, in these days of "I can do what I want", people take it to the extreme. It's difficult to get people to take others into consideration when their decisions impact others.
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
17 Feb 09
Don't you love the fact that no one minds their own business? If he wasn't touching her she needs to get over it. Oh wait this is America the land of the offended. Obviously, she was the one that was irresponsible. If it's a community pool that everyone has to pay for you may want to complain. What a horrible woman!
• Canada
17 Feb 09
It's exacly my thought...It's a public pool,if you can't stand to be in public and act civilize than stay home!!Some peoples...makes you wonder.
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
17 Feb 09
@rowantree (1186)
• United States
17 Feb 09
I'm so sorry you came across this type of person. What a cow! You should have told HER to stay away from YOUR son while HE is swimming!!! I hope your daughter wasn't upset over this!
• Philippines
17 Feb 09
That is downright rude! You were right to give her an earful. If it were me things may get a little bit more heated than that! People who are so stupid they don't know how to behave in an educated world have no business calling other people stupid. That is just wrong. I hope I never get to meet someone like that freak!
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
16 Feb 09
Oh she is educated! I think you can explain to your son that people being like that is wrong, they shouldn't say anything like that because it doesn't respect people. I think your son will understand.
• Canada
17 Feb 09
I did have a talk with my kids after that because they wanted to call her name too and i didn't think that was appropriate,it's not ok for her to do so and that's my point.What the hell was she thinking?
• United States
17 Feb 09
I applaud your decision to not let that woman off the hook. GOOD JOB!!!!! Who is she calling stupid and irresponsible? It is her who is stupid treating others like that in front of her own child. That child will get the same manners as the mother if she continues to act that way. That woman is the stupid one. You did the right job by giving her the mouthful especially not in front of your own child. Your child does not need to be affected by those comments. You did the right thing by going off on her in the change room rather than in public and in front of your child.
• Singapore
17 Feb 09
Dont waste your time in such a B@!#h.. lets see, she is so SMART that she thought she owns the whole swimming pool... she is so SMART that she thought she is in control in bullying a 7 year old kid.. she is so SMART in yelling and make a fuss in public when she can just swim around your kid?.. if she is so SMART, why don't she suggest installing traffic lights in a pool to control the traffic flow..
• Canada
17 Feb 09
HA!HA!HA!That's too Thank's fo the laugh.
• China
17 Feb 09
what a rude person that woman is! what a big deal a child stayed in her way while she swam. don't take it to heart, there are a lot of rude people around.