Child down in the dumps
@mag_keizer2007 (1282)
February 18, 2009 9:18am CST
My 8 year old seems to be going through a rough time right now. I don't know how to help her. She doesn't want to talk to me about it but I don't want to push the issue. She comes home and she wants to get into pj's. I thought it might be because she is involved in too much at school but she likes keeping busy and really enjoys everything she is in. I don't think she is depressed, just upset about something. She does have alot on her plate. She did tell me that she is worried about going away in the summer. She is going to ontario with her older sister for a week. She is also getting stomach cramps and head aches alot...too much actually. She has givin me a few hints but I don't think it is exactly what is bugging her. Maybe it is a combination of everything. Anyways I am posting this to see if I can get any suggestions or advice or tips...or just any parents that have dealt with this before.
Thanks ahead of time.
Worried MOM
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13 responses
@mamalovestoread (692)
• Canada
18 Feb 09
Hi I know this may sound crazy but some girls get there first period at as young as 8 years old! Mabie she is starting to become a woman. I know its really hard to imagine that your little 8 year old is having that problem but that is what it sounds like! Mabie if you havent already you should talk to her about her monthly visiter! If its not that which i really hope its not mabie she is being teased at school? I know alot of kids get teased for many things. You said she is involved in alot of stuff at school mabie she is being teased for doing to much! It is really a hard thing to know.
You should sit her down and say to her I know something is bothering you and if you want to talk im here! Dont push her into telling you it will only make her not want to talk.
Hope this helps
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@mag_keizer2007 (1282)
• Canada
18 Feb 09
Thanks I was thinking this as well. But shouldn't she be getting hair and everything as well. We are going to try to rule out lactose intolerance first. Then we will try something else.....If it keeps up much longer I will be taking her to a doctor. She usually lets me know when someone is bugging her at school. I know there are a few kids that bother her...not tease her but irrate her...they are very loud and rude n class and she is a well behaved child....Hopefully it will come out....she goes through this every once and awhile. But this one seems like the worse one yet...maybe she is just moody!!!!
@mamalovestoread (692)
• Canada
18 Feb 09
If she is starting puberty she may not get hair yet. That my come later. It is def work a check with the doctor. I dont think that he/she will be able to really know. Its not like theres a test to find out if your having your period! LOL.
Wish there was though. I think all men would buy them for there wives! "hey honey you seem crooked lets see if your gona start your period!" LOL that is just a little joke for you! I hope that all goes well for you and she does open up and talk to you! Best of luck!
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
18 Feb 09
My first thought was she may be getting her peroid too.
If it isn't that, it may be that she is having problems with other girls in her school. Girls at that age can be really mean! My daughter is 8 also, and last year she would get stomach aches and not want to go to school. I took her to the doctor because it lasted so long and we couldn't get to the bottom of it. She would cry and say her belly hurt so bad. Come to find out there were some older girls at school being mean to her. It took a while, but my daughter finally opened up to me when I asked if other kids were making her sad. All it took were a few phone calls to get the girls to stop and she was back to her happy, active self.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
19 Feb 09
This could be a lot of stuff: hormones, stress, something going on at school (bully, grades), her missing someone etc. If she is worried about the trip, maybe you should tell her that she doesn't have to go if she chooses not too (she is probably worried about being away from you).
My son is going through a hard time too, and it if focused around my husband being gone. What I did with him was actually brought him to his pediatrician. His Dr talked to him and helped me figure out what is really wrong with him. He was also the best source for what I should do to help my son.
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@mag_keizer2007 (1282)
• Canada
19 Feb 09
I talked with her teacher. She has a great teacher this year and hopefully she will spot something. If it is not resolved by next week monday at the least I will make a dr appointment. thanks for the response.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
19 Feb 09
Eight is a time for many girls to step into hormonal changes in their body and such changes can completely bewilder and shut a child up, as she would not know exactly what is happening to her. She is also likely to suffer from mood swings and poor child, she is trying to cope it as best as she can but the problem is she herself does not know what is wrong with her. I suggest you seek medical help and keep her mentally prepared so that when it eventually starts, (maybe in a year’s time) she would be somewhat prepared.
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@mag_keizer2007 (1282)
• Canada
19 Feb 09
she did tell me she didn't know what was wrong with her. She just is down and thats the only way to explain it.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
19 Feb 09
Without knowing your daughter, it is hard to say. It almost sounds as if she is being picked on or bullied by another kid at that possible? I don't know. Whenever my girls started acting like that, I always just hugged them and let them know that they could talk to me about anything at all and that sometimes it helps to talk. Quite often they would eventually come and want to vent out their problem. At 8 yrs old, it was generally something that just "felt" huge to an 8 yr old but really was not. Let her know that you are open to talk and that you are concerned because she seems like something is weighing her down. Good luck, Mag!
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@mag_keizer2007 (1282)
• Canada
19 Feb 09
thanks for the response. We had a little heart to heart last night and she knows she can come to me with anything. Plus her big sister is coming over tomorrow and they usually have good heart to hearts to. She said she missed her last weekend because they have been having sleepovers and stuff so they haven't really had a good sister night so that might help tomorrow as well.
Thanks for the response
@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
18 Feb 09
It sounds like it might be mental and you could have her talk to a therapist. The ones that treat kids her age use play or drawing a lot and that helped my little one. She tells me through art.
It may also be physical. In the years before I stared my monthly, I had headaches (still do) and cramping. And at 8 she wouldn't really know if it's a tummy ache or a cramp. You may not bleed but it still hurts. It would also be a good idea that you talk to a doctor... without your daughter to start with, then let them see if it is something to worry about.
Some people will worry you about possible abuse but wait to talk to one or both above the doctors above before asking your child. You don't want to plant a seed that may sprout into something else.
These are my thoughts, take what you can use and leave the rest. I hope you both come through to the other side well and whole.
All the best
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@mag_keizer2007 (1282)
• Canada
19 Feb 09
thanks for the response. I am going to get her writing in her journal to see if she can figure it our on her own. Get her feelings wrote down on paper. that may help her on her own.
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@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
18 Feb 09
Well my son went through that and for my son it was something pretty bad. He was being bullied at school. I couldn't believe it. My son is 6 yrs old and in grade 1. I honestly didn't think it would happen in such an early grade but it did. He wouldn't talk to me about at all. He just started not wanting to go to school and wouldn't say much after he got home. until one day he had no choice but to tell me cause he had not eaten lunch one day and told me he was hungry all day. I asked well why? You had a lunch, what happened to it? He proceeded to tell me that a couple of the boys in his class took his lunch and stepped on it. My son is so gentle I never thought it would happen at an early age. over the last few months his teacher and I have been talking and it seems as though my son has a tendency to mother the other kids and he goes as far as DOING the others work for them. He thinks he is showing them but he is actually doing it.
The boys don't like being mothered so they started picking on him and he actually got in trouble from the teacher for not telling her. She was so mad at these boys that she told the principle to talk to them first. Anyways I got carried away what I was trying to say is that bullying could be something that is going on.
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@mag_keizer2007 (1282)
• Canada
18 Feb 09
She has talked to me before about bullying. She knows that I would stop that. I really don't think that is the problem this time. Thanks fot the response!
@mag_keizer2007 (1282)
• Canada
19 Feb 09
I talked with her teacher today. She is going to watch her a little more closer and see if she can see whats going on. We will see how things level off.
Thanks for the response.
@mag_keizer2007 (1282)
• Canada
19 Feb 09
thanks for the response. I'm giving it until monday. Her teacher is now aware of the problem and she is going to keep and eye on her and see if anyone is picking on her. Hopefully she will be back to her normal self by next week. If not to the doctors I go!
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
19 Feb 09
I would start by attempting once more to get her to open up to you. Reassure her that no matter what is going on, you will love her. Maybe she really does feel overwhelmed with school activities, but doesn't want you to be disappointed in her. If she doesn't want to talk, or says that nothing is bothering her, I would make an appointment with her doctor. Unless she gets home from school late at night, I don't think it is normal for her to want to get into her pj's right away. There could be an underlying medical issue, such as low iron that is causing her fatigue. If the doctor doesn't find anything, then take her to a therapist. Maybe she would open up to someone else.
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@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
19 Feb 09
I certainly would suspect bullying. They do not want to squeal on their friends and might think they will get into trouble or make the situation worse. Also they might think you will blame them. I would not give up on this as the bullying behavior never seems to get better. Some people have been forced to move to get to another school when the school ignores the situation or dismisses it as not important. It does not have to be physical and if it is girls it is usually more psychological.
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@sunil_008 (1269)
• India
18 Feb 09
though i am not a parent...but why don't you take her to a doc just for a overall check up...since she's just 8 years old...
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@ROYALG333 (126)
• United States
18 Feb 09
I would make sure she is in good health first. Take her to the family physician and get her checked out. If that's in the clear, then I might consult a child therapist to make sure that she is not overwhelmed. Too many things going on at 8 can be stressful and you gotta remember to let kids be kids. Does she play a lot? Have friends etc?
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@mag_keizer2007 (1282)
• Canada
19 Feb 09
She does have ALOT of friends she plays when she comes home and actually she doesn't really have any home work from school. She plays with her bratz and littlest pet shops and web kinz. She has a Wii and a neintendo DS and she has a computer in the living room. the last 3 weekends she has had sleepovers. But the last one she didn't stay for. I think this sunday I will get a babysitter for my youngest and go do something with just her. She likes that. maybe she just needs some mommy and me time.