Do you belive in Dog... How about Dyslexia?
By jeffela
@jeffela (120)
United States
February 18, 2009 1:11pm CST
Okay - so my friend Sparky has inspired me to post my first discussion...YAY!
It's a "tail" of a boy who goes about life confused...bewildered...scared of grey clouds and still chasing a rat that was murdered and removed from his home years earlier. It's a story of blind loyalty, unconditional love and - unfortunately - unconditional stupidity...
My dog's name is Nigel. He's a Boston Terrier. But he's not your ordinary Boston - he's an idiot.
He's a lively chap, without a care in the world save spending time alone when the family has a dog-free outing...he loves attention (most dopes do), and he will (if you let him) lick the flesh off of a leg, hand or occasional cheek because he wants you to know how much your attention means to him.
Several years ago, we had a rat that found his way into our cupboard. Nigel - being the accomplished security agent he is - would go to the invaded cupboard and bark incessantly at the beast as though illustrating his fate unless he vacated and warning us of the breach in homeland security.
Eventually, we trapped trapped the intruder and removed his remains. But Nigel was off that day and upon returning, refused to close the case.
To this day he will run to the crime scene and continue to bellow his warnings of what he does to all who trespass on his watch...these bellows fall upon deaf (dead) ears...
Nigel was...ahem - "snipped" yet he continues to teach pillows, blankets, and his bed the meaning of the word stud...he often loves them and leaves them I'm told.
You could easily take one of his prized toys for fetchin', fake the throw and watch him not only chase it 37 yards further than any star quarterback could pass, but when he discovers it's not where he estimated, he barks and rummages through whatever may be hiding it. The only way to stop this activity is to yell to him and show him the article never left your which he is clearly amazed.
When you do actually throw it, he will inevitably overshoot the article, look for it, and get distracted by a low hanging branch or possibly a bed of weeds - much in the same way Lenny in Of Mice and Men might get distracted by a shiny quarter...gleaming in the morning sun. Then, Nigel slams his mighty jaws upon said foliage and begins his futile attempt at extracting it from its seating.
He ends up with bark or some other fibrous material stuck too his lips and a leaf in his ear...
Do you have or do you know of a dog just as dopey as Nigel? If so - tell us!
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12 responses
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
19 Feb 09
Well I don't, but my dog does. Her name is Sparky! ROFL
WELL DONE YOU! I loved this. You write with energy and a great imagination!

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@jeffela (120)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Oh thank you, Spar-WHAT?!? I thought your dog's name was Spunky! And all this time I've been calling you a dog?!? ACH! Okay - since calling you insanity isn't much better, I'll call you...Sanitary - cuz you can't spell "sparkofinsanity" without sanitary! OWE!! HI-OHHHHHH!
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Feb 09
LOL, my dog's name is Spunky. Mine is Sparks. I do not have a dufus dog, but my dog has a dufus dog, and that's me, Sparky! ROFL Got it now? Please don't call me insanity......I might get addicted to it and then all hell would break loose! LMAO
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Sparks is definitely an encourager! And this is a good story about your dog. Sound like he's a little smart and a little dumb.
At least he knows what a mouse is and you probably won't have to worry about one getting in that cupboard again, especially while he's around!If he defends your home as much as he takes care of the hiding mouse, he's worth having around. And he certainly sounds like a load of entertainment, and it doesn't cost you a penny.
My daughter has a very small house dog, a Shih Tzu. That dog is so funny. She has a video of him seeing his tail and chasing himself around and around. He even caught his tail in his teeth and kept chasing!

@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
20 Feb 09
LMAO I have to say this is very well written. Good job and keep up the great work you should write for Associated content or Constant content or even helium. I think you would make a killing on one of those sites.
Welcome to MyLot Jeffela and no I do not have or know a dog that dopey LMAO
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@jeffela (120)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Those sites confuse and frighten me...I'm able to sleep now, but still the DREAMS COME.
Okay - I'm okay now...sorry.
Thanks, Strawberry! I'm happy to be here...why, I'd rather be here with you people than with the finest people in the world!
Ahem...that sounded a lot better in my head.
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@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
20 Feb 09
HAHA that is too funny. I'm glad your liking it here.
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
20 Feb 09
First, welcome to the Lot. Sparks told me you were here. I look forward to getting to know you and your dog. I think your dog is unique. I don't know any dopey dogs.
Royal Mom
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I got a good laugh at your description of your dog!! He does sound a wee bit off but a charactor nonetheless!! Try looking at it this way, he's an entertainer at best and an idiot who loves his master and wants to please his master all in a vein attempt so of course! You've gotta love him!! BTW, the pillows are his girlfriends.... my female mixed Chihuahua humps this one toy of hers! I'm serious!! She actually humps the darn thing and laying on her side but she's got a tight hold on the thing and going at it!! Hubby and I just watch and laugh!! Oh do we laugh!! And yeahhhh she's fixed too!! Go figure!!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
20 Feb 09
You two are too funny!! LMBO!! Oh gosh!! I couldn't stop laughing for about 15 minutes!! LMBO!! Thanks!! I sooooo needed that after leaving a very serious response just now..... whew!! Thanks for the laugh!!
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
20 Feb 09
Hey, whoa!
Girls have their urges, too, ya know!

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@jeffela (120)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Well that's extraordinary! I don't believe I've ever heard of a female doing that...are you sure she's not...ehm..."butch?!?"
At least you don't have to watch her trying to "walk it off" after the act!! *shudders*
Ever get into Triumph the Insult Comic Dog?!? If not, and you're a dog lover, you really should...good times, C&D...good times!
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
20 Feb 09
How in the world could I not have answered this yet??? Cripes! First, I have to say bravo for the reference to Lenny in Of Mice and Men!!! I loved that book so much and also, as only a 12 year old could, LOVED Lenny. I was reading it in my bed, late into the night, and was crying my lil eyes out. Well, that crying woke my mother, blissfully asleep until then in the next room, and she came in, saw the book I was reading, and cradled me in her arms till I could stop sobbing. Makes me want to cry now...........Nah, not really.
What a great story, Jeffela! I, unfortunately, don't have any dogs, except for the neighbor's, and my best friend's pug, who's my "god-dog", but I have three cats, and their antics could fill a tome! They're BananaMae, Mazeroski and Nova. ANd I love them with every fiber of my being, as I'm wont to with things and persons I love.
Oh, yes, and CONGRATULATIONS on your first discussion! Woohoo, hurray! It's a beaut! Please give us more. You've got a voice that we need here on the Lot and I, for one, long to hear much much more of it. Keep typing, mister!
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
20 Feb 09
George Steinbrenner!!!! HA! ;;;snort;;;
A discussion on pet names? Not a bad idea, darlin. I might just do that.
And about the hug? YES, YES, YES! Please. No really, I was actually getting a bit teary remembering all of that - the book, Lenny, and yeah, of course my mom, who I love to the nth degree. Oh shite, I'm doing it again!!! Ah'm an emotional sort, ya know..............

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@jeffela (120)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I too love that book! I love every book George Steinbrenner!
*sniff* come 'ere...*opens arms* need a hug, honey?!? Oh - you were kidding. You played my like a bagpipe, girl!
You have GOT to start a discussion on pet names! Your cats need the spotlight and I'm quite sure that post would get uber hits!! LOL!
Oh you WILL hear more from me....oh yes - you WILL!!
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
21 Feb 09
Well it looks like a mini version of my life the rat is still in the house and doing well even though all those past events continue to invade the current present and well into the near future.
I've got a lot going on but I was highly amused with all the responses and I also share that hand out stretched to shake and greet you with that famous one word line "Welcome." I see some newbies posting around and round and trying to pin the tale on the what ever in where ever.
All I can say is
Dogs rule...
I wonder why Fred would always try to put the cat out at night?

@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
22 Feb 09
Thanks for the add,
Now where did you go? What are you writing about?
Time for me to see where my friends are today...
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
22 Feb 09
A great story by an obviously great story teller. I love Nigel mate, he sounds like a real character. I have a dog as well and her name is Lucy. You cannot fool her with 'pretending to throw the toy and hiding it behind your back' she's much too sharp for that. In every other aspect though she does not shine and she is not even amusing about being dull.....sigh.
To make my response more amusing (or awful) I have searched to find some truly silly dog jokes. There will be groans but by the time you get to number ..... you will be giggling at the silliness of it all:
How do you catch a runaway dog ?
Hide behind a tree and make a noise like a bone !
What dog loves to take bubble baths ?
A shampoodle !
What kind of dog does a vampire prefer ?
Any kind of bloodhound !
What dogs are best for sending telegrams ?
Wire haired terriers !!
What do you call a happy Lassie ?
A jolly collie !
What do you call a nutty dog in Australia ?
A dingo-ling !
What kind of dog sniffs out new flowers ?
A bud hound !
Why didn't the dog speak to his foot ?
Because it's not polite to talk back to your paw !
What is the dogs favourite city ?
New Yorkie !
Who is the dogs favourite comedian ?
Growlcho Marx !
these are from :
All the very best to you and a warm welcome.

@jeffela (120)
• United States
22 Feb 09
LOL! I just love jokes like those! I tell them to my 8 year old and I become a hero!
Oh Nigel's a character to be fact, as I write you he is growling and thrashing about with his leash in his mouth...spinning around like Linda Blair's head...think he might want a walk, then?!?
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
20 Feb 09
A nice little story, good job in telling it. Making a story interesting is sometimes hard for some people, I guess you are not one of them. You have the gift of gab. Welcome to the lot.
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@olivebranch56 (910)
• United States
21 Feb 09
Oh Jeff sounds suspiciously like a lot of "2 legged males I have known". The only thing is instead of chasing the rat, they were the rat. Am I right girls? LOL I'm sure present company excluded Jeff, so we won't hold it against you. Enjoyed your story, that Sparks sure knows how to pick em! Blessings Marilyn
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@olivebranch56 (910)
• United States
21 Feb 09
Well Jeff we all know what the hair is suppose to look like after an electric shock so now I guess your nic name will be Professor Jeff, LOL. Where's the bow tie and black glasses Professor? Oh and we mustn't forget the Hounds tooth jacket! Hugs Marilyn
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
20 Feb 09
Well, my neighbour has 2 stupid dogs. One is a Great Pyrenneese and he has to tie him in the barn to keep him with the sheep. He was very expensive, purebred, registered and purchased for the sole purpose of Guarding the sheep. You're not supposed to make buddy buddy with them, but he did when he was a pup. They are supposed to 'bond' with the sheep. Instead he prefers ( if he is allowed or gets loose), to either run all over the township, or bark incessantly under his owners window, ALL NIGHT!
His other dog, is a blue tick heeler. Meant as a cattle herding dog and leftover from when he has Dairy Cattle. But also his buddy. I babysit my neighbours farm whenever he is away, and he mine. When I babysit, his dog goes into a depression for a few days in missing "Daddy", but eventually satsify's himself that I will give him a scrub and talk to him a couple of times a day. But his most entertaining feature is chasing you "OUT" of the driveway as you leave. But he dutifully gose back to guard the house when you get anywhere near the road. I cured him of travelling when I first moved into the neighbourhood. You see, I have a female dog. So he came a visiting once. Only once. Cause I grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and the butt, and make quick work of tossing him in the back of my pickup truck, under the cap, before he knew what hit him. He realized what was going on just a tad too late, as his feet landed on the box liner, he started to growl and bared his teeth 'as if' he was going to bite me. But by then, I had released him, from that most humiliating position and had already shut the tailgate.
My Border Collie, should I really humiliate her? Oh, well, why not, eh? She is afraid of sheep. Need I say more? She is a sheep herding dog, and she is afraid of sheep. ROFLMAO?
Wonderful account of your Idiot, too. I bet you love him.
*Annie smiles sweetly*
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
20 Feb 09
Yeah, life on the farm is full of entertaining anecdotes on a daily basis. Animals are really funny and they don't get pissy when you laugh at them, either, like some people without a sense of humour.
Sheep thing hittin way too close to home??? splain pls?
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@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
22 Feb 09
Not quite, but they're close.
Cuddles likes to throw his ball, and expects us to fetch it. We refuse, but he's very insistent. So insistent that he buries it, then tries to dig it back out. This is very dangerous in my den, since he puts it under the mini-greenhouse (think disaster if over turned), between stacked up chairs (makes nice, loud crashes), on my bookshelves between books (I can't let him dig those out, now can I?!), well I think you get the idea. So I'm the official fetcher here.
Then there's my dog, Snowball. He's been 'snipped' as well, but that hasn't stopped him from being ready to kill his brother to protect me. (Like he needs an excuse to bring it on...) He won't stop starting fights, even though he's clearly outclassed and always beaten. One of these days, his bro will kill him. And I can't really blame him. My dog is really annoying. (He thinks he's a cat, with all their annoying habits as well as his own.) He won't stop tormenting his bro.
Not quite as dopey as yours, but just as much of a trial.
Your writing is fantastic!! Very well done! You do have the gift. Practice continuously. (That way we can all enjoy it)