There is no such thing as reverse racism.
By stacyv81
@stacyv81 (5903)
United States
February 19, 2009 8:55am CST
This is pertaining to America
I just answered a post that made me think of this....
I do not understand, why it is not ok for white people to have pride in their race, and not be considered racist., yet African Americans can...
I do not understand why African Americans can say pretty much anything they want about white people, but it is a HUGE controversy if it is stated the other way around....
I do not understand why There can be a Negro College fund, but not one specifically for white peopl, because that would be racist...
I do not understand why there is still an NAACP, but the other way around would be racist....
I do not understand Why during the presidential election BET broadcasted a "VOTE BLACK" campaign, when wow, could you imagine anyone saying "VOTE WHITE" ???? WOW!!
There are many African Americans who are way more well off than Whites, and many whites who are way more well off than African Americans, We have a black president!! So, why is it that all of this is still this way?
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10 responses
@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
19 Feb 09
Amen to that!
racism is racism PERIOD!
I dont understand any of that either
I have often wondered why colored people can have special organizations like the NAACP or the black panthers and its ok but white people cant even think about being proud of their heritage without being called a racist
that is just stupid!!
we are all Americans regardless of color
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@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
19 Feb 09
Exactly! And I was watching a news program where an African American said "Black history is now American history!" OMG!!!
seriously? There is a black history month....but if you notice Americans in school do not only learn about African Americans in history in February...we are taught about them throughout the year, so I cant understand that either.
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
19 Feb 09
why is there even a month dedicated to black history?
do we have a white history month?
how about a native american history month?
no we dont so why in the hell is black history more important than any other history?
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@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
19 Feb 09
I am in Canada and I have experienced this as well. I have seen people be racist to all cultures here. It happens to all races, including white people. I have been judged by the color of my skin and what I have between my legs too for that matter. LOL I remember discussing the whole Hilary and Obama thing with my sister before there was a vote and I told her that there is more discrimination against women then black people. Are we surprised people picked him over Hilary, nope. Then when McCain put a woman as running mate I knew it would be Obama.
Don't get me wrong I think he will be a great president and it got people interested in politics, unlike our vote up here with only 58% of people voting.
Also this means that any culture could become anything they set their minds to do. So when you don't have a job, don't use race, use economy as your excuse.
By the way, I grew up with two separated addict parents in the low rental on welfare and left home at 16. Not born with a silver spoon but a stolen McDonald's fork. Race has nothing to do with hardship nowadays.
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@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
26 Feb 09
And as for what you said about women...very very very true!
If you remember black MEN were given the right to vote before women, and history repeats itself...
Its like people would rather have a man in office or trust a man with big important desicions even if they didnt agree with him, than a WOMAN!
But you know what I mean.
The argument was soley based on you are racist if you vote against Obama, but no one said you are sexist if you vote against McCain...
I agree
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
19 Feb 09
Another part of the problem is that often people who address this topic are subsequently called racists. I myself have been called a racist several times on this board and on other forums for pointing out the issues where only white people are called racists.
I've been consistently told that racism by someone like Reverend Wright it justified and that it's ok for his church to have a "non-negotiable COMMITMENT TO AFRICA" while preaching sermons ordering his congregation to say "God dam America" instead of God Bless America. The "VOTE BLACK" garbage is just another example of how sad this presidential race was when many people were more concerned with voting in a black president than determining whether he was really prepared for the job.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Agreed. People who stand up against this obvious injustice are labeled racists.
IMO, it's nothing more than far-left liberal politics at work.
The only question I have: At what point in American history is it considered okay to forgive the white people who had nothing to do with oppressing our African-American population's predecessors?
Let's face it; NO ONE was alive during slavery, and not very many were alive during the Jim Crow south. Most of us grew up as equals, but then suddenly choose a side to fight with based on propaganda.
To me, and I've definitely been called a racist because of it, some people - of any race - cling to the past as justification for their actions today. There are votes to be gained and money to be earned in it. It's explotation.
Teaching and preaching that it's okay to give one race more rights than another is the SAME THING as thinking one race is superior and has a right to enslave another. I thought the idea was to change that way of thinking in general -- not simply to put the shoe on the other foot.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I would certainly say that, yes, stacyv, you do lack understanding! There is no need for "white pride" because white people have never historically been oppressed, looked upon as objects rather than human beings, enslaved as a people, had their families ripped apart to be sold to the highest bidder..., shall I go on? So, maybe now you can understand why there is a need for something to boost our self-esteem and make us feel that we are more than second-class citizens. White people have never experienced what it is to be maligned simply because of the color of their skin. They were never forbidden access to education, voting rights, or even the right to enter an establishment through the front door. I lived in the Jim Crow South as a youngster and I know firsthand the feeling of disenfranchisement a black person who is denied even the basic human rights can know.

@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
20 Feb 09
ARE YOU SERIOUS???? Irish people were slaves, and killed, in the same. For one example...Why cant we have pride in being white? One who has never been treated wrongly can still have self esteem and confidence right? It is ridiculous to say that you are the only people allowed to have have pride in your race. I am a white woman and I am proud of it! If you call me a racist because of that, that is one you.
I will say this, To say that white people havent been persecuted for the color of their funny, because you are doing it right now, you are saying that we arent allowed to have the basic right of pride in who we are, I am sorry, but we do have that right! ANd I will NEVER!! let anyone EVER tell me differently, so I guess we my friend will just have to agree to disagree.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
20 Feb 09
It sounds to me that you are close minded. And thinking only of yourself. YOU were not a slave, and I was not a slave owner, therefore honestly those days should have nothing to do with the relationship between me as a white woman and you as a black woman, We are HUMAN BEINGS!!!
It is so sad that you cannot get that.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I have to add after reading all of the responses to this discussion that ignorance is alive and well. You can spin a situation and make it anything you want it to be but it's sort of like if you dress up a pig and put lipstick on it -- it's still a pig!

@lilnono (228)
• United States
20 Feb 09
When I was a kid I thought racism was when they shoot you and reverse racism was when they gave you their leftover food.
I think you may be a bit ignorant about your own culture.
White people do indeed have their own scholarships and organizations. The difference is white organizations are usually named after a particular country. The US is filled with German Irish Italian, and other European American organizations.
Most African-Americans don't know exactly where our ancestors came from so we just use blanket terms like Black and African American. I guarantee you that if you go to Fastweb and enter your particular ethnicity you will find a scholarship that applies to your group. I'm sorry if you have suffered racism from African Americans and i agree that what's good for the goose is good for the gander but looking at current events without considering recent history is a bit foolish. It wasn't considered OK for Reverend Wright to make racist remarks even though he's old as hell and probably suffered horrible racism during his formative years. different people have different ideas of what constitutes racism but i would say that if no one is murdering you and mutilating your body, forcing you to work for free, aping you ,or denying you the right to earn a living or a place to live then you have not suffered racism and need to quite whining. That applies to people of all races. No one should be whining about petty little comedy sketches.

@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
20 Feb 09
you are right lilnono, no one should whine about a petty comedy sketch...funny thing though, they do...And it isnt only white people who do...
Most Americans do not know their true heritage, so why arent we called European-Americans? We are just white people?? The hyphenations are dumb, Why not just human beings? Or Americans, werent we all born in this country? If you see a blak person who was born in GErmany, you would call him German, so why arent all Americans, simply called Americans?
"but i would say that if no one is murdering you and mutilating your body, forcing you to work for free, aping you,or denying you the right to earn a living or a place to live then you have not suffered racism and need to quite whining."
That is exactly what I am trying to get across, maybe its the place where I live, but all I am saying is that yes, we all, EVERY AMERICAN, needs to stop being so sensitive, because it happens to EVERYONE! and If one "group" cant take it then why should the other?
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Marian, I agree, the thing I am talking about here is the double standard, I am not whining or complaining about how I have been treated racist, because everyone has, I am talking about the fact that there is only one "group" of people in this country that actually have freedo, of speech....
Why? maybe because they have a National organization that speaks out for them, as no other group really does... I dont know, but you are right, and all I am saying is we are all humans! And we need to realize that and go on about life.
@marianstallings (201)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I agree, everyone is just too sensitive. And I also agree that there are many different groups that exclude people based on color because they want to help "their own". We have to realize that our own is American. If there is a scholarship for just polish people then that isn't right. If there is a scholarship in the name of polish people then that is okay. I don't think that it is wrong to know where your money's coming from. I do think it's wrong to say I don't qualify for the funds simply because I don't fit into a particular ethnicity. I don't think that the poster meant that there aren't other organizations that do the same thing, I think that the poster meant that the media as well as organizations that cater to person's of color, blatantly use terms that they would not allow "white people" to use. We're not talking about immigrants trying to etch out an identity in our society, we're talking about Americans that have double standards for one another. If you can say "Vote Black" on national television and not be called on it then you should be able to say "Vote White" on national television and not be called on it. This is not so and until we get to the point where we can say "Vote for the Best Man" on every station then we haven't come as far as we think.

@lorraine27 (271)
20 Feb 09
i agree everyone should be getting the same benifits as the otheir otheir do no matter what colour thay are. am not recis am far from it, but feel that we can not be open as some oteir people may be.
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
20 Feb 09
Hi stacyv81! I am an Asian and I am a person on the outside looking in! I do agree with you and I have recognized such attitude and behavior. I sometimes think that there are black people who gets very sensitive and over react when they get hurt or being discriminated upon but can be very INsensitive with other people? I am just asking and I am wondering too? I don't want to offend anyone but I have seen and heard comments like that too when I was in England a few years back. I have black friends as well as white friends and they are all kind and nice to me but I have heard black people say bad things about white people openly but when they get to be reprimanded by a white cop, they will shout discrimination. I was with three black friends who were kind enough to take me to a train station but they asked me to ride infront so that the white cops wouldn't bother them if they will be speeding. I am aware that there are abusive white people as there are abusive Asians and abusive black people too. I do hope that we should all go beyond the color of the skin and treat each other equally but we can see that although many are trying to be fair, most stopped in words. It is sad but hopefully, we can all reach what most of us wants--that all be treated equally and not by the color of the skin. And i do hope that I have not offended anyone, I am just saying what is in my heart.
Take care and blessings to you always!
@marianstallings (201)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Absolutely....American is American and Racism is Racism. We as a nation need to learn to not be so sensitive. We all have a role to play and we all have a responsibility to not be petty and divisive. If you can't say vote white then you shouldn't be able to say vote black. I have no problem with the name Negro College Fund but if you have to be black to qualify for the fund then I have a problem with that. But I'd have a problem with any fund that catered to a particular individual because of their skin color or heritage. There shouldn't be any specific funds that excluded any intelligent person trying to further their education based on color. That's seems counter productive. While we're at it I have a problem with affirmative action. Why should someone be given a job to meet a quota forced upon the company. I want my job fair and square, I don't want there to be any question that I'm fully qualified to be where I am. A business not catering to every person he can, nor hiring the best based on experience and education, won't last in this society in the first place so why bother forcing it upon him. I'd much rather know which companies don't want my business or my knowledge and skills so I won't frequent them and aid in their continued success. I want to know who's denying me for a stupid reason like color. I don't want it masked by forcing government compliance which would give the illusion that the company is open minded and interested in the best interest of society and my community. I want to know and I want to be selected because I'm the best, not because the government made them do it.