The RACIST attacks on Bush need to end!
By Taskr36
@Taskr36 (13963)
United States
February 19, 2009 9:28am CST
I'm sick of all the racism against Bush! It's been going on for years and nobody seems to mind. I see it in the grocery store, in magazines, newspapers, T-shirts and all over the internet. People compare him to a MONKEY! It's RACIST. Does it bother you when you see racist attacks like these?
I think we'd have riots in the streets if this were done to Obama. Why is it OK to be so racist towards Bush?
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22 responses
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
19 Feb 09
LOL I just made a post about this its called no such thing as reverse racism you should check it out, because It will definitely explain what I think about it!
It is just ridiculous, how people can be racist towards one type of person and its funny but not another, this country is just completely twisted!
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
19 Feb 09
I've seen some of this *humor* and don't find it funny at all. It's too disrespectful and childish...directed at anyone, much less a former President of the United States.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
19 Feb 09
You're right, it is disrespectful. I don't encourage it from either side. We live in a country where freedom of speech allows such things. Some think it's funny, some don't. I just hate the double standard where the people who laugh at one example call the other racist.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
19 Feb 09
I know why you are doing this. It is because of the cartoon about the monkey that got shot and the big deal people are making about it. They are screaming racist when in fact it was not an attack against president Obama. It was not about the president at all. It was a cartoon that criticized the writers of the stimulus bill. Which would be Pelosi and Olly, and a few others. It basically states that they have the bill writing skills of a monkey.
But because we have a african american president, they are going to use that to their advantage. Any attack against the democrats, their agenda or the quality of work they do is now going to be interpreted as an attack on Obama and therefore racist.
Because of this whole mess, how many newspapers are going to be less likely to say anything negative about the democrats in office (any of them) for fear of being called racist? It is a way to control what is said and printed by the media.
Basically what I take from the whole thing is if you are willing to publicly disagree with anything this administration willing to be called a racist. Because that is exactly what is going to happen.
They talked about the Obama not playing the race card when he was running for office....well now you know why...he was saving it til now. For the next four years all we are going to hear is how racist we are as a country if we do not go along with Obama and Pelosi.
Either we fall for this game and shut up and sit back and take it so we are not called racist. Or we speak up anyway and not let it bother us. Just because someone calls you a racist does not make you one.
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@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
19 Feb 09
If that is all it takes to be called a racist in this country that just goes to show who really has the power.... I mean it is ok to verbally say anything about any other race in this country, yet no one can criticize an African American for anything? IT is completely ridiculous, and the only people who could change that is Americans. I think racism is racisn regardless who it comes from, but just because someone automatically jumps to take something a certain way doesnt mean that was the way it was inteded. It is just ridiculous the way we sit back and let things flow as Americans, NO just because we do not agree with Obama means we are racist.
BET had a campaign for Obama that said "VOTE BLACK" that racist?? Or does anyone care??
I bet you if white people said "VOTE WHITE" for McCain people would have a problem with what does that say about AMericans???
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
19 Feb 09
That cartoon was really just the straw that broke the camel's back. This has been going on for a long time where anytime the word monkey was mentioned it was called a racist attack on Obama. Take SockObama for example.
The people calling it racist were the same people running websites like Comparing people to monkeys is nothing new and it's never been limited to one race. I remember once my dad got me a card saying they have proven man is evolved from monkeys. When you open it there's a mirror inside. I didn't call my dad a racist for it. I laughed and went on to the next card.
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
19 Feb 09
Um, monkeys are not a race, and there is nothing racist about relating someone to a monkey. I am bothered more by the scientists who keep trying to prove scientifically that we are all actually just another version of apes. They haven't found a common ancestor yet so I will keep standing up for my right to not be a monkey! Who's with me?!
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
19 Feb 09
That's a fair argument. As someone who's read a bit about early man I think it's interesting to note that they haven't even proven that we descended from some of the early people like Neanderthals, who are believed to have coexisted with Cro-magnons, who they believe we did descend from. Fun stuff to study if you ever have the time. Whereas it's widely accepted by scientists that we did in fact evolve from apes, you do have a point there there is no 100% proof of it.
@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
19 Feb 09
It's always ok to be racist and degrading in general to Republicans. Even Michael Steele has been the victim of racism but it's ok because he's a Republican. If he were a Democrat the media would run with it every day for a week and not let go. It's completely a double standard.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
19 Feb 09
Yeah, I've brought up in the past how eager democrats are to use racial slurs against Michael Steele, Alan Keyes, and other black republicans. This monkey crap is just pissing me off because it was done constantly to Bush and being a good natured guy he just accepted it and ignored it. If monkey jokes are racist against Obama, than they are racist against Bush.
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@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
19 Feb 09
I personally have not heard a peep from GW Bush. Both he and his father are class acts and have not really spoken and / or criticized current administrations like some of our other past presidents have done. It is a shame that people continue to take shots at him. It is enough already.
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@lilnono (228)
• United States
19 Feb 09
I haven't heard about any riots in response to Obama being made fun of. The term racist does tend to be overused in this country. to me it shouldn't matter why you are being mean to somebody the point is you shouldn't be mean to anybody in the first place. The only type of racism I'm worried about is the kind where they pull out a 45 and threaten to blow your head off. A few snide remarks don't mean anything to me. Sometimes I think the media blows up racism to distract people from more serious problems. It seems to work extremely well.
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@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
21 Feb 09
I don't think it's racist. I think it's kind of funny (but then again I'm not a Republican) what makes you use the word racist to describe these webpages. Just curious? I personally think it's a little different to compare a black man to a monkey than a white man. You might use words like inappropriate or disrespectful, if that's how how you feel, I don't get the use of racist, however. I'm awaiting your reply.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
21 Feb 09
This thread was meant as more of an eye opener for all the people who freak out and scream racism whenever a monkey is even mentioned with regards to democrats. The outcry over the NY post is the latest example, but it happened during the election as well with the Sock Obama.
These people get compared to monkeys to mock their behavior or appearance. I don't see ANY difference in comparing a black man to a monkey verses comparing a white man. If one is racist, then the other must be as well.
@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I think you need to go to and look up the definition of 'racism'. It has to do with discrimination of the color of your SKIN, not whether or not you resemble an animal! First off, you need to move on--Bush is no longer our president. And truth be told, I looked at those comparisons on and IMHO, he DOES resemble the chimp!
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
20 Feb 09
You don't get it do you? This thread was meant to be a mockery of those who keep saying that anything comparing Obama to a monkey is racist whether it be the Sock Obama or that stupid NY Post cartoon (which isn't even about Obama). I agree, comparing a person to an animal isn't racist, but if you are going to say it's racist for one person, you have to acknowledge the same about the other.
Seriously, I've long since moved on. I'm not a big fan of Bush and I voted against him in 2004. I'm only using him as an example since he was compared to a monkey far more than Obama ever will be.
@urbandekay (18278)
20 Feb 09
To be derogatory to an individual because that individual such as Bush is not racism since, he is judged not for being a member of some group but for being an idiot. Nor is it prejudice since he has provided ample and sufficient evidence to justify such a judgement.
all the best urban

@urbandekay (18278)
20 Feb 09
No, Bush had provided years of evidence with his stupid and crass behaviour, no such weight of evidence exists for Obama, though in time it may do. Until that time, however, the remarks are suspect as racist or if not racist then displaying prejudice.
all the best uban
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
20 Feb 09
And that's the point that I'm trying to get across. Bush was compared to a monkey as an insult to his intelligence and/or appearance. When people compare Obama to a monkey it's the same thing. It's not racism in either case, but if people are going to scream racism when it happens to Obama, then they must acknowledge that it's racist to do it to Bush.

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
19 Feb 09
I've been trying to find any evidence of racial slurs against white people comparing them, as a race, to monkeys and I can't find any. The examples you gave, as offensive as they may be, weren't saying Bush should be compared to a monkey because he's white but that he should be compared to a monkey for other reasons. You know that and I know that, Taskr, and you and I both also know this discussion is directed at me in a way since I started a discussion about the disgusting NY Post cartoon. (I think we both agree it was disgusting and not funny, no matter what our reasons for this opinion.)
Can't we agree that since we now have our first African-American President, or for those who like to get technical and point out that he's in fact multi-racial, the first President who appears to be black to the naked eye, a little more AND a little less sensitivity is in order from both sides? The cartoon that fueled this and other posts appeared in the NY Post which is a right-leaning publication. Rightly or wrongly, for this reason some people may have been quicker to assume there were some racial intentions behind this cartoon. Now we have both sides feeding off each other; of course Al Sharpton had to weigh in on this, had he not done so voluntarily someone from the media would have sought his opinion. The writer of the cartoon and others involved with the Post knew this.

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
20 Feb 09
"I just don't see where monkey is a perfectly acceptable insult to a white man, but horribly racist when applied to a black man."
I don't know who started it or when it became a common practice to compare black people to monkeys. It's not acceptable to insult anyone, in my opinion, but I doubt it will ever stop.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
19 Feb 09
Your thread wasn't so much what pushed me to write this as it was the last straw. I'm just sick of all the racist accusations that flow anytime someone criticizes Obama. People flipped out over the Sock Obama calling it racist even though there was also a Sock Biden. Animals are common insults. I've seen people called pigs, dogs, donkeys, etc. If you've ever seen Hell's Kitchen that guy uses every animal on the planet when insulting people. I just don't see where monkey is a perfectly acceptable insult to a white man, but horribly racist when applied to a black man.
I'm not going to defend anything the NY Post does because I have no respect for them at all. This article was offensive to me because it mocked the fact that a crazed chimp mutilated a poor innocent woman because he was owned by a careless woman who was too stupid to care for him properly in a state that failed to enforce the law against having chimps as pets.
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@Benjaminna (300)
• United States
28 Feb 09
That's because in this sick society we live in, it's perfectly okay to make fun of the white man (or Bush) and that is acceptable. However, say one negative remark against a black man - even if the remark is perfectly valid and has NOTHING to do with race - we are automatically called racist.
Not saying it's right, just saying it's the sick turn this world has taken.
@dragonlady9947 (122)
• United States
20 Feb 09
You are right - the poor monkey being compared to Bush! Monkeys are more sensitive and smarter than Bush will ever be. Really sad. Bush is a slug not a monkey. People should get it right. Bush does not even look like a monkey - he looks like Alfred E. Neuman from Mad magazine.
@babyfirefighter (568)
• United States
22 Feb 09
Alot of people think that it is funny comparing Bush with a monkey and such. but in reality it is disreapectful and degrading.
@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
20 Feb 09
I think racism is bad in all its forms! It doesnt matter who the racist is. I still want to suggest that we do the good thing and fight against racism ompltely!
@dvmurphy (326)
• United States
20 Feb 09
We are in for a heck of ride with this Presidency and regardless what anyone says it will throw racism in our faces on a regular basis for anything that offends anyone from either side. I was not a President Bush fan and I am not an Obama fan but at the same time I have never liked it when any of our Presidents were made fun of by the media as it is disrespectful to our President but it has always been allowed. If you run for any public office you must expect it. As for racism in America, when has it not been present in some form or another. I am white and I have changed channels when comedians are bashing the whites because lets face it, if a white comedian got up there and started making remarks about blacks they would see the end of their career, have to take a class on racism and probably have to pay a fine. When it comes to the new stimulas package, white males need not apply! That is racism! We as a people are a nation of cowards his idiot stated. Sorry, my family are all military and several are war vets. I will admit that maybe we dont intermix socially but we grew up in a 96% white community. I can socialize with anyone and personally don't care if they are blue with pink pock a dots as long as we have something to interact about.
@Bethany1202 (3431)
• United States
21 Feb 09
I agree. There are definitely too many double standards floating around!
@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
20 Feb 09
i havent seen it that much since he left office.. im surprised people still care.. i guess they figure if they are raciest to the current president it will be taken more seriously compared its a touchier subject etc.. i dont know
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
22 Feb 09
In the Living Bible, a paraphrase edition of the Bible, there's a verse in which Jesus says to some Pharisees, "You're approval or disapproval means nothing to me."
I think that pretty much describes Bush's attitude toward his naysayers. I also think that attitude infuriates them making them more vicious in their attacks.
Now that Bush is out of office, these same people seem to have shifted their hate and anger towards Rush Limbaugh.
@bekosfc (235)
• India
20 Feb 09
Calling someone a monkey is racism, and so comparing someone with a monkey is a form of recism, I would say. And how much ever we disagree with a person,it is not right to abuse with racial tone. So I agree with your concern that racism towards Bush needs to be stopped soon.