Teacher humiliates a student
By aprilj1231
@aprilj1231 (288)
United States
February 19, 2009 9:21pm CST
One of my friends has a 12 year old son who is husky. He was humiliated by his teacher in the hall at school last week when he had a problem with his pants becoming loose and sliding down. He is a clean cut, well dressed kid. Even though he's a big boy, he has very narrow hips. Anyway, his pants started falling (because larger pants for boys are kind of like stretch jeans and they loosen up as you wear them) and he doesn't wear a belt because it digs into his stomach. When his teacher saw that his pants were falling she jerked his shirt up in the hall and calls out I see crack in front of several teachers and this kid's peers. His mom was and still is mad as can be and is at a loss about what to do...she has already had a conference with the principal (twice) and since then the teacher has had to take a week of leave, but in retaliation all of this kid's other teachers sent home bad notes (all on the same day) and one even refered him to the office. The kid has been suspended for three days. I feel like he's being singled out and targeted by the teachers in his grade because his homeroom teacher got in trouble for not doing the right thing. Is it fair for a teacher to do something to draw attention to and humiliate a child? What can this mom do that won't make it worse for her child?
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25 responses
@Cindycrocker (209)
• United States
20 Feb 09
OMG I would press criminal charges on that teacher. I would also go and dig up 'dirt' on anything I could find on her and make it public. I would hire an attorney and sue both the teacher and the school. As for the other teachers who sent the 'bad' notes, I would file cases against as well.
The poor boy was humiliated, the teacher had no right at all to even touch him, and that is mental anguish. She may have scarred him for life.
Being a twelve year old is about the hardest age for children to go through as it is.
I also think that whomover suspended the child should lose their job.
In my state it is illegal for any teacher or school personel to touch a child unless they are keeping them from hurting another child, keeping them from hurting themselves, of course it's ok if the teacher is helping them do something, such as in gym class.
If it is legal where this boy lives to touch someone, I would suggest beating the crap out of that teacher, of course this would be after I sued the crap out of all of them .
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@aprilj1231 (288)
• United States
20 Feb 09
This really did break my heart because the poor kid used to love school and now he hates it so much he fakes sick to stay home. I am encouraging the mother to take serious action.
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@crisrisl (13)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I think the teacher here was insensitive to the situation at hand and treated him badly, however just as she would treat any student whose trousers were falling down. However, perhaps this is something that could be settled more civilly. I realize the parent is upset but digging up dirt for both sides will just turn ugly and ruin any chance of moving on from the situation. Perhaps a third meeting with the Principal or Superintendent is in order - not to get the other teachers in "trouble" but rather to attempt to straighten everything out. If this child does not deserve to be in trouble and suspended then something needs to be done.
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@aprilj1231 (288)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I don't know what can be done, it's gotten to the point where the mom is seriously considering putting the kid in a different school. I think it was poor form on the part of the teacher, even though I realize teachers are human and won't always do the right thing. The kid has to go to school though and shouldn't feel like he's going to prison daily, but it seems the adults involved are totally willing to hold a grudge--against a kid, come on, he's just a kid. I think teachers often forget what it's like to be that age, and it is a tough age.
@sameroad (3179)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I think that is very messed up. a teachers should never bring attention to a kid like that because they should know what kids have to go through and how mean other kids can be and by a teaching humiliating a child, that is giving free game to all the kids in school to make fun of him as well...so that was very un-called for...
i would think the teacher could get in some kind of trouble.. what gives her the right to lift up HIS shirt? i would think she could do something.
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@aprilj1231 (288)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I agree, it's tough enough to be a kid and deal with kids picking on you, it's so wrong to have to deal with teachers picking on you too.
@koalatbs (2229)
• United States
1 Mar 09
Oh my goodness aprilj1231 - Situations like that are soooo difficult for a mom to decide how to handle. They want to protect their child and stand up for what's right but, then again, they do not want to make an even BIGGER issue out of the whole thing and make it worse on their child. Since your friend has already had a meeting or two with her son's principal, I'm thinking maybe she should let it go for now. All the kids at school & the other teachers probably know which child in school this is in connection with and I'm sure it is making it harder on her son. Now, if anything like this happens again, your friend should definitely pursue it further or insist her son be transferred to another school so that he can "start over" so to speak. But, hopefully, nothing like this will occur again and given time the teachers & children at school will hopefully forget about this incident and let up on her son. Let us know what happens. It is such a horrible thing for a child at this age to have happen to them. School & peer relationships are hard enough without having to go through something like this.
Hope you have a nice & relaxing weekend!
@aprilj1231 (288)
• United States
4 Mar 09
Thanks, I agree, it's a tough call to make. It's unfair to the kids, but saying something the first time certainly made it worse for the student, but I haven't heard what hashappened since the mom went back to the school.
@gwoman2 (710)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Hi Aprilj1231, this is absolutely horrible. I work for an after school program part time and just yesterday in my grade 1 class a little girl simply urinated on herself while sitting down...immediately I heard the other children saying, "she peed, she peed" I quickly hushed the class and gently went to the little girl and helped her get up and I took her to the office and called her grandmom to please come and get her explaining the problem...I think that because I handled it the way I did the little girl was fine and actually thanked me. When I returned to class I proceeded to clean the mess up as best I could while explaining to the other 25 children that an accident of this nature can happen to anyone and that was that. I agree with the writer of sue, sue, sue...your friend should sue and take the story to the local newspaper so that these A-holes will be embarrassed. I do believe that this young lad will suffer from this for a long, long time. I am so sorry for him and I wish him the very best. He needs encouragement and he also needs for this idiot of a teacher, and I use the term teacher loosely, to apologize to him in public as well as all the others.
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@gwoman2 (710)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I should have added here that anything done should not make it worse for the child, that is why the mom needs to go public with the actions of the A-hole with name and all! Please tell your friend to give this young lad a lot of encouragement and tell him exactly what she thinks of the persons who humiliated him...it will make him feel better.
I am deeply touched by his misfortune and so I am so sorry. Tell him that too please.
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@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Since she's taken the proper actions by talking with the principle and nothing has yet been accomplished then it's time to take a step up and go talk to the assistant superintendent if her district has one, if not then go on to the superintendent. This should not have been handled in a manner like this. She should have pulled him to the side and told him quietly that he needs to either pull up his pants or call his mother for another pair or something to that effect. She handled it in a childish way, and she needs to understand how hard children take to this kind of treatment. School at any age can be troubleing and now he's got the other kids making fun of him, which can lead to problems later down the road.
This needs to be brought to the attention to the district that this teacher has made a bad call in judgement to cause harm on a child. If the Superintendent doesn't seem to have the time to meet with her, then put her name on the list to be at the school board meeting and bring this up there.
There are also educational advocates that can help in manners like this, do a web search in your area and most will meet with in a days notice to help her threw this on what are the proper steps to take, they will also lend that support and shoulder to help mom make it threw this with out losing her cool and making the wrong choices .
Best of Luck! 

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@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Thanks.. I worked hard,
I understand her distress. Teachers that are coming into the field now days don't always find it in their best intrests to grow up and assume the responsibities that comes along with being a teacher. They have childish behaviors and make foolish choices. You friend needs to stand up and let it be known that this is how her child was treated. Tell other parents, get the word out that things like this, even if this was the only time, are happening in their school.
Some parents don't take that step in fear of making it rough for the kids, but in the long run it's better to just go on fight it straight on and let it be known this is not acceptable.

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@aprilj1231 (288)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I will have to point her in the direction of the education advocate, because she can't even get a call back from the superintendent from her district. I think it was handled poorly all the way around, but he's not my child and I can't call the shots (which in this case might be good because I'd probably get myself arrested). Congrats on you 400 post mark by the way.

@lvhughes (545)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I would defanitly find out what my legal rights were and act on them. as for as the rest of the teacher I would file complants first so it would be on record and then start legal poceeding against them also. Kids go though enough without the teachers making it worse. I hope and pray that everthing works out for this child.
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@aprilj1231 (288)
• United States
4 Mar 09
thanks for your support, I hope it works out for the kid too, after all, it is his education that is ultimately being jeopardized.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I wish I could give you some advise, but honestly I can't.
These situations often seem to be "no win situations".
Sometimes when you "take on the system" more harm comes out of it than good.
I admire anyone who is brave enough to take a stand. In my opinion though, sometimes it isn't worth all the time, energy and heartbreak that comes along with taking a stand.
I hope things turn out okay for your friend and her child.
Please keep us posted.
Everyday I lose more and more respect for teachers in general. I've just seen too much since my children have been in school. I have a 16 year old and a 13 year old.
I've been one of those parents who do remain involved and I've just seen way too many injustices in the school system.
I've see WAY too many teacher who thing that they have the right to demean students and that parents should believe the teachers point of view simply because they ARE TEACHERS.
Well, I say teachers are human. They are no better than any other person.
There are good teachers and there are bad teachers. There are extaordinary teachers and there are teachers who shouldn't be allowed to work with children.
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@aprilj1231 (288)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I think it is a very tough call to make, I am glad this wasn't my call to make. I am very upset and angry about this situation and he's not my child, he's just a friend's child.
@Amberina (1541)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Take him out of school and put him in virtual school they have a wonderful system that is totally acceptable to the school districts it's called Connections Academy my son who is 14 is in K12 virtual school but next year he is going to connections. Her son can still play sports at the school but at least he won't be around this teacher who needs to be fired. No student should have to put up with that teachers are there to look out for children not harm them.
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@aprilj1231 (288)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I will tell my friend about this, it might be an option for her. I know her son loves to be around other children though.
@mjmlagat (3170)
• Philippines
20 Feb 09
That's just so unbecoming of her as a teacher. It's even inhuman for anyone to humiliate other people how much more of her who is supposed to be the role model of the youth. I pity that child and I hope he recovers from the event. The teacher should be sanctioned accordingly.
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@aprilj1231 (288)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I think inhumane is the most apt description I have ever heard. I agree whole-heartedly.
@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
20 Feb 09
I would be going to the school board and getting this teacher fired. There is no way that this child should have to go through this. I would also maybe contact the local news and let them know what this school is doing to this boy. It is a sad society when an adult treats the kids like this. It should not be tolerated at all.
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@aprilj1231 (288)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I don't think it was right for a child to have to go through this either. It's sad that sometimes kids have to go through such tough things.
@j47lee (740)
• Canada
20 Feb 09
wow... no one should humiliate anybody..... and i think the teachers are picking on him because one of their colleagues has been complained about... what i would do in this situation is first find out the reason for his suspensions.... get the fact from him... and maybe ask one of his friends from his side of story... and then find a lawyer.. so you have the facts ready for the lawyer....
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@aprilj1231 (288)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I think it is a great idea to ask for a friend's side of the story. Thanks.
@lolastevens (119)
• Ireland
20 Feb 09
That is unbelievable! I mean teachers are supposed to support their pupils, not humiliate them. And it's just discusting the way the other teachers are all sticking up for this bully of a person. I would speak to teacher themselves if I were the parent, and try and get an apology out of them, and preferably also to apologise to the child. He must be so embarrased and hurt... it's horrible...
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@aprilj1231 (288)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I agree, it's a lousy situation all the way around. I do hope it works out for the kid, no kid should have to live with this behavior at school.
@cajuncakes (106)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Well it's obvious that his teacher is immature and unfit to teach children. She shouldn't have put her hands on him at all. It isn't fair, and his teacher has turned into the class bully. That is a shame. As for his other teachers, they sound like a vindictive lot. Unfortunately, your friend may have to go meet with this principal again and explain her concern over her child's other teachers. If he is any kind of principal he should be supportive of your friend and son because what happened to him was uncalled for. If that were my son (which I do have a 12 year old son) I would be furious also. Only the principal knows your friend's son history at the school and whether he is considered a troublemaker or not. Unfortunately, if he has had problems in the past she may not get the support from the principal that she deserves. If thats the case perhaps put a call in to the administrative office of the school board that oversees all schools. Hopefully they will be able to help her remedy the situation because once his teacher comes back he may have hell to pay from her also.
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@aprilj1231 (288)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I know the kid is very outgoing and is one of those kids that always gets notes home for talking, but he's not a bad, mean or disruptive kid....he's just very friendly. I know that it's a small town school and his mom and aunt and uncle all went to school there, as a matter of fact I think it's the same principal they had...it's one of those situations where the kids is being scrutinized because of how his family was in school.
@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
20 Feb 09
That teacher was damn unprofessional and the wisest thing this parent can do is see the school authorities and if nothing is being done, shift to another school, that is all!
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@aprilj1231 (288)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Thanks, that's actually what I recommend my friend do. I was frankly outraged.
@anonymili (3138)
20 Feb 09
I don't have kids myself but if I did have kids and this happened I know I would be furious. What's most worrying about this situation is what kind of school is this where other teachers are jumping on the bandwagon and acting like idiots too? If a teacher is so disillisioned with teaching that they have to resort to nasty behaviour such as humiliating a student like this then they should not be in the teaching profession. One might say that the mother should remove the kid from the school and send them somewhere else and make sure everyone knows exactly why she's taken such drastic action. As long as her son is made to understand that it's not HIS fault and that she is sending him to a better place where he will be happier. I hope things work out alright for the young un, it's such a horrid thing to happen and can leave a lasting effects on him! x
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@aprilj1231 (288)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I know, he already hates going to school....which is sad because he's bright.
@borgborg (821)
• Philippines
20 Feb 09
I feel so sorry and sad for her kid... That is really so unprofessional of that teacher and as well as the other teachers! I think the best way to do now is to let the principal know what happened after the teacher was suspended and that the other teachers are not treating his son well. That can cause trauma to her kid and I hope that will not happen! i hate when people abuse their power and authority especially when they use it against kids!!!
@strawberrychocodahi (4817)
• Philippines
20 Feb 09
I think that teachers does not have the right to humiliate any student. If the kid has loosed pants, then they should have just stated and remind him to at least try to tighten it with belt or so.
But the issue of suspension? i think this is too far. Just for a loosened pants, you will subject your student not to attend his class where he would miss this valuable 3 days. Hello, parents are working hard so that their kids would learn.
Schools like that should be admonished by higher authorities based on education standards. Anyway, i think the parent will do something right for this situation. Maybe they have complained already.
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@aprilj1231 (288)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I think a lot of people at this school missed the sensitivity training class. I think they forgot to ask themselves how would they want their child to be treated or how would they like to be treated
@lorraine27 (271)
20 Feb 09
wow can not belive that its so out of order i would kick off big time if it was my kid. i would also point out that he is being singeld out by otheir teachers becouse of this to the head. who will then hould make sure this dones not happen. it would be had to prove he is being singeld out if he has a record of getting in truble.
@aprilj1231 (288)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I'm not sure what my friend did. I would have probably been arrested for the fit I would have pitched at the school
@bbk_shrestha (78)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Its totally unfair infact its a kind of crime the teacher has comitted. Its must not have a strict and forward rule that a student should not wear loose pants. Action has to be taken against such teachers. He has no right to humiliate a student like that just for his pants are loose. Moreover he is on a leave and the kid is suspended for three days. Its totally unfair for a teacher to humiliate a student like that. The parents must take necessary action against the teacher.
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@aprilj1231 (288)
• United States
4 Mar 09