Pet names. Ordinary or not?
By novataylor
@novataylor (6570)
United States
February 20, 2009 11:32am CST
A new (and wonderful) friend suggsted that I do a discussion on pet names after I revealed the names of my three cats to him. I think he liked 'em. They're definitely not the run of the mill sort of pet names. No Spot or Fluffy for me. So whether it's an iguana or an itsy bitsy teacup Chihuahua, do you have any out of the ordinary names for yours? Oh yeah, guess I should tell ya my own. They're as follows: BananaMae, Mazeroski and yes, Nova. I like to give names that have character as well as very distinctive vowel and consonant sounds. I think if we do that, if we have hard consonants and sharp vowels, they can recognize and respond to them more quickly and easily. It's never failed me yet. So tell, please. And if you have any anecdotes you'd like to share about your own lil beloveds, please feel free to do so here. Oh yeah, and please tell me what kind of animal it is. Anybody have an iguana? Platypus? Hey, did you know they have poison in them? I think, and I could very well be wrong about this, they have a poisonous bite or somethin. Anyone know for sure? Google?
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40 responses
@jeffela (120)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Good CALL!! Yes - where both the male and female platypus (platypi?) have sharp claws on their hind legs, the male's claws contain a variety of toxins that - although incredibly painful if it gets into the bloodstream - have not yet killed anything.
Now that that's out of the way...
I had a pot bellied pig named Wolfgang...he never came when I called him none - just snorted and looked at me real weird like. He was a cute bugger. I traded him for a pair of saddle shoes.
I also had a French Poodle named Jaco - after Jaco Pastorius the greatest bass player who ever played a...uhhhm...bass. He used to run up to the door and go, "OWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOO!" He couldn't quite get the "t" sound at the end, but we all knew what he meant!
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@jeffela (120)
• United States
20 Feb 09
*ala Scarlet O'Hara*
Well I do declay-ah Nova y'all can stalk me anay time! Oh...what's that in them bushes ovah yondeh...why it's just lil ole Nova come to see mah gahden...tee hee!!
We're all door people to our pets, my dear - they just use us and throw us an occasional how-ya-doin every now and then to keep us interested and moving forward with th-OMG! Nova...PEOPLE are a lot like that TOO! Where's my puffer...!
Ah do declay-ah I got the vapors!
*fans self*
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
20 Feb 09
It's a "pet peeve" of mine, when people name their pets things like "fluffy", "whiskers", "fido", etc.
I like the idea of naming pets "people" names, because they are part of the family.
In my family's case, we have a cat. I named her "Katiana", but we all call her "Katie"... and when she ticks me off, she's just "Kat". I chose the name carefully, even before I met her.
I've never had any out of the ordinary pets. I had a cat "Timmy" for over 18 yrs, and various hamsters (Chris... later to be known as Christina lol, Larry, and his brother Moe), and now Katie. Oh... .and there were some fish that my son Andrew named "Woody" and "Buzz" (he was a toy story FREAK!).
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
23 Feb 09
Hey, I liked Toy Story too! It was a good one! ANd yeah, I don't care for those "standard" pet names either. Yours are good. VEry good. So I'm assuming Katie is a cat. Sounds like you too are a cat person. 18 years is a long time for a cat - you must be a good mommy too. But of course you are!!!!!
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
23 Feb 09
Yes, Katie is a cat.
I've attached a pic of me and her... she looks much bigger in the pic than she really is. She's about 6 months old now.

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@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
21 Feb 09
I have only one pet at home which is a tortoise. It was given to me by my brother a year ago, but I've not given it a name yet. Unlike dogs and cats, which can respond when their names are called, this tortoise is oblivious to anyone who calls other than stick its head into its shell whenever someone approaches, so perhaps that's why we never got to giving it any name.
We do interact with many cats though in our estate...about a dozen of them, and we feed them almost everyday. Some of them are like pets to us, and our favorite is a cat (see attached photo) we named Tiger. Actually the name's a misnomer, because SHE is a female, but her color and stripes on her body bear some resemblance to that of a tiger...that's how the name came about. I can't imagine us calling her "Tigress"...LOL. But here's the seemingly ridiculous thing about animal names. This Tiger also happens to be a favorite of some other residents. Remember this is not our real pet, and other residents also can consider her as their 'pet'. We've heard that she also has other names given by others, such as Sweetheart, Angie and Vicki, and God knows what other names we've not heard of yet. Now can you imagine how in the world a stray is able to know that her name is supposed to be Tiger (in the morning when we go looking for her), then Angie or Vicki (in the afternoon) and Sweetheart (at night)....ROFL??? Well, we can't control that nor get everyone to agree to call her only one name, as long as when we go downstairs looking for her, and call out "Tiger", she responds. AND SHE DOES!! So we don't care who else calls her what...she is "Tiger" to us.
Now someone told me not too long ago that it is best to give dogs and cats names which have only one syllable, like Rolf or Alf, because they can respond better than multi-syllable names like ChickerDee or Peanutbutter. Multi-syllable names are confusing for them and hard for them to fathom, I am told. I don't know how much truth there is in this. But I've heard of people giving their pets multi-syllable names like Dallas, or Colonel, and they DO respond. Have you heard of such a thing before about giving pets names? What's your take on this?
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
23 Feb 09
Too funny, Lexus, I don't think it much matters if your turtle has a name. After all, it's not like he's going to come when called, like Tiger does. And Tiger may be confused about his names, but I'll bet he's not confused about dinner time!!!! He has so many sources to choose from ! Lucky cat!
My take on naming animals is this. Use sharp vowel sounds and hard consonant sounds that they can easily identify with. Like say, Tiger, for instance!
Great to see you, Lexus, as always, a delight. 

@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
20 Feb 09
I have 2 housecats, exclusively indoors, mind you. "George", my avatar at present, is aloof to everyone and a pest to me. Never shuts up. He has claimed me. He is mostly white with tabby spots on him.
"Bear", is black, and his full name is Teddy Bear. They are brothers from the same litter. They are like night and day. There was another black male in the litter and we called him "Grizzly Bear". We gave him to an elderly lady and she just adores him.
Bear will jump up on anyone that enters our home. He mauls them with love. I have pictures of him jumping up on our guests.
They both know their names well and come when called.
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
23 Feb 09
I'm glad to hear they're indoor cats, Annie. There's just SOOOOO much that can happeto an outdoor cat! (as you well know) And I love their names, darling. My Mazeroski and BananaMae are from the same litter too. Maz is just ENORMOUS!!! Too heavy for me to pick up.....Gotta be over 20 pounds.........but he's happy and seemingly healthy and I love him to bits. Mine also come when called. Actually, I can crook my finger at them and they come. Or if I tap a spot next to me or pat my lap they come too. Dontcha love cats??!!!! I adore them, Miss Annie O. Oh yeah, and I adore you too!
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
23 Feb 09
And you have a filly named Nova!!!!! Don' forget her. You do still have her, don't you? Uh oh. Is Nova gone or sold?
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
23 Feb 09
I wouldn't have it any other way than Indoor. This way, no fleas, no diseases, no worries about the road or someone stealing them, or fights. They are members of the family, so there is NO WAY I would allow the elements to ever endanger them. And this way, they will live a good long time, too. In their teens, I'm sure. They must be around 9 yrs old now, I think.
Yeah, Bear is the fattie, at 11 lbs, George is a lightweight, at only 7 lbs. But guess who wins all the roughhousing they do for our amusement? George!! Bear really is just a big suckyboob. He's a lover not a fighter. George is the one who catches the odd mouse in the house, Bear just steals it and plays with it once George is tired of it. And I swear they DO do it for our amusement. Or just pent up excitement. Cause they get into a battle every time we BOTH have been gone for any length of time. Like it is staged. Or they are just SOOOO excited for us to be back home with them. LOL.
Maz.....20 lbs, good grief! He is a real biggun!
Actually, mine will come and sit right where I tap my finger, too and will launch themselves onto my lap if I pat my lap. We must have the same affinity for 'speaking cat language', eh? I laugh when people say you can't train a cat, because I always have. Maybe A dog is easier to train because cats are smarter and it takes a 'smarter than the average bear' type to train a kitty. So, that's us, you and I, 2 peas in a pod.
Yes, I still have "Nova". She's growing like a weed. And gettin a littl saucy sometimes, like all teenagers should. Just feelin' her oats.....harmless stuff. "Frisky", I call it. Alot like you, lol.
I posted another pic of her for ya in the discussion where I named her, remember that one? "Nova is a horses a$$ and Sparks is a Sheep". LOL. You can go and check and make a comment if you haven't seen it already.
@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
20 Feb 09
We have not had pets in forever but, my daughter had an iguana that she named Spencer.......just because he didn't look like an Iggy*L*
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Wow, someone actually had an iguana! And I'm so glad he was named Spencer instead of what most people would name him, namely Iggy. Your daughter was much more creative than most. So how long did you have him? I have no idea how long they live, but I would think it might be quite some years. Did he act like he cared at all? Was he at all "warm"? Ok, I know that's not a term that would normally be applied to a reptile, but still..........
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@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Let me see if I can remember all those questions without having to go back and look.*LOL*We had him for about 3 years, I think. We gave him to my brother to give to a man who raised them, when my daughter went into high school, and didn't have time to take care of him.
He was a funny creature. He was in a pin in my daughter's room. He figured out how to push the lid up and get out of the cage. He loved lying on her pillow next to the wall. We finally figured out there was a warm spot on the wall that he liked.
I don't know what was wrong with the heat rock we put in the cage, but he didn't care for it much.
He used to try to eat B's socks, if she left them on the floor, and her dance ribbons. Those things were 12 feet long, and he managed to get everything but the plastic handle down his throat. Then, if you tried to get a sock or the ribbon away from him, he would raise a leg(kind of like a cat raising its paw) and hiss at you.
Did he act like he cared at all? Yeah, like I said, he was a funny creature. B used to go into her room after school to do her homework. She would sit on the floor by her bed. As soon as she sat down, Spencer would go to the side of the cage nearest her, and sit and watch her. She started reading to him to see what he would do. He would co ck(mylot wouldn't let me put that together) his head, look up at her, then lie flat on his stomach, legs sprawled out behind him, and listen until she stopped. Then, he would get up, climb to the top of the cage, push the top open, crawl onto her bed, and go to sleep.
If she just went into her room and sat down on the floor to do her homework, and didn't read to him, he would make noises until she pulled out a reading book, and read to him.
He didn't like being picked up and held. B didn't like picking him up because he always tried to attack her. She didn't mind him just crawling up on her lap, or on her shoulders and lying there, though. He did that whenever he got a chance.
@cajuncakes (106)
• United States
21 Feb 09
At this time we have a mini dachshund named Emma Doux (her full name is Pepper Roux Emma Doux) but we mostly call her Doux (DOO). Turns out doux is french for sweet. Go figure.

@novataylor (6570)
• United States
23 Feb 09
Hey there, cajuncakes, and welcome to MyLot!!!! I love the name Emma Doux (and her full name too)! Yes, those AKC names are always quite long, aren't they? And too funny about her not having an attention span that long! Ha! Ya know, I think you're going to have a very happy time here. You sure have the sense of humor for it!
@judajammers (20)
• Philippines
21 Feb 09
I dont know if it is french but that's a long name for a pet.
@cajuncakes (106)
• United States
21 Feb 09
That is the name she was registered under with AKC, they are usually long and ridiculous sounding anyway. We don't call her that (thank goodness) the poor dog doesn't have an attention span that long! LOL

@novataylor (6570)
• United States
20 Feb 09
HI, momma! Well, you KNOW that I love the name Cocktail, for obvious reasons! And a teacup Yorkie!!! How adorable she must be!!! Sheesh, I can just imagine her. What a doll!
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
20 Feb 09
My babies all had their names when I got them, a couple of them I changed the name a bit and added to it. I have 3 min-pins and 1 rotti and a ferret. The ferret her name is Miss Noodle Girl it was just Noodle. My rotti is Ninja, the minpins are Bailey, Ozzie Ozborne, and Jackie Lyn (his name was Jack). That's it so far.

@moondancer (7431)
• United States
21 Feb 09
Miss Noddle Girl mostly stays in her cage, it's a condo cage with two stories and multi levels in it for her to go from one area to another. She has two beds that also serve as hammocks when she wants to lay out in the open. She has all kinds of toys which she does play with. The boys all go over there throughout the day and during the night to play with her. The boys have to be put away so she can have run of the house once in awhile.
She is also aloowed to go into another room shut in with the children when they wish to take her out for playing.
My min-pins are something they each have their own personalities. I have had a full size dobie and he was gotten for my sone, but he stayed with me. He was here until someone down the road killed him along with another neighbors german shepherd. I'm so glad that lady moved!
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Those are great names, moondancer! God, you've got a bit of a menagerie, don't you? I love dobies and although I haven't known a miniature one, I'm completely sure they're as wonderful as the full sized ones. So how's the ferret? Does he cuddle with you? Is he like a cat or dog in any way? I've also never known a ferret, as is evidenced by my questions. Thanks for coming in, moondancer. I'm ALWAYS happy to see you, whether in my own discussions or anyone else's. 

@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I named a German Shepard Draven after the character Eric Draven in the crow. I had a dalmation I named Prints because his spots resembled paw prints. But every pet I have had since having kids has been named something that has started with an A.
A husky named Ace. A gold fish named Ahab. A grey cat named Ashes. A chocolate lab named Angel because her ears flapped like wings when she ran. A boa constrictor named Azreale. A python named Azul because she looked blue when the sun hit her.
I even have the names picked out for the next two dogs I want. Aries and Apollo.
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Hello, my darling daughter! Sorry, but I've never seen the crow. ;;;;duck, as Cyn whacks the back of my head;;;; But I love the name Draven. Very sexy. And I love Prints!!!! Very clever, darling, but what else could I expect from you, huh? So what made you get stuck on A's? Hey, don't get me wrong, I love all of the names, but it makes me wonder. Wanna tell?
Mama loves you.

@shiena888 (72)
21 Feb 09
my dog's name are....ryokie...and cat's name are...icko...mitchie...fujicko...kero...and michiko...
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
23 Feb 09
Wow, Shiena, you've got a lot of pets!!! And all with beautiful and unique names! Hey, welcome to MyLot!! I wish you many many happy hours here, darlin. 

@novataylor (6570)
• United States
23 Feb 09
Hey Budman, welcome to the Lot! Ilove the name Yuck!!! Beautiful or ugly, it's a great name for a cat! Very clever! Happy MyLotting, Budman! 

@bubbletush (1332)
• Philippines
21 Feb 09
Hi Nova! I've got two rabbits, the male is named Minyong and the girl is named Pitimini. We even have them baptized and my sisters and cousin are their godparents :)
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
23 Feb 09
Hello there, bubbletush. Now talk about great names!!!! Yours is terrific!@ And your pet names are great too, very beautiful. Their godparents must be very proud.... Happy MyLotting!!! 

@emilie2300 (1882)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I had a all white cat named her marshmellow my other cat was morris now I have a ferret I named her Febe. but I think unique names are different a interesting
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Hello emilie, and welcome to MyLot!!! Another ferret! Hmmm. I like the names you placed on your animals. Marshmellow is a great name for a white cat. You know, I always wanted a white cat. Never've had one, but my door is always open....although my hubs will have seventeen kinds of fits if I bring yet another cat into this house.
I wish you many happy hours here on the Lot and lots and lots of laughs. Keep typing, emilie. 

@taterkitty (45)
• United States
21 Feb 09
I have 3 cats cats Taters Bartholemew, Thomas Miguel, and Fluffaluffagous.
@taterkitty (45)
• United States
23 Feb 09
Forgot to mention that when I was a child I had a cat named Green Fot Tail. I apparently didn't know my colors yet and thought the white spot on his tail was green and I could not say spot plainly either. My parents still laugh at me for calling that poor cat Green Fot.
@misshoney (973)
• Philippines
21 Feb 09
hello novataylor :-) extraordinary pet names are really cool and i do agree that the name of your three cats are unique. i don't have a pet but i do know some folks which have unique names for their pet. one of them is my brother in law who used to have a dog named nirvana and axl rose. one of my friends name her pig after the name of her ex boyfriend who cheated on her ( laughs)
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
21 Feb 09
I love 'out of the ordinary' names for pets. I had a rabbit named 'John'.
My two Maltese gals are named Penny (short for Penelope) and Lilly (short for Lillith). My cat's name is 'Bean'. (My husband's cat's name is Bitsy because she was and still is very tiny... he has no imagination.)
I've had dogs named Elmo, Jake, Sandy, Chris, Moonshine, Linus, Max and Chewy. I had a parakeet (budgie) named Maggie. Hmmm, I had a cat named Maggie as well. I just remembered that.
I had a snail we named 'Flash'. (He lived in a fish tank with a goldfish that my son named 'Fish'.)
Let's see... oh! I had three turtles I named Larry, Moe and Curly, even though I believe 2 of them were females. They didn't seem to mind. LOL
Which has poison in them? Iguanas or Platypus'? I thought the platypus were extinct. My son used to have an Iguana he named "Iggy"... not very original, I must admit, but he also had a kitten he named "Joan"... not your typical kitty name, for sure!
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
23 Feb 09
The platypus has poison in its back claws. And no, iguanas aren't extinct.
I love all of your animal names, from the turtles to the snail to the Maltese and the cats, including your husband's. As long as we love them, we can give them the most exotic names in the world. What WOULD we do without them???
@judajammers (20)
• Philippines
21 Feb 09
I have dogs and cats ..
- Batug
- Whithey
- Bonjing
- Marla
- Watitchs
My aunt owns a cow and they named it
- Ying Ying ( mother )
- Jhano ( calf )
It's a good thing people treat animals as like them and giving them the name that they should be called!
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
23 Feb 09
Hi judajammers (great name) and welcome to MyLot!! I hope you have many happy hours here! Very clever names you've given your pets. And I agree that animals should be treated as we treat ourselves and have names they should be called. Happy MyLotting! 

@chance2691 (566)
• Philippines
21 Feb 09
Oh, pet names are fine. It starts to get weird when pet owners tend to name their pets like real children. Tinkerbell's cute. Max is fine. But naming a dog Christine or Prince Harry the Second might get a little... outrageous.
We own a terrier at home, and her name's Kyla/Kaila. But if I had it my way, I don't want a pet. Too high maintenance.
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
23 Feb 09
You wouldn't want a pet? Well, I understand, they are high maintenance, but as far as I'm concerned, they're well worth the trouble. But I know many many people who feel as you do. Can't say as I blame them.....
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
21 Feb 09
I have a horse and he has a normal name Major! It came with him when I bought him and he looks like a Major! My first horse was an 3/4 Arabian gelding.He's name was Gaylord and it fit! My brother has two dogs. A Golden Retriever and a a German Shepherd. The retrieve is named Zeus and theb shepherd is Thor! That was my sister-in-laws idea! She even has a cat named Mew form the Pokeman series,which she really gets into!
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
23 Feb 09
Your house sounds delightful, blue65packer. And your brother's dog's names sound quite appropriate for their respective breeds too. Thanks for sharing your pet names, and happy MyLotting! 

@novataylor (6570)
• United States
23 Feb 09
She is a bit of nut, but also an intensely loving, completely sweet little cat. Oh, and btw, Welcome to MyLot! Wishing you many happy hours here! 

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