does it ANNOY you when a fellow MyLotter corrects your grammar?

February 20, 2009 12:00pm CST
i know someone has already posted a topic like this but i feel like resurrecting (please correct me if i am wrong regarding about how i use this word. lol) this kind of discussion. the thing is, i haven't encountered one. but typos for instance. sometimes, we just let them as it be because once we posted our response, we can't edit them anymore. then, a friend of mine asked me if i have encountered such situations where someone corrects my grammars (prolly, in a rude way because she would never complain unless such corrections is done in a nice, unoffending way). i told her that i haven't but if i ever i notice that there's something wrong in it,my response or discussion, i would quickly add a comment to apologize - just in case our friends here in mylot misunderstands me. i hope we could aid her with your points of view. =) thanks guys in adavance. =)))
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54 responses
• Philippines
20 Feb 09
there is absolutely no need at all to correct someone else's grammar. what we are doing here is just for the fun of it. we do not compose our discussions and responses in such a way that we are thinking that they will be corrected and checked by a teacher who lies with us in this community. i know that my english is way really good. i have always been given praises on this. however, no one is perfect. errors are common among men. besides most of us do not refine our work nor do we proofread before posting the discussions and responses. yes, we review them. but i don't believe that there is one here who prints the responses and discussions first to ascertain that there are no errors committed. no one will do that for a cent. no, i don't think so in all honesty.
• Philippines
20 Feb 09
very well said, my friend! someone who corrects another person's grammar may have personal issues as this is not an english proficiency class...
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@22angel22 (450)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I guess one of the things that annoys me the most is when people use "was and were, seen and saw" wrong. I have to say that I'm not an english major and I know I don't spell things always correctly, but its just something that really annoys me. I would never correct someone's grammer, because I wouldn't want to make them feel badly, or small. I may take note of it, but I would never actually tell someone that they did something wrong, unless they asked if say what they just spelled was spelled correctly. If you know what I mean. Typos will always happen. Even if you recheck what you wrote, so try not to think about it and move on.
• Philippines
20 Feb 09
since mylotters come from all over the world, it is only undestandable why there are plenty around here who find difficulty in making their tenses and number agreements in disarray. most mylotters who come from countries where they do not speak english as a common dish in their daily communications with people, will surely find some hindrances in finding even the right words to express what they really mean. thus, i usually read between the lines whenever i encounter discussions of this type. we have to open minded here. i know that most of my commas are not rightly placed. i just let them be. i am not writing for a literature nor a grammar subject. so there is no need to worry about those things so much.
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• Philippines
20 Feb 09
hi angel and trinidad, reading your responses made me feel good. thank you very much. at least i know there are still people like who are considerate. =) and yes, whenever i encounter typos or simple grammar errors, i let it go because i know i myself make those very same mistakes. and i have o agree with you,angel. even though i spot someone with some grammar errors, i will never ever do something to make them feel bad by correcting their errors. =) and i will most likely want to second on your response trini, that we all have to be open minded, most especially that all of us here have the same goal. to make friends and to earn. =) cheers to you guys! thanks again! =)))
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• Philippines
20 Feb 09
how do i post a clapping smiley? hehehe =) bravo to all of you! you are all very considerate. people like you make myLot such a nice place.
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@xboxboy (5576)
20 Feb 09
i have seen instances of grammer correction. it makes me sick!!!! i am guilty as i relax my grammer and let flow. it really annoys me when people get arrogent with the spelling as i feel content is far more important! if you read the rules of mylot grammer correction is not allowed as many members come from non english speaking countrys. Sew awl ewe boggers leaf us aloan!!!!!
• Philippines
20 Feb 09
]oh. i think we;re in the same page here. we want my SOMEONE, somebody else's SOMEONE and your SOMEONE to read this and know that GRAMMAR CORRECTION IS NOT ALLOWED! lol.
• Philippines
20 Feb 09
hmmm.. some FEELERS should see your post so that THEY WOULD BE AWARE THAT GRAMMAR CORRECTION IS NOT ALLOWED!!! lol. , you are a major xbox gamer? =) i bet you are into skateboarding too. =)
• Philippines
20 Feb 09
oh wow, GRAMMAR CORRECTION IS NOT ALLOWED??? can you say that over and over? it sounds soooo gooood! hehe. sorry. just releasing some negative energy. coz my grammar has been corrected, not so many minutes ago. i found it weirdly unnecessary. but okay, i never knew it was NOT ALLOWED! so there. i suddenly feel energized! i hope people are more concerned with sharing opinions and making friends than correcting grammar. especially coz IT'S NOT ALLOWED! hehe. i know it's a cheap shot (to feel like i've been redeemed) but i feel SOOO much better now. ;D thanks for the info, xboxboy! see you around at myLot!
@fluffysue (1482)
• United States
20 Feb 09
It probably would bother me if it happened, especially since, as you said, there is no way to correct a mistake. I've made a few errors that I've noticed after posting, and there is really nothing I can do except make another post correcting it, and sometimes I think it is better to just leave it alone. Generally, I notice spelling and grammatical errors easily, and it makes me a little crazy sometimes, but I would NEVER point it out. What is the point? I make mistakes too. And so many people posting here do not even have English as a first language. I certainly wouldn't want to criticize them, when my own foreign language skills are atrocious despite years of study.
• Philippines
20 Feb 09
i feel the same way too. i know there are some who made some mistakes but i always humble myself that i, too, makes mistakes and it's natural. i am glad that xboxboy pointed out that one of the rules here in mylot that grammar correcting is not allowed since most of our friends here are from non english speaking countries and just to avoid problems too. =) thank you that you share us your time, sue. cheers!
@fluffysue (1482)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I didn't know it was an actual rule not to criticize grammer, but that's good that it is. It should be common courtesy, but too often people don't have that.
@fluffysue (1482)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Oh geesh, and I spelled GRAMMAR wrong!
• Philippines
20 Feb 09
I haven't encountered myLotter correcting my grammar. I have always have typo errors and missed words that actually makes my post gramatically wrong. It sure bothers me, but like you said we can't go back and do the editing anymore. But in a case where fellow myLotter wouuld correct my grammar, I guess I'd get a little annoyed especially if my post is truly understandable. I sometimes get wrong in using prepositions but, c'mon even American and native English speakers get wrong with it too. But I must admit, I kind of hate some people who are too "feelers" (someone who are show off but actually nothing to show off, they think they are good with what they do). Most of the time I ignore them, but there are times that I get real pissed and like be so mean to them. (Yea I can be bad sometimes). But then again, as long as your sentences are understandable, the hell with the grammar. We ain't in school.
• Philippines
20 Feb 09
lol! feisty response here! lol yes, if ever i would encounter such "feelers" (LOL), i just try to ignore them. may get it my nevers but i will never allow it to destroy my day. and yes, mylot is not a school but i know we can observe nice examples of how each of us contructs our sentences. =) thanks, smoochy. =))) h*ll with feelers, right? lol
• Philippines
20 Feb 09
LOL!!! smooch, if you don't mind. can you teach me how to do/tyoe/express those smileys? please. =)
• Philippines
20 Feb 09
]Yea.... Hell with the feelers! There's no room here for the feelers!
• Philippines
20 Feb 09
i believe that it's alright to correct one's grammar - as long as it is done with taste. =) there will always be sticky situations where you will, at one point, need to speak out. but your opinions don't have to be barbed or blunt. all of us are capable of expressing concern and sympathy when sharing our knowledge. correcting someone in a rather tasteless way is a sign of childishness: more mature people can correct someone else without looking down their noses. i generally don't correct grammar in discussions as, like another myLotter expressed quite effectively, it doesn't really matter. that said, if someone corrected me and i didn't like how it was done, i try to breathe, relax, and stay calm. i'm sure other people will not be as kind - but that is no longer my problem. this person's rudeness will not go unnoticed for sure and therein lies the little justice that exists in this world. interesting topic! ;b
• Philippines
20 Feb 09
ahahaha! i am only second to you. kidding. a bad yet productive habit. LOL. OWLS we are huh? lol
• Philippines
20 Feb 09
hey' you're up late again, like me! =) myLotting is becoming a bad habit for us LOL
• Philippines
20 Feb 09
owls, bats... you name it, we are creatures of the night. ^_^ thanks again! my, you draw in quite a crowd! people reply to your posts REAL fast!
• United States
21 Feb 09
Eye Candy - I love MyLot and come here for the writing community, but I need the money so I lay on the 'eye candy' just as thick as I can.
I use drawings I make myself.
I had someone make a wanky comment about the pics I upload to MyLot. * Pics do make you extra money and get your comments & replies noticed here, but they have to be non-copyrighted or otherwise you can run into problems. To get around the copyright issue, I use drawings I make myself. * She didn't know I used my own art I admit, but still, she didn't know why I used 'eye candy' as she called it, but she had no right to call it bad eye candy, and she should have read the rules. * I love MyLot and come here for the writing community, but I need the money so I lay on the 'eye candy' just as thick as I can. The 'eye candy' is where I get the $$ pretty much I think, although I cannot be certain. I'm attaching a nugget to this piece so you can have a look see to see what she was complaining about...
• United States
22 Feb 09
I do both; scan and mouse-draw using a photo paint program. I can mouse-draw with both hands, right better than left. *
• Philippines
21 Feb 09
hi, craft. i love your drawing. reminds me of my days in higschool i draw too but not as well as you. but my cousin draws well and i have a classmate who is very much a good artist. she once made a drawing of rogue, a character of the XMEN and gave it to me as a remembrance before she left for australia. until now, i still have it. as for the one who made such comments, i hope she did not purposely said it to make you feel bad because she can be banned. i should check those rules now and be heedful for it. maybe i did something wrong too way back and was not aware of it. thank you for your response and have a great weekend. =)
1 person likes this
• Canada
21 Feb 09
That is interesting about the copyright issues. Most people seem to think if it is on the internet it is free for the taking. I do not post many pictures because of this. How do you do those drawings, are they done on paper and scanned or as I suspect on the computer. Do you use a tablet, I find drawing with a mouse next to impossible.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
20 Feb 09
It doesn't really bother me if someone corrects my grammar as long as they are nice and polite about it. If they are rude I would be offended as I feel that being rude about something like this would be too much of an insult. People type in different speeds and can sometimes make mistakes that they either have no time to correct or don't catch. People have different styles of correcting, some correct as they go while others go back and correct.
• Philippines
20 Feb 09
yes, i agree. my job as an encoder is - well, one of the brainstorming ones. because i have to be careful with how i type and the speed of my type too because we are always set on a deadline and we have to be fast as we can in order to finish. and i do say that my style is the go back and correct method. lol. i usually end up in our supervisor's office because of my typo errors. but i always learn well because she tells me in a way that i will never be offended and in return, i will do my very best not to disappoint her when it comes to my errors. =) thanks for your time, cowgirl. i really appreciate your response. =))))
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
21 Feb 09
When you are under pressure for a deadline whether it be in a career or in a school, it is easy to make typos. It's great that your supervisor is so open and yet polite to you though!
• United States
23 Feb 09
I know I have errors that I overlook, though I have been fortunate enough to not be scolded. It could also be that some people may disagree with something someone has said, and instead of being able to debate what they had issue with, they get to the level of attacking perceived intelligence. I have seen it happen often on other forums, perhaps that is what is occurring here.
• Philippines
23 Feb 09
i agree. instead of focusing on the said discussion, like what you said, they turn to each other's intelligence just becuase of a minor error.
• India
21 Feb 09
Mylot has a provision for "Preview Response" before you post a comment or a discussion. Most of us do not use it to save on time. Most of us are not concerned with minor mistakes. We do make mistakes at times but as long as the content is conveyed correctly does it really matter? We are not writing a literary piece here are we? language is a medium of communication. As long as you are able to communicate properly and convey what you intend to, does making grammatical mistakes make any difference? This is not an site where your English is under scrutiny. you are not being tested for your command over the language. Relax and enjoy yourself.
• Philippines
21 Feb 09
i will, sir. and will practice to have patience too because sometimes, it really get to my nerves. =) thank you. =) cheers!
@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
21 Feb 09
I recall reading in the rules that it is NOT alright to correct spelling and grammar in other posters. The rational is that there are lots of people posting here whose first language is not English and there will be inevitable mistakes. DON'T Post discussions, responses or comments criticizing members for bad/broken English or bad spelling. Everyone is welcome at myLot, we have users from all around the world and they are welcome regardless of their proficiency with the English Language.
• Philippines
21 Feb 09
your SOMEONE should read this. perhaps, your SOMEONE may have the heart to apologize to you.
• Philippines
21 Feb 09
thanks, mari for the response and for stating one of the rules here in the discussion. i appreciate it. =) cheers to us nice people here in mylot. =))
• Philippines
21 Feb 09
in a recent discussion i started, someone pointed out that my sentence was not correct. i was using conversational english, so i said i was alright with the terms i used. slang and loose english are acceptable to me, so i don't have to "retract" my statement. that user insisted that my sentence was still gramatically incorrect! :o sigh. i feel bad because i was asked to observe strict grammar. but hey, it wasn't even a bad sentence; i was using conversational english. i feel bad for being chastised about something i don't even believe is "wrong." huhuhuhuhu....
• Philippines
21 Feb 09
you know what would be interesting? if someone started a discussion saying, "do you know it is NOT ALLOWED to correct grammar at myLot?" hehe. wink wink. ^_^ wow, people really go out of their way to say it is NOT okay to correct grammar here at myLot! for that, i am rather glad! for those who are reading this post, i am reacting like this because i once had an experience where another myLotter insisted that i should use this word instead of that. i said i was fine with the word i originally used because i'm okay with using slang and loose english. still, that myLotter insisted that what i did was wrong because it was still gramatically incorrect. and he did that in a discussion i started! sigh. i wonder if that sentence i wrote was that bad. i personally thought it was acceptable... :o hehe. ^_^ happy myLotting everyone! totallyundecided, i hope you don't mind if i posted again. hehe. more money for you, right? ;D
• Philippines
21 Feb 09
lol. i am very glad that you have your own response here in the discussion. and more money for you too. thanks for the support. =)and you woke up early? i have so many questions for you but too soon to ask right now since we just got acquainted by our nicknames. thanks again, doc. =)
• Philippines
21 Feb 09
so you really are a doctor? LOL. i thought it was just a nickname. sorry...
• Philippines
21 Feb 09
yep, i barely had any sleep. i was called in because of an emergency. i'm not the attending; i'm just a friend of the family. so, well, even when i'm on leave, i'm still on call. hehe. questions? sure. =) ask away!
• United States
21 Feb 09
I know you'll probably hate me for this, but I'm used to it as a teacher lol. I hate atrocious grammar. I teach special education so I don't mind reading things when I know something isn't a person's strong point, or even typos. However, I do hate when people cannot take the time to spell things out, use text talk, and use very little punctuation creating a Faulkner like presentation that makes me wonder what I just read when I come to the end of a sentence. On that note, I generally am smart enough to figure out what someone is saying and if I don't, I'll ask for clarification. I also do not know if the person may have a disability or if English is their second language so it would be rude of me to just assume they were atrocious writers. That, and I'm not a grammarian. I may hate reading it, but I very seldom correct another. Not my style. Yet, if you were my student and I caught you online forgetting all of those lovely grammar rules I'd spend precious time teaching you, I might razz you a bit. (Of course, generally it is the other way around. My students find me and correct my mistakes lol). Namaste-Anora
• Philippines
21 Feb 09
that's okay, Miss Anora. in fact, you and Miss Marian are both teachers and i have so much respect of you guys because even though this is your major but both of you knows when to step in or not. unlike some others there. LOL. and i don't hate you. in fact, i hope you'll grant my friend request. it's great to have you in this discussion and be able to hear, i mean, read you point of view. and i don't mind really, if someone corrects me. as long as he/he did it nicely. i will have to appreciate my mistake and be determined to make my english be more improved. =) cheers to us nice people here in mylot! =)
• United States
22 Feb 09
Heh. I always love discussions like these where everyone is civil. And I approved the add, thanks for that. I know, I hated being corrected in school too. It took me a long time to get through college so I treasure it very much. I've a learning disorder and sometimes that peeks its head out lol. And online there is a different etiquette. It's not the same as formal English nor should it be held to those rules to be honest. I mean, if Faulkner can get away with his style in fiction, then so should the new world of online. Well, in my humble opinion at least. Namaste-Anora
@huxen69 (118)
• India
20 Feb 09
I don't think it really matters as long as people get what you are trying to say! Grammar is never 100% perfect..everyone makes mistake..happy posting at mylot..chao
• Philippines
20 Feb 09
lol! yes. you're very correct. and besides, nobody's perfect. thank you huxen and cheers to you! =)
@ana3173 (420)
• Philippines
21 Feb 09
if mylot administrator/s allows it to talk in carabao english, We, mylotter would accept this also, As long as we get his points of what his trying to say its okay, anyway we are in a different part of the world, and we know not all of us here are very fluent in english language. as long as he response as best as he can, so theres no problem with that. and insulting anybody here just because of error in grammar is extremely inhumane.
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
21 Feb 09
I usually don't mind them correcting me as long as they do it politely. I am pretty good with grammar and spelling, though, and I try to do my best to get it right the first time. I actually find myself wanting to correct other people on here a lot, but I usually just let it pass. I am always looking for ways to better my writing skills, but I am picky about who I take grammatical advice from...
• Philippines
21 Feb 09
yes. polite is the word, sir. =) and yes, i am choosy to if ever i don't feel the person correcting me. =) thanks, goldeneagle. =)
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
21 Feb 09
It is actually fairly annoying in any casual social platform (like mylot, another forum, discussion board, group, etc) to have ANYBODY jump in basically as grammar police. Sites like this are set up for give and take and discussions from a wide variety of people, some of whom may not be very familiar with the language. Even when English is someone's FIRST language, they may not be an expert typist or be able to form their thoughts well in writing. I certainly do not feel that a forum is the place for anybody to swoop in and start sticking their nose in the air. This is not a college classroom, it is not a job interview. There is nothing formal about an open website that encourages an open flow of ideas between users all over the world. There are terms of service of course but most of them don't have clauses which state users have to be PERFECT. Please. I do realize that some people pick at grammar because they have nothing else to pick at, and while it's both obnoxious and rude, I guess it's the best they can do on short notice. I have been advised to just smile and wave although it would be much more satisfying to tackle them to the virtual ground.
• Philippines
21 Feb 09
yes. exactly. just like what i said to - i got lost. lol. i was scanning my discussion because i know somewhere, i also shared the give and take here in mylot. LOL. but i know we share the same page here. cheers mommyboo! =)
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
21 Feb 09
I don't think we are here to correct the grammar or typos of each other. Let us just be understanding of each others' weaknesses and limitation. What matters here is the thought of what we do post and not the perfection of our grammar or our spellings. There are those with perfect grammar and spellings but can't speak with sense anyway. So even if there are those who commit typos or grammatical errors, I have always been patient as I also am not perfect.
• Philippines
21 Feb 09
thanks, salonga. it's very good to know that there are really a lot of people in here who are humble enough to admit that they also make mistakes - may be in grammar or typos. how i wish that SOMEONE is open minded as we are. LOL. have a great weekend! =) cheers!
@zhuhuifen46 (3483)
• China
21 Feb 09
I have not had my grammar corrected. As a non native speaker and a teacher of english for decades, what troubles me is not the grammar, but the ideomatic way of expressing things and feelings. and quite often i am at a loss with new inventions. I will not in the least be annoyed if people correct me. What bothers me is the misunderstanding my discussion or responses might have caused resulting from the language barriers. However, from my two months' experience, i am happy friends on site are very tolerate and understanding to appreciate my contributions. Thanks anyway for your discussion.
• Philippines
21 Feb 09
thanks too for sharing your experience. i do have to agree that there are times where we can't avoid a misunderstanding here in my lot but i know we always have a way of reaching and explaining to the mylotters here on what we are trying to say. i did encounter once, similar to your experience, but like what you said, they are considerate of our mistakes in which i am very thankful enough. =)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Ahh who gives a hoot as long as it's half way decipherable! I'm usually the one doing the correcting. It's a pet peeve haha.
• Philippines
21 Feb 09
@jshekhar (1562)
• India
21 Feb 09
It would not annoy me. However, it is yet to happen as I think my grammar is pretty decent. If someone suggest me something wrong, thinking that he is right, then it would annoy me and I would answer him back in some harsh words. Lets pray that this never happens :)
• Philippines
21 Feb 09
ahahaha! i will do the same too! but of course, i will review first on my statements before i can get back to the person correcting me. LOL