school punishment----writing lines
By tudors
@tudors (1556)
February 22, 2009 4:09am CST
Writing lines is a form of punishment handed out to misbehaving students by people in a position of authority (teachers, prefects etc...) at schools all across the world.
Writing lines involves copying a sentence on to a piece of standard paper or a chalkboard as many times as the punishment-giver deems necessary. The actual sentence to be copied varies but usually bears some relation to the reason the lines are being given in the first place, e.g. "I must not talk in class." In India, this is referred to as imposition and is a somewhat common form of punishment in the home as well when children are disobedient. The number of lines written usually is 100, but higher numbers are not unheard of.
haha, i remember when i was asked to write lines, i did write lines ! 10 lines at a time! how i made it? bind 10 pen trims together and wrote 10times, i got 100 times. This method was popular at time time, who invented i am not sure.
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22 responses
@johnmac040956 (2)
• Ireland
19 Apr 10
In my own school in the early 1970's, corporal punishment was seldom or ever used - thankfully. However, a few of our teachers did give lines and other written impositions as punishments. Even after all these years, I still have particularly bad memories of my French teacher's written punishments. Perhaps it had something got to do with the fact that she was young, new teacher in the school and wanted to stamp her authority on us. It certainly didn't help that she took an instant dislike to me - I tended to be a bit of a smart alec in her classes. One way or another, she certainly made me suffer for my cockiness. On a weekly basis she gave me lines - sometimes for quite trivial breaches of discipline. On several occasions, she had me write out French verbs and grammar rules - I particularly hated doing these punishments. On most occasions, I was assigned 100 lines. However, in one of her Friday classes she caught me failing to stand up when she entered the classroom. Unfortunately for me, my French teacher was in a particularly fowl humour that Friday. She had me take note of the following in my class diary "In order to show the necessary respect for my teacher, I must immediately stand when my teacher enters the classroom". To my horror, she ordered me to write out the line 1,000 times over the weekend. The punishment took me the entire weekend to write - and it really hurt mentally and physically. However, I was definitely less of a smart alec in my French classes after that.

@johnmac040956 (2)
• Ireland
11 Aug 13
Yes, it was a severe punishment and at the time I felt deeply unfair. I really hated doing the lines - it really hurt both mentally and physically. Though my French teacher was very strict in class and regularly gave pupils lines for various breaches of discipline - she normally gave 100 or at most 200 lines and certainly never punished any other pupils in her class this severely. I knew full well that she was just taking the opportunity to really teach me a lesson as from day 1 she really disliked my general attitude in her French class. I really resented the fact that I could find myself that weekend spending multiple hours writing out lines - just because my teacher chose on a whim to give me a truly rotten punishment that in no way fitted my misdemeanour. To answer your question about my subsequent attitude to my French teacher - yes, the punishment certainly had the desired effect from her point of view. It certainly helped to give me a healthy respect for her, and for a long time afterwards in her classes I was really scared of receiving a similar punishment. As a result I tended to be on my best behaviour in her classes and to treat my teacher with the utmost respect. I even began really learning my French grammar and verbs for her - as I had no wish to have to spend several hours after school writing out verb tenses or grammar rules for her.
@longjohn040956 (1)
• Ireland
11 Aug 13
Wow Johnmac! That really was a severe punishment - just for failing to stand up. Your French teacher seems to have been a really strict disciplinarian. She really did teach you a salutary lesson in how to behave in her class - it is interesting that all those years later you still have painful memories of that particular punishment. I would be interested to know how the punishment might have changed your attitude towards your French teacher. Did those painful hours spent writing out her lines help improve your respect for her as a teacher and a disciplinarian or did you just think of her as a really horrible person for doling out such a punishment?

@pickwick (858)
• India
22 Feb 09
Hi Tudors!Imposition is not recomended in the school where I teach.I think it is better to make the child wait after school and study what he has not done at home and answer the teacher before he goes home, if he is getting that punishment for not doing home-work.We also give a nice topic to the student to write a composition for the notice board in the class or to give a speech in the assembly as punishment.This also helps in developing the talents of the person.I feel punishment should not be given with a feeling of vengeance but should be for the betterment of a child.There imposition fails .
@chameleon7 (295)
• China
22 Feb 09
hey pickwick, are you a teacher? if you were a teacher and you punished students the ways you mention, you must be a very good teacher. If you detained student and have them finished the homework one should have finish the other day, you had to stay and wait for him and it took a lot of time. many teachers do not want to work over time without being paid. I definitely think it is a very good way for punishing. and as for having them to write a composition or give a speech as punishment, I think it has pros and cons. yes, it helps them develop their talents. but I worry that It might make them hate writing and giving speech feel ashamed of it. It might sent them a wrong message. I think we should make student see writing composition and giving speech as an honor, not a punishment.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
2 Mar 10
lol..does any one in India (besides the government schools) give impositions anymore? I remember it was a popular form of punishment when I was at school...but not anymore. There are atleast 10 schools near where I live and I was teaching at one of them till a few months backs....and I don't know of a single incident at our school (or the other schools) where imposition was given to the student. It probably could be because most of these schools do not follow the conventional system of education even though they follow the Indian boards of education.
I remember writing an imposition only once...don't remember how many times I had to write it...though I remember WHAT I had to write...'I will not talk in class'!! Yes, it was quite difficult for me to keep that mouth of mine zipped.
@leen_zhihai (63)
• Malaysia
23 Feb 09
This kind of punishment is practiced in my school. But, I never get it, maybe because I'm a good student??XD
@twistdbrainz (426)
• India
22 Feb 09
Hi tudors.....well in our school it was a very common form of punishment.....i got this punishment several times
whem i didnt make my chemistry notebook my teacher told me to write it 1000 times that "I will complete my wrk till tomorrow" was a heck of a punishment.....
but u know what i never got to know about any such writing 10 times in one go....either i was too dumb or such methods were not used at our times...
well whatever it was i sure miss those punishments of mine.....they were a part of my memorable school life.
@tudors (1556)
• China
22 Feb 09
hi, the teacher must be out of her mind ! do you think it makes sense? if i were asked to write 1000 times, i will tell her till i grow up. 100 times punishment rarely occured to me and i remember i seldom did actually as the teacher asked. As long as i fullfil her teaching goal, i wouln't do that silly and time-consuming job.
@Spook619 (335)
22 Feb 09
I find lines are a really ineffective method of punishment, I've often had teachers say write a word out X times if I repeatedly misspell it, but it doesn't help. I feel that lines just help to ferment negative feeligns towards the teacher, the education system and the establishment as a whole. Most people who the lines would have even the slightest positive effect on will find a way around spend hours doing them. I for one have never seen lines to be beneficial in anyway other than keeping a disrupter busy during lesons, but often further repromands are needed as they will often not complete the set lines.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
23 Feb 09
Here it was called standards, and we would usually write anywhere from 1 to 1,000, and I saw it as a waste time and a ridiculous form of punishment. I really didn't learn anything from it. Now, if my instructors had made me clean the campus, or things like that, you better believe that I would have learned a lesson from it.
@alindahaw (1219)
• Philippines
23 Feb 09
I think that schools should impose discipline in the classroom. I must say that I am one of those students who do not get punished often but I did have my share of "writing". Well, I guess writing things down has its advantages. I read somewhere that people tend to remember something better if they write it down.
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
22 Feb 09
I didn't have this as a punishment when I was in school. I don't know anyone who had to do this either. It may be a good idea for some students. At least they will get to practice writing.

@vicky30 (4766)
• India
23 Feb 09
If we are made to write formualas and learn it then it is a great way of punishment
.It is a very good way of writing hundred lines in a very short time.I had a friend who had dirty writing.Teacher asked him to write 25,50,75,100.He wrote and came.Still his writing was dirty.Then the teacher itself gave up.

@TenmaMetsuki (452)
• Bahrain
23 Feb 09
hehehe, I remember when I got that punishment, I got it a couple or maybe three times when I was younger. But I'm actually a very obedient and respectful person, so in all times the only reason was for not doing my homework. That sure gave a sore hand! But to be honest with you, it didn't help one bit. I was already not the type that wouldn't do their homework unless 100% forgotten or didn't have the time to do it, I never passed it on intentionally, so doing such a punishment didn't teach me anything more than what I already knew -w- it was a waste of time and energy
It's such an old-fashioned punishment, I didn't know ppl still do that nowadays! It's been several years since I last witnessed this method, and it's usually only done to the younger students, like ones in elementary school
@ABrokenNail (77)
• United States
23 Feb 09
My English teacher actually made us to that to study. We would write a definition over and over and over and over again until it was basically stamped in our heads. I found this very annoying, sometimes doing this for the whole hour in class. I would have much rather used flash cards or something. It would have caused a lot less cramping in my hand.
@swaroopmsc (241)
• India
23 Feb 09
hi friends... I remember of writing imposition during my school days. Ours is an English Medium School n when anyone speaks languages other than English we were told to write "I will speak in English only in School Premises" for 50 lines. I think i wrote it only two or three times in my whole school life and that too not 50 times, but only 10 or 20 lines. I used to speak in Telugu n escape all the time. And i wrote those 2 or 3 times as i did not observe my principal who is behind me.
@TnWoman (1895)
• United States
22 Feb 09
hello tudors
i remember back when that i was attending high school, i did as well have write off's to do as they called it here. for what reasons that i might have had in getting the write off's in the first place, i do not remember what the reason could have been, but it was probably for talking or something like that while that i was in class or i think that once i didn't turn my homework in and the teacher gave me write off's. i will do my homework. lol so after about twice or three times of recieving write off's like that, i tried my best from then on not to ever get anymore write off's, i would have had rather been doing my homework. lol
take care and have a beautiful day today!
@thecrazyjogger (3178)
• India
22 Feb 09
LOL personally i think that this punishment is not correct
they shud give a punishment taht would bhard BUT WOULD HELP THE STUDENT
liek give him mroe n moer hw
happy lottin and have a nice day
@saichandtalluri (1486)
• India
22 Feb 09
i don't like this i hope writing is not a big pain i mean we should make the child understand that he has done a mistake so i can't be done by writing pages together. We make him understand what is the difference between nice behaviour and misbehaviour.
@prasanna1990 (816)
• India
22 Feb 09
yes my friend i totally agree with these sorts of action given as punishment tend to spoil the physcology of the students and feel them very much feeling sad these sorts of punishment should be avoided and some awareness should be created so that these sorts of punishment are to avoided in the future and also i too have got it from my teacher he asked me to write the question paper twice and i was so sad and feeling like killing the teacher i makes us so fiery happt loing
@jshekhar (1562)
• India
22 Feb 09
Hello friend,
I do support imposition if it is limited to a few times but I do not support its prevalent form here in India.
I will make myself more clear here. When a child writes "I will not talk in class" a few hundred times, it is no guarantee that he will actually never talk in class. so, there is no use handing out that punishment to him.
However, if he is made to write a few lines from the text book, much fewer number of times, for example some shlokas of sanskrit or some poem that the child has to learn, it will help him in exams as well.
@MaryLynn321 (2680)
• United States
22 Feb 09
My son's teacher us to give him sentences to write. Sometimes she gave them 1000. This would interfere with his homework. Cause if he didn't have the sentences done for the next day of school then he would get 1000 more. Which can add up. This also affected his grades with getting his homework done and in on time. Sometimes someone else was talking, and he would turn to see who it was and she would give him sentences to do, cause she thought he was the one talking. We let this go for a few months, and finally when she would not accept is homework because it was on loose leaf paper, and not in a tablet, we had enough. I had a broken leg at the time and could not get him a tablet that he needed, and my husband was busy with the far and working out. We knew my son was telling the truth about the tablet and sentences, because it would bring him to tears.
So when we had a teachers conference. I took his homework and a stapler and stapled it inside the tablet. My husband took it to school and handed it to the teacher and said now you will accept it, and no more sentences. He was angry and so was I.
Needless to say the sentences did stop, and she did accept his homework.
Sentences can be good at times, if kids learn from it. But, I think the teachers get carried away with it sometimes.