Old Time Treasures...

Gone With The Wind... - Gone With The Wind...
@twoey68 (13627)
United States
February 22, 2009 9:04am CST
Yesterday I went to visit my Mom and happened to catch a section of a movie and I really liked it. The movie was Gone with the Wind and was one of those old movies. Of course I’ve heard of it before but I didn’t think I would like it. Well, turns out that I do. I only got to see part of it. I started watching it at the part where this couple come to visit her and she tells them to get off her land and then her dad chases after them on a horse and the horse hits a fence and the dad dies when he gets thrown off the horse and I stopped watching it at the part where she’s running the lumber mill and had just agreed to use convicts as cheap labor. I also got to see the part where she rips down the green velvet drapes and has her mammy (?) sew them into a gown for her…a really nice gown I might add. The black woman, who she calls mammy, must be a great seamstress. This makes the fourth really old movie I found that I like. The first was Arsenic and Old Lace with Cary Grant (he was a hottie), then there’s one called Where’s Aunt Alice, then there’s Parent Trap and now this one, Gone with the Wind. I don’t know what it is about the older movies that I like…maybe it’s the simpler times…but I happen across them now and then and find a treasure. Have you seen any of these and did you like them? What are some of your favorite old time movies? Do you ever happen across a movie that you didn’t think you’d like or didn’t know about it turns out to be really good? [b]~~AT PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS**[/b]
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43 responses
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
22 Feb 09
Parent Trap as well as Parent Trap II are both good and I also like Gone With the Wind. What I really liked was ROOTS. I remember when it first came on tv. I wanted so badly to watch it but my mom didn't want me watching it cause of the slavery...basically it's because the film was about black people (can we say prejudice?). My dad wanted me to watch it, thou, so he had a friend record the whole thing and watched it with me when my mom wasn't home. Think my daughter is old enough now to watch it and understand it so going to rent it some day and watch it with her. If she's anything like me, she's gonna have tons of questions throughout the movie. I also like Wizard of Oz. There are other old movies but my mind is drawing a blank right now. Could be cause of lack of sleep. lol
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
22 Feb 09
The Wizard of Oz was on about Christmas time when my granddaughter was here! It was so much fun to watch it with her!
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• China
22 Feb 09
Wizard of Oz, this is my ex-girlfriend's favorite movie. And I also like it very much.
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
22 Feb 09
Gone With the Wind has to be my all time favorite movie, I have always loved it. Another really good movie is Leave Her to Heaven. It took me a while to locate and buy that one. I also love Cary Grant movies. And if you like funny movies check out The Egg and I, with Fred McMurry, and Harvey with Jimmy Stewart.
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@BarBaraPrz (48833)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
22 Feb 09
I didn't know they made a movie of The Egg and I. I have the book and have read it a few times. If the movie is anything like the book, yes, it would be funny.
@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
22 Feb 09
I know oldies are greet movies or music to bump on! They bring the past to focus and make such fond memories come back!
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
22 Feb 09
Gone with the wind is one of my all time favorites! They used to show it around Christmas time every year but haven't done that for a while...I also like The Wizard of Oz...a long time ago I wanted my kids to see the classics...so we went to the library and got West Side Story..The sound of music etc...they are all very good movies...I saw the origional Withering Heights too! That is so kicking! They only have one backdrop and it's in black and white..catch it sometime if you can!
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
22 Feb 09
Oh, Honey, are you in for some treats!!! There are tons of GREAT old movies just waiting to be found!!! You have found some of the cream of the crop, but there are many more that are well worth your time. I did the same thing in music. I grew up wlistening to Rock. Eventually I crossed over to Country. Then I met my husband & he introduced me to the blues. OMG, what a goldmine!!! I suggest you watch AMC as often as possible & you'll find many, many more gems just waiting to be found!!!
@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
22 Feb 09
I love old movies. There's a television channel called American Movie Classics (AMC) that shows nothing but wonderful old movies. Some of my favorites are Wizard of Oz (of course), Miracle on 34th Street, It's a Wonderful Life (I guess I like the holiday ones..lol), most of the old classic horror movies and just about anything with Betty Davis in it. I think the strength of the older movies is in their character development, since the story wasn't built around special effects like they are now.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
22 Feb 09
Gone with the Wind is an excellent movie, I would love to see it again. The Wizard of Oz was being made at the same time and at the same studio. Both movies are amazing specially when you realize how long ago they were made, I believe back in the 1930's sometime. That was before all the new technology and computers. Wonderful movies.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
22 Feb 09
I hope you take the time to see "Gone With the Wind" in it entirety. It is one great movie. Clark Gable was one of the hotties of his day. It covers some of the history of the south during some very turbulent times from before the civil war to after. Scarlet is a very strong woman and does some very unorthodox things to keep her family on their plantation and from starving during those difficult years. An interesting fact about the filming of the burning of Atlanta is that the set for the old movie "King Kong" was set fire long before the actors were chosen. Some of those old movies are real treasures. The Actors could act and didn't rely on the Graphics to get them through a good movie. Some of my favorite old actors are Cary Grant, Jimmy Stewart, Both do good drams and comedy. Clark gable did some very good movies. The movie "Some like it Hot" with Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon with Marilyn Monroe is a very funny movie about two out of work musicians getting into to an all girls band. I recommend it. Those old movies had some very good story lines that are missing in so many of todays movies.
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@BarBaraPrz (48833)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
22 Feb 09
I love Some Like It Hot! The reason they got into the girl band was to hide from gangsters after witnessing the Valentine's Day Massacre...
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
22 Feb 09
Thanks for the correction BarBaraPrz. it has been sometime since I last saw "Some Like it Hot" So I seem to have forgotten some of it. I thought it was so funny that Jack lemon ended up going off with Joe Brown.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
22 Feb 09
YEs I hav seen these movies and I also watch Gone with the Wind yesterday. was in and out of the room So missed some parts. You need to watch it al its great!. I watch the AMC ( american movie channel) alot they have all kinds of old old movies!
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
23 Feb 09
I never saw the movie but I read the book at a very young age...very young ...like maybe 2nd, 3rd grade? My dad was a teacher and I learned to read very young. Gone with the wind was one of my favorite books. I did not understand it entirely that young and read it again when I was a bit older and then again when I was a bit older. each time, I got more out of it.
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• United States
22 Feb 09
My favorite old movie is "Johnny Belinda" with Lew Ayres and Jane Wyman or Wyatt (I don't remember which). It's about a deaf girl who has a hard life. I won't tell you more, but it's really a good bring-your-kleenex movie.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
22 Feb 09
I LOVE old movies!! I watches Les Miserables (1952) last night, starring Micheal Rennie. Talk about a hottie, he's one of my very favorites! Actually, 1952 is a bit recent for me as I prefer old black and white movies pre-1940 and I really, really love the silent movies. Did you know that there was a "The Day The Earth Stood Still" before this one with Keanu Reeves? Michael Rennie was Klaatu, it was made in 1951 and is one of my favorites. Very different from the new version, I hear, much more complex and tense. AMC and TCM are great channels to watch the old movies on if you get them. TCM shows some silents sometimes that are remarkable!
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@BarBaraPrz (48833)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
22 Feb 09
If you go to http://michael-rennie.com/index2.html you can see a couple pics of Michael Rennie.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
22 Feb 09
I really enjoyed that website, thank you very much!
23 Feb 09
Hi twoey68, I just love old movies, yes Gone With The Wind is one of my favourites too and I have seen it many many times, also Arsenic and Old lace and the Parent Trap with Haley Mills, I really love those old movies, they don't make it like tha anymore. Tamara
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• Canada
22 Feb 09
Absolutely, I can't think of names at the moment but I love watching old movies with stars we never even heard of as we were not even born yet hahaha. It's great..Gone With The Wind was fabulous..ah yes War & Peace, Ten Commandments, and so many more.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
23 Feb 09
Oh Man!! That's an AWESOME movie! We've seen it many times as kids - our mom MADE us watch it. We really did like it though. I haven't seen it in ages, but my most favorite line is when the little black girl, I believe her name was Sissy, always said she knew everything about birthin' babies and wen Scarlet's sister (I think) went into labor, Sissy was yellin' "I don't know nothing about birthin' no babies!" over and over again. If memory serves correctly, Scarlett delivered the baby, but I'm going to have to watch it again soon. It's really a very well done movie.
• United States
23 Feb 09
Hi twoey,:) I have never seen Gone With The Wind,Arsenic and Lace and Weres Aunt Alice... I have seen the Parent Trap. Thats the one with Oh whats her face..um oh! lindsey lohan right??... Or is it the one were the parents go out for a few days and hire an old lady baby sitter. and i think they either put her in the closet or a trunk or somthing.lol I remember a party,mabey somthing baout an ice cream truck haha.and they ordered a bunch of stuff and then have to get it back before the parents come home?... idk I know its one of thoes haha...As far as watching old movies Ive never seen and then liking them.... I havnt. I am more into wathcing the new movies that have just came out.. But i do like some old movies. poetic justice would have to be my favorite... I dont know if thats as old as gone with the wind but thats probally the oldest movie i have seen haha..
• United States
23 Feb 09
Does Who's Eating Gilbert Grape count??... i loved that movie.. it was sad:(
@Reesers (1387)
• United States
26 Feb 09
There's not a lot of old movies I like but Gone With The Wind is one of them. Years ago I sat down to watch it and was hooked. I don't think any of my friends have seen it. Every time I refer to it, they have no idea what I'm talking about. I also love the Parent Trap. The remake with Lindsey Lohan has been on a lot lately but it's just not the same. I'll take the original any day. A lot of people have already mentioned The Wizard of Oz. I love that one as well. There's one movie that my dad and I watched together years ago. I wasn't expecting anything of it but now I own it. It's Mr. Hobbs Takes A Vacation. It stars James Stewart and Maureen O'Hara. She helped hook me in because I loved her in Parent Trap. Now I also like watching her in Mr. Hobbs.
@Reesers (1387)
• United States
26 Feb 09
Sorry! Didn't mean to post this twice. Mylot was being weird when I tried posting my response and I didn't think it went through.
• United States
22 Feb 09
gone with the wind is my favorite movie of all. i love that movie. have seen it a bunch of times & usually don't watch the same movie over. it was wonderful.
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@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
12 May 09
I love Gone with the Wind although it's hard to sit through all of it as it is so super long. I also like the other movies you mentioned. They really knew how to make good movies back then even though they didn't have all that technology they have nowadays. Lately I have come to think that despite all the nice tricks Hollywood has now, they really don't produce anything grant anymore, nothing truly original.
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
23 Feb 09
OMG! That is my all-time, favorite movie!! I love that movie and have watched it since I was very young and have it on video. Yes, the part with the drapes is cool. They did a funny skit about it on the Carol Burnett show years later. Here is the first one.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aRMZ4ePmMM&feature=related and this is the second one, the drapes' scene... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6bOpJ5elW8&feature=related My favorite scene in Gone with the Wind is... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rljMJzLl8UY I could watch this movie again and again. It will always be my favorite.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
23 Feb 09
Oh drat you beat me to it nanajet...when she mentioned that scene about Scarlett having a dress done from the curtains, all I could think of was that Carol Burnett spoof...I gave her a link to that video too...heehee
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
23 Feb 09
Oh, you said about Arsenic and Old Lace. I love that movie, too. It is soooo funny!! Cary Grant is just a hoot in that and Raymond Massey is truly scary in that. Peter Lorre is good, too. I always liked him. The sisters were so great at being eccentric, don't you think? I am an old movie buff and I watch as many as I can, especially when they are in black and white. My favorite ghost movie, that is my favorite of that genre, is The Uninvited, with Ray Milland. You should see if you can rent it. I think that you would enjoy it. No blood, no guts, no cut 'em up, just a good ol' ghost story.