Telephone, telegram or tell - a - woman...

@krajibg (11922)
Guwahati, India
February 24, 2009 4:47am CST
A common and popular saying goes round here. They say to make humor that if you want means of communications there are telephone, telegram and tell - a- woman. they said the third tool is most useful when the other two are not working. The denotation was that women I mean most women can not keep a secret a secret for a long time and they pass it to their friends. Now from one to another and the secret is an open secret. Nobody knows but everybody knows. It really so that placed against men women are more vocal and can not keep a serious matter within themselves. Need y9our view... Rajib.
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13 responses
@meticulo (1286)
• United States
24 Feb 09
I am a woman, I can say that it's really a powerful tool to spread a news by telling it to a woman. But I have known guys who are more tell all than a woman. So I guess it works both for man and woman. But I can say it's not reliable since a story from woman1 or man1 would no longer the exact story when it reaches woman10 or man10. Because every person has each own ability to express in a manner it would no longer be the exact word or phrase that is being used. Happy mylotting krajibg!
• China
24 Feb 09
I can't agree with you anymore.
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
24 Feb 09
Well, I do not say that men do not do it but if we compare the entire data it shows women are more in the action than men. But there are exception too. Thanks for responding.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
24 Feb 09
I used to laugh at that, too. But having hung out on an internet message board that is 99.9% men for the past ten years, I can tell you that men are just as bad with gossip than women! I was so surprised when I first became friendly with them that they were not much different from myself, I've learned many surprising things about men from my old friends.
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
24 Feb 09
Is it so? There they are, I do admit that. Now women are doing it less for most are engaged in this or that work and do not find time to gossip around. Men are at times. When they do so they mean it. Thank a lot for sharing your experience.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
25 Feb 09
In my experience, I think the opposite is true...teleman! I work at a store that has little tables where customers can sit and have coffee. I will tell you that each nite those tables are frequented by is rare that a women. These men gossip and talk about not only their own families but other people in this small community. Customers come in and talk to me about personal troubles and private family stuff....most of the talkers are men. I am a woman and I don't even talk to my best friend about my personal relations nor she to me unless it is something very positive. If someone tells me something and tells me to keep it to myself...I do. I am very sure there are women that run off at the mouth as you describe but I can't believe it is a gender thing based on my experience. Men are just as bad. When I was married...we had many problems. I dealt with them and did not run my mouth to anyone/ He on the other hand was constantly talking to often I found out about stuff going on in our marriage from others. Just my thoughts.
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
25 Feb 09
Well you seem to be all spade on the creatures called men. I know they are there. But when we see the average women are on top. But still there is an exception. People would surely differer. Thanks a lot foe sharing your experience Sid. .
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@celticeagle (172306)
• Boise, Idaho
25 Feb 09
That is just rude. I think people need to keep their stuff to themselves. And if a woman is known as a gossip then steer clear. Common sense should dictate here I am thinking. Why would everybody have to know if people were treated with respect and consideration.
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@celticeagle (172306)
• Boise, Idaho
25 Feb 09
And I think life would be so very boring if it weren't just that way. But have to take some of the responsibility upon ourselves and be proactive.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
25 Feb 09
Many men many minds. What else we could do about it? We can not shut people up just because we don like them. Thanks a lot for responding.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
25 Feb 09
I have heard it said but I can tell you I have encountered men who cannot stop talking, love to gossip and cannot keep a secret to save their lives, in fact some men are far worse than women in this area. It has been proven that ladies churn out around 20,000 words a day compared to men’s 13,000 but having said that I don't think it's fair to say that generally women are less trustworthy than men.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
25 Feb 09
That is true some men are worse than women but the women ration would be more. This is probably due to biological reasons. thanks Paula.
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• United States
24 Feb 09
Well, lol, I must admit that at time it is hard for me to keep somethings to myself and not tell a friend of confide it in my husband or my mom. But if the matter is not personal to me, if it is gossip then I don't spread it. I just don't feel it's my place really to give someone else anther person's personal information. Now, this is not to say that I have NOT done it, because every woman is guilty of idle gossip, but I have found that when the gossip is on the other end, and it's me being gabbed about, I don't like it. So unless it's directly involving me, my family or a close friend that's being asked about, I don't spill the beans :) But you are right, tell-a-woman will get the news around fast lol
• United States
25 Feb 09
Thanks :) Yah, my husband usually doesn't give a patooty about whatever I am telling him, and usually forgets within the next few days lol
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
25 Feb 09
I think you have the right attitude towards this phenomenon. Not to speak of women only there are gossip monger men too who would care the least about the secret they they are confided in. Thanks for responding.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
24 Feb 09
In the eyes of the general public , the image of women has been greatly tarnished because of this inherited sins from eve. But it is a mistake to generalize all women are no good as 'secret keeper' Comparatively men are able to sieve out more important issues from the trivial and to do this without difficulty. Women on the hand are not so selective and tend to make the most trivial issue a big one. This can be very off-putting. I think part of the reasons maybe women are emotional then men and they can't keep heavy burden in their chest for too long. The only option is to share what ever she knows and women are known to be quite generous. Then again we must remember that there is a great deal of good in the worse of us, and quite a bit of bad in the best of us.
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
24 Feb 09
Hi! Zandi, You are on dots. This is a kinda inherited nature. While men pooh off some of them women go on clinging. This also could be due to the fact that as most women around the globe are housewives only and as they have plenty of time to spare sit together and when one issue starts there are several threads and start opening up without being alert that the issue could be too bad for some people. This is seen less among the women who are working and barely have time even to feed their children. you put it quite logically. Thanks..
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@sharay (2769)
• India
24 Feb 09
Yes...i have heard it too and some of my friends like gossiping and they love leaking out secrets...even i gossip, but dont let the secrets out at any cost because to me, its like breaking the trust of the person who trusted me and told me a secret which is not meant to be disclosed, so i have always maintained secrets right from my childhood, if at any circumstances, i had to tell it to someone because of a valid reason, i first get the permission of the person who told the secret and only then share with the particular other person, not otherwise
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
24 Feb 09
That is the correct thing which I too like to practice. Rest is one sided story. There monstrous men who yell secret as if it were a fun. Simply hopeless. Sometime they are more than women. thanks sharay....
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
24 Feb 09
Secrets aren't secrets if you tell them. I do agree that alot of women like to gossip. Men do to but I don't think it's to the extent that women do. My rule is never tell any one person anything that you care for at least one other person knowing.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
25 Feb 09
I agree with you. If this is secret keep it as it is. If it is divulged no longer it is one. Thanks Jen.
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@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
25 Feb 09
Sorry krajibg..I cant tell you my answer because then it wouldnt be a secret!!
@tudors (1556)
• China
24 Feb 09
haha, there is something in it. yeah, as people often site don't count on a woman keep a secret, she may tell her lover about her friends experiences while things are quite opposite, males tend to keep terrible secret for each other because reveal another man's secret means reveal his too.
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
24 Feb 09
Yes you are right Tudors. But men are also there who are more than a fickle minded and wouldn't keep a secret a secret. thanks friend.
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• China
24 Feb 09
Keeping a secret for someone is really a tough job. If you have a real secret, just write down in your own diary. Telling others, even one of person you're trust in, means it's no longer a secret.
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
24 Feb 09
Yes it is difficult for most people but not impossible. Even if you write down in the diary it could be risky. thanks for the response.
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• Gibraltar
18 May 09
Hi Krajib, your assessment is right. Women have always been of that sort. Frickle minded creatures.